Saturday, December 13, 2014

Two things for Greece voters to consider as they ponder the looming Presidential vote (s)

1) Voting for the current Coalition - where has that road taken you ?

2)  Red or blue pill , Greece ?

Tweets - 12 /14 /14

Heading toward the iceberg

Lessons not learnt

Tweets - Saturday 12/13/14 ......

Gap between SYRIZA and New Democracy closing, says poll

Samaras seen ruling out deal with opposition, wants president or snap elections

Tsipras takes turn in blame game with government

PM to join effort to win over doubting MPs for president vote

Revenue shortfall puts target at risk

moves first-round vote in presidential election forward to December 17 - Victory of + is expected

Shots fired at Israeli Embassy in Athens

Blatant intervention: EC Juncker tells Greek voters to “avoid ‘wrong outcome’ in elections”

Readers gather outside our newspaper building to protest government's impending operation to detain editors.

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