Evening wrap....
#Greece's banks are likely to remain closed for another month - Businessinsider India : http://bit.ly/1KxC5yr
@albertjohn @yanisvaroufakis For what it's worth , Telegraph interview vs Professor James Galbraith statement
http://yanisvaroufakis.eu/2015/07/27/professor-james-k-galbraiths-statement-on-the-ministry-of-finance-working-group-convened-by-former-finance-minister-yanis-varoufakis/ …
#Greece Varoufakis’ Gate: the Parliament will decide if to indict him or not http://goo.gl/fb/HPFrKT
Morning Tweets....
Data splash....
#UK economy shows growth rebound in second quarter. Full analysis here: http://ow.ly/QaBWa http://ow.ly/i/c3gZI

Commodities rout , Odd & Ends , best from before....
#Ukraine says it has presented creditors with new debt proposals and hopes to get a response during talks this week http://bloom.bg/1S7Fwml
#Greece bank officials tell Kathimerini that liquidity problems resolved & no #ECB ELA hike needed tomorrow http://www.ekathimerini.com/200037/article/ekathimerini/business/capital-controls-made-banks-cash-sufficient …
#Greece | Syriza Politburo decides to convene party's Central Committee on Thursday, with eventually calling a party conference asap.
Varoufakis & Plan B team accused of "constituting a criminal organisation" and "attempted counterfeiting of money" http://tinyurl.com/ps7ghfl
Greek gov't expects technical teams to finish work by Fri. Mission chiefs (Costello, Rueffer, Giammarioli & Velculescu) arrive Wed #Greece
Greek gov't spox Gerovasili says if there's goodwill #Greece & lenders can agree by Aug 18. Given previous gov't predictions, maybe refrain?
Discussions with technical teams took place at their hotel, State Accounting Office & Bank of Greece today, say Greek gov't sources #Greece
Morning Tweets....
Chinese Markets To Continue To See Relentless Selling; Profound Impact To Economy Likely: BofA http://emergingequity.org/2015/07/28/chinese-markets-will-continue-to-see-relentless-selling-profound-impact-to-economy-likely-bofa/ …
With China Banks Pinched by Bailouts, PBOC Turns to State Allies http://bloom.bg/1DJYvrl
#China regulator has lost 1st round of tug-of-war. Shanghai Comp continues to decline despite massive intervention.
Data splash....
UK Q2 industrial output rises at strongest rate since Q4 2010
UK #GDP: Mining and quarrying/incl oil output rises 7.8% in Q2; biggest rise since Q3 1989. Manufacturing output down 0.3%
UK GDP rises 0.7% in Q2 (+0.4% in Q1); Industrial Output: +1.0% Services: +0.7% Construction: 0.0%
Kalimera troika
Greece v Spain courtesy of Deutsche Bank
German wise men on #Grexit: "A permanently uncooperative member shouldn't be able to threaten existence of the euro" http://www.ekathimerini.com/200003/article
Ex-advisor of French Econ Min: Greek deal makes Euro breakup far more likely, maybe via orderly departure by Germany http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/28/opinion/how-the-greek-deal-could-destroy-the-euro.html …
Varoufakis defends his plans for an alternate Greek payment system amid reports of potential judicial inquiry http://openeurope.org.uk/daily-shakeup/french-economy-minister-says-eu-needs-fair-set-of-rules-for-non-euro-countries/#section-2 …
Commission hit back at "false and unfounded" Varoufakis claims about controlling Greece's state revenues body http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/11767132/Greece-news-live-Troika-begin-work-in-Athens-as-investigation-calls-against-Varoufakis-grow.html …
Negotiations restart as creditors demand further reforms in Greece before bailout agreed http://openeurope.org.uk/daily-shakeup/french-economy-minister-says-eu-needs-fair-set-of-rules-for-non-euro-countries/#section-3 …

#Syriza ’s Left Platform openly challenges #Tsipras - VIDEO - #Greece- http://en.enikos.gr/politics/33065,Syrizas-Left-Platform-openly-challenges-Tsipras-VIDEO.html …
Gen Sec of Info Systems Michalis Hatzitheodorou says reports of intervention in online tax system 'absolutely false'. http://www.ekathimerini.com/200007/article/ekathimerini/news/ministrys-it-official-rebuffs-hacking-reports-as-absolutely-false …
Greek FinMin @tsakalotos Technical talks started today,to continue tmrw more intensely. We'll serve Eurogroup/summit agreement to the letter
Tsipras aide, after Varoufakis statement:This confirms there was no discussion by gov of policy for Grexit. PM didnt know about hacking plan
NikiKitsantonis retweeted
24 New Democracy MPs to submit Q to PM on whether Varoufakis should face judicial probe as well as parl't inquiry, reports Skai TV #Greece
Trans Iberian blog: Could austerity politics scupper Catalonia’s independence referendum? http://cort.as/VJ5v
How did Spain’s ‘ghost’ airport in Ciudad Real end up with a €10k price tag? http://cort.as/VJ2T by @DaniVerdu
Spain sees record tourist spending in first half. Largest increase from US visitors http://cort.as/VHQz
#France also suffers from the “curse of peripheral countries.” http://cib.natixis.com/DocReader/index.aspx?d=5161324F43496A49456848665668624F5A672F6433773D3D …
Commodities rout , Odd & Ends , best from before....
It's been a brutal year for commodities. All but 2 have plunged in the last 12months. WTI has dropped 54%. (via BBG)
Year-end WTI forecasts... High: Macquarie $81. Low: Natixis $49 = Nobody knows
Silvia Wadhwa retweeted
#Bullshit-Bingo: Krisen-Vokabular-Generator für #Griechenland - leider nicht mobil http://www.handelsblatt.com/12067746.html
Asylum seekers in Germany expected to double to 450,000 this yr at cost of up to €6bn to German laender: http://de.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idDEKCN0Q11IM20150727 …
Next sovereign default to happen: Puerto Rico Lacks Cash for Aug. Bond Payment, Official Says http://bloom.bg/1S81W7d
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