I couldn't tell that was what it was, when I saw the title of an article at one of the local newspapers in Fukushima, but it turned out that was what it was.
Go figure. Let them, at this point. After nearly 2 years, they choose to be there and choose to grow their food and eat it. "Oh we weren't told" doesn't fly any more.
I hope they don't feed it to their children or grandchildren, but hope has been just that, hope.
Fukushima farmers certainly do feed it to the rest of Japan, because they are victims of TEPCO and residents in big cities outside Fukushima owe it to them, in their minds.
From Fukushima Minpo (2/16/2013):
Workers drilled a hole through the 1st floor concrete on February 13 and 14. And unlike in the Reactor 2 torus room the other day (1/28/2013), there was no unexpected pipe blocking the way.
The atmospheric dose level on the 1st floor before the drilling was 1 millisievert/hour. After the drilling, the radiation went up to 2 millisieverts/hour right above the hole, at 1.2 meters off the floor. At the hole, the radiation was 10 millisieverts/hour, and at the end of the hole through to the torus room, it was 210 millisieverts/hour. TEPCO says the investigation will proceed, now that they've found out that the radiation level didn't change much before and after.
The radiation levels inside the Reactor 1 Containment Vessel, measured in October last year, were 4.7 to 11.1 sieverts/hour (or 4,700 to 11,100 millisieverts/hour).
From TEPCO's Photos and Videos, 2/14/2013:
Contaminated water overflowed from the tank of reactor5 and 6 in the end
Posted by Mochizuki on February 18th, 2013 · No Comments
↑ The overflowed water. 20 m3 is an amount. Tepco releases only the pictures taken in night time.
The tanks of retained contaminated water are getting full, Tepco is planning to discharge it to the sea due to the lack of capacity. [URL]
At 19:36 of 2/16/2013, a subcontract worker found the contaminated water overflowing from the desalination system installed outside of reactor5 and 6.
The volume of overflowed water is nearly 20 m3. Tepco discribes it as “leakage” but it was actually an “overflow”.
Reactor2 temperature jumped up by 120℃ within 12 hours
Posted by Mochizuki on February 16th, 2013 · 2 Comments
The temperature of reactor2 is almost reaching 265℃.
The thermometer attached on the upper part of RPV2 recorded the rapid increase of temperature from 143.4℃ to 262.3℃, when was from 23:00 of 2/15/2013 to 11:00 of 2/16/2013.
On 2/10/2013, Fukushima Diary reported the temperature of bottom part of RPV was reaching 250℃. Now it is 284.4℃.
According to Tepco, both of the thermometers are supposed to be disordered.
Fukushima Child: I didn’t know about nuclear disaster until April — Small kids are playing outside, they were even playing with snow (VIDEO)
#Radioactive #Fukushima: Fukushima City Residents Want to Eat the Produce They Bring In to Measure Radioactivity, Researchers Oblige
I couldn't tell that was what it was, when I saw the title of an article at one of the local newspapers in Fukushima, but it turned out that was what it was.
Go figure. Let them, at this point. After nearly 2 years, they choose to be there and choose to grow their food and eat it. "Oh we weren't told" doesn't fly any more.
I hope they don't feed it to their children or grandchildren, but hope has been just that, hope.
Fukushima farmers certainly do feed it to the rest of Japan, because they are victims of TEPCO and residents in big cities outside Fukushima owe it to them, in their minds.
From Fukushima Minpo (2/16/2013):
破砕せずに放射性物質測定 福島、機器新たに運用開始へ
Radioactivity measurement without chopping up samples - new equipment will be used in Fukushima
On February 19, Tohoku University will start using the new equipment to measure radioactivity in farm produce and food items without chopping them up at a monitoring center in Fukushima City. It is to respond to the residents' complaints and requests, such as "it's too tedious to chop up 1 kilogram of sample" and "I want to eat it after it's tested".
測定器は、市放射線対策アドバイザーで、同大大学院工学研究科量子エネルギー工学専攻生活環境早期復旧技術研究センター長の石井慶造教授が開発した。The new equipment was developed by Professor Keizo Ishii of Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Quantum Science who is also an advisor to Fukushima City on radiation countermeasures.
The regular equipment has one sensor that detects radioactivity. Professor Ishii's equipment will use 7 sensors, and will be able to measure radioactivity without chopping up the samples and in small sample amounts. Farm produce and food items can be left in a basket which is then placed in the equipment, and it takes only 5 minutes to measure. The detection limit is 25 becquerels/kg, and the sample sizes can be from 0.7 kilogram to 3 kilograms.
Tohoku University and Fukushima City have been collaborating on introducing this equipment. The city official in charge says, "Farm produce in small quantities, as from home gardens, can be measured, and people can take them back home. We want to use this equipment for the peace of mind of the city residents."
18日から申し込みを受け付け、19日から測定を開始する。測定は火曜から金曜日。問い合わせは 電話080(5737)1507へ。
Residents can sign up on February 18, and the measurement will start on February 19. The measurement is done from Tuesday to Friday every week. For more details, call 080(5737)1507.
Peace of mind for 25 becquerels/kg detection limit. Some peace.
In case you haven't figured it out, they measure radioactivity in Japan not to understand what's been going on but to feel safe. If measuring radioactivity doesn't result in people feeling safe, they don't bother measuring, which is exactly what happened in the very early days of the nuclear accident.
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: TEPCO Successfully Drilled a Hole Into Reactor 1 Torus Room
Workers drilled a hole through the 1st floor concrete on February 13 and 14. And unlike in the Reactor 2 torus room the other day (1/28/2013), there was no unexpected pipe blocking the way.
The atmospheric dose level on the 1st floor before the drilling was 1 millisievert/hour. After the drilling, the radiation went up to 2 millisieverts/hour right above the hole, at 1.2 meters off the floor. At the hole, the radiation was 10 millisieverts/hour, and at the end of the hole through to the torus room, it was 210 millisieverts/hour. TEPCO says the investigation will proceed, now that they've found out that the radiation level didn't change much before and after.
The radiation levels inside the Reactor 1 Containment Vessel, measured in October last year, were 4.7 to 11.1 sieverts/hour (or 4,700 to 11,100 millisieverts/hour).
From TEPCO's Photos and Videos, 2/14/2013:
The white dot in the dark in the photo must be the reflection of the camera light on the water.
The atmospheric dose level in the Reactor 2 (about the same location) was much higher, at 4 to 8 millisieverts/hour.
The atmospheric dose level in the Reactor 2 (about the same location) was much higher, at 4 to 8 millisieverts/hour.
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