Anti War.......
“Kobani is horrible but right now there’s a lot of horrible in Iraq and Syria,” the unnamed official said, saying Kobani was just one of many targets of the ISIS offensive across the nation.
169 Killed Across Iraq As Bombs Return to Baghdad
by Margaret Griffis, October 07, 2014
At least 169 people were killed and 55 were wounded across Iraq on Tuesday. Also,Canada‘s parliament has authorized airstrikes in Iraq.
The strategic value of water in Iraq has made it one of the favorite weapons of the Islamic State. Not only do they continue their attempts to control the Mosul and Haditha Dams, they have also been diverting water away from villages that refuse to come under their control. And, they also are demolishing levees in order to flood villages and fields.
In Baghdad, a car bomb killed 13 people and wounded 31 more in Mashtal.
Twelve civilians were killed in an airstrike in Rabeaa.
A couple of explosions killed 12 volunteers near Baquba.
Three people were killed and 11 more were wounded in Falluja during shelling.Fifteen militants were killed or wounded in an airstrike.
In Mosul, a roadside bomb killed a civilian and two militants. Militants executed four young men.
In Tikrit, bombs killed eight volunteer fighters. Four dumped bodies were found.
In Hit, militants prevented the delivery of food to residents and chased many of them out of town. A suicide bomber killed three volunteers and wounded three more. Seven militants were killed in a clash following the bombing.
Militants killed a woman and are holding seven more in Saidiya.
Gunmen in Muqdadiya killed a civilian.
Eight volunteer fighters were killed and 10 were wounded during a suicide attack onSamarra.
Two soldiers were executed in al-Alam.
Peshmerga liberated a few villages in the Zumer area.
Thirty militants were killed in Ramadi.
Twenty militants were killed in Albu Altha.
An airstrike in Khalis killed eight militants.
Security forces killed eight militants in Jurf al-Sakhar.
In Haditha, five militants were killed.
Pentagon: US Won’t Shift ISIS Campaign Over Kurdish Town
Kobani One of Many Targets Under Attack by ISIS Right Now
by Jason Ditz, October 07, 2014
Pentagon officials say that the imminent ISIS takeover of the Kurdish border town of Kobani, despite getting a lot of publicity, won’t actually change the US military strategy against ISIS in Syria.

Though Kurdish officials have tried to present the loss of Kobani as a humanitarian calamity leading to some sort of slaughter, virtually the whole population had already fled to Turkey in the past weeks.
Indeed, with the attacks on Hasakeh yesterday, Kobani isn’t even the largest Kurdish city being sieged by ISIS in Syria. The US airstrikes around Kobani clearly aren’t changing the situation on the ground, but US officials don’t seem to have any alternate strategies anyhow, and are seemingly attacking ISIS for the sake of attacking ISIS.
While Pentagon officials are likely to be criticized for their unwillingness to change strategies in Syria, the absence of a real end-game strategy for what some are now calling a “thirty-year war” is a problem well beyond the fate of Kobani, and reflects the new conflict’s status as an unwinnable war.
Tweets ......
guido olimpio retweeted
14 US strikes at Kobani today. 4 in the 2+ weeks ISIS took to reach the town. Could it be because of this?
Rami(ط) retweeted
Kurdish activists are the last activists I would believe regarding situation on ground. Lies are lies, gents
Fierce clashes in center of #Kobani; Sky News reports Head of Security in Kobani Police Station killed in fight with #ISIS.. #Syria
#Turkey's leaders see Kobani as opportunity, not threat … by @amberinzaman via @EDBBeirut #Kurdistan #Syria
Neither the US nor the UK can seriously think about challenging the ideology of ISIS if they maintain status-quo relations with Saudi Arabia
Mark retweeted
#Syria most active front-lines on Oct 8 2014. Red = Loy. Green = Rebels, Black = IS, Blue = draw
Frontline update: ISIS advanced a bit in East, retreated in South & West. Coalition is bombing right now in East: Source Premier of #Kobane
Weird. @AJALive reporting "ISIS took full control of #Kobane". Nonsense. I just spoke to 2 Kurdish defense chief in city: he laughed it off.
#Turkey detains 'around 265 Kurds' crossed from #Kobane, #Syria, on suspicion of links to #PKK: Report
Analysis: #US-led #airstrikes against ISIS produce few gains - …
If Turkey doesn't allow kurdish reinforcements now, #kobane gonna fall, #RemoveEmbargo NOW'
Thomas van Linge retweeted
Most of the center of #kobane is in daesh hand. Ypg need reinforcements asap and ammos
Anonymous retweeted
#Syria/#Iraq: @SPIEGELONLINE article about the #IS with my maps (with mention) …
A US airstrike on an #ISIS target in #Kobane. The situation is such that these strikes now might not make difference
Shami Witness retweeted
#الدولة_الاسلامية تنفذ عملية استشهادية بشاحنة مفخخة داخل المربع الأمني لمرتدي الأحزاب الكردية وسط عين عرب.
guido olimpio retweeted
#Kobane live: As airstrikes limit #ISIS tank movement in #Kobane, the terrorist group uses suicide bombers to target #YPG defenders
Anonymous retweeted
Listening to the sound of continuous street fighting in east of #Kobane. Machine gun fire, rifle shots, occasional grenade.
#MI5 and #British counter-terror police foil an #ISIS-linked terror plot, which reportedly could have involved...
#Kobane — Europe's deafening silence.
Coalition planes continue 2 pound #Kobane. YPG spokesman @Rojekazad tells me Kurds force ISIS 2 retreat 3kms in industrial Zone NE Kobane.
Esp in the West, ppl very easily say: why isn't Turkey then helping #kobane by opening border so Kurdish fighters &ammo can enter town? 1/2
But many in Turkey say: Hey, why would we support Kurds in #Kobane who are aligned with PKK, which has been fighting us for decades? 2/2
Why are Kurds protesting in turkey? They want turkey to open border 4 Kurdish fighters & ammo. Kurds don't want turkish troops in #kobane.
So those saying Kurds want Turkey army 2 enter Syria &save #Kobane have no clue. Kurds mainly want turkey 2open border 4 Kurd fighters &ammo
Tensions really high in #Turkey --> RT @CeylanWrites: Curfews declared across 6 Turkish provinces for the first time in 22 years. @akhbar
ISIS orders arrest of all candidates in mosul who participated in both the local council and the Iraqi parliament elections, source in city
Wladimir retweeted
MORE: Official says Islamic State militants used shoulder-fired missile to take down Iraqi military helicopter:
Wladimir retweeted
.@amberinzaman lays it out: "#Turkey would be probably be happy to see #Kobani fall" … #kobane
Wladimir retweeted
The awesome @callysally explains why US helps Iraq's Kurds but ignores Syria's Kurds. Moral/strat failure all around …
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