Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Economic News , Data& Views .....August 30 , 2016 ...... Quick Hits -1. US Stock Market Wrap , Asia & Europe Front-Running Report ; Gold & Oil Items Of Note ; Another Merger Brewing In Ag Sector- Potash Corp & Agrium. 2. ISIS Number Two Leader Al-Adnani Killed At Al Bab Today. 3. Around The Horn In Europe. 4. Syria Conflict - Updates On The Great Game Called The Syria Conflict. 5. Turkey Purge Updates. 6. Libya Items De Jour.

Markets and Market Moving News....

Fisher translated - Tradeoffs means -winners & losers , don't hate the player , hate the game.

~22% of Gulf of Mexico oil production shut in by Tropical Depression 9 (which could become a real storm later today)

Crude build +942,000bbl Gasoline -1.6mbbl Distillate +3.0mbbl Cushing -0.62mbbl

has real-time storm tracking information mapped with energy infrastructure


at six-week low as focus shifts to US payrolls data via

Gold just settled at its lowest level in more than two months


4 hours agoHammersmith, London
is a hot M&A sector:
PotashCorp + Agrium Bayer + Monsanto ChemChina + Syngenta DuPont + Dow Chemical And the year isn't over

Fertilizer M&A: PotashCorp and Agrium in Advanced Merger Talks

Yes, no, maybe..: Backs Output Freeze Deal, Shifting Its Stance

Frontrunning: August 30

ISIS Items.....

ISIS reacts to death of al Adani with attack in Jarablus countryside.

Pentagon confirms target of strike in , says responsible for >1,800 deaths from Brussels to Bangladesh

The fact that ISIS nicknamed Al-Adnani "Al-Husayni" and "Al-Qurayshi" means that he was next in line for the throne.

2 hours agofred walton Retweeted موسى العمر
Some detail...

ISIS has now lost top deputy al-Qaduli, Minister of War Shishani and spokesperson/external ops chief Adnani. Last big name left is Baghdadi

With al Adnani dead , actual status of Baghdadi (dead , alive & well , gravely wounded) will be even more critical.

Around The Horn In Europe....

Tougher rules coming from Austria , Sweden and Denmark regarding ayslum.

Stranded Migrants on Lesvos Reach 5,000 as More Arrive Daily

More of the same..

LIVE BLOG: PSOE And Podemos Slam "Mediocre" Speech From "Tired" Rajoy

Might not come down to postal ballots this time..

ICYMI: Germany's Steinmeier says UK/EU need " new, fair and binding"rules for post-Brexit

Apple threats EU with payback after hit with massive tax bill..

- It now looks certain that Economy Minister will hand in his resignation today at 3pm (Paris time).

European Commission-EWG Urge Greece to Expedite Bailout Requirements

Inflows to Greece start to pick up again !

Syria .....

I perfectly understand anger and frustration after sacrifice to win Manjib.

The groups backed by Turkey are Islamists, with other names than ISIS (2)

The groups backed by Turkey cannot take Raqqah. Without us, Raqqah will not be taken in a few years (3)

Army: There is no ceasefire agreement with in northern .

Ceasefire has been reached between SDF and Turkey in Jarablus arranged by the int. coalition


The number of imprisoned journalists in Turkey rises to 116 as of today -- a world leader.

Chief editor of NY Times' Turkey edition, former editor for Hurriyet and Sabah dailies, was also detained.

Former Ankara bureau chief for Radikal and Meydan dailies, , is among the detained today.

Journalist and columnist was detained this morning.

Putin and Erdoğan to meet in China on Sep 3 ahead of G20 summit, normalization of relations will be on the agenda

Purge continues...

Hurriyet editor was taken into custody.

Turkey issues arrest warrant for 35 more journalists as part of the post-coup crackdown.

Former Istanbul police chief detained in coup attempt probe



There seems to be consensus that the current Prez Council cannot do the job & cannot continue for much longer either.

Libya forces reporting big gains against IS at Sirte, militants now trapped in part of a single district. US air strikes continue.

State oil company chief says Libya losing $10m a day because UN-backed government won't pay budget.

Since June, Nadori as Military Gov has taken a number of steps including appointment of 3 military Gov for 3 municipalities.

In June Agilah S as Supreme Commander of Armed Forces declared state of emergency &appointed Nadori as military Gov for Derna-BJawad

LNA forces are now 10km away from PFG forces stationed in Zueitina oil terminal. LNA sending a clear message with such move.

Migrant rescue boats patrolling again off Libya coast this a.m.

The 9-strong presidency of UN-backed government now down to four members.

IS penned into final district of Sirte but offers fierce resistance

PM of UN-backed government says will present a new cabinet to parliament in next few days.

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