Sunday, February 3, 2013

Obama shooting a gun or is he really - And after the warning not to manipulate the pic ...... what could go wrong ?

And now is the Skeet shooting photo a fake ? ?

Reuters Report Contradicts Obama ‘Skeet Shooting’ Photo

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Story said Obama played golf on August 4, retired for dinner
Paul Joseph Watson
February 4, 2013
A Reuters report concerning Barack Obama’s activities on August 4th last year contradicts White House claims that the President was skeet shooting at Camp David, an indication that a photo released over the weekend showing Obama firing a rifle could be fraudulent.
On Saturday, White House Communications Director Daniel Pfeiffer tweeted out a photo showing Obama clay pigeon shooting with the caption stating the image was taken, “On the range at Camp David, Md., Saturday, Aug. 4, 2012.”
Pfeiffer taunted that the photo was “for all the “skeeters,” in reference to those who doubted Obama’s claim that he “went shooting all the time.” The image was a not-so-sophisticated attempt to portray Obama as sympathetic to gun owners even as his administration is in the midst of a legislative and executive effort to eviscerate the second amendment.
The White House even warned that, “the photograph may not be manipulated in any way,” in a futile attempt to prevent people from creating humorous photoshopped alternatives.
However, much of the backlash has centered around speculation that the image was either doctored or that it was staged recently in a crude attempt to address the “skeeters,” similar to how the administration released a dubious birth certificate as a response to the “birther” controversy.
The claims are not without foundation. An August 4th Reuters report stated that Obama spent his 51st birthday “on the golf course” and makes no mention of his supposed skeet shooting.
“Obama, an avid golfer, played with colleagues and friends at the Andrews Air Force Base in hot, muggy weather conditions before taking Marine One to Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains in the afternoon,” states the report, adding that the President, “helicoptered to the Camp David presidential retreat for a quiet evening off the campaign trail.”
The story also notes that Obama’s evening plans consisted of a “birthday meal he was expected to share with wife, Michelle.”
The picture of Obama on the golf course shows him wearing different clothes to the skeet shooting photograph. Given that reporters obviously followed Obama’s activities closely on this day, it’s interesting that there’s no mention whatsoever of his supposed clay pigeon shoot.
A photo showing Obama boarding Marine One on the same day also shows him wearing a completely different outfit to the ‘skeet’ photo.
Innumerable other questions about the photo - sardonically summarized yet not debunked by New York Magazine – have emerged, including the following;
- Why is Obama aiming straight when skeets are normally only shot at a high or low angle?
- Why is smoke coming out of the side of the barrel?
- Obama claims he goes shooting “all the time,” yet as innumerable gun experts have pointed out, his stance is atrocious and it looks like Obama has never even held a firearm before.
- Obama appears to have grown a pot belly that isn’t apparent in other photos from the same time period.
- The recoil of the gun immediately after being fired would result in camera blur, which isn’t evident in the photo.
- Prior to the White House released its image, New Republic posted an obviously fake photoshop of Obama allegedly skeet shooting, before hastily deleting the tweet.
Labeling the issue a “conspiracy theory” fails to address genuine questions that have been raised about the photo, in addition to being incredibly naive given that the administration has admittedly staged photos of Obama in the past.
In August 2010, the White House released a photograph of Obama swimming with his daughter and claimed the image was shot in the Gulf of Mexico as a ploy to argue that the area was still open for business despite the BP oil spill. It quickly emerged that the photo was taken off Alligator Point in St Andrew Bay, north-west Florida – which isn’t technically in the Gulf of Mexico.

and the prior poor job of faking a photo of Obama allegedly shooting a rifle....

Desperation! New Republic posts fake picture of Obama skeet-shooting

obama-duhSheesh, how desperate is Obama and the corrupt left wing media in this country? They now have to resort to posting fake Obama skeet-shooting pictures to try and give him ‘street cred.’ The New Republic, a left wing propaganda magazine earlier today posted the following picture in which they claim Obama was skeet-shooting:

Image: Twitchy (Like cowards, The New Republican deleted the Tweet when exposed)Problem is, this is just a photoshop job of one of Obama’s 110+ golf outings:

Just .... couldn't .... resist......

Never tempt creative minds......

obama skeet obama skeet shooting obama jay carney white house press sad hill news
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney now wishing he never released the Obama ‘skeet shooting’ photo accompanied by his Big Brother mandate warning to all Photoshoppers® to keep their hands off the publicaly-owned image…

Hat tipThe Fine Report

Sad Hill’s 1st submission: HERE
Sad Hill’s 2nd submission: HERE
Sad Hill’s 3rd submission: HERE
Sad Hill’s 4th submission: HERE
Sad Hill’s 5th submission: HERE

obama skeet shooting obama gun control obama shotgun sad hill news2
White House Warns: Don’t Photoshop Obama Gun Pic
(Brietbart) The White House has released a picture purporting to show President Obama “skeet shooting” at Camp David.  An activity he claims he does “all the time.”
The White House also warns all you mischievous internet types to not mess around with the picture:
“This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”
OK Big Brother, I, Sad Hill, promise not to Photoshop® the publicly-owned image you released of Obama supposedly shooting skeet. That said, I’m still not sure which orientation is the ‘official’ White House version, better post both…
obama skeet shooting obama gun control obama shotgun sad hill news-2
Update: Reluxcat just informed me of a Photoshop® contest Maser Media is holding: HERE
Sad Hill’s 2nd entry: HERE
HEY! Be sure to check out The Andrea Shea King Show. She just linked to both of Sad Hill’s Obama ‘skeet shooting’ images: HERE
Double HEYThe Other McCain just linked to this on SHN. Thanks Robert!: HERE
Triple HEYI Own The World just linked to this on SHN: HERE
Quadruple HEY!: Doug Ross also linked!: HERE
What comes after ‘Quadruple’HEY!: Thanks for linking, Atlas ShrugsDaily PaulThe Fine ReportI’m 41Protein WisdomMaser MediaConservative CompendiumThe Conservative TreehouseSwag Bucks, …
The FINAL word on gun control: HERE
Quit your job! Household welfare now $168 per day: HERE
Are there any MEN left in America?!: HERE
Gun control is ‘for the children‘: HERE
The ‘Minutemen Are Turning In Their Graves’: HERE

    @JG41187 My own humble effort. @BradThor
    View image on Twitter

    Great photoshop. I am stealing it. RT @wayward_okie: More shooting fun with Obama. "Ehh, what's up, doc?"
    View image on Twitter


    I'm so embarrassed for us RT @dmataconis: President Obama, Her Majesty the Queen has a response to your recent
    View image on Twitter

    @TwitchyTeam @MichelleMalkin More trouble for me. Here's another no-no photoshopped image. BHO and the
    View image on Twitter

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