kanye west jay-z
On Monday a website published credit reports containing sensitive personal identifying information of 15 public figures including Michelle Obama, Hillary ClintonJoe BidenJay-Z, And Arnold Schwarzenegger.
On Tuesday — as the site published three more names — the three biggest U.S. credit-reporting companies confirmed the leak and explained how cybercriminals impersonated the victims to pull it off, Jordan Robertson of Bloomberg reports.
A spokesman for TransUnion Corp. said hackers accessed the credit histories using "social-security numbers and other sensitive, personal identifying information" they already had from other sources.
It looks like the president may be getting involved as he has selected CEOs into White House Situation Room to discuss cybersecurity threats.

Pres Obama plans Wednesday Situation Room meeting with CEOs to discuss cyber security concerns.

From CBS News White House Correspondent Peter Maer:

Can't recall non govt. types invited to meeting in Situation Room. Pres. Obama & biz execs to discuss "efforts to address cyber threat."

Robertson notes that the website disclosed TransUnion credit reports on First lady Michelle Obama, FBI director Robert MuellerMel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, BeyoncĂ© Knowles, and Hulk Hogan.
Equifax Inc. credit reports on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder; LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, Jay-Z, former U.S. Vice President Al Goreand former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in addition to a Experian Plc credit report on Paris Hilton were also leaked.
Credit reports on Sarah PalinKim Kardashian, Kanye WestKris Jennerand Britney Spears as well as personal information of Donald Trump also appeared on the site.
The website has a .su country code, which was originally created for the Soviet Union in 1990 and persisted after its dissolution in 1991. The website's Twitter page (now suspended) contained what Russia Today called "bad Russian."