Credit Bubble Bulletin: Weekly Commentary: Sovereign Market Dislocation a... http://creditbubblebulletin.blogspot.com/2016/07/weekly-commentary-sovereign-market.html?spref=tw … Excellent overview fr Doug Noland
Post - Brexit , UK Political Puzzles.....
Parliament will have a role but does not need to pass an act to trigger Brexit negotiations http://econ.st/29BG3y3
Germany, France, Sweden & Finland think UK should not receive any favors when negotiating post-Brexit trade deal.
Merkel sees #Brexit as unavoidable once next UK leader in place. Pound remains below $1.30. http://bloom.bg/29ZY6tG
'I've been under attack, it's been shattering': Andrea Leadsom apologises to Theresa May ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/10/ive-been-under-attack-its-been-shattering-andrea-leadsom-apologi/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_term=Autofeed#link_time=1468184819 …
May campaign chief 'cannot conceive' of EU nationals not having right to remain in the UK
Corbyn "disappointed" over Eagle leadership bid, insisting "I worked flat out" for Remain http://www.cityam.com/245111/corbyn-disappointed-over-eagle-leadership-bid-insisting?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
Lots of switching of positions have gone on apparently.....
This is noteworthy , if accurate , gives a different perspective on Brexit vote. Can't blame apathy of youth.
Powerful data to consider.....
Thyssenkrupp says in talks with Tata about European steel plants http://reut.rs/29xlwH5
Brexit Ironies Mount: Belgian Premier Warns EU Won't Help UK Out of "Black Hole" https://mishtalk.com/2016/07/10/brexit-ironies-mount-belgian-premier-warns-eu-wont-help-uk-out-of-black-hole/ … via @MishGEA
Corbyn supports efforts to find a parliamentary way to hold the former Prime Minister to account.
Tory & Labour MPs have held informal discussions about establishing a new political party - under certain conditions
Around The Horn In Europe Sans UK.....
Allegedly - locals attacked refugees on Saturday & threatened aid workers in the island's main refugee camp...
Rumors Greek Creditors to Increase Labor Law Measures Not Confirmed, Says VP Dragasakis http://dlvr.it/LmMGP4 #Greece
Worth read
Larry Summers asks for nationalism!
... down from the globalist bandwagon
https://next.ft.com/content/15598db8-4456-11e6-9b66-0712b3873ae1 …
There you go, that was quick. Evening stop at US base in Rota then back to Washington after dinner.
Tension between Germany and Turkey still at elevated levels...
"The May trade figures mark the end of a disappointing week for German industry," Germany's economy slowing down.
Problem for DB- weak revenues , they have a lot of litigation hanging over them, and they have weak capital.
Looks like DB must really be in trouble to have its Chief Economist call for a 150 BN EU Bailout of European Banks !
Tsakalotos heads to Eurogroup to push for relaxed primary surpluses after 2018 http://dlvr.it/LmFZZX
Several policemen injured after clashes with left-wing activists in #Berlin http://sptnkne.ws/bDsK #Rigaer
Post Dallas Tension In The US.....
Just announced
I appreciate @elonjames's point about trauma caused by showing black death on video. I fear audience needs 2 see 2 understand @brianstelter
Good observations...
"Officer purge" threat toward DPD was supposed to happen between 12-5am but I have not heard any reports of violence
Micah Johnson had been practicing detonating bombs & planned some kind of major attack - before Thursday's assault.
In this highly charged atmosphere nationally , incendiary postings like this by police officers , doesn't help !
So , the start of a serious discussion on what ails the country or media fanning flames of division ?
Both sides standing right now. Chanting from protesters. Warnings from police. No new escalation. #StPaul
Overpass is packed with protesters and onlookers above I-94 exit #StPaul
#BatonRouge Police are ordering protesters to leave the streets: https://www.facebook.com/blackvoicesdotcom/videos/vb.10018702564/10154822841737565/?type=2&theater¬if_t=live_video_explicit¬if_id=1468030052888338 …
Several people have been arrested in #BatonRouge including @deray while standing aside. CALL BRPD NOW.
Flood lights came out. Cameras. Sheriffs. Armored trucks. It's getting more turnt. Not by us. By police. #BatonRouge
#Breaking Threat to Dallas Police involved 2-4 men w Houston group Black African Connection who allegedly were coming to kill more officers
BREAKING: St. Paul, Minnesota also has protesters, who are now blocking I-94. Screengrabs from various livestreams -
H&M shutdown in Chicago by protesters...
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