Drills sometimes foreshadow " Other Events " .......
Emergency planners look to prepare for worst case scenarios
Emergency planners are preparing for the worst next Tuesday and Wednesday.
Regional West Medical Center [in Scottsbluff, Nebraska] is participating in a 21 – agency emergency disaster next week.
The scenario?
A nuclear explosion near Interstate 80.
The logic hangs for something occurring after 9-11.....
ISIS signals Nuclear Terrorism predicting 9/11 dirty bomb “False Flag” attack
ISIS signals Nuclear Terrorism predicting 9/11 dirty bomb “False Flag” attack
by John Kimber for Veterans Today
[Editor's note: It turns out to be possible to create a fission bomb, not just a "dirty" bomb, from the materials of which ISIS has taken possession. Gordon Duff has recently published several articles about this here at VT. A caller to The New York Daily News last Friday threaten to nuke 1 World Trade Center, which turned out to be a hoax. The 13th observance of 9/11 is this Thursday.]
My “top ten” reasons for predicting, and thereby helping to defeat, a new “false flag” attack on 9/11 are as follows:

1) ISIS were conveniently left 88 pounds of uranium compounds in Mosul in July – perfect for making dirty bombs, and for dirty bomb predictive programming. Like al-Qaeda, ISIS are a CIA founded and controlled group.
The CIA and Mossad are notorious for carrying out false flag attacks, including the 9/11 joint operation. The ISIS leader may be a Mossad agent.
2) U.K. Prime Sinister David Cameron, hyped the ISIS terror threat, and raised the official terror threat level to “SEVERE”/highly likely, on 8/29/14. The level had remained at “SUBSTANTIAL” since the 11th of July 2011 (7/11/11). Cameron is also preparing to bomb Iraq and Syria, and needs a good excuse, especially for bombing Syria.
3) At the end of March, Obama, Cameron, Merkel and other leaders took part in a dirty bomb role-playing game, at a nuclear terrorism conference. A similar role-playing exercise occurred a year before the London 7/7 bombings: the scenario closely matched the real events of 7/7/05.
4) ISIS are the CIA’s al-Qaeda 2.0, and therefore 9/11/14 is the perfect day for “revenge attacks” against the U.S. and U.K. If there are attacks on 9/11/14, half of America has been programmed to say or believe “those G.D. Muzzies hit us hard again!”.
5) Dirty bomb drills have been repeatedly conducted in the U.S. and U.K. Dirty bombs are much easier to make or acquire than conventional/real nuclear weapons, and are therefore far more plausible as a terrorist weapon.
6) Dirty bomb attacks fit the pattern of previous false flag attacks – plenty of terror but little disruption. Dirty bombs are relatively harmless, but according to the exercise mentioned in point/reason 3, the danger will be greatly exaggerated.
7) There has been massive predictive programming for nuclear terror attacks in “fiction” – numerous TV shows and movies have included nuclear terrorism plots. “Jericho” (2006-8) and “Operation Blackjack” (2009) are the most detailed examples. 8 cities are simultaneously attacked/bombed in “Operation Blackjack”, which contained the hidden message “Predictive Programming 2.0”. 9/11 was similarly foretold in “fiction”.
8) Obama/the CIA needs a excuse to attack Syria, Iran, and the DHS’s primary “terrorism concern” (i.e. target) “right-wing gun owners”. False flag attacks, allegedly carried out by “Muslims plus domestic extremists”, would be ideal. This is the plot of “Operation Blackjack”.
9) Occult numerology is a hallmark of false flag attacks. 9/11/14 is unlucky 13 years after 9/11/01, and Cameron’s ISIS statement plus 13 days is 9/11/14. 13 is also associated with death and upheaval in numerology. 8 is the sun worshippers/Freemasons number, as in 88 lbs of uranium and 888 pages in The Warren Commission Report. Masons serve Satan, whose number is 9.
10) The Neocons, who are behind most false flag operations, are hyping the ISIS threat. Lt. Gen. McInerney has even suggested attacks specifically on 9/11/14, partly to bury a new book about the Benghazi Scandal (due 9/9/14). The fake assassination of Osama bin Laden in 2011 buried Obama’s fake birth certificate, and the Sandy Hook Hoax buried his treasonous preparations for a U.S. civil war/military coup – 1.5 billion hollow point bullets etc.
Recall that the mysterious assassination of the Head of the Northern Alliance Ahmed Shah Massoud just so interestingly occurred just before 9-11 ....
"Most powerful armed group in Syria" takes massive hit
Nearly fifty senior commanders of a major coalition of Islamic ‘moderates’ opposed to ISIS in Syria have been killed by an explosion at their secret command bunker as they met to discuss strategy against the the Islamic State.
The blast in the Northwest region of Idlib, Syria on Tuesday killed senior members of rebel group the Ahrar-al-Sham brigade (AaS), including leader Hassan Abboud and 45 others including senior members from other rebel alliance groups, reports The Times. The Idlib region stands in AaS territory, but it is close to the front-line with ISIS in neighbouring Aleppo.
Sources dispute the source of the blast, with it being unclear whether it was an opposition group, suicide bomber, or accidental explosion at a nearby ammunition dump. Regardless, the incident will destabilise and possibly tear apart the AaS group and associated Islamic Front Coalition which was recently described as “the most powerful armed group in Syria”.
Islamic group Ahrar-al-Sham, whose name translates as ‘The Free Men of Syria’, is one of many movements competing in the inter-rebel conflict in Syria. A number of rebel groups are presently fighting each other as well as besieged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose power base is in West and South-West, for overall control of the Region.
False Flag operations do happen - consider the words of Sibel Edmonds.....
Sibel Edmonds has just released her fantastic spy thriller, The Lone Gladio (available onAmazon). Here’s our review, comparing it to the best of Clancy or Ludlum … but with a twist.
In the real world, Edmonds is a former FBI translator who translated terror-related communications for the FBI right after 9/11. In that capacity, she read communications between terrorists and other radicals.
Edmonds has been deemed credible by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, several senators (free subscription required), and a coalition of prominent conservative and liberal groups.
The ACLU described Edmonds as:
The most gagged person in the history of the United States of America.
Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says that Edmonds possesses information “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers”. He also says that the White House has ordered the press not to cover Edmonds:
I am confident that there is conversation inside the Government as to ‘How do we deal with Sibel [Edmonds]?
The first line of defense is to ensure that she doesn’t get into the media. I think any outlet that thought of using her materials would go to to the government and they would be told “don’t touch this . . . .”
Even Paul Newman praises Edmonds, saying:
Sibel Edmonds would not let an intimidating FBI shut her mouth, and as a result, suffered grievous consequences, but she has persevered and we are better off for her sacrifices.
Edmonds is the founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, a group of high-level national intelligence and security officials.
To understand why Edmonds’ information is so explosive, we need a little background on “Operation Gladio.”
The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.
As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: “You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security” (and see this)(Italy and other European countries subject to the terror campaign had joined NATO before the bombings occurred).
This was codenamed “Operation Gladio”. And watch this BBC special. And see this for the big picture background.
Edmonds told Washington’s Blog that she wrote The Lone Gladio because the FBI classified 100% of her previous book, Classified Woman. When she found out that she doesn’t need to get pre-publication approval for “novels”, she decided to write a novel.
So Edmonds decided to write a work of fiction based on the real-life operation- ‘Operation Gladio B’ – as the context, and with fictional events and characters in the novel The Lone Gladio.
[WASHINGTON’S BLOG]: You’ve previously claimed that Gladio was not terminated with the fall of the Soviet Union, but has continued up until today … the so-called “Gladio B”.
[SIBEL EDMONDS]: Yes. The title “Gladio B” was given by the FBI, because we don’t know what they really call it.
NATO, MI6, MIT (the Turkish military and intelligence service), and the Pentagon, also some outside rogue elements connected with Gladio.
[WASHINGTON’S BLOG]: Did you see – when you were still with the FBI – source documents about this so-called “Gladio B”? In The Lone Gladio, you have a “fictitious” set of memos that have players from NATO, the U.S. State Department and high-level terrorists meeting together. Did you see documents like that when you were at FBI?
[SIBEL EDMONDS]: Yes. I reviewed over 5,000 documents. Not only from FBI’s Washington office. A lot of documents came from FBI’s Chicago office. The document were from the period 1996 through February 2002. There were written documents, and audio translated by FBI translators.
[WASHINGTON’S BLOG]: Were NATO personnel actually mentioned in some of the documents or transcripts you saw as being part of these Gladio B meetings?
[SIBEL EDMONDS]: A number of generals were involved. Both U.S. generals and British generals and other generals involved with NATO. And many recognizable, public names with the U.S. State Department.
Most of this involved people from and State Department and the CIA. These are at the top levels … you’re not going to get operative-level involved with this.
Edmonds explained that the State Department doesn’t just deploy “soft power”, but is involved in many “hard power” operations, often coordinating through well-known “Non-Governmental Organizations” (NGOs).
Specifically, Edmonds explained that numerous well-known NGOs – which claim to focus on development, birth control, women’s rights, fighting oppression and other “magnificent sounding” purposes or seemingly benign issues – act as covers for State Department operations. [Background.] She said that the State Department directly places operatives inside the NGOs.
As one example, Edmonds said that – during the late 90s and early 2000s – perhaps 30-40% of the people working for NGOs operated by George Soros were actually working for the U.S. State Department.
Edmonds also said that Osama Bin Laden – and several other members of his family – were working with U.S. agencies as part of Gladio B right up until 9/11. Edmonds notes that Bin Laden and his family members were helping the West set up terrorist groups in Chechnya up until 9/11.
Edmonds also said that the FBI failed to prosecute any of the criminal activities occurring in the United States as revealed by these documents.
Back to our interview …
[WASHINGTON’S BLOG]: In terms of 9/11, what’s your opinion about whether there werecountries involved, or whether it was rogue Gladio personnel?
[SIBEL EDMONDS]: You have to separate the pawns from the main players. There might have been elements involved within countries: for example Prince Bandar in Saudi Arabia, or Turkish people at the MIT.
But the people who ran the show at the top were NATO and Gladio. And Gladio was under the U.S. It was – and is – an operation under the U.S., for U.S. empire.
As far as people who ran the show, it was the highest levels of NATO, the U.S., MI6, CIA and the Pentagon.
Edmonds says that the entire focus of the U.S. and these related groups is to control the world’s resources, such as oil and gas pipelines in Eurasia.
She explained that many of the people in Eurasian region speak Turkic languages. For that reason, Turkey and its intelligence service – MIT – has been a major conduit for Gladio operations. And since a lot of the resources are in former Soviet countries, a lot of Gladio’s focus has been in those countries.
Postscript: Edmonds has previously stated that Bin Laden – and his number 2 Al Qaeda lieutenant – Ayman al-Zawahiri – worked with the U.S. government for 3 months AFTER 9/11 to coordinate destablization in the Caucus region.
And she previously told Washington’s Blog:
For the past 11 years I have been emphasizing that my State Secrets Privilege & Gag Orders had to do with the FBI files (covering period 1996-2002 February) on covert-terrorist operations in Caucasus and Central Asia backed, managed and armed by US actors. These US-NATO directed operations in the region involved Bin-Laden and mainly Zawahiri …..
The FBI documents contained damning evidence (audio and written) collected between 1996-2002 tying these terror operations directly to the U.S. persons in the State Department/CIA and Pentagon. Also, how the State Department got Congress to grant huge amounts of funds to “front’ NGOs and businesses (mainly Turkish companies in US-listed/members of ATC) to funnel money to the terrorist cells in this region.
If you want to hear Edmonds name some names, watch part 1 and part 2 of her interview with James Corbett.
Apparatus in place for sheeple control.......
Obama’s ISIS War Is Not Only Illegal, It Makes George W. Bush Look Like A Constitutional Scholar
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2014 22:08 -0400

Dollar under attack , might this also be a motivation for "something " ? Russia and China too big for their britches ??
A Lehman moment a concern for Art .....

- Afghanistan
- B+
- Barack Obama
- Iraq
- New York Times
- Obama Administration
- President Obama
- Reuters
- White House
Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,
Rudderless and without a compass, the American ship of state continues to drift, guns blazing.- Andrew J. Bacevich, the Boston University political science professor and former Army colonel who lost his son in the Iraq war in 2007, in a recent Reuters article.
I have spent the past several days outlining my deep concerns about the “ISIS crisis” and Obama’s willingness to employ extreme propaganda in order to once again embark on another poorly thought out military campaign here and here. What I have also come to realize is that his latest war plan is brazenly illegal and unconstitutional.
While critics have been questioning the legality of U.S. military campaigns consistently since the end of World War II, one trend has become increasingly clear. With each new President and each new war, we have witnessed those who hold the office act more and more like dictators, and less and less like constitutional executives.
One very important, and up until recently, overlooked point about Obama’s latest “war on ISIS” is that this is not at all just more of the same. This crosses yet another very important line of shadiness, and if we as as American public allow him to do so, we will suffer grave long-term consequences to our economic future as well as our liberties. This is very serious stuff.
No one has outlined this point better than Bruce Ackerman, a professor of law and political science at Yale, in yesterday’s New York Times op-ed: Obama’s Betrayal of the Constitution. He writes:
BERLIN — PRESIDENT OBAMA’s declaration of war against the terrorist group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria marks a decisive break in the American constitutional tradition. Nothing attempted by his predecessor, George W. Bush, remotely compares in imperial hubris.Mr. Bush gained explicit congressional consent for his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. In contrast, the Obama administration has not even published a legal opinion attempting to justify the president’s assertion of unilateral war-making authority. This is because no serious opinion can be written.This became clear when White House officials briefed reporters before Mr. Obama’s speech to the nation on Wednesday evening. They said a war against ISIS was justified by Congress’s authorization of force against Al Qaeda after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and that no new approval was needed.But the 2001 authorization for the use of military force does not apply here. That resolution — scaled back from what Mr. Bush initially wanted — extended only to nations and organizations that “planned, authorized, committed or aided” the 9/11 attacks.Not only was ISIS created long after 2001, but Al Qaeda publicly disavowed it earlier this year. It is Al Qaeda’s competitor, not its affiliate.Mr. Obama may rightly be frustrated by gridlock in Washington, but his assault on the rule of law is a devastating setback for our constitutional order. His refusal even to ask the Justice Department to provide a formal legal pretext for the war on ISIS is astonishing.Senators and representatives aren’t eager to step up to the plate in October when, however they decide, their votes will alienate some constituents in November’s midterm elections. They would prefer to let the president plunge ahead and blame him later if things go wrong. But this is precisely why the War Powers Resolution sets up its 60-day deadline: It rightly insists that unless Congress is willing to stand up and be counted, the war is not worth fighting in the name of the American people.But for now the president seems grimly determined to practice what Mr. Bush’s lawyers only preached. He is acting on the proposition that the president, in his capacity as commander in chief, has unilateral authority to declare war.In taking this step, Mr. Obama is not only betraying the electoral majorities who twice voted him into office on his promise to end Bush-era abuses of executive authority. He is also betraying the Constitution he swore to uphold.
Think about this for a second. Barack Obama is using the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), which allowed for military action against “nations and organizations that planned, authorized, committed or aided the 9/11 attacks.” ISIS wasn’t even a twinkle in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s eye back in September 2001. Even more stunning, ISIS and al-Qaeda more closely resemble enemies than allies. Yet this doesn’t seem to affect Nobel Peace Prize winning Barry Obama’s war planning. You can’t get much more insane and Orwellian than that.
Who cares right? This won’t ever affect you. So what if some bombs fall on innocent Arab civilians? Wrong.
One of the most terrifying aspects of this whole war push if Obama is able to pull it off, is that the reasoning (or lack thereof) could ultimately be applied to the detention of U.S. citizens indefinitely without a trial.
Yes, what I am referring to is the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, which allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens without a trial. I covered this frequently several years ago when Chris Hedges and others were suing the Obama Administration regarding the constitutionality of this law. In fact, one of my most popular posts ever was, NDAA: The Most Important Lawsuit in American History that No One is Talking About.
One of the ways in which the U.S. government has defended the NDAA is by saying it can only be used against “a person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.” Glenn Greenwald noted in Salon in his, Three Myths About the Detention Bill, that:
Section 1021 of the NDAA governs, as its title says, “Authority of the Armed Forces to Detain Covered Persons Pursuant to the AUMF.” The first provision — section (a) — explicitly “affirms that the authority of the President” under the AUMF ”includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons.” The next section, (b), defines “covered persons” — i.e., those who can be detained by the U.S. military — as “a person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.”
Notice that the above says “pursuant to the AUMF,” which is the exact law the Obama Administration is using to justify his latest war. If he is able to start a war with ISIS based on the AUMF, despite the fact that ISIS and al-Qaeda are not allies at all, he or a future President could similarly use the AUMF and the NDAA to imprison anyone, anywhere for an indefinite amount of time based on the same absurd non-claim.
Let this all sink in for a second. Do you still support these ISIS strikes?
Central Banks for UK , ECB and Fed all have scheduled meetings next week and of course the " Too close to call " Scotland Independence Referendum is set for next week as well ! Othe items to ponder......
The Fed...
The Fed Has A Big Surprise Waiting For You
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2014 - 19:21

The US economy is dead. The Fed has known this for a long time, but pumped it up to where it is now to draw in all the greater fools, the so-called big investors who have made money like honey from QE and ZIRP. They are the greater fools. The American real economy ceased being a consideration long ago. We’re in for big surprises, and they won’t be pretty, they’ll be pretty nasty. There are far too many people who think of themselves as smart who don’t see the difference between a theater play and a reality show. The Fed will raise rates because that will make the biggest banks the most money. There’s nothing else that matters. The Fed can’t revive the US economy, that’s just a foolish notion. But it can suck a lot of wealth out of it.
Notice desperation on behalf of the " No " Vote side ?
This Sunday Telegraph article seems to suggest a new ICM poll shows 8% lead for YES. Unconfirmed though http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scottish-independence/11092495/Whatever-happens-nothing-will-ever-be-the-same-again.html … #indyref
#Glasgow absolutely buzzing today/this evening. Something is definitely in the air :) #Scotland #indyref #voteyes #YES
Thoughtful piece by @RoryStewartUK about grave implications of #indyref http://bit.ly/1qMJ66B @jamiemaccoll
Senior bankers have dismissed claims that independence could trigger a great depression as “preposterous” #indyref
Scotland's banks threaten to leave
September 11 - CNNMoney http://money.cnn.com/2014/09/11/news/economy/scotland-independence-banks/ …
Professor: #BBC's anti-Scottish independence bias increases as vote draws closer http://bit.ly/1oH8FBa
#Scotland’s First Minister accused London of 'abuse of power' over treasury leaks http://bit.ly/YGhvtk
Is Scotland Big Enough To Go It Alone?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2014 - 18:16
As Scotland goes to the polls to decide on its own separation from the United Kingdom, the tone of the campaign is high on passion and secessionists are inching toward the magical 50 percent line. One core debate is whether Scotland is too small and too insignificant to go it alone... The answer, perhaps surprisingly, is resoundingly “Yes!” Scotland’s big enough to “survive” on its own, and indeed is very likely to become richer out of the secession. Nearer to the small-is-rich Ireland than the big-but-poor Britain left behind.
Credit Suisse Warns Of "Self-Fueling Negative Feedback" In Scotland; Here's Who Is Exposed
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2014 - 21:36
Credit Suisse warns of a self-fuelling feedback loop of rising risks and costs to the Scottish financial and sovereign sectors, and a steady migration of capital, activity, jobs and taxes if the Scots vote "Yes". However, if the vote is a close "no", they warn "the cat is out of the bag," and risk remains.
Curious case of the dog that didn't bark in the night - why no noise or squawking this go round by Kiev , EU or US ????

Russia Sends Second Humanitarian Convoy Into Ukraine, And Nobody Says A Word
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/13/2014 - 10:43
About a month ago, when Russia sent a humanitarian convoy to aid ethnic Russians in east Ukraine, the Western world, and of course media, screamed bloody murder, with everyone from NATO to the Kiev government declaring it, without a shadow of a doubt, an invasion, a Trojan Horse, and a convoy of arms deliveries for the rebels caught in the Ukraine civil war, not necessarily in that order. Nobody thought it could possibly be just that: a convoy of humanitarian aid delivering provisions to hundreds of thousands of civilians caught in the middle of a war. Then finally, after weeks of delays, the convoy was allowed in and after unloading its cargo, promptly returned to Russia without a single incident.
Dollar under attack , might this also be a motivation for "something " ? Russia and China too big for their britches ??
End Of Empire - The 'De-Dollarization' Chart That China And Russia Are Banking On
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2014 - 21:06

History did not end with the Cold War and, as Mark Twain put it, whilst history doesn’t repeat it often rhymes. As Alexander, Rome and Britain fell from their positions of absolute global dominance, so too has the US begun to slip. America’s global economic dominance has been declining since 1998, well before the Global Financial Crisis. A large part of this decline has actually had little to do with the actions of the US but rather with the unraveling of a century’s long economic anomaly. China has begun to return to the position in the global economy it occupied for millenia before the industrial revolution. Just as the dollar emerged to global reserve currency status as its economic might grew, so the chart below suggests the increasing push for de-dollarization across the 'rest of the isolated world' may be a smart bet...

Europe Folds To Russian Demands, Delays Ukraine Free Trade Deal By Over A Year
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/12/2014 - 17:17
While the world was poring through the details of the latest round of preannounced western sanctions against Russia - a round which Russia commented would have little actual impact - and just as excitedly awaiting the Kremlin's retaliation, which Putin warned is coming shortly, far from the glare of the center stageEurope quietly folded to a bigger Russian demand namely to delay the implementation of a Ukraine free trade deal by more than one year until the end of 2015 and likely beyond.
A Lehman moment a concern for Art .....
Art Cashin: "Things Could Theoretically Turn Into What I Call A Lehman Moment"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/13/2014 - 15:23
Q. What are traders talking about at the present time here at the New York Stock Exchange?
Cashin: We are concerned about two questions. First, how will the Fed do in keeping money reasonably easy without causing inflation? Second, where do we stand with the current geopolitical challenges? For now, these challenges seem to be short term concerns. But should we begin to see a financial contagion and pressure building on banks in Europe, perhaps out of the Ukraine situation, things could theoretically turn into what I call a «Lehman moment». That is when markets come under pressure but seem to be under control, and then things change suddenly.
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