Credit Bubble Bulletin: Weekly Commentary: What a Week …
Best weekend read to catch up on the market week.
ETFs aftermath...
Markets aftermath...
Chaos.......ATMs running dry was noted as a possibility ...
Saturday should be better for Portland - Portland Ant-Trump Organizers do not plan protests today.
#Iran | NIOC's Ali Kardor saturday: West Karoon #oil fields crude output has now reached 260kbd. soon to reach 300kbd. shana. #OOTT
#Iraq | #oil min al-Luaibi: another Qayyarah oil well fire extinguished. stresses keenness to resume prod in record time. ministry. #OOTT
Worst week for bonds since 2013 seen overstating Trump policies.
#Trumpflation chart: Inflation expectations jumped as markets fear neg supply shock (less immigration & trade) & pos demand shock (stimulus)
US Politics...
Trump considering ways to quickly exit Paris climate agreement: report
Trump's @KellyannePolls tells reporters appointment of White House chief of staff “imminent.”
One of several candidates, she says.
Is Corey going to be Chief of Staff ? Regardless rolls out from CNN .....
Ha Ha Ha ! Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall , bet Trump put the calls on speakerphone....
NYT must be afraid it will never have any access at all over the next 4 years from Trump's team....
Whomever becomes the next head of the DoJ should investigate anyone who incites riots. If that includes Soros , so be it.
Sidney should just shut the heck up .....
Actually , some parts of the world not crying over HRC's loss and the reason may surprise some folks out there....
“The Christie people are from New Jersey, they act like they’re in charge, and Jared Kushner is like, ‘You're not really in charge,'
The Election Unleashed A "Cognitive Dissonance Cluster Bomb" …
Eric Holder: C’mon, let’s get rid of the electoral college …
Top Republican strategist: I'm 'dying to pull off my stilettos' and protest Trump
BREAKING — Turkey issues travel warning for the U.S. over ongoing anti-Trump protests
Is Trump's $1 Trillion Privately Funded Infrastructure Plan Feasible? …
These Rust Belt Democrats saw the Trump wave coming—and tried to warn Clinton
Interview with Jim Bianco: "The Elite Opinion Does Not Count Anymore" …
Media still struggles with the difference between a protest and a riot
Trump discusses 'gracious,' 'lovely' calls with Clintons
Clinton blames loss on FBI director's letter: report
14 Obama regulations Trump could undo
Summary of Donald Trump's tax proposals …
Around The Horn - Europe....
Writing on the wall....
When is the EU going to dump Juncker anyway ?
Peaceful protest - no problems at all with that. Express yourself.
Obama: Greeks 'need hope'
TTIP is dead and they know it....
Too many are coming and there aren't enough boats to get this done...
I'm sure he'll get around to meeting with these flame throwing critics , when he has a minute...
May lays down brexit law....
EU is a quiet panic as French and German elections loom for 2017.
Quite possible second review of bailout three reached by end of 2016.
Politics as usual just doesn’t work, on both sides of the Atlantic. We need to understand why,”Anthony L. Gardner told scribes on Wednesday.
God bless Boris - “We do not see the need for an additional meeting on Sunday because the US election timetable is long established. 1
Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Europe wouldn’t know what to do if the 3 million refugees currently hosted by Turkey started pouring into the EU.
We've had Brexit and Trump. Now here are 5 more dominoes that could fall in Europe
#Germany to bolster spending on security next year …
Has The Guardian fired her yet ?

The UK and the US account for more than a quarter of the euro area’s total exports - #DB
Erdogan: "We host 3 million refugees. They may start to walk towards Europe. If it happens, Europe will be puzzled, not knowing what to do."
MPs voted 6 to 1 in favour of having an #EU Referendum, now 80 MPs want a 2nd Referendum because they didn't like the result #Brexit #idiots
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