Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fukushima and radiation updates - horror stories form Fukushima workers ( criminal conduct by Tepco and their sub contractors , radiation sickness by exposed workers ) - detail and focus on conditions at Reactor Unit 3 , workers told to cover dosimeters and insert lead plates in radiation suits to cover radiation doses - or face termination if worker refused to do so.

[Reactor3] Fukushima worker “got exposed to 2.55mSv, 38 cameras, concrete falling off”

A Fukushima worker tweeted about the actual situation around reactor3. He worked at reactor3 to build the cover and his team member was exposed to 2.55mSv in total. He mentioned other important facts too.

Anyway, it’s decided to go to Fukushima plant from 6/5/2012..

and from Energy News - key items of the day....

Latest Headlines:

Fukushima Daiichi Worker: “Some co-workers are really tempered, they use violence sometimes” — We are not to cause any trouble like fight while at Reactor No. 3

Fukushima Worker: Concrete, rebar falling off at Reactor No. 3

*Watch* Nursery school children on contaminated playground equipment: “The radiation is in the holes” — Some kids with no dosimeters, masks not covering noses (VIDEO)

Fukushima Daiichi Worker: Diarrhea for days, couldn’t sleep at all — Working on Reactor No. 3

Film crew gets tested after “bizarre” incident in high radiation area — “I’ve never been this nervous in my life” (VIDEO)

Tepco knew lead shields were made to cover dosimeters of Fukushima workers — Boss admits to making them use covers, claims he was frightened of radiation alarms

Criminal? Fukushima Daiichi workers told to rip open radiation protection suits and insert lead plates — “Make sure nobody sees what you are doing” — Threatened with being fired

Fukushima Daiichi workers ordered to cover dosimeters with lead plates (PHOTO)

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