A National Guard whistleblower has reported that National Guardsman have been briefed by superiors onplans to confiscate guns and target doomsday preppers as domestic terrorists in the event of riots erupting in the wake of the upcoming elections.
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”
So begins the Oath of Enlistment for the U.S. military, but in an explosive interview with a National Guard whistleblower shown below, soldiers are now being advised they will be ordered to break that oath should civil unrest erupt across the country.
Referred to only as “Soldier X” under promise of anonymity, an Army National Guardsman spoke via phone with Infowars Nightly News Producer Rob Dew regarding a recent briefing his unit underwent on actions the military would take in the event that an Obama election loss sparked rioting in America’s streets.
Citing not only recent widespread threats to riot if Mitt Romney were to become the next U.S. president, but threats to actually assassinate him should he win, Soldier X’s superiors dispensed plans of how the National Guard would be responsible for “taking over” and quelling such unrest.
The soldiers were reportedly told“Doomsday preppers will be treated as terrorists.”
In addition, guns will be confiscated.
“They have a list compiled of all these doomsday preppers that have gone public and they plan to go after them first,” Soldier X said. He claimed those in charge are acting under the belief that preppers will be “the worst part” of any potential civil unrest.
Soldier X was also told that any soldiers in the ranks who are known as preppers will be deemed “defects.” He explained the label meant these soldiers would be treated as traitors. “If you don’t conform, they will get rid of you,” he added.
Unit members also warned not to associate with any fellow soldiers who are preppers.
Not only does the military reportedly plan to target preppers should mass chaos break out, but Soldier X also voiced his concerns regarding civilian gun confiscation.
Soldier X admitted, “Our worry is that Obama’s gonna do what he said he’s gonna do and he’s gonna outlaw all weapons altogether and anybody’s name who is on a weapon, they’re gonna come to your house and try to take them.”
It would not be the first time the National Guard has been used to unconstitutionally disarm law-abiding citizens, robbing them of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, police and military took to the streets disarming lawful gun owners, including those who were on dry land and had plenty of stored food and water.
Fast forward to this past summer when a leaked Army manual dated 2006 entitled, “Civil Disturbance Operations” surfaced outlining plans not only to confiscate firearms domestically during mass unrest, but to actually detain and even kill American citizens who refuse to hand over their guns. This manual works in conjunction with “FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations,” another Army manual leaked this year, which instructs troops on how to properly detain and intern Americans into re-education camps, including ways that so-called “psy-op officers” will “indoctrinate” incarcerated “political activists” into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”
Add these manuals to the plethora of Executive Orders Obama has signed during his term which have dismantled our Constitution piece by piece, including the martial law implementing National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order which gives the president the power to confiscate citizens’ private property in the event of any national emergency, including economic.
Add it all to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in which Obama granted powers to disappear and indefinitely detain American citizens without any due process, and it is easy to see the tyrannical big picture our government has painted.
When asked if he would go along with gun confiscation, Soldier X replied he and his fellow like-minded guardsmen planned to stand down — not answer the phone or show up to post.
“I’m sorry but I don’t believe in suicide,” he said.
Preppers are becoming regular government targets these days, most recently when a Missisippi prepper group member with a clean record was suddenly taken off his flight halfway to Japan andinformed he was on the no-fly list, an FBI terrorist watchlist, stranding him in Hawaii. Otherpreppers have been denied their Second Amendment rights without legitimate cause.
Not only does the military reportedly plan to target preppers should mass chaos break out, but Soldier X also voiced his concerns regarding civilian gun confiscation.
Soldier X admitted, “Our worry is that Obama’s gonna do what he said he’s gonna do and he’s gonna outlaw all weapons altogether and anybody’s name who is on a weapon, they’re gonna come to your house and try to take them.”
It would not be the first time the National Guard has been used to unconstitutionally disarm law-abiding citizens, robbing them of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, police and military took to the streets disarming lawful gun owners, including those who were on dry land and had plenty of stored food and water.
Fast forward to this past summer when a leaked Army manual dated 2006 entitled, “Civil Disturbance Operations” surfaced outlining plans not only to confiscate firearms domestically during mass unrest, but to actually detain and even kill American citizens who refuse to hand over their guns. This manual works in conjunction with “FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations,” another Army manual leaked this year, which instructs troops on how to properly detain and intern Americans into re-education camps, including ways that so-called “psy-op officers” will “indoctrinate” incarcerated “political activists” into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”
Add these manuals to the plethora of Executive Orders Obama has signed during his term which have dismantled our Constitution piece by piece, including the martial law implementing National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order which gives the president the power to confiscate citizens’ private property in the event of any national emergency, including economic.
Add it all to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in which Obama granted powers to disappear and indefinitely detain American citizens without any due process, and it is easy to see the tyrannical big picture our government has painted.
When asked if he would go along with gun confiscation, Soldier X replied he and his fellow like-minded guardsmen planned to stand down — not answer the phone or show up to post.
“I’m sorry but I don’t believe in suicide,” he said.
Preppers are becoming regular government targets these days, most recently when a Missisippi prepper group member with a clean record was suddenly taken off his flight halfway to Japan andinformed he was on the no-fly list, an FBI terrorist watchlist, stranding him in Hawaii. Otherpreppers have been denied their Second Amendment rights without legitimate cause.
It is beyond glaringly obvious at this point the U.S. government is gearing up for mass civil unrest. Not only has the DHS sparked controversy by purchasing billions of rounds of ammo, but the department even went so far as to begin classifying further purchases, blacking out bullet figures it is using taxpayer money to buy.
In addition, while FEMA can procure a billion dollars in bulk food supplies, the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism project released a flier instructing military surplus store owners to report any customers who “make bulk purchases of items” including “meals ready to eat”.
Should society as we know it collapse following the election, it would seem the ultimate prepper and the ultimate terrorist is, indeed, the U.S. government.
In addition, while FEMA can procure a billion dollars in bulk food supplies, the FBI’s Communities Against Terrorism project released a flier instructing military surplus store owners to report any customers who “make bulk purchases of items” including “meals ready to eat”.
Should society as we know it collapse following the election, it would seem the ultimate prepper and the ultimate terrorist is, indeed, the U.S. government.
and how long before folks explode over Benghazi ????
Sacrificed At the Altar Of Obama: CIA Assets Ordered to “Stand Down” During Libya Attacks; Delta Force Spec Ops Waited For Hours For Deployment Orders
It’s a month after the incident in Bengzahi, Libya and the Obama administration is still trying to shift blame and responsibility.
First, the President claimed the attacks were nothing more than a riot that got out of control as a result of a video that insulted the religion of Islam. This narrative was shot full of holes almost immediately, because as we know, a CIA safehouse, which no random rioters could have possibly known about, was also attacked.
Then we were told by the State department and others that this was an Al Queda cell that we had no prior knowledge of. Except, of course, the Ambassador, as well as military leaders in the area, called for additional security assistance days and weeks BEFORE the attacks. None was granted.
Finally, we were told that there was no way for anyone to know what was going on at the time of the attacks, a story that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is sticking to even today. Except that there were two (2) drones in the air observing the incident in real time. Not only that, but military assets, including the Delta Force special operations teams, were standing by ready to deploy within minutes, yet they were told to wait – for what? – we can’t imagine.
An exclusive report from FoxNews now claims that the situation was much more clear than the administration has made it out to be, and that repeated real-time calls for assistance, while drones surveyed the area, were ignored.
Earlier this week President Obama, when answering a question from a reporter’s 6-year-old son, referred to Governor Romney as a “bullshitter.”
Given what has transpired from the beginning of this President’s election campaign through today, it is clear that the bullshitter here is President Obama.
And for those apologist out there that will claim Mr. Obama was not the one making the decisions surrounding the Bengzahi incident, or that State was in charge, or that Secretary Panetta was making the military calls, we say BULLSHIT.
President Obama is the Commander-In-Chief of The United States of America. He, and he alone, is responsible for the deaths of the four Americans left to die that day.
We had live, real-time video of the incident as it occurred. We had live, real-time communications from CIA assets that were within yards of the incident. We had CIA assets lazing targets for air strikes. We had direct requests for military assistance. We had four hours to respond.
And, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta claims we are all “Monday morning quarterbacks” for calling it like we see it?
We hold the utmost respect for our military and intelligence assets. We can not say the same for the leadership at the executive levels of our government. Four Americans died as a result of the incompetence of this President, and we’re only discussing it because whistleblowers within the military, intelligence community and the administration have felt compelled to provide the American public with information.
Moreover, President Obama recently met with the father of Tyrone Woods, one of the men killed in Bengzahi, and according to the elder Mr. Woods, the President couldn’t even look him in the eye when he spoke to him (apparently with little empathy or care) about the death of his son:
Our suspicion is that countless others have died over the last four years as a direct result of the incompetence of this President and his surrogates, except their stories have been covered up by giant piles of bullshit.
First, the President claimed the attacks were nothing more than a riot that got out of control as a result of a video that insulted the religion of Islam. This narrative was shot full of holes almost immediately, because as we know, a CIA safehouse, which no random rioters could have possibly known about, was also attacked.
Then we were told by the State department and others that this was an Al Queda cell that we had no prior knowledge of. Except, of course, the Ambassador, as well as military leaders in the area, called for additional security assistance days and weeks BEFORE the attacks. None was granted.
Finally, we were told that there was no way for anyone to know what was going on at the time of the attacks, a story that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is sticking to even today. Except that there were two (2) drones in the air observing the incident in real time. Not only that, but military assets, including the Delta Force special operations teams, were standing by ready to deploy within minutes, yet they were told to wait – for what? – we can’t imagine.
An exclusive report from FoxNews now claims that the situation was much more clear than the administration has made it out to be, and that repeated real-time calls for assistance, while drones surveyed the area, were ignored.
Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied by U.S. officials — who also told the CIA operators twice to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to “stand down.”
At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive.
Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.
Earlier this week President Obama, when answering a question from a reporter’s 6-year-old son, referred to Governor Romney as a “bullshitter.”
Given what has transpired from the beginning of this President’s election campaign through today, it is clear that the bullshitter here is President Obama.
And for those apologist out there that will claim Mr. Obama was not the one making the decisions surrounding the Bengzahi incident, or that State was in charge, or that Secretary Panetta was making the military calls, we say BULLSHIT.
President Obama is the Commander-In-Chief of The United States of America. He, and he alone, is responsible for the deaths of the four Americans left to die that day.
We had live, real-time video of the incident as it occurred. We had live, real-time communications from CIA assets that were within yards of the incident. We had CIA assets lazing targets for air strikes. We had direct requests for military assistance. We had four hours to respond.
And, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta claims we are all “Monday morning quarterbacks” for calling it like we see it?
We hold the utmost respect for our military and intelligence assets. We can not say the same for the leadership at the executive levels of our government. Four Americans died as a result of the incompetence of this President, and we’re only discussing it because whistleblowers within the military, intelligence community and the administration have felt compelled to provide the American public with information.
Moreover, President Obama recently met with the father of Tyrone Woods, one of the men killed in Bengzahi, and according to the elder Mr. Woods, the President couldn’t even look him in the eye when he spoke to him (apparently with little empathy or care) about the death of his son:
“When [Obama] came over to our little area” at Andrew Air Force Base, says Woods, “he kind of just mumbled, you know, ‘I’m sorry.’ His face was looking at me, but his eyes were looking over my shoulder like he could not look me in the eye. And it was not a sincere, ‘I’m really sorry, you know, that your son died,’ but it was totally insincere, more of whining type, ‘I’m sorry.’”
Woods says that shaking President Obama’s hands at his son’s memorial service was “like shaking hands with a dead fish.”
“It just didn’t feel right,” he says of his encounter with the commander in chief. “And now that it’s coming out that apparently the White House situation room was watching our people die in real time, as this was happening,” Woods says, he wants answers on what happened—and why there was no apparent effort to save his son’s life.
Our suspicion is that countless others have died over the last four years as a direct result of the incompetence of this President and his surrogates, except their stories have been covered up by giant piles of bullshit.
American Drones Armed And Ready To Attack Benghazi Terrorists – But Obama Refused To Give Order?
Perhaps no more glaring example of today’s media blackout is when NBC’s David Gregory cut off a guest who attempted to raise the Benghazi issue by promising to “get to that later” and then ignoring the issue for the rest of his Sunday morning news show. More important than even that though was a question raised during Fox News Sunday to Democrat Senator Tom Udall on whether or not the drones that flew over the compound in Benghazi during the attack were armed. Senator Udall refused to answer that question.

Here is a rundown of the media’s clearly coordinated deflection of what is now the most important foreign policy issue on the table that points directly toward incompetence and cover-up at the highest levels of the Obama White House: (via
NBC: Meet the Press with David Gregory
The Benghazi issue was not raised at all, save by panelist Carly Fiorina, who was interrupted by Gregory. He promised, “We’ll get to that a little bit later,” but did not return to the issue before the show’s end.
CNN: State of the Union with Candy Crowley
The Benghazi issue was raised twice, once by Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus in response to a question about U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock’s views on abortion, and once by Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in response to a question about whether Romney would win the state in November. Crowley did not raise the issue independently in a show largely focused on polls and voting.
CBS: Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer
The Benghazi issue was raised in an exchange between Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Chicagomayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff. After McCain brought up the issue, Schieffer asked a follow-up question about whether the administration had engaged in a “deliberate cover-up.” McCain said it had either been a cover-up or “the worst kind of incompetence.” Schieffer responded with another question about whether drones had produced images of the attacks. Emanuel responded with the Obama campaign’s standard talking points, and Schieffer followed up with a question about what he would have done in the White House. Emanuel ducked the question, instead praising Obama’s foreign policy record in general.
Fox News was the only news network that pressed the issue during the Sunday morning news programs -and host Chris Wallace raised a very interesting point when pushing for an answer from Senator Tom Udall (D) , regarding whether or not the drones that flew over the compound during the Benghazi Massacre were in fact armed with weaponry. Senator Udall refused to answer that question raising the now very real possibility that help flew directly over the heads of the Benghazi compound though someone refused to initiate an attack order against the terrorists who were at that very moment killing Americans.
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