Monday, March 11, 2013

Louisiana Sinkhole Updates - March 11 - 13 , 2013......

BREAKING: Home Buy-Out is ON ! ! !

WBRZ -  Jindal: Buyout process for sinkhole starts this week

BATON ROUGE – Governor Bobby Jindal said today Texas Brine will buy out property owners affected by a massive sinkhole which appeared in Assumption Parish last year.
Jindal said the buyout process will begin this week, starting with property appraisals. People who volunteer to be bought out will be handled first, and a blue ribbon commission will be set up to monitor further sinkhole issues. . . .
Thank you, you-know-who blogger who worked tirelessly for this end (not the Bugle).

Attention Homeowners & Attorneys, Assumption Parish

Texas Brine may try the old ploy of ‘going out of business’ when the going gets rough and they have to pay the damages.


Bayer is one of the TOP foreign owned polluters in the USA.
“The new edition of the Toxic 100 for the first time includes foreign corporations with facilities in the United States. “This addition reveals a number of important sources of industrial toxic pollution,” said Corporate Toxics Information Project co-director Michael Ash. Three of the top ten corporations in the Toxic 100  – Nisssan, Bayer Group, and Acelor Mittal are foreign-based firms.”

Hold Tight! Wed. News

WAFB – More than 90 mini-earthquakes reported overnight at Louisiana sinkhole

“Spasmodic bursts are many rapid-fire earthquakes. More than 90 mini earthquakes happened around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday morning.
Some of the spasmodic bursts lasted a few minutes while others were longer. Tremors have been reported in that area as far back as last May.”
Big seismic activity at LA12
LA12 is the bottom LEFT . . .
Thanks, again, Jeff - :)
Reader, MsReesa reports – “Every few minutes last night the emergency broadcast service would cut in with a “required weekly test”. I counted 21 times.”

Oh. The parish noticed – Increased Seismic Activity Reported
Elsewhere in Louisiana – ENE-News - TV: Gas pipeline fire out of control in Louisiana bayou — 19 miles long with fuel still inside — Could burn for days (VIDEO)
The Advocate -  ExxonMobil expansion debated
DNR put out a new Inspection Report.  Crosstex, Texas Brine and the other cast of characters at Bayou Corne  have not put out any updates all week.


Tuesday News, Gettin’ Scary

We are waiting while the next barf material builds and builds below the new dirt levees at Lake FUBAR.
Meanwhile, it is good to see a recent Highway 70 inspection report out by DOTD shows the roadway at Bayou Corne isn’t moving or tilting (yet). DOTD’s page has been updated to March 1st.
Huffington Post -  Brockovich v. Sinkhole < VIDEO

ENE-News – Governor: Deadly hydrogen sulfide could be released if Sinkhole No. 2 forms

A reader sent this Florida insurance news – Home insurance vs. sinkholes
[snip] . . . .  “What’s with all the sudden sinkhole claims? Unchecked development onto questionable land, weak building regulation, the annual drawdown of localized water tables for agricultural purposes, and the inherent unpredictability of ground collapse are generally cited as contributing factors.”
Another reader sent this -
Here is what the DNR summary of air tests  (dated Feb. 21) says:
Bayou Corne activities completed by LDEQ staff on Thursday, February 21, 2013

Air monitoring was conducted in the Bayou Corne community.  Parameters monitored included H2S, VOCs, LEL, and O2.  All H2S and LEL readings were 0 with normal O2 readings.  VOC readings were < 2.6 ppm.  Monitoring was conducted using an AreaRae. 
Staff attended the State Agencies meeting and the Incident Action Plan meeting.

LDNR staff did accompany LDEQ staff on the monitoring run.  

Scheduled activities for Friday, February 22, 2013:

Conduct air monitoring in the Bayou Corne community.
Conduct air monitoring in the areas of the bubbles in Bayou Corne.
Attend the Incident Action Plan meeting.
Respond to citizens inquiries as needed.
Repairs to the MAML are scheduled.

LDNR staff are scheduled to accompany LDEQ staff on the monitoring runs.
Translation: Tra-la-la!
And here is the data -  Air Monitoring results for Feb. 15, 2013  < not too terribly bad, but not all zeros . . .


Finally , Governor Bobby Jindal speaks on the sinkhole ! But first , a recap ..... news and data through March 10th.....

and now here's the gov....

Louisiana Governor plans for Sinkhole No. 2 — Taking ‘immediate’ action to protect lives, March 11, 2013: [Governor Bobby] Jindal also said released a contingency plan on a second Texas Brine salt dome cavern, saying that while there is no data from the state Department of Natural Resources that suggests a second failure is imminent, “we are not taking anything for granted.” “We are taking action immediately though to protect lives and property in the area of the second salt dome. Taking the lessons learned from the first cavern, we have developed a contingency plan in case the cavern fails and we have already started to implement the plan,” Jindal said.

WWL: [Jindal] said he’ll ask for expedited buyouts for “those whose lives have been uprooted by the sinkhole.” “It’s time for Texas Brine to step up and do the right thing for the people in Bayou Corne,” the governor siad. Jindal said he will visit the Bayou Corne community next week. The governor said they have already begun implementing a contingency plan in place should the second salt dome cavern fail. “We are taking action immediately though to protect lives and property in the area of the second salt dome,” Jindal said.

The Advocate, March 11, 2013: [Police Jury President Martin] Triche said Monday that the discovery of the other Texas Brine cavern also being closer to the edge of the salt dome than originally thought has raised additional concerns. That cavern is also closer to La. 70 than the original Texas Brine cavern that failed, bringing worries about the integrity of La. 70 South. [...] Sherri LeBas, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, said her agency is looking at a small detour route around the area of concern on La. 70. This route would come before and in addition to work on a more long-term, detour route that is being studied. [...] Despite the worries about La. 70 South, LeBas and other officials said monitoring of it does not show there are any problems currently.

Monday News

Today the Assumption Parish Police Jury Officials meet with Jindal.

“Monday Assumption Parish officials will meet with Governor Bobby Jindal in Baton Rouge about the latest in the sinkhole situation.” -  NBC 33 report.
BATON ROUGE, LA -   Governor Bobby Jindal met today with Assumption Parish officials and area legislators to discuss the state’s ongoing response to the sinkhole that formed in the Bayou Corne community as a result of problems with a salt dome cavern mined by Texas Brine.
The Governor outlined a contingency plan for Oxy-Geismar No. 1 cavern – another cavern owned by Texas Brine – after preliminary results indicated that the cavern sidewall may be less than 200 feet from the edge of the Napoleonville salt dome, closer than indicated by previous top-of-salt maps used to define the subsurface. The proximity of the cavern to the salt dome increases the risk of structural instability of the cavern walls.
The Governor will be meeting with Texas Brine on Wednesday to push for expedited buyouts for those forced to evacuate because of the sinkhole. Following the meeting with Texas Brine on Wednesday, the Governor will be holding a media availability. Then, next week, Governor Jindal will be visiting the Bayou Corne community to review progress on the contingency plan for Oxy-Geismar No. 1 . . . .
DNR Inspection Report (Mar. 11) and they are catching up with the posting the previous ones on their site.

The Advocate – Governor plans visit to sinkhole

By David Mitchell
Gov. Bobby Jindal met with Assumption Parish officials Monday in Baton Rouge to discuss the Bayou Corne-area sinkhole and said he plans to visit the site next week, officials said Monday. . . .

2.9 Louisiana offshore  quake – MAP

Monday – Alarming Seismic Activity Since Overnight

Reader, Jeff warns -
The degree of seismic activity shown on heilcorder 12, 14,and 15 is shocking. For those in the area please take real notice of this and get away, get as far away as you can. This looks very bad! 45 minute event was capture last night between 6:45 and 7:30……
file -

Helicorders main page

charts starting  “03/10/2013 (12)” – 
Mar11_LA12    |     Mar11_LA14   |   Mar11_LA15
UPDATE – LA14 – 1 p.m. [CST] -

For easy reference LA 12, 14 & 15 have button links on the sidebar ->

Dear Gov. Jindal

Can You Afford ANOTHER Failed Evacuation?

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