Tepco hasn’t filtered Strontium
Posted by Mochizuki on February 27th, 2012 · No Comments
Tepco has been purifying contaminated water of the plant coolant system.
However, Tepco announced they will introduce a new purifying system for strontium after September, which means they only filtered out cesium.
With this new system, they are supposed to decrease strontium 1 in 10 million.
The current strontium amount in the contaminated water is no announced.
However, Tepco announced they will introduce a new purifying system for strontium after September, which means they only filtered out cesium.
With this new system, they are supposed to decrease strontium 1 in 10 million.
The current strontium amount in the contaminated water is no announced.
and inept Tepco plays doctor....
Tepco will retry endoscope operation to reactor 2
Posted by Mochizuki on February 27th, 2012 · No Comments
Following up this article..Result of endoscope operation on 1/19/2012
Tepco is planning to check inside of reactor 2 with longer endoscope in late March.
They used 10m of endoscope last month, but they couldn’t see the water level because it was lower than they estimated.
They will use 18m of endoscope for the next time. They are going to use the same hole as last time.
They are also planning to measure the radiation level next time.
They will use 18m of endoscope for the next time. They are going to use the same hole as last time.
They are also planning to measure the radiation level next time.
and Okinawa agrees to become contaminated .....
Okinawa will accept radioactive debris
Posted by Mochizuki on February 27th, 2012 · No Comments
Japanese prime minister Noda visited Okinawa on 2/26/2012, then Nakaima Hirokazu, the Okinawa mayor decided they will accept radioactive debris if Japanese government asked them.
Having this decision, Naha shi and Haebaru shi have decided to be forward to accepting the radioactive debris.
Onaga Naha city mayor stated, “As Japanese citizen, we shall help disaster area by accepting the radioactive debris.”
As Okinawa prefecture requires, Naha city is start preparing for radioactive debris.
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