Evening wrap.....
David Cameron already backtracking on a 2016 referendum
H/t @RichardAENorth
Cosco the only bidder for Piraeus Port http://dlvr.it/D4Fb2Z
Last prior action completed, next loan tranche due http://dlvr.it/D4DbL0
Frontex suspends temporarily registration on Chios due to concerns of asbestos contamination http://frontex.europa.eu/news/frontex-temporarily-suspends-registration-activities-on-chios-due-to-concerns-over-asbestos-contamination-gqMedB …
Migrants not able to find room in Athens camps http://dlvr.it/D4CX7v
Number of refugee arrivals in #Germany down <50% in December: German police http://bit.ly/1UWInfD /via @welt #refugeecrisis #migrationEU
Pablo Iglesias said earlier he sees himself as a candidate. They have until March to keep trying then new elections.
Rajoy says he will stand as a candidate in the Popular Party leadership conference, "with energy and enthusiasm".
EZ'S " James Dean " , rebel with a cause ( Austerity a road to nowhere )
Aznar wants PP to hold leadership conference "as soon as possible", says he won't be a candidate.
IBEX 35 closed down 3.62%, tanked a bit more at the end.
This should not be a surprise....
Oil falls to lowest level since 2004 ($36.04) amid US export ban lift http://on.rt.com/700r
Nov Iraq sold barrel of its oil for $36 lowest price of yr No telling when prices will go up & hit $45 as in budget http://musingsoniraq.blogspot.com/2015/12/iraqs-parliament-passes-2016-budget-few.html …
There goes Kazakhstan #OilCrisis
Oil hits lowest price since 2004, as average U.S. gas price falls below $2 http://thebea.st/1UW2YAJ
Morning items......
Head of #BBA Challenger Bank Panel suggests #Brexit could give UK more “control of its own destiny” http://openeurope.org.uk/daily-shakeup/former-defence-secretary-liam-fox-declares-support-for-leaving-the-eu-with-rumours-of-cabinet-splits-growing/#section-7 …
#Greece industrial turnover dives 18.9 pct in Oct, highest drop over last 6 years. http://www.macropolis.gr/?i=portal.en.economy.3465 … #economy
Greek current account turns to 314 mln surplus in Oct on contracting goods deficit https://shar.es/1GwbfK #Greece
#EC approves prolongation of #Greece bank guarantee scheme until end-Jun 2016. #economy #banking #markets #ecb
Tsipras Believes IMF Should Be Out of Greece’s 3rd Bailout http://dlvr.it/D41xDY #Greece
Ukraine: "The sensible money would be on the Ukrainian oligarchs — and Kolomoisky — thriving for some time to come" http://www.politico.eu/article/star-wars-in-ukraine-poroshenko-vs-kolomoisky/ …
While we're on the subject of Portuguese banks.... EU extends deadline for sale of Novo Banco under state aid rules http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-6381_en.htm …
Banif’s been in trouble for a while.

@Frances_Coppola Same deal with 4 Italian banks, rescued before bail-in becomes mandatory. 2016 not looking great for large depositors
EU could unravel unless it adopts decentralised solutions to migration and euro crises - my @nytimes column http://nyti.ms/1O2IuFf
BREAKING: Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) To Vote Against PP, Spokesman Says https://www.thespainreport.com/articles/540-151221133200-spanish-socialist-party-psoe-to-vote-against-pp-spokesman-says …
Iglesias says he is worried "as a candidate for Prime Minister" by the lack of concern PP and PSOE show for Catalan and Basque results.
Iglesias says Podemos is not talking about options for parties, but about "proposals for the country".
Iglesias says it is now up to Podemos, with "more than 5 million votes" to "assume the responsibilities of state".
To make #Spain situation even more complicated, Cataluña's ERC leftist party says it won't back a left-wing coalition w PSOE's Sánchez as PM
#Spain faces fragmentation and a great deal of uncertainty after Sunday's polls http://dw.com/p/1HQx5
Tsipras's assertion is likely to anger the German government, which has always insisted the IMF stay on board http://cnb.cx/1Pj6IMj
New Democracy says it won't have result of leadership ballot until afternoon. It's waiting for elex cttees to fax results. Yes, fax #Greece
Libya-Italy route is terribly dangerous: 1 out of 51 migrants drowns. Turkey-Greece less deadly: 1 out of 1253.(IOM)
#Spain's stocks down 2.5% in early trade on instability after Sunday's election.
Fog over Berlin as Germany's tough love approach (money in return for reforms) didn't get enough votes by Spaniards.
#Spain's govt bonds get hammered on indecisive elections vote. 10y Risk spread over #Italy jumps to 18bps.
2nd round of elections on Jan10. Meimarakis vs. Mitsotakis #Greece #NDekloges
Asia and Emerging Markets/ Nations ......
You have to appreciate the nice 90-degree angles on the chart of the Azerbaijani currency.
#ChinaLandslide leaves 91 missing, sparks gas explosion http://bit.ly/22k6E4r
The #Shenzhen waste dump that caused a landslide was told to close in July over safety fears http://ow.ly/Waali
Next casualty of low oil. #Azerbaijan moves to floating exchange rate, Manat tumbles by 47%. http://bloom.bg/1QAMtv7
Toshiba will cut nearly 7,000 consumer electronics jobs after a $1.3 billion accounting scandal http://www.reuters.com/article/us-toshiba-restructuring-announcement-idUSKBN0U40IH20151221 …
Russian oil production has surpassed 10 million barrels per day, the highest since the collapse of the Soviet Union
#China's Copper Smelters Said to Consider Deeper Production Cuts - Bloomberg | more than the 350,000 metric tons already agreed
China's richest Wang Jianlin bought a mansion on London's most secure road for £80 million http://ow.ly/W9Tea
Good Morning from Berlin. Asia stock market mixed as #China Yuan strengthens on PBoC fixing but #Oil & #Spain weigh.
#China's GDP Growth May Slow to 5.8% by 2017: UBS's Kwok - Bloomberg - http://bloom.bg/1TYTJie
China Watcher @chinanews_en
#China | #PBoC sets #Yuan midpoint at 6.4753 v 6.4814 prior (1st stronger #CNY setting after 10 straight weaker fixes)
After 5 year delay US Congres approved IMF reforms. China now 3d largest shareholder (6,4%), from the sixth (4%)
Wow, Dalian Iron Ore futures is almost LIMIT UP, +3.9% (LIMIT UP at 312.0 RMB, HI 311.0)
Yiding Group suddenly went bankrupt on Dec.01. Hundreds of shops closed, thousands employees lost their jobs.
Brazil's New Finance Minister Faces a Big Test After Friday's Rout http://bloom.bg/1MpPjLE
Asian deals surpassed $1T for the first time in 2015, up 55%. Half were Chinese acquisitions http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-17/the-five-biggest-china-deals-this-year-and-five-that-flopped …
HK bourse 2015 turnover 25.53 trln HKD, a new record. Last record 21.67 trln in 2007, and then market crash!! This time will be the same?
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