Video from Aljazeera. You can read the related story here.
The Real News Network account gives more analysis. You can read the transcript here.
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The zionist hebrew newspapers Yediot Aharonot and Maariv published on February 13 2013 brief reports about a number of famous spying elements who were arrested secretly in Israel. The story has been widely published in print and online. The fact of their arrests was banned from publication for several years. The Hebrew reports were released following the latest scandal exposed by the Australian media about the israeli Mossad agent Ben Zygier, (זיגייר) an Australian jew who was conveniently “found dead” in his cell at the israeli prison of “Ayalon” in December of 2010, less than a year after the assassination of Palestinian Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Mabhouh(מחמוד אל מבחוח) in Dubai in January 2010.
In this case Benjamin Netanyahu’s office asked the editors to cooperate with the government and withhold the publication of information pertaining to the murder of Ben Zygier that was very embarrassing to a certain government agency.

In March 1957, Kedar traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to expand the zionist spy and terror network in that country. He was preparing horrific terrorism acts to be perpetrated in Egypt. Kedar identified himself as a businessman. The jewish community in Argentina helped him in his dirty mission: they gave him a large sums of money supposedly to be used to pay off a senior Arab General who would implement his terror plans in Egypt
In June 1958, it happened by chance that a friend of Kedar visited the jail to visit another prisoner and Kedar asked him to tell attorney Dr. Rudy that he was in prison. The secret trial of Mordechai Kedar began in February 1959 and ended in June 1962. Shmuel Tamir, who later became Minister of Justice, defended Kedar.
Egypt asks for compensation from Israel for the use of its natural resources and minerals in the Sinai Peninsula during its occupation. Egypt has a legal and diplomatic ways to get its rights said the Egyptian Oil and Gas Minister in his remarks before journalists.
Suspected Mossad agent Ben Zygier was arrested by his own spymasters after they believed he told Australia's domestic intelligence agency about every aspect of his work with the Israelis, sources say.
The ABC's Foreign Correspondent program understands that Zygier met with ASIO officers in Australia and gave comprehensive detail about a number of Mossad operations, including plans for a top-secret mission in Italy that had been years in the making.
It is unknown who initiated the contact.
Sources have told the ABC that on one of four trips back to Australia in the years before his death in 2010, Mr Zygier - who also used the surnames Alon, Allen and Burrowes - applied for a work visa to Italy.
Last week, Foreign Correspondent revealed Mr Zygier was secretly jailed in Israel's Ayalon prison, where it is claimed he committed suicide after 10 months in prison.
His incarceration was a state secret in Israel; the security services going to extraordinary lengths to conceal his plight.
The ABC now understands Mr Zygier was one of three Australian Jews who changed their names several times, taking out new passports for travel in the Middle East and Europe in their work for Mossad.
Foreign Correspondent has been told Mr Zygier set up a communications company in Europe for Mossad, a venture that employed the two other Australian dual citizens.
The company exported electronic components to Arab countries as well as Iran.
Israel’s Prisoner X Scandal: Israeli/Australian Held, Impossibly Commits Suicide, Story Under Gag Order for Two+ Years
Wow, this is ugly, and these two videos help explain why.
Israel imprisoned a dual citizen (Australian/Israeli) who went by various names, including Ben Zygier, Ben Allen, and Ben Alon, and was a suspected member of the Mossad. He was held on security grounds (mind you, never charged of a crime) and supposedly committed suicide in what Aljazeera described as a “virtual isolation of a state-of-the-art surveillance cell designed to prevent suicide.”
This took place in 2010. There has been a news blackout on the story. As Shir Hever, an economic researcher in the Alternative Information Center, tells the Real News Network:
Netanyahu actually tried to convene an emergency conference of all the major editors of the major media channels in Israel to convince them to suppress the story. At the same time, the Israeli court issued a gag order making it illegal not only to say that there is a prisoner kept anonymously in the Israeli prisons, or that there was and he committed suicide; but even to report that there is a gag order, even that was illegal. And also, the military censor, which is usually in Israel a passive kind of institution that only accepts for review articles before they are published, has actually taken an active position and demanded that certain articles would be removed or would not be published in advance.
Aljazeera indicates that the embargo was nevertheless broken (“The information just started appearing all over the internet,” per Rob Peled, former head of Movement for Freedom of Info in Israel) that both the Israeli and Australian governments are making bare minimum disclosures.
It’s important to recognize the seriousness of what happened. Israel “disappeared” someone (at least for two years until the coverup failed), and even worse, someone who was a foreign citizen. This is the sort of thing that took place in Chile under Pinochet. What did Zygier know and why was Israel so desperate to keep him from revealing it?
The Real News Network account gives more analysis. You can read the transcript here.
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Israels Filthy World Of Espionage, Organized Terror And Secret Prisons

Ben Zygier was a member of the assassination team of Al-Mabhouh. He contacted the authorities of the Emirate of Dubai and told them what had happened in the assassination of Al-Mabhouh and gave them the names of the whole team, images and full details of the operation, and in return he supposedly received protection.
The mossad was able to find the hiding place of Ben Zygier. They kidnapped, imprisoned and lastly killed him on charges of treason. All this happened under cover of secrecy and amid tight wraps; even his guards at did not known the true identity of Ben Zygier. He was ONLY known as “Prisoner X” in his cell in Israel.
Ben Zygier was the son of one of the leaders of the Melbourne zionist community, Geoffrey Zygier, who is also executive director of the “B’nai B’rith” (translates as “sons of the cut”), the oldest jewish zionist organization in the world and which is one of the main instigators of crimes which are perpetrated by ill-advised jews around the world under the excuse of “security and continuity of the jewish people and the state of israel”.

Ben Zygier changed his name three times: first to “Ben Alon”, then to “Ben Allen” and lastly to “Benjamin Ben Burrows”. His passports were suspected of having been used for espionage purposes in Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
Ben Zygier was an Australian citizen. He went to Israel 10 years ago and was recruited by Mossad where he worked in unit 131, a network of mossad death squads operating throughout the Arab countries. Before the Al-Mabhouh murder he had already carried out a number of criminal tasks in several Arab countries. Officially he worked as a lawyer and toured in the Gulf States.
When Ben Zygier died, the israeli Prime Minister’s Office called for a meeting of the israeli Editors Committee. It is a “Committee for Editors” which consists of the leaders of the most important media (TV, radio, newspapers) and the israeli government. The committee is responsible for the implementation of the so-called “control agreement”, censorship in plain language. The Committee had been established under David Ben-Gurion in order to allow the prime minister to reveal and discuss state secrets with editors and media representatives for the purpose of controlling and preventing their dissemination, not for publishing them.
In this case Benjamin Netanyahu’s office asked the editors to cooperate with the government and withhold the publication of information pertaining to the murder of Ben Zygier that was very embarrassing to a certain government agency.
Below follows the translation of several cases of secret imprisonment of jewish spies exposed in Hebrew editions of Yediot Aharonot,Maariv and Haaretz. Many details I was forced to research and fill in from other sources because much of the filthy details about these individuals and the history of the israeli organized crimes and terrorism around the world were omitted. Most of the details published below about these terrorists, spies and criminals are banned from publication or censored at the major israeli media until this day.
These cases document the israeli understanding of “honor among thieves”: after criminals and traitors render their services to zionism and israel, gratitude is shown them by way of murder and lengthy terms in jail.

Mordechai Kedar
Mordechai (Motke) Kedar (מרדכי (מוט’קה) קידר) (the name is from Khedira, a village in the north of occupied Palestine), also known as Prisoner X. Kedar was born on November 19 1929 in Vilnius (then Poland, today Latvia), an israeli intelligence asset who was convicted for the murder and robbery of a jewish mossad agent when he was in Argentina in preparation for departure to Israel.
Kedar is a war criminal who served in the Palmach marine which, he was involved in war crimes in Palestine before and during the Palestinian catastrophe (Nakba) in 1948. Prisoner X / Kedar was also involved in atrocities in other Arab countries including assassinations, terror operations and spying missions under the command of Josef Harel (יוסף הראל ויוס’קה יריב).
He was recruited by the israeli internal intelligence service “shin bet” in 1957 and later drafted into the zionist Army Intelligence Unit 131. The agents of Unit 131 operate in “enemy” countries, meaning Arab countries. The duties of Unit 131 at the time were to operate and recruit spies into a network in Egypt and to renew the ties and the networks in Egypt after the fall of the network (“bad business”) to the Egyptians and after the capture and suicide of several of their military intelligence agents in Egypt, Major Meir Bint Ben-Yosef, member of the “Haganah” terrorist group, who was killed on a terror mission in Egypt on December 21 1955. This is generally known as the “Lavon affair”.
On 30 September 1951, armed robbery occurred at a small bank called “Loan Fund and Savings” of Afula. Three armed men in military uniform entered the bank in broad daylight, robbed at gunpoint the sum of 10,000 pounds. An israeli army jeep was waiting for them. The police was not able not catch the bank robbers at that time.
On December 5, 1950, Kedar murdered a taxi driver at the beach of Hadera in his room. This crime led the police to the bank robbers and to the discovery of the identity of the murderer of the taxi driver.
According to israeli official version, Kedar was arrested because of his involvement in the bank robbery in Afula in 1951 and the murder of a taxi driver “James Freund” (יוסף ליפסקר) in Hadera in 1950. Kedar also perpetrated a number of other crimes but the real reason for his arrest was the murder of his Argentinean assistant Kalman Klein(קלמן קליין) whose real first name is Moses (במשה,), another mossad agent with connections to the Argentinean government who was falsifying identification papers for jews in order to help them to emigrate to israel as well as to travel to Arab countries, especially to Egypt, to perpetrate crimes. Klein was an officer in the mossad responsible for a network of assassins operating in Arab countries.
According to israeli official version, Kedar was arrested because of his involvement in the bank robbery in Afula in 1951 and the murder of a taxi driver “James Freund” (יוסף ליפסקר) in Hadera in 1950. Kedar also perpetrated a number of other crimes but the real reason for his arrest was the murder of his Argentinean assistant Kalman Klein(קלמן קליין) whose real first name is Moses (במשה,), another mossad agent with connections to the Argentinean government who was falsifying identification papers for jews in order to help them to emigrate to israel as well as to travel to Arab countries, especially to Egypt, to perpetrate crimes. Klein was an officer in the mossad responsible for a network of assassins operating in Arab countries.
The charges against Kedar for killing the taxi driver and looting the bank were dropped because he was a Mossad agent. Kedar was also involved in the “mess” of the failed operation in 1954 in Egypt (the Lavon affair) which included a network of jews in Egypt carrying out terrorist attacks designed to disrupt the diplomatic relations between Cairo, Washington and London.

In November 1957, the body of Kedar’s assistant Klein was found. Kalman Klein had left home to meet Kedar carrying 15,000 dollars to be given to Kedar at a secret place under the pretense that Kedar would meet with the supposed Arab General from Egypt and pay him this amount of money, but instead Klein was killed and the money disappeared, together with Kedar. The suspicions for the murder immediately were directed towards Kedar, who had fled to israel without the money but with a story alleging that he had fled Argentina in light of suspicions that the police there was about to arrest him on false charges.
On 28 November 1957 Kedar was arrested immediately after landing in Lod (לוֹד) airport. He was arrested by Joseph Harel, a zionist military intelligence officer in charge of Mossad cell 131 and Kedar’s boss. Kedar’s trial began two years after his arrest. Only in 1959 did the israeli media report about an israeli “messenger”, a spy who was arrested in secret. Censorship was imposed on the publication of the circumstances of Kedar arrest.
Kedar was sentenced by a secret military court to be imprisoned at a secret facility which was described by the Yediot Aharonot Hebrew edition as a reinforced, hidden stone building located between the Ramle and Rechovot in orchards. The trial ended in 1962 and Kedar was sentenced 20 years in prison. At the age of 32 he was jailed for seven months in a cell and then spent seven years in a solitary confinement annex, a special section built in the Ramle prison and named “Department of X’s”. Kedar was called “Prisoner X” at the secret jail. No one of Kedar’s family knew anything about his arrest.

The military court convicted him of robbery and murder and sentenced him to 20 years in prison. After the conviction by the military court, the Attorney General Gideon Hausner decided to close the proceedings against him because of the bank robbery in Hadera and the murder of the taxi driver Afula.
In April 1974 and after 17 years in prison, Kedar was released. He was freed and he immediately left Israel and went to Los Angeles in the United States, where he became a boss in a worldwide drug trade network that has been linked to the name of his son Erez Ben Horin (ארז בן חורין).
In the 1990s Kedar returned to Israel to begin new procedures in his court case. The authorities delayed the court procedures. “Only” in 2001 a judge was appointed to discuss his request. In February 2002, the first hearing was held before the military court of appeals. The court rejected Kedar’s request, but he did not give up and appealed to the High Court. In 2004, the court rejected his petition again.
On September 14 2009, Kedar’s son, Erez Ben Horin (ארז בן חורין) died of a heart attack at the age of 56, but Kedar, the father, was not allowed to take part in his funeral.
Erez Ben HorinBen Horin had been one element of the sophisticated criminal network. In 1986 was arrested twice by Scotland Yard on suspicion of conspiracy of cocaine distribution and illegal commercial purposes. On Jan. 7 1987, he was arrested by Dutch Police as a member of an international gang of drugs and arms traders in Yugoslavia and Venezuela. This arrest happened after a big explosion in the apartment where he lived together with his partner in crime, a criminal jew called Dinor Dan. After they spent six years in jail, the Dutch foreign minister allowed then returns to Israel.
According to Haaretz, the Ben-Horin gang involved Israel in trafficking drugs to the Netherlands, Austria, the United Kingdom and South America. The intelligence cooperation between police forces around the world raised suspicions that other gang members were Mordechai Kedar (Ben-Horin’s father) and Mann Ronnie, who was arrested in Israel in 1995 and sentenced to six years in prison. The drug smuggling operation using private yachts made them all wealthy. The Ben-Horin gang was also involved in relaying weapons to the Catholic underground resistance in Northern Ireland. Drug money helped to finance the acquisition of weapons for their struggle against the British occupation.Ben-Horin’s dirty activities around the world helped him in recent years to obtain a franchise of the Italian coffee brand Tazza D’Oro (gold cup). Criminal Catholic “friends” who he met while sailing his yacht described him as a person connected with the Vatican Bank and complicated money laundering operations in the USA.
Shabtai KalmanovichShabtai Kalmanovich (Kalmanovitsch) (שבתאי קלמנוביץ’) was the second spy jailed at secret israeli facilities, he had worked in Israel as a spy for the Soviet Union. Kalmanovich was born in Lithuania on 18 December 1947, he died on 2 November 2009. According to sources, his parents were partial to zionist values, members of “Betar” and had fought for 12 years to get a Soviet exit visa to go to israel, the state of occupation. In 1971 the Kalmanovich family finally emigrated to israel and resides in an “absorption center”. According to foreign reports, in exchange for the emigration permit of family to Israel, the son Kalmanovich (Shabtai), at that time 24 years old, was recruited by the Soviet Union’s “KGB” and remained a dormant agent for many years, until the Soviets allowed him to follow his family.After the KGB element Kalmanovich went to Israel he became active in the zionist Labor Party. He served as parliamentary assistant to Samuel Flatto-Sharon, who praised his work bringing down dissidents. According Yediot Aharonot, Kalmanovitz participated in missions and meetings designed to “liberate” Jews from various countries. He was known for his contacts to many politicians, including Golda Meir, Yigal Alon and Pinhas Sapir. Kalmanovich was a “businessman”: he built a net of spies under the cover of his business activities. In the mid-80s, his business empire began to collapse.According to the accusation filed against Kalmanovich and published in 1993, he passed information to the Soviet/Russian intelligence for 17 years. He was sentenced to nine years in prison but was released after five and a half years due to complaints about his weak state of health, and because of the fact that he had used his spying connections to help look for Lieutenant Colonel “Ron Arad”, the israeli air force weapons systems officer (WSO) who went missing during a war crimes mission over Lebanon in October 1986. After Kalmanovich was released, he returned to Russia, lived in Moscow and become a wealthy “businessman” and the owner of the famous Russian Women’s Basketball Club Spartak.What the zionist Yediot Aharonot newspaper did not reveal in its story about Kalmanovich was that the “state” of israel paid “unknown mafia elements” who opened fire from automatic weapons on November 2, 2009 on the car of Kalmanovich in the center of Moscow. Kalmanovich reportedly was shot 35 times in the head. He died immediately, his driver was gravely injured.
Eitan Haber, a rightist columnist with Yediot Aharonot who has connections to different sources at the israeli military and civil authorities, wrote about Kalmanovich in his book “Spies”, in which he recounted espionage events against israel which have been declassified. He said that Kalmanovich was not an important spy to the Russians. He noted that the nature of the information provided by Kalmanovitz to the Soviets was supposedly “mainly gossip”.
Dr. Avraham Marcus Klingberg (מרקוס קלינגברג) was an Israeli scientist and spy. He was born in Poland in October 7, 1918 to a family of radical orthodox jews in Warsaw. His grandfather was the zionist rabbi Moshe Chaim Kleinberg. In 1935 he began studying medicine at the University of Warsaw, where he became acquainted with Marxist ideology.
On September 22, 1941, during the II World War he escaped to the Soviet Union and volunteered at the Red Army where he served as a physician specializing in epidemiology.From 1957 to 1975, Klingberg served as the deputy head of the secretive Biological Institute in Ness Ziona near Tel Aviv. He passed information to the Soviet Union about israel’s chemical and biological warfare programs.Klingberg served with the army “IDF”, the israeli war crimes force, reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1950. He worked in a senior position at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv. In 1957 he was appointed deputy director of science and director of the Department of Epidemiology at the Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona.According the Hebrew media, a double agent led to Klinberg’s downfall. Only four years ago it became allowed to release some information about the Klingberg case following a request from “Yediot Ahronot” newspaper. The released information stated that the agent known by the code name “Samaritan” came to Israel as a Russian spy but that the israeli internal intelligence “Shin Bet” turned him a double agent. Every detail about the identity of this double agent has been banned from publication.In 1977, after the first contacts between Klingberg and his Russian employers, he communicated with “Samaritan”, the double agent. The communication was about putting a “poster” bearing encrypted names in his mailbox at home in Tel Aviv. The communication was documented by the “Shin Bet”, what led to the arrest of Klingberg.
According the newspaper, after several days of interrogation at a hidden apartment (a “secret place”) Klingberg broke down and admitted that he had been spying for the Soviets for 20 years and that he had provided the Soviets with information on the biological and chemical activity of Israel.Klingberg was sentenced to 20 years in prison. For the first ten years it was not allowed to publish anything about the Klingberg arrest. He was released under restrictive conditions to house arrest after spending 16 years in jail.In 2003 his jail term ended and he moved to live in France. According to Wikipedia, Ian Brossat, a grandson of Klingberg via his daughter Silvia, is a councilor for the communist party in Paris.
Egypt Accuses Israel Of Stealing $5 Billion, Tel Aviv Angry

Under the title “Cairo is stepping up its rhetoric against Jerusalem”, the Hebrew edition of “Maariv” wrote today Friday, Feb. 15 2013 that Egypt calls on Israel to pay up to 480 billion dollars because of its looting the Egyptian oil in Sinai, noting that the Egyptian Oil Minister accuses Israel of causing a loss to Egypt because of its occupation of Sinai from 1967 to 1982. It also quoted from his statement that the gas agreement between Egypt and Israel had been canceled.
Maariv qualified the remarks of the Egyptian Minister of Oil and Gas, Mr. Osama Kamal, as “further evidence of the destabilization of the relations between Egypt and Israel”. Kamal had said in an interview with “Al-Mehwar” that a commission was formed to examine the losses caused by Israel to Egypt, which are estimated at $480 billion.
Maariv qualified the remarks of the Egyptian Minister of Oil and Gas, Mr. Osama Kamal, as “further evidence of the destabilization of the relations between Egypt and Israel”. Kamal had said in an interview with “Al-Mehwar” that a commission was formed to examine the losses caused by Israel to Egypt, which are estimated at $480 billion.
Maariv also pointed out that the Egyptian minister’s comments, in which he stated that Egypt would not renew the agreement for providing Israel with natural gas. He said that the agreement was null and void, and that his country Egypt planned to go to the international Tribunal for the recovery of funds which were taken by Israel.
Maariv also noted that the Egyptian weekly “Rose Al-Youssef” had previously published a confidential report submitted by Cairo to the United Nations which includes details of the case against Israel and that Egypt calls for a repayment of $500 billion.
At the time, the “Rose Al-Youssef” report pointed out that Israel obstructed the Egyptian fishing industry when it looted 30% of fish resources from the shores of Egypt, destroyed 40% of the coral reefs, hampered international maritime trade through the Suez Canal and hurt the Egyptian profit from taxes which were collected from ships which crossing the Suez Canal.
The newspaper added that Egypt accuses Israel of looting oil which was extracted from the Sinai and using it for the war and in favor of the israeli economy during that period. It also accuses Israel of looting precious stones and marble, the plundering of two gold mines in the Sinai, the seizure of funds of the Egyptian Agriculture Bank as well as a branch of the National Bank of Egypt in Gaza, noting that the looted funds were shared between senior IDF commanders.
Egypt further accuses Israel of doing illegal excavations at archaeological sites in the Sinai and the theft of thousands of antiques and collectibles historical value of Sinai museums. In this context, Egypt calls on Israel to hand over these stolen items to UNESCO for its examination and to estimate their financial and historical value. Egypt further accuses Israel of looting about 30% of the fresh water wells (aquifers) in Sinai by pumping and moving it into the colonies established on the territory of the Sinai.
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