Commentary on the economic , geopolitical and simply fascinating things going on. Served occasionally with a side of snark.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Ebola in the US ? Reflections on August 3 , 2014 ....... Pondering the " What if " question - that being - What if Ebola is already here ? That makes the very recent August 1 , 2014 Executive Order from President Obama very interesting by way of timing and circumstance ......
Here we go.....
A biological anthropologist from Cambridge University, Dr. Peter Walsh, has raised an alert over the potential use of the deadly Ebola virus that is being called "out of control" in Africa and has killed up to 800 people already, as a "dirty bomb," stating that "a “serious risk is that a group manages to harness the virus as a powder, then explodes it in a bomb in a highly populated public area. It could cause a large number of horrific deaths.”
While all samples of the Ebola virus in a handful of advanced research facilities around the are tightly guarded, it would be possible that terrorist groups could get samples of infected material direct from West Africa — home of the feared Boko Haram Islamic extremist group.
Back in April 2014, when the death toll of the Ebola virus in Guinea was at 83, a report from Guineeinformation indicated that members of the Boko Haram Islamic terror group were already scouring the forests in search of bodies and clothes from Ebola victims in order to turn themselves into Ebola Kamikazes, so Dr. Walsh's fears are not without basis.
Some members of the NGO itself as representing Moroccan doctors who stayed in Guinea, the visit of King Mohamed VI in Guinea is already distributed with objects of victims, and the clothes they had taken from the corpses.
Others seek to access the graves of other victims in exchange for large sums of money against any information on the locations of graves.
The jihad of the West African region have opted for a new weapon more deadly for more victims of terror in their project. Technical inferiority to the armies of the sub-region, assisted by Western powers; AQIM and Boko Haram wants to find in this epidemic of Ebola, a way to paralyze the subregion and quarantine around the world.
More developments that suggest the possibility that US biowarfare operators may be involved with Ebola research, and quite possibly the outbreak in Africa.
Ebola is notoriously incurable (and the strain at large its most lethal), it is overwhelming to hear that "Secret Serum Likely Saved Ebola Patients," as we do this morning from Gupta's every-20-minute CNN reports. He writes:
Three top secret, experimental vials stored at subzero temperatures were flown into Liberia last week in a last-ditch effort to save two American missionary workers [Drs. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol] who had contracted Ebola, according to a source familiar with details of the treatment.
Brantly had been working for the Christian aid organization Samaritan's Purse as medical director of the Ebola Consolidation Case Management Center in Monrovia, Liberia. The group yesterday confirmed that he received a dose of an experimental serum before leaving the country.
In Gupta's optimistic assessment, Brantly's "near complete recovery" began within hours of receiving the treatment that "likely saved his life." Writebol is also reportedly improved since receiving the treatment, known as zMapp. But to say that it was a secret implies a frigid American exceptionalism; that the people of West Africa are dying in droves while a classified cure lies in wait...
[T]he proprietary blend of three monoclonal antibodies known as zMapp had never been tested in humans. It had previously been tested in eight monkeys with Ebola who survived—though all received treatment within 48 hours of being infected. A monkey treated outside of that exposure window did not survive. That means very little is known about the safety and effectiveness of this treatment—so little that outside of extreme circumstances like this, it would not be legal to use. Gupta speculates that the FDA may have allowed it under the compassionate use exemption.
From the very sparse web site of the zMapp developer, Mapp Biopharmecutical:
ZMappTM is the result ofa collaboration between MappBiopharmaceutical,Inc. and LeafBio(San Diego,CA), Defyrus Inc.(Toronto, Canada),the U.S. government and thePublicHealthAgency ofCanada (PHAC).
Among its partners, LeafBio lists: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) – Virology Division and Defence Research and Development Canada From an August 2013 U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) report:
Scientists have successfully treated the deadly Ebola virus in infected animals following onset of disease symptoms, according to a report published online today in Science Translational Medicine. The results show promise for developing therapies against the virus, which causes hemorrhagic fever with human case fatality rates as high as 90 percent. According to first author James Pettitt of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the research team previously demonstrated that the treatment—known as MB-003—protected 100 percent of non-human primates when given one hour after Ebola exposure. Two-thirds of the animals were protected when treated 48 hours after exposure... “By requiring both a documentable fever and a positive diagnostic assay result for Ebola infection before initiating treatment in these animals, we were able to use MB-003 as a true therapeutic countermeasure,” said senior author Gene Olinger, Ph.D., of USAMRIID. “These initial results push the threshold of MB-003 from post-exposure prophylaxis to treating verified illness.”... USAMRIID’s mission is to protect the warfighter from biological threats and to be prepared to investigate disease outbreaks or threats to public health. Research conducted at USAMRIID leads to medical solutions—vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and information—that benefit both military personnel and civilians. The Institute plays a key role as the lead military medical research laboratory for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Joint Science and Technology Office for Chemical and Biological Defense. USAMRIID is a subordinate laboratory of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command.
UPDATE: The firm producing (part of?) zMapp is Kentucky Bioprocessing, LLC (KBP)
Hugh Haydon is the founding Chairman and CEO of KBP.
Prior to assuming his current role with KBP, Haydon served as Executive Vice-President of Programs for a Washington, DC based consulting group providing strategic and implementation direction to various research, development and commercialization programs for the United States Department for Homeland Security.
According to, since 2010 KBP has secured and successfully executed over $30 million in contracts with the United States Department of Defense "aimed at protecting the warfighter and general public from various biological threats."
In 1999, Haydon was presented with the Kentucky Distinguished Service Medal for his service in support of the Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs.
The big questions:
1. Was the U.S. military only doing research to find a treatment or were they attempting to also develop Ebola as a biowarfare weapon?
“At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014,” Breitbart reported.
The report also noted a significant number of illegal immigrants caught crossing the border are from Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, countries where Islamic terrorists are active.
Texas Governor Rick Perry underscored this potential threat when he told CNN some illegal immigrants coming across the border are from countries with substantial terrorist ties.
The mention of possible terrorist infiltration and Ebola sets the stage for a scary prospect — a biological attack on America.
For the government this represents an opportunity to expand a terror narrative that has dominated domestic and foreign policy for over a decade.
“The increase in natural outbreaks in [Africa], coupled with a possibility of a terrorist group recruiting experts to acquire the virus and to prepare it to use as a bioweapon, should lead policymakers to consider the risk of a deliberate outbreak,” Amanda M. Teckman wrote for the journal.
Although weaponization of Ebola is complex and unlikely, experts in the field say transmission of the virus by air has occurred between animals. They believe “with advancing knowledge about how to manipulate viruses, the traits that make these [hemorrhagic fever virus agents] difficult to weaponize might be a diminishing barrier.” Additionally, a “reverse genetics system provides a way to produce highly virulent mutated viruses for the purpose of biological warfare or biological terrorism,” scientists believe, according to Teckman’s research.
It remains to be seen if a terrorist group like ISIS – which has demonstrated a willingness to engage in large scale mass murder, including the uninhibited murder of civilians – has the capability to produce a weaponized version of Ebola.
If ISIS manages to defeat the al-Assad regime in Syria it may come into possession of biological weapons. According to U.S. intelligence the Syrians have a biological weapon program run out of the Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) in Damascus with labs in Aleppo and Homs.
“The SSRC is a huge complex, with wings and units designated for specific pathogen research. The labs are state of the art and, unlike chemical weapons, stockpiling biological weapons is obsolete. The infrastructure to support both clandestine and legitimate research is identical, making identification of the development of biological weapons exceptionally difficult,” the National Interest reported last September.
In October British experts at the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) “issued a stark warning over what they say is the ‘clear and present danger’ of Al Qaeda gaining possession of the Assad regime’s stockpile of biological weapons, claiming to have substantial evidence that Al Qaeda-linked groups may already have possession of toxic agents,” Israel National News reported.
“Unlike chemical weapons, maintained in military designated stockpiles which are generally identifiable and which Assad maintains command and control over, the structure of Syria’s biological warfare programs are latent, compartmentalized and spread across its remaining bio-pharmaceutical infrastructure. The programs are designed to be highly agile to allow swift production if required,” the HJS report explains.
“Worryingly, the report suggests that the Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front may already have possession of ‘biological pathogens or weaponized agents either of which would pose a threat to the international community.’”
This does not mean Syria has developed weaponized Ebola, only that it likely has a sophisticated biological weapons program and, if the victory trajectory of ISIS continues, viral agents may fall into the hands of terrorists who would use the weapon in an attack in the United States or Europe.
Biological Terror Meme Part of U.S. Propaganda War
Despite the infeasibility of terrorists acquiring sophisticated biological weapons, the U.S. government has constructed a narrative portraying al-Qaeda as a terrorist group fully capable of launching a biological attack.
Key figures in the al-Qaeda constellation have professed a desire to use biological weapons. For instance, U.S.-born Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda leader reportedly killed in a drone attack in 2011, called for the use of biological weapons. “The use of chemical and biological weapons against population centers is allowed and is strongly recommended,” he wrote for the al-Qaeda magazine, Inspire.
Ebola is deadly and contagious. 90% of those who catch it die quickly.
Normally, the extreme lethality of Ebola means that the virus quickly “burns itself out”. Specifically, if a villager eats an infected fruit bat and comes down with Ebola, it quickly kills the villager and everyone around him … and then the spread stops because it can’t travel to the next village over.
In other words, extreme deadliness of Ebola normally insures that it doesn’t spread very far.
But – for the first time in history – it is now spreading worldwide. As Michael Snyder notes:
#1 As the chart below demonstrates, the spread of Ebola is starting to become exponential…
#2 This is already the worst Ebola outbreak in recorded history by far.
#4 The head of Doctors Without Borders says that this outbreak is “out of control“.
#5 So far, more than 100 health workers that were on the front lines fighting the virus have ended up contracting Ebola themselves. This is happening despite the fact that they go to extraordinary lengths to keep from getting the disease.
As Dr. Sanjay Gupta notes, there have been lapses in safety at the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. hospitals in treating infectious diseases.
So why is the U.S. flying in Ebola patients to be treated on U.S. soil?
Yes, I feel sorry for the American aid workers who were trying to do good in Africa by helping those infected with Ebola. But the risk of losing containment of this beast is too high.
When news broke that the Ebola virus had resurfaced in Uganda, investigators in Canada were making headlines of their own with research indicating the deadly virus may spread between species, through the air.
The team, comprised of researchers from the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, the University of Manitoba, and the Public Health Agency of Canada, observed transmission of Ebola from pigs to monkeys. They first inoculated a number of piglets with the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus. Ebola-Zaire is the deadliest strain, with mortality rates up to 90 percent. The piglets were then placed in a room with four cynomolgus macaques, a species of monkey commonly used in laboratories. The animals were separated by wire cages to prevent direct contact between the species.
Within a few days, the inoculated piglets showed clinical signs of infection indicative of Ebola infection. In pigs, Ebola generally causes respiratory illness and increased temperature. Nine days after infection, all piglets appeared to have recovered from the disease.
Within eight days of exposure, two of the four monkeys showed signs of Ebola infection. Four days later, the remaining two monkeys were sick too. It is possible that the first two monkeys infected the other two, but transmission between non-human primates has never before been observed in a lab setting.
While the study provided evidence that transmission of Ebola between species is possible, researchers still cannot say for certain how that transmission actually occurred. There are three likely candidates for the route of transmission: airborne, droplet, or fomites.
Airborne and droplet transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others; the difference lies in the size of the infective particles. Smaller droplets persist in the air longer and are able to travel farther- these droplets are truly “airborne.” Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated with infectious agents. In this study, a monkey’s cage could have been contaminated when workers were cleaning a nearby pig cage. If the monkey touched the contaminated cage surface and then its mouth or eyes, it could have been infected.
Author Dr. Gary Kobinger suspects that the virus is transmitted through droplets, not fomites, because evidence of infection in the lungs of the monkeys indicated that the virus was inhaled.
What do these findings mean? First and foremost, Ebola is not suddenly an airborne disease. As expert commentators at ProMED stated, the experiments “demonstrate the susceptibility of pigs to Zaire Ebolavirus and that the virus from infected pigs can be transmitted to macaques under experimental conditions… they fall short of establishing that this is a normal route of transmission in the natural environment.” Furthermore, because human Ebola outbreaks have historically been locally contained, it is unlikely that Ebola can spread between humans via airborne transmission.
However, the study does raise the possibility that pigs are a host for Ebola. If this proves to be true in the wild, there are direct ramifications for prevention and control measures. It is still unclear what role pigs play in the chain of transmission. To continue work on answering this question, the team plans to take samples from pigs in areas known to have recently experienced Ebola outbreaks.
The Disease Daily has previously reported on Dr. Kobinger’s work on the Ebola vaccine.
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta spoke about six patients in New York City that were tested for Ebola and one who had recently traveled to Africa that is undergoing tests for the Ebola virus on Monday’s broadcast of “Wolf.” Gupta said, “I would guess by tomorrow sometime we'll have a better idea” what malady the individual has.
He also pointed out that even though the patient isn’t in isolation, “This isn't the kind of thing that they worry about spreading to other patients in the hospital, spreading to people who are walking around the hospital. This is not an airborne virus. This is something that spreads only when somebody is very sick and they start to actually shed the virus in their bodily fluids. So, it's somebody who comes in contact with those bodily fluids who is not protected. While we don't know the particular story with this patient, we don't know if in fact he has the Ebola infection, in terms of concern for the hospital population at large or the population around the hospital, it's still very minimal.”
Gupta added, “There have been about a half-a-dozen patients who have had their blood tested because of the concern. Those particular patients, their stories were not made public. This patient was. I'm not sure if that's because of heightened concern by the hospital or what that means exactly. But, again, we just can't say for sure until the final tests come back and you know, they want to be sure on this. It takes about a day or so.”
Anchor Wolf Blitzer concluded by pointing out that all of these six individuals tested negative for Ebola.
Monday on Newsmax TV's "America Forum," Dr. Ben Carson said we should not have brought the Ebola infected missionaries back to the United States.
Carson criticized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pointed out we could send a hospital equipped plane or set up a properly equipped hospital on location in Africa.
The former director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, explained a simple medical mistake could cause the disease to spread within the borders of the United States because the bodily fluids of an infected patients remain infected for many days.
When questioned whether the fear in the Untied States is a valid, Carson answered, "It is very real. It is a highly contagious disease and all it requires is some infractions in procedures and all of a sudden you have got more spread and that's what I'm afraid of."
Ebola fears: A passenger died at Gatwick after getting off a glight fromm Sierra Leone
Airport staff tonight told of their fears of an Ebola outbreak after a passenger from Sierra Leone collapsed and died as she got off a plane at Gatwick.
Workers said they were terrified the virus could spread globally through the busy international hub from the West African country which is in the grip of the deadly epidemic.
The woman, said to be 72, became ill on the gangway after she left a Gambia Bird jet with 128 passengers on board. She died in hospital on Saturday.
Ebola has killed 256 people in Sierra Leone. A total of 826 have died in West Africa since the outbreak began in February. Tests were carried out to see if the woman had disease.
The plane was quarantined as officials desperately tried to trace everyone who had been in contact with the woman.
Airport workers faced an anxious wait to see if the woman had Ebola. One said: “Everyone’s just petrified.
“We’ve all seen how many people have died from Ebola, especially in Sierra Leone, and it’s terrifying.”
Speaking of the horrific moment the passenger collapsed, the shocked staff member added: “The woman was sweating buckets and vomiting.
“Paramedics arrived to try and help her. The next thing everybody was there… emergency crews, airfield operations, even immigration.
“They closed down the jet bridge and put the aircraft into quarantine.
“They took everyone’s details, even the guy who fuels the aircraft.”
The plane carrying the woman came from Freetown in Sierra Leone – a country with the highest number of victims from the disease.
It stopped at Banjul in The Gambia before landing in Gatwick at 8.15am on Saturday after a five-hour flight.
Public Health England tried to allay fears of an Ebola breakout in Britain.
It said the woman showed no symptoms during the flight.
Out of Africa: A Gambia Bird jet
One official added: “Public Health England is aware a passenger arriving on a flight from The Gambia that landed at Gatwick airport on Saturday fell ill shortly after disembarking.
"The passenger was taken to hospital and sadly died.
“In line with standard procedures, tests are being undertaken to determine the cause of death.
“The patient’s symptoms suggest that Ebola is very unlikely but as a precaution this is one of the tests being undertaken.
"The patient was not symptomatic on the plane and therefore there is no risk of Ebola being passed on to either flight crew or other passengers.
“England has world class health care and disease control systems which are active permanently, regularly tested and proven to be effective.
“As such, if the UK does see a case of imported Ebola, this will not result in an outbreak in this country.”
Killer: The Ebola virus
South East Ambulance Service confirmed it had dealt with the sick woman at the airport.
Communications chief Janine Compton said: “We attended Gatwick airport at 8.30am on Saturday to attend an adult female patient who was seriously ill.
"She was taken to East Surrey Hospital in Redhill where she subsequently died.”
A Gatwick airport spokeswoman added: “A passenger collapsed after disembarking a flight from the Gambia.
"She was treated by airport medical staff at the scene but died later in hospital. The cause of death is yet to be confirmed.”
At around 11pm on Sunday, the Department of Health said that tests for the deadly Ebola virus on the woman who died at Gatwick had proved negative.
There is no cure for Ebola. Symptoms in the later stages include external and internal bleeding, vomiting and diarrhoea.
At this point the disease is highly contagious.
Victims have a 90% chance of dying, although doctors said in this epidemic the rate is 60%.
The outbreak began in the forests of eastern Guinea in February. It quickly spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone.
A jump in the number of cases and the death toll has raised international concern and placed under-resourced health facilities in the West African nations under strain.
Last week, the Ebola crisis was described as out of control by World Health Organisation chief Margaret Chan and could be “catastrophic”.
At the same time, Sierra Leone declared a state of emergency and called in troops to quarantine victims. Liberia also imposed controls.
Ms Chan revealed 60 doctors, nurses and health care workers had now lost their lives trying to save others. She said: “This outbreak is moving faster than our efforts to control it.
“If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption as well as a high risk of spread to
other countries.”
Ms Chan met the presidents of Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast. She told them: “This meeting must mark a turning point in the outbreak response.”
The U.S. government will begin testing on people an experimental Ebola vaccine as early as September, after seeing positive results from tests on primates, according to media reports on Thursday.
The National Institutes of Health’s infectious disease unit is working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to put the vaccine into trial as quickly as possible, according to CNN and USA Today. The director of that unit could not be reached for comment.
A Tennessee doctor, working at the same Liberian clinic as Dr. Kent Brantly - the Ebola-infected American who was flown to Atlanta yesterday for treatment - has placed himself in quarantine as a "precaution for [his] family." As ABC reports, Alan Jamison, a retired pediatrician, returned home to Morristown, Tenn., after he was evacuated from Liberia by the aid group he was volunteering for, says he's "feeling well" and showing no sign of symptoms; and claims since landing in the US, he said he's had no physical contact with anyone. As Mark St.Cyr notes, the Ebola virus which has been separated from the U.S. populace by the fortune of geological positioning has not only arrived on our doorstep, but was flown in deliberately on its own personal G5. Many are asking questions of; why? But perhaps the more crucial question is 'what if?' The what if question was this: "What if they need to bring them back because they had no choice? What if the reason they need to get them into better facilities is for the worst of all reasons? i.e., It’s already here."
A Tennessee doctor who placed himself in quarantine after volunteering in West Africa, where the Ebola virus is rampant, says he's "feeling well" and showing no sign of symptoms.
Alan Jamison, a retired pediatrician, returned home to Morristown, Tenn., after he was evacuated from Liberia by the aid group he was volunteering for -- working at the same hospital as Dr. Kent Brantly, an American now fighting the deadly virus.
"I feel very comfortable and I'm looking forward to being able to be with my family again," Jamison told ABC News via Skype.
Since landing in the U.S., he said he's had no physical contact with anyone and has only been near his daughter, who picked him up from the airport. Jamison said he plans to hole up at home until the 21-day incubation period is completed.
"I'm out of the major risk period right [now]," he said. "The isolation that I'm going through right now is in excess of what the CDC suggested for the precaution for my family."
Jamison isn't sure how Brantly, who is in isolation and expected to arrive in the U.S. next week, became infected with Ebola.
"He was very cognizant and careful with the hygiene precautions that he used," Jamison said. "I'm not sure how it occurred that he was exposed."
Often times we get caught up in the asking of why rather than asking what if. It sounds like such a subtle distinction and for some it’s an exercise not worth pursuing. However, it is sometimes this very innocuous line of questioning that is the only thing that gets at the root of many issues facing not only business in general, but sometimes rooting out the answers one doesn’t want to actually face – never mind deal with.
Personally I made many of my marks in business by being the person who more often than not had to pick up the pieces or control their trajectory as to where they may land ahead of time during my tenure in the business world. Today the professional moniker is “an expert in Crisis Management.”
Expert is not for vanity’s sake. If I had done it once that could be racked up to chance, twice could be coincidence, but three times and more and you’ve distinguished yourself with a track record.
Although I have always been somewhat of a contrarian, it was when a friend of mine years earlier asked me a rhetorical question during a crisis taking place where we lived that shaped much of my reasoning and understandings for years to come.
Earlier that day the city where we grew up experienced a power outage causing a city-wide black out that was still not resolved as we were talking later that afternoon.
The outage occurred during the mid morning. It wasn’t as if the streets or neighborhoods were cloaked in darkness. Yet, in less than 30 to 45 minutes after the outage started looters began smashing windows downtown and stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down.
It didn’t start with just one, it was a mob from all accounts that started the spree.
As we were discussing the reasons for “why” and more he made a statement that sticks with me to this day: “You keep asking why would they do this so quickly. The question you need to answer is, what if this is what they were waiting for?” That subtle change in questioning changes everything both in how you address the “why” and more.
Again it changes the thought process in how one looks as to deal with situations in their heads while opening up lines of questioning that help one zero in and fix a true underlying issue; rather than addressing or wasting time arguing moot points. i.e., If you only think about why someone is looting in general terms you rationalize the intent (boredom, mob behavior, frustration, etc.) far different from what if the intent was as soon as opportunity showed itself – that was what was to be done.
His reasoning was it happened far too quick. He said, “People just don’t lose the power and begin smashing windows 30 minutes later unless that’s exactly what you were waiting for.
Whether he was right or wrong didn’t matter. His line of thinking in objective analysis was spot on and I never forgot it. Plus it has served me well these decades later throughout my professional life.
So what does all this have to do about the issues today?
Well, it has a lot to do with what has just transpired in Atlanta in the willful experiment in both transporting as well as containing one of the world’s worst known viruses to the United States.
I use the words “experiment” as well as “willful” deliberately for this has never been done here before.
As of right now the Ebola virus which has been separated from the U.S. populace by the fortune of geological positioning has not only arrived on our doorstep, but was flown in deliberately on its own personal G5. Many are asking questions of; why?
I was speaking with a friend where I pondered a “what if” rhetorical rebuttal to their questioning of “why” and they nearly froze. As I said before: Changing why to what if many times opens up far more doors than one first believed even available.
The what if question was this: “What if they need to bring them back because they had no choice? What if the reason they need to get them into better facilities is for the worst of all reasons? i.e., It’s already here.”
Of course this is absolutely nothing more than a thought experiment. I’m not trying to be an alarmist banging pots and pans out in the streets with a sign around my neck claiming “The End Is Near!” Nor, do I have, know, or pretend to know what we should or should not be doing. I’m just asking a question because the answers are far too important and meaningful to not only business, but for much, much, more.
Here’s why one really needs to think (and that means clearly and rationally) for there are just too many other things happening that no one wants to even consider, let alone ponder “what ifs.”
Here’s what we know as of today. Not speculation, not hyperbole, not innuendo, but fact.
First: We know as of today we have an out of control southern border crisis where tens of thousands of both children and more are crossing in droves. Many have confirmed cases of infections diseases such as tuberculosis and others that have been all but eradicated in the U.S. currently.
What we also know is: we don’t know who or all the identities of those that crossed are. We know the bulk, but what about god forbid just one terrorist mixed within carrying the deadly Ebola virus. What if that were to be true?
Second: We know that there were infected people with this deadly virus detained and isolated after being seen visually suffering from the virus at: an airport. Albeit in the country of origin, but as I said earlier the question to ask is “what if” one made it past?
Third: This could have far more impact to western civilization and its society than any conventional means of warfare could ever have. And the people wanting to inflict harm are more than willing to use any and all means to bring about that end. No matter how hard one tries to equate or affix the immorality as to why one wouldn’t or shouldn’t.
I’ve talked, debated, and down right argued with people many times over the years where they begin to get up in arms as to defend positions through the “why” frame of reference. Well, “why would people to do this?” or “Why would one do that when …..?” (you can fill in the blank.)
What has over turned their soap box over whether it be about business, or just plain discussions on life more often than not is when I posit the “what if.” e.g., What if it doesn’t work? What if that doesn’t happen? What if there’s another reason? What if what you think to be true is in actuality wrong? This is when and where the questioning, reasoning, breakthroughs and more have happened. I believe you get what I’m trying to convey.
Don’t take any of this as a slam of the poor victims we just brought back. I have great compassion as well as admiration for these doctors and others that have the courage of their convictions to walk head first into a truly horrific condition as to try not only heal, but to help foster ways as to prevent.
These people are doing work where statutes should be erected at every public square in their honor. I understand and can easily rationalize all of the “whys” these people would embark on such truly humanitarian work.
What I currently fear is that once again I’m near alone where no one seems to even be thinking, let alone contemplating the obvious…
What If?
Finally, if you were wondering just how Ebola outbreaks spread so quickly, SCMP has created the ultimate history of how one of the deadliest viruses on earth, with a 90% mortality rate, is spreading faster than efforts to control it.
A plane carrying Dr. Kent Brantly, the American doctor who contracted Ebola while treating patients in West Africa, landed at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Georgia, at around 11am this morning - the first ever case of Ebola on US soil. He is being escorted to Emory Hospital under police escort. His colleague Nancy Writebol will arrive later on a separate flight as the planes are equipped to deal with one quarantined patient at a time. As ABC reports, both are listed in "serious but stable condition." The CDC's director explained the infected patients pose little risk to others, adding "these are American citizens. American citizens have a right of return. I certainly hope people’s fear doesn’t trump their compassion." What is perhaps raising that fear among Americans (and frankly the world after yesterday's WHO warning of "high risks of spread to other countries") is the fact that, as Reuters reports, more than 100 health workers fighting Ebola have contracted it themselves.
"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries,"
Info wars.....
The plane carrying the second American patient who contracted Ebola while working in Liberia will leave the U.S. for the West African country later today and is expected to return Tuesday, a U.S. official told ABC News.
The private air ambulance is scheduled to take off today and arrive in Liberia after one stopover, the official said. The plane will then bring aid worker Nancy Writebol to Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Ga., and is expected to land midday Tuesday.
The same plane brought Dr. Kent Brantly to Georgia on Saturday. He’s undergoing treatment at Emory University Hospital, where Writebol will be treated after she arrives in the U.S.
Despite the fact that doctors in Africa cannot keep Ebola from spreading, United States officials brought an affected patient into the country only days afterPresident Obama signed an executive order mandating the detention of Americans who show signs of “respiratory illness.”
The first known Ebola patient on U.S. soil, Dr. Kent Brantly, was flown into Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, todayafter contracting the disease in Liberiaduring the latest outbreak in West Africa which has claimed thelives of over 700.
“Video from Emory showed someone wearing a white, full-body protective suit helping a similarly clad person emerge from the ambulance and walk into the hospital early Saturday afternoon,” CNN reported.
This has stoked concerns among the American public that Ebola could now spread inside the U.S., especially since the virus has been difficult to contain in Africa.
“It sounds like the perfect script for a horror movie: A virus with no vaccine and no cure kills hundreds of people; despite containment efforts, it keeps spreading, but it’s actually all too real in West Africa, where doctors have said Ebola is now ‘out of control,’” wrote Sheila M. Eldred for Discovery News.
“Allegedly the Ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms, but we already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections,” columnist Paul Craig Roberts wrote. “What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola infected persons eat and drink and who gets to clean the bed pans?”
“One slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose.”
This really highlights the reckless nature of the global elite and government officials for importing a virus into the country which has no specific treatment and a mortality rate of up to 90%.
Similarly, state-funded universities and other facilities across the U.S. are maintaining weaponized viruses for so-called “bio-defense” under the Project Bioshield Act passed by Congress in 2004, but because these facilities are only moderately secure for the most part, there is a real risk that a deadly virus could escape into the public and affect millions of Americans in an outbreak on the same level as the pandemics which killed 80% of Native American populations by the 19th century.
The National Research Council found that one of these laboratories in Kansas, for example, has a70% chance that a virus will spread from its lab in the next 50 years, even though the facility is designated as “maximum security.”
And it should also be pointed out that this is just one lab out of many in the nation, a good percentage of which have even less security.
Simply put, instead of preventing Ebola and other viruses from spreading within the U.S., Obama is readying his administration for a power grab if a major pandemic breaks out throughout the country.
Image Credits: YouTube
You show people a germ and you tell them what it is and what it does, and people salute. They give in. They believe. They actually know nothing. But they believe.
The massive campaign to make people believe the Ebola virus can attack at any moment, after the slightest contact, is quite a success.
People are falling all over themselves to raise the level of hysteria.
This is what is preventing a hard look at Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Republic Guinea, three African nations where poverty and illness are staples of everyday life for the overwhelming number of people.
The command structure in those areas has a single dictum: don’t solve the human problem.
Don’t clean up the contaminated water supplies, don’t return stolen land to the people so they can grow food and finally achieve nutritional health, don’t solve overcrowding, don’t install basic sanitation, don’t strengthen their immune systems so they can ward off germs, don’t let the people have power—because then they would throw off the local and global corporate juggernauts that are sucking the land of all its resources.
In order not to solve the problems of the people, a cover story is necessary. A cover story that exonerates the power structure.
Forget everything else. The germ is the single enemy.
Forget the fact, for example, that a recent study of 15 pharmacies and 5 hospital drug dispensaries in Sierra Leone discovered the widespread and unconscionable use of beta-lactam antibiotics.
These drugs are highly toxic. One of their effects? Excessive bleeding.
Which just happens to be the scary “Ebola effect” that’s being trumpeted in the world press.
Forget the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticidesto Africa. One effect of the chemicals? Bleeding.
Forget that. It’s all about the germ and nothing but the germ.
Forget the fact that, for decades, one of the leading causes of death in the Third World has been uncontrolled diarrhea. Electrolytes are drained from the body, and the adult or the baby dies.
Any sane doctor would make it his first order of business to replace electrolytes with simple supplementation—but no, the standard medical line goes this way:
The diarrhea is caused by germs in the intestinal tract, so we must pile on massive amounts of antibiotics to kill the germs.
The drugs kill off all bacteria in the gut, including the necessary and beneficial ones, and the patient can’t absorb what little food he has access to, and he dies.
Forget the fact that adenovirus vaccines, which have been used in Liberia, Guinea, and Liberia (the epicenter of Ebola), have, according to, the following adverse effects: blood in the urine or stool, and diarrhea.
No, all the bleeding comes from the Ebola germ. Of course. Don’t think about anything else.
Liberia Coca Cola bottling plant: foul black liquid seeping into the environment—animals dying.
Chronic malnutrition and starvation—conditions that are endemic in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea—are the number-one cause of T-cells depletion in the world.
T-cells are a vital component of the immune system. When that system is compromised, any germ coming down the pipeline will cause epidemics and death.
Getting the picture?
Blame it all on the germ.
Allow the corporate-government domination to continue.
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