Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Gangster State USA ?

Financial collusion....

Gangster State America

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Paul Craig Roberts
May 14, 2013
There are many signs of gangster state America. One is the collusion between federal authorities and banksters in a criminal conspiracy to rig the markets for gold and silver.
My explanation that the sudden appearance of an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold on the COMEX in April was a manipulation designed to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing policy has found acceptance among gold investors and hedge fund managers.
The sale was a naked short. The seller had no gold to sell. COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery. No one but the Federal Reserve could have placed such an order, and the order came from one of the Fed’s bullion banks, one of the entities “too big to fail.”
Bill Kaye of the Greater Asian Hedge Fund in Hong Kong and Dave Kranzler of Golden Returns Capital have filled in the details of how the manipulation worked. Being sophisticated investors of many years of experience, both Kaye and Kranzler understand that the financial press runs with the authorized story planted to serve the agenda that has been put into play.
Institutional investors who have bullion in their portfolio do not want the expense associated with storing it securely. Instead, they buy into Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and hold their bullion in the form of a paper claim. The largest, the SPDR Gold Trust or GLD, trades on the New York Stock Exchange. The trustee and custodian is a bankster, and only other banksters are able to turn investments into delivery of physical bullion. Only shares in the amount of 100,000 can be redeemed in gold.
The price of bullion is not set in the physical market where individuals take delivery of bullion purchases. It is set in the paper futures market where short selling can drive down the price even if the demand for physical possession is rising. The paper gold market is also the market in which people speculate and leverage their positions, place stop-loss orders, and are subject to margin calls.
When the enormous naked shorts hit the COMEX, stop-loss orders were triggered adding to the sales, and margin calls forced more sales. Investors who were not in on the manipulation lost a lot of money.
  • The sales of GLD shares are accumulated by the banksters in 100,000 lots and presented to GLD for redemption in gold acquired at the driven down price.
The short sale is leveraged by the stop-loss triggers and margin calls, and results in a profit for the banksters who placed the short sell order. The banksters then profit again as they sell the released gold into the physical market, especially in Asia, where demand has been stimulated by the sharp drop in bullion price and by the loss of confidence in fiat currency. Asian prices are usually at a higher premium above the spot prices in New York-London.
Some readers have said “don’t bet against the Federal Reserve; the manipulation can go on forever.” But can it? As the ETFs such as GLD are drained of gold, their ability to cover any of their obligations to investors diminishes. In my opinion, these ETFs are like a fractional reserve banking system. The claims on gold exceed the amount of gold in the trusts. When the ETFs are looted of their gold by the banksters, the gold price will explode, as the claims on gold will greatly exceed the supply.
Kranzler reports that the current June futures contracts are 12.5 times the amount of deliverable gold. If more than 8 percent of these trades were to demand delivery, COMEX would default. That such a situation is possible indicates the total failure of federal financial regulation.
What the Federal Reserve has done in order to maintain its short-run policy of protecting the “banks too big too fail” is to make the inevitable reckoning more costly for the US economy.
Another irony is the benefactors of the banksters sale of the gold leeched from the gold ETFs. Asia is the beneficiary, especially India and China. The “get out of gold line” of the US financial press enables China to unload its excess supply of dollars, accumulated from the offshored US economy, into the gold market at a suppressed price of gold.
Kranzler points out that not only does the Fed’s manipulation permit Asia to offload US dollars for gold at low prices, but the obvious lack of confidence in the dollar that the manipulation demonstrates has caused wealthy European families to demand delivery of their gold holdings at bullion banks (the bullion banks are essentially the “banks too big to fail”). Kranzler notes that since January 1, more than 400 tons of gold have been drained from COMEX and gold ETF holdings in order to satisfy world demand for physical possession of bullion.
Again we see that institutions of the US government are acting 100% against the interests of US citizens. Just who does the US government represent?
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously the editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

Political Harassment , Intimidation and possible illegal government conduct -  more consistent with the old  USSR and China......


( heads up more attacks / false flag events on the way ? ) 

Obama Tells Wealthy Gathering He Wants To “Institutionalize” Crisis Atmosphere

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Cites aftermath of Boston terrorism as way of moving agenda forward
Steve Watson
May 14, 2013

Complaining about a lack of community spirit in Washington DC, the president said Sunday that he wishes to see institutionalized the kind of atmosphere that emerged in Boston following the recent terrorist bombings, so his administration can get things done.
Obama made the comments while speaking to wealthy millionaires at a fundraiser inside a five-story mansion owned by Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Only 60 guests were present at the event, with names from banking, fashion and entertainment, including singer Justin Timberlake, actress Jessica Biel, and designer Tommy Hilfiger.
“More than anything, what I will be striving for over the next three and a half years is to see if that spirit we saw in Boston and West Texas, to see if we can institutionalize that [and] if we can create a framework where everybody’s working together and moving this country forward,” Obama is quoted as saying in a press pool report highlighted by The Daily Caller.
Obama is clearly referring to the Boston attacks, as well as the explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas last month. In both situations, communities were reduced to states of confusion, panic and fear in the face of crisis.
Obama is said to have noted that such events have a positive impact of rallying Americans together, and that such an impact should be made commonplace.
The comments are reminiscent of those by Obama’s former Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emnauel, who notoriously stated “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also infamously said, “never waste a good crisis.”
The idea of the permanent crisis is a long standing one. In his book Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, which documents the origins and nature of fascist movements, columnist Jonah Goldberg notes that “The utility of terror was multi-faceted, but among its chief benefits was the tendency to maintain a permanent sense of crisis. Crisis is routinely identified as a core mechanism of fascism because it short-circuits debate and democratic deliberation” (42-43).
Indeed, with regards to terror threats, the US is still officially in a state of emergency declared On September 11, 2001 and formally put into writing three days later by George W. Bush. The state of emergency has been extended every year since, and continues to be renewed annually by Obama.
Although it is constantly argued that this action violates the Constitution, it continues to be re-declared, invoking several war-time powers that give the president greater control of the military. Those powers include the ability to suspend retirements and separations of military personnel, recall the Ready Reserve, activate recently-retired Coast Guard officers and personnel, and prohibit or regulate financial transactions with foreign entities involved in terrorism.
There are far too many stipulations of the state of emergency to list here, as it activates some 500 legal provisions, including those allowing the president to effectively impose censorship and martial law.
So not only is the president saying that he wishes to institutionalize a crisis state, he is actively doing so. Of course, Congress has the power to revoke the state of emergency, but that isn’t likely to happen any time soon.
During Monday’s fundraiser, Obama went on to blame opposition to his administration in Washington on “hyper-partisanship”, and specifically on radio host Rush Limbaugh:
“What’s blocking us right now is a sort of hyper-partisanship in Washington that I was, frankly, hoping to overcome in 2008 … My thinking was when we beat them in 2012 that might break the fever, and it’s not quite broken yet,” he said.
“But I am persistent,” he added. “And I am staying at it. And I genuinely believe that there are actually Republicans out there who would like to work with us but they’re fearful of their base and they’re concerned about what Rush Limbaugh might say about them.”
“As a consequence, we get the kind of gridlock that makes people cynical about government and inhibits our progress.” he stated.
“If there are folks who are more interested in winning elections than they are thinking about the next generation then I want to make sure there are consequences to that,” he said, in what could be interpreted as a veiled threat.
Later in the afternoon, Obama addressed yet another 60-person fundraiser hosted by Alexandra Stanton, a former advisory to ex-Gov. David Paterson, and her husband, Sam Natapoff. Tickets to each event ranged from $16,200 to $20,000 and benefited the DNC.
In the evening, Obama spoke at another elite fundraiser at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, also featuring Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer. The final event was attended by approximately 140 guests paying between $7,500 and $32,400. In total the president is thought to have raised over $3 million by speaking to less than 300 people.
At the end of the dinner, Obama reportedly told attendees that they were “investing in people who share your values and your vision for the future.” before repeating the same desire to “institutionalize” the crisis atmosphere.
“It’s that spirit that we saw in West, Texas; it’s the spirit we saw in Boston; it’s the spirit that we see here in New York City, and as I was driving up and saw the new Freedom Tower rising, it reminded me of just what it is that we’re fighting for.” he stated.

DOJ's "Nixonian" Phone Spying Scandal Sets Labor Unions Against Obama

Tyler Durden's picture

It is just a few hours old, and already the Department of Justice's (legal) AP phone spying scandal has generated unintended consequences, by alienating and confronting Obama with his traditionally strongest constituency: labor unions, in this case the Newspaper Guild. From the Guild's shocked statement: "There could be no justification or explanation for this broad, over-reaching investigation. It appears officials are twisting legislation designed to protect public safety as a means to muzzle those concerned with the public’s right to know." They sound legitimately surprised.
Full Newspaper Guild statement:
The Newspaper Guild-CWA and its local that represents AP staffers, The News Media Guild, demands that the U.S. Justice Department return all telephone records that it obtained from phones — including some home and cell phones – of Associated Press reporters and editors.

The collection of these records is egregious and a direct attack on journalists, and the Justice Department needs to cease and desist such investigations. The ability of journalists to develop and protect sources is vital to keeping the public informed about issues affecting their lives.

There could be no justification or explanation for this broad, over-reaching investigation. It appears officials are twisting legislation designed to protect public safety as a means to muzzle those concerned with the public’s right to know.

The suggestion that the news story ‘scooped’ an announcement for partisan political purposes only exacerbates the damage such actions can have on a free press. This investigation has a chilling effect on press freedom in the United States – a right enshrined in the Constitution. Please contact your representatives and the White House to tell them to stop this outrageous, abusive investigation now.
And separately, freedom of the press watchdogs called the move "Nixonian."
"The Justice Department’s seizure of the Associated Press’ phone records is Nixonian," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, a group that advocates on behalf of whistleblowers. "The American public deserves a full accounting of why and how this could happen."
But why? In a totalitarian state nobody is accountable to anyone else...


Department of Justice Spying on AP Reporters’ Telephone Contacts Threatens Democracy

Posted on 05/14/2013 by Juan Cole
The Associated Press has been the victim of massive secret surveillanceof its reporters’ telephone traffic (not the substance but to whom they were talking) on the part of the Department of Justice.
AP received a leak last year about a plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen against the United States, but apparently the whole thing was a CIA sting and the AP report, based on the leaker’s partial information, disrupted the operation. The Obama administration has shown a brutality toward government whistleblowers and leakers unparalleled in any other modern administration.
The AP reporters and those of us in the news business are furious because we all depend on people thinking they can talk to us in confidence. If they think we’re all under surveillance, they won’t be willing to divulge the real news. Sometimes government wants to keep things secret that harm the public, and it is important that people of conscience be allowed to push back. Otherwise, you get corruption and dictatorship.
That is, the obsession with government secrecy in the National Security State is a grave threat to newsgathering and hence democracy itself. Government isn’t the aim of democracy, it is the tool, and if the tool is so poorly designed as to injure the person wielding it, it should be discarded.

Rand Paul: AP Phone Spying Proves Obama is “Drunk on Power”

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Senator slams administration on Benghazi, IRS, AP phone tap scandals
Paul Joseph Watson
May 14, 2013
Senator Rand Paul responded to the barrage of scandals to hit the Obama administration, from Benghazi, to the IRS targeting conservatives, to the Justice Department spying on Associated Press reporters, by accusing President Obama of being “drunk on power.”
Scoffing at an upcoming House Committee on Ways & Means inquiry into the how the IRS targeted those who mentioned the Constitution, the bill of rights, or even making “America a better place to live,” Kentucky Senator Paul said he would introduce a resolution today calling for the IRS agents involved to be fired for abusing their power in targeting people for their political activities.
“The President says he’s going to do something if they’re guilty, well it sounds like there’s already been an investigation and no one’s been fired,” Paul told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “I’m afraid he’s going to do about as much as he did after Benghazi,” he added, noting that those involved in the botched security operation still work for the State Department.
Accusing Obama of engaging in “faux outrage” over the IRS scandal, Paul said the President was “using the power of his government to investigate his enemies, he’s tapping the phones of the press, and it turns out last year he signed legislation that allows him to detain an American without a trial and send them to Guantanamo Bay.”
“This sounds like a President somewhat drunk on power, not cautious about how he uses power,” added Paul.
The Senator also responded to criticism over his claim that Obama is working “anti-American globalists plot[ting] against our Constitution,” a quote that was characterized by the Washington Post as “black helicopter stuff.”
“The one thing they can’t get away from is that there is a UN Small Arms Treaty, we’re not making it up, President Obama has sounded and acted in the UN as if he’s supportive, it is moving forward and we are trying to drum up support and publicity for people to say look we do not want to have Americans obey rules of the United Nations, it goes against our sovereignty, it goes against our Constitution,” said Paul, adding that he would continue to push the issue.
With the White House already reeling from its complicity in the Benghazi cover-up and the IRS controversy, it emerged last night that the so-called “most transparent administration” in history had, via the US Department of Justice, “secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press in what the news cooperative’s top executive called a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into how news organizations gather the news.”
Although the government refuses to divulge why it sought the records, which included 20 separate telephone lines assigned to AP and its journalists in April and May of 2012, speculation suggests the move was a reprisal against a May 7, 2012 AP story which disclosed details of a CIA operation in Yemen to disrupt an airliner bomb plot, a story which was initially delayed at the request of government officials.
“There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters,” said AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt in a letter to Attorney General Holder. “These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP’s newsgathering operations, and disclose information about AP’s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know. We regard this action by the Department of Justice as a serious interference with AP’s constitutional rights to gather and report the news.”
After the Justice Department responded by claiming it valued “the freedom of the press” and was “always careful and deliberative” in its actions, House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa reacted by remarking, “This is obviously disturbing. Coming within a week of revelations that the White House lied to the American people about the Benghazi attacks and the IRS targeted conservative Americans for their political beliefs, Americans should take notice that top Obama Administration officials increasingly see themselves as above the law and emboldened by the belief that they don’t have to answer to anyone. I will work with my fellow House Chairmen on an appropriate response to Obama Administration officials.”
Watch a CNN report on the AP phone tap scandal below.

What else is in the works ?  What is planned , what Ops are being set up ? Is another Terror Op being planned and by whom ? 


Mission Classified: Manned Government Surveillance Plane Hovers Over U.S. Town for Weeks *Video*

Mac Slavo
May 13th, 2013
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According to residents of Quincy, Massachusetts a low flying plane has been hovering over their town non-stop for the last several weeks, leaving many puzzled as to why it’s there.
No one in the Federal government is talking, and the FAA says they are aware of the “authorized” flight pattern but are not releasing additional details, other than to say, “we have to be very careful this time.”
Suggesting that the government is conducting surveillance is often disregarded as conspiracy theory, but in this case, it may be right on target.
Normally, we could dismiss a simple flyover as a one-off event. In this particular instance, however, the unmarked plane has been circling the same town repeatedly, with residents reporting that it passes over  every 5 – 8 minutes, and it does so at odd hours – sometimes for extended periods in the middle of the night.
One local city council member has been fielding calls from concerned constituents:
It’s not as if the flights are secret. You can stand in your front yard and look at them. So, the fact that they won’t confirm it’s law enforcement and we don’t need to worry about it is a little concerning to me.
A local news source, however, claims there’s nothing to see here:
Residents here say they haven’t seen it since the rain moved in. Before that it was circling the city non-stop.
Who’s behind it? What is it doing? Only the Feds seem to know.

Residents have seen it at all hours of the day, right over the roof tops so long as the weather’s clear.

Sources tells Newscenter5 the flights are government surveillance – the mission is classified.
But residents should not be concerned.
Move along and pay no attention to the military surveillance plane making rounds over your town – it’s there to protect you:
(Video via Stan Deyo)
What kind of  ”top secret” mission utilizes a low-flying aircraft overtly circling in such a way that residents of the town can see it on a regular basis?
And what did the FAA mean when they said they, “have to be be very careful this time?”
Is this yet another government psy-op? Or is there something else going on in Quincy, Massachusetts?


    Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have infiltrated the United States to carry out missions, including what is expected to be a Mumbai-style attack on a hotel where innocent bystanders would be killed, WND has learned.
    A full report with many details of the missions has been passed on to U.S. officials.
    Three targets have been chosen within America for imminent attack, and the terror teams have now cut communications with the operational center in Iran, a sign that they are moving ahead with the attacks, according to a high-level intelligence officer within the Islamic regime.
    If only one of the attacks occurs, the regime will consider the operation a success, the source said. Tehran believes, he said, an attack would not be traced back to Iran due to the nationalities of the operators.
    One of the planned attacks resemble the Mumbai attack in 2008, the source added, in which a hotel was targeted, hostages were taken and 164 people were killed over several days. India alleges Pakistan used proxies to carry out the Mumbai attack so it wouldn’t be traced back to Pakistan, just as Iran now is using proxies to hide its current terrorism. The information provided by the source provides details of a new jihadist coalition with a focus on creating instability in the U.S.
    The source said the regime views the Boston bombing as a successful terrorist attack in which fear was created, U.S. intelligence questioned and a sense of security diminished. There has yet to be any link to a specific group or country.
    As WND reported exclusively April 22, the regime’s Quds Forces have done extensive planning on gatherings, events and high-value targets in the U.S., but for two years have focused on events such as the Boston Marathon. The Quds Forces run an extensive network of terrorists out of South Asia.
    A Feb. 14, 2010, meeting in Iran either set up the new jihadist coalition or continued the coalition among the Quds Forces, Hezbollah and al-Qaida. The latter coalition was formed years ago by Imad Mugniyeh, the dead mastermind terrorist from Hezbollah, under the direction of Ahmad Vahidi, then the head of the Quds Forces and the current Iranian defense minister, to collaborate on their fight against the U.S.
    At the 2010 meeting, Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Forces; Seif Adel, the operational head of al-Qaida; and Mustafa Badr al-Din, the operational head of Hezbollah; devised a plan for operations against the U.S. under a new coalition, dubbed the “Coalition of Muslim Soldiers.” The coalition includes al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida offshoot based in Somalia, and has its central command in the Iranian city of Kerman. Command and control centers are located in the Iranian provinces of Kerman, Khorasan, Khuzestan, Kurdistan, and Sistan and Baluchistan, the source said.
    The coalition, led by Soleimani, with Iran the main source of funding, is based on a strategic collaboration and devoid of ideological differences and opinions of Shiite and Sunni Marjas. The main operational commanders, mostly well-known terrorists, are:
    1. Gen. Soleimani, the head of the Quds Forces with full power given to him by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
    2. Brig. Gen. Abdolreza Shahlabi of the Quds Forces.
    3. Brig. Gen. Hamed Abdollahi of the Quds Forces.
    4. Brig. Gen. Hossein Movahedian of the Quds Forces.
    5. Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagher Zolghadr of the Quds Forces.
    6. Seif Adel, the operational head of al-Qaida.
    7. Abdul Rahman Yasin of al-Qaida operations.
    8. Abu Saeed al-Mesri of al-Qaida in Latin America.
    9. Adnan ShokriJuma of al-Qaida in America.
    10. Hakimalah Masoud of al-Qaida operations.
    11. Mustafa Badr al-Din, the operations head of Hezbollah and the brother-in-law and cousin of the dead terrorist Imad Mugniyah, who now serves as Mugnyiah’s replacement as the military leader of Hezbollah and the deputy to the Quds’ Soliemani.
    12. Talal Hamieh, the head of the External Security Organization, strategic planning and funding for Hezbollah in Venezuela. He commutes directly from Venezuela to Damascus, Syria, then to Lebanon and back.
    13. Fozi Mohammad Mostafa of Hezbollah operations.
    14. Mohammad Ali Hamdi of Hezbollah operations in Toronto, Canada. He targets nuclear power plants and other sites in Canada.
    15. Ebrahim Saleh Mohammad al-Yaghoub of Hezbollah operations.
    16. Mohammad Ahmad al-Monavar, the operations commander for Abu Nidal.
    17. Jahad Servan Mostafa, the operations commander for al-Shabaab in Somalia.
    Based on intelligence and infiltration by Western intelligence agencies into institutions, operations and cultural centers of radical Arab Islamists after 9/11, the new coalition recruits non-Arab Islamists from many other nationalities and Arabs from countries not on the hot list for American agencies.
    Iran believes that the perception of security in America that has helped empower its actions in the Middle East must be turned 180 degrees, not only to defeat and derail all U.S. calculations based on gathered intelligence but to destabilize the political, economic and social conditions in America, the source said.
    Based on that understanding, he said, the U.S. through its military might has kept the fight in the Islamic region and away from its homeland and its allies’ turf. Now continuous operations must be conducted in the U.S. homeland to change that equation, they believe.
    More than 2,600 targets, including public places, government buildings and military installations, have been chosen for attack, and reconnaissance has been done. Information about some of the targets, based on direct knowledge of the source, has been given to U.S. officials to neutralize the threat and confront the terrorists. They include specific government buildings, news networks, malls and sports events.
    This new coalition has also prepared for a major attack to avenge al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden’s killing to satisfy Seif Adel, the operational head of al-Qaida, for his collaboration with the Iranian regime.
    The radical regime ruling Iran has set up several channels for financial support of the new coalition with its terrorist activities. Multiple commerce, cultural and financial institutions in the U.S. are part of that network. The connection includes individuals running businesses in Damascus and its connections to al-Qaida operatives in America.
    Since 2001, more than $270 million has been invested in the expansion of mosques and Islamic centers in America by institutions in the Iranian city of Qom. As part of the coalition’s plan, some 27 mosques and Islamic centers in America are their target for collaboration, infiltration and recruitment of sympathizers for various missions, including reconnaissance and terrorist acts.
    The source said the new coalition, due to its composition of different people in Central Asia, is a very complex organization.
    The publication of a limited version of the full report is an intention to put the Islamic regime on notice that should it go ahead with its planned attacks in the U.S. homeland, it will be held responsible, the source said.

      Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/05/terrorist-coalition-to-strike-within-u-s/#0V6LEVS5sHJiz2Y2.99 

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