Thursday, January 31, 2013

Louisiana Sinkhole updates - January 31 , 2013 - Febuary 2 , 2013 .... H/T Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle

Huge Bubbling – Film by Julie Dermansky

H/T Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle.......

Bayou Corne Sinkhole Monitoring Flight

POST: January 31 2013 IN: Bayou Corne Sinkhole
On Sunday, January 27, 2013 Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN) and Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper conducted a fly-over of the Bayou Corne sink hole on a flight provided by partner SouthWings. The flight is the latest in a series of fly-overs by LEAN and LMRK to document the site over time and share the images with the public.
Photograph of the Bayou Corne sink hole.
The Bayou Corne sink hole on 1/27/13 with oil slicks and construction in the nearby swamp visible. Click the image to see it on flickr.
As has been seen on previous flights, oil sheen and slicks float on the surface of the water filling the sink hole and the surrounding swamp. Oil containment booms have been set up around the sinkhole area but only seem to be partially effective. Oil sheen, that appears very likely to have originated in the sink hole, was seen in waterways a fair distance from the sink hole.
Photograph of oil sheen in Grand Bayou near the Bayou Corne sink hole.
Oil sheen visible in Grand Bayou almost half of a mile from the Bayou Corne sink hole. Click the image to see it on flickr.

Also be sure to see the article in todays The Advocate about yesterdays meeting in Bayou Corne about proposed seismic serveys.
Also be sure to see the article in todays The Advocate about yesterdays meeting in Bayou Corne about proposed seismic serveys.

Sinkhole Project Raises Concerns

The Advocate
River Parishes bureau
January 31, 2013

NAPOLEONVILLE - Consultants working with Texas Brine Co. LLC to create finely detailed images of subsurface features beneath an 8.6-acre sinkhole and nearby swampland communities sought Wednesday night to allay concerns about potential effects from the seismic work.

Confronting the consultants were not only people worrying about what the seismic waves might do to their properties but also some audience members’ expressions of continuing frustration and skepticism stemming from the nearly six-month evacuation ordered just after the sinkhole erupted Aug. 3 in northern Assumption Parish swampland near Bayou Corne.

Under a modified order from the Louisiana Office of Conservation, Texas Brine is planning to create a three-dimensional seismic image peering as far down as 7,000 feet beneath the sinkhole area.

2:10 p.m. New Videos Posted

Videos from last night's resident briefing, as well as a video from today's flyover have been posted at:
Aerial photographs have also been added at:


and in the NEW PHOTOS posted . . . check how far back you see oily water . . .1_31_photo_B

From this picture.

Meeting Videos by Rainbeaudais

Thanks to Rainbeaudais  for them!  SEE -





Texas BrineVideo #3 at 3:55 -

“The Dome is SAFE”

- – -  attention attorneys!  Save that lie for future court action.
ENE- News on the vids -

Louisiana Sink Hole .. Why The Cover-Up? ..

Video & article.
Pump water into oil wells, causing fracturing along a fault line… ADD IN a massive explosion at the base of a seismically prone area..
Induce a large earthquake, sink a river valley … and have it all attributed to ‘natural causes’.

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