#ISIS chief ‘critically wounded’ in US air strike on extremist leaders’ convoy – reports http://on.rt.com/oeh7o4
ISF claim responsibility for airstrikes targeting ISIS Caliph Al-Baghdadi. Specialist intel arm 'Falcons Intelligence Unit' issued statement
Falcons Intel Unit FIU - a 'specialist' unit within Federal Intel & Investigation Agency accountable to #Iraq Interior (Homeland) Ministry
ISF FIU issue details of Al-Baghdadi Op:
Time: ~ 12:30pm
Date: Sat 8 Nov 14
Location: Qaim - House belongs to Mohanad Al-Hardani (1 of 5)
ISF FIU issue details of Al-Baghdadi Op (2 of 5):
Reason for Meeting: Group of Ahrar Al-Sham & others to pay allegiance to AL-Baghdadi
ISF FIU details of Al-Baghdadi Op (3 of 5):
9:44 am - Al-Baghdadi arrives in a Nursery near Al-Kindi school
11 am - Meeting w/ 'leadership'
ISF FIU details of Al-Baghdadi Op (4 of 5):
After Lunch all go to Mohanad Al-Hardani house in Qaim
>Excessive Security
ISF FIU details of Al-Baghdadi Op (5 of 5):
14 senior ISIS dead
9 injured incl. Explosive Expert + ISIS Spiritual leader Mulla Hamidi
ISF Falcons Intel Unit statement listing those killed in #Iraq #Airforce airstrikes on Al-Baghdadi #Qaim
Anti War.....
Nusra Front Seizes More Villages From Moderate Syria Rebels
Pro-US Rebels Abandon Villages in Face of Offensive
by Jason Ditz, November 07, 2014
The US attacks on Syrian al-Qaeda faction Jabhat al-Nusra distanced them from their former allies in the Syrian moderate rebellion, and those rebels are now paying the price in lost territory, as Nusra treats them as US proxies for the sake of retaliation.

The Idlib villages fell with little challenge, as the rebels seek to consolidate their positions and cede their front line villages without much resistance, an admission of Nusra’s tendency to rout them in direct fighting.
There was some fighting over Minnig, though Nusra quickly won the town, and ordered all other rebel factions therein to disband and turn their weapons over to them. How many of those weapons were US provided is unclear, but if history is any indication will be significant.
New US Troops Headed to Iraq Front Line in ISIS-Controlled Anbar
'Advisers' Will Be Embedded in Combat Units
by Jason Ditz, November 07, 2014
Though officials continue to deny that they are intending to launch a ground war in Iraq, they today announced a plan to double the number of US ground troops in Iraq.

Gen. Martin Dempsey has been talking up plans to embed the “advisers” into Iraqi combat units, and while they still won’t theoretically be listed as combat troops, the move seems designed primarily to put US troops into combat situations.
ISIS controls at least 80 percent of Anbar. The US has been keen to expand Iraqi ground operations in the province, though ISIS seems like they will be the primary beneficiaries of the embedding, as it will give them opportunities to hit US troops in a way they could not readily do before.
Rice: No US Military Coordination With Iran
Downplays Secret Obama Letter to Ayatollah
by Jason Ditz, November 07, 2014
The Obama Administration is continuing to try to downplay the reports of a secret letter sent by President Obama to Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on the topic of ISIS.

Congressional hawks have been condemning Obama for the secret letter, saying it is “outrageous” that Obama would even communicate with Iranian officials, and that it threatened to harm ties with Sunni Arab nations.
Administration officials have not denied that the letter was sent, but have refused to discuss its content, and said their policy toward Iran has not changed. Since this letter is unprecedented, whatever the content their policy clearly did change.
Sunday Tweets... Clear as mud regarding serious wounds received or death of ISIS Caliphate Baghdadi !
Michael Weiss retweeted
Joel Wing retweeted
#Anbar: Abu Bakr #Baghdadi believed to have been seriously wounded and moved to Syrian territory: http://bit.ly/1zcABDv
#Kurdish commander Mahmoud Sangawi: There is no coordination between us and #Iraqi army for any potential attack on #Jalawla.
US air strike on Islamic State convoy killed leader’s key aide http://gu.com/p/436h6/tw
US air strikes near Mosul destroy Isis convoy but reports leader hit unconfirmed http://bit.ly/1xbzg1Z
#Baghdadi death rumours centre on confirmed killing of v close aide Abdur Rahman al-Athee (Abu Sajar) in convoy hit near #Mosul.
Part 2. Abu Sajar was thought to be always by Baghdadi's side. But nothing solid on #ISIS leader being killed. #Mosul
Jabhat al-Nusra claims capture of Tel Um Hauran as part of wider FSA offensive that captured Nawa, #Deraa earlier.
Baghdad Asks For Kurdish Oil Revenue From #Turkey - #BasNews - http://www.basnews.com/en/News/Details/Baghdad-Asks-For-Kurdish-Oil-Revenue-From-Turkey/41827 …
Saturday Tweets.....
Chaos In The Middle East, Paralysis In The West http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-11-08/chaos-middle-east-paralysis-west …
PT: Most of the new troops will be forward-deployed to new advise-and-assist ops centers outside of Baghdad and Erbil and new (1/3)
PT: training sites in Anbar, Diyala, and Erbil. US troops have already deployed to al-Asad airbase in western Anbar and (2/3)
PT: Kirkush training base in Diyala. Reports indicate Camp Taji north of Baghdad also the likely site for a new training site (3/3)
PT: Expanded advise and assist mission will cover training of nine ISF brigades and three KRG Peshmerga brigades.
Reports indicate airstrikes targeted meeting of #IS leaders in a house in al-Qa'im, IS western Anbar emir and his deputy reportedly killed.
PT: Only source for the report so far appears to be the notoriously unreliable @AlArabiya owned al-Hadath TV: http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN0IS0LM20141108?irpc=932 …
Unconfirmed reports from @AlArabiya claiming #IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi killed or injured in Coalition airstrikes in al-Qa'im.
#IslamicState War Hits #Iraq Oil Production
http://www.basnews.com/en/News/Details/IS-War-Hits-Iraq-Oil-Production--/41744 …
#TwitterKurds #Baghdad #Kurds #Erbil #Mosul #ISIL
US says coalition airstrikes targeted #ISIS leaders near #Mosul, without confirming whether al-Baghdadi was killed
Kurdish fighters failed to break #IS siege of Kobani http://bit.ly/1sjaTru
As #kobani battle drags on, fighting in northwest Syria heats up: #Syria crisis coverage http://www.dailystar.com.lb/special/syrian-crisis.ashx#axzz3IHnlz3Su …
Obama seeks $ to train #Iraq forces, incl. Sunni tribes: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/08/world/middleeast/us-to-send-1500-more-troops-to-iraq.html …
Background: http://carnegieendowment.org/syriaincrisis/?fa=57168 … by @a_alrababah @FWehrey
Kerry says no link between Iran talks, other Middle East issues http://bit.ly/1xslCUR
Top news story
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Letters to the Ayatollah: Why Obama's Latest Outreach to Iran's...
#ISIS Militants Receive Weapons by Military Planes http://www.basnews.com/en/News/Details/IS-Militants-Receive-Weapons-by-Military-Planes-/41482 …
#TwitterKurds #Iraq #ISIL #Jalawla #Iraq
Members of Albu Nimr say other Anbar tribes took part in massacres of their tribesmen http://www.niqash.org/articles/?id=3573 …
Sanger with a little more details on Obama's letter to Khamenei. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/11/08/world/middleeast/obama-urged-iranian-leader-to-see-common-interests-.html?referrer= …
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