Thursday, August 22, 2013

Louisiana sinkhole updates - August 22 - 23 , 2013 - must see video of a "burp " at the sinkhole gobbling up whole trees like a dog gulps down chunks of beef !

From the Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle .....

Oxy 3 Cavern Floor Rises 116 Feet! + Friday News

The Parish blog says it rose 116 feet in a week!  Some more news from them.

Crosstex keeps doin’ it’s thing. They put up an update dated Aug. 20.
We found a Situation Summary  for Aug. 16th from GOHSEP. Page 35 gets into monitoring they say they are doing that Texas Brine says they aren’t doing. Oh, wait! They say they are doing monitoring north of Highway 70.
DEQ has left the building! Page 53- “The DEQ Command Post has been moved to Alexandria Staging Area due to Tropical Weather SOP”
” . . . . Ecologist Sandra Steingraber noted that this type of mining presents “an inherently dangerous situation. When you keep drilling over and over and over again, whether it’s into bedrock or salt caverns, at some point you have damaged the integrity of this underground structure enough that something is in danger of collapsing.”
As hydrologist Jim LaMoreaux added, companies like Texas Brine are too busy trying to “not go over a certain budget and a certain time frame” with these operations, and don’t bother to do a proper survey of the environment. These companies, he said, cut corners and fail to commission the proper studies.”
“The way you get a sinkhole is you have a void underground,” Orndorff said, “but this cavern they were drilling was several thousand feet deep, and we are not used to seeing something this deep collapse all the way up to the surface.”
“Louisiana authorities have moved to assure the public that dramatic footage showing a sinkhole swallowing several large trees was not a “new threat to public safety” in the area.
The footage has received almost 3 million views since it was posted on YouTube on Wednesday by the office of homeland security and emergency preparedness in the parish of Assumption near Baton Rouge.”

New Fly Over Video & Late Thursday News

The Parish blog has a longish statement on the trees falling in. They falsely claim the helicorders are working. This is patently false. They have had major outages all week as described on this blog. They have also put up a new 47 second long fly over video.

Since we have so many new viewers today, here is the LOCATION of the BUTANE CAVERNS.
In response to the trees falling in video going viral expect a lot more of those lying BP ads on tv during the news!
“The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Wednesday voted to request the East Bank levee authority to drop its lawsuit against 97 oil, gas and pipeline companies that was aimed at getting the energy firms to repair damage done to wetlands and land in its area, or to pay for unrepairable damages, with the money to be used to improve levees. . . .”

World Press Latches Onto Tree Tumble Story from Bayou Corne

They got the facts all wrong and mix up Lake FUBAR with water drainage caused Florida sinkholes.
Back in the USA:
“. . . It forced a mandatory evacuation in that area. Since then, state and federal agencies have been monitoring it.  That’s why cameras were already rolling when this sinkhole swallowed the trees.”
NY Post Terrifying Louisiana Sinkhole Swallows Up Entire Trees In Seconds < very good report with a quote from Mother Jones article.
Songwriter,Mona Dugas, is famous in Boston! The The Boston Herald shows her Bayou Corne song in their story.
Basically all the major news outlets will have these trees falling over by tonight. Let’s hope some of them delve into the story to get past the “Lake” part of Lake FUBAR and get to the “FUBAR” part. The news story is in the compromised cavern contents and the immeasurable threat that poses to the state, the country and possibly, the continent.
For the Press - see our summary of events page for extra sources and info.

New Video of Trees Toppling

3:25 p.m. Burp Occurring in Sinkhole

There has been another burp that occurred and is continuing on the sinkhole. All operations have been pulled from inside of the sinkhole until activity calms down. The monitoring/alert status has been heightened to Code 3.
Below is a definition of the codes:
Code Levels are 1-3, with Code 1 being the lowest level of alert.
Code 1: Minimal to no seismic activity around/below sinkhole; 10 or fewer of the sharp seismic signals associated with rock movement, called mini-earthquakes (MEQs) or the longer signals associated with gas or liquid movement, called Very Long Periods (VLPs) within 24-hour period; allows work on sinkhole and inside berm area to continue…
Thar she blows.... again!

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