here we go......
Patient had traveled to Nigeria recently
A patient with Ebola-like symptoms is being treated at Howard University Hospital, a hospital spokesperson confirms.
The patient had traveled to Nigeria recently.
That person has been admitted to the hospital in stable condition, and is being isolated and tested.
“In an abundance of caution, we have activated the appropriate infection control protocols, including isolating the patient,” said hospital spokesperson Kerry-Ann Hamilton in a statement. “Our medical team continues to evaluate and monitor progress in close collaboration with the CDC and the Department of Health.”
Hamilton did not share further details about the patient, citing privacy reasons, but said the hospital will provide updates as warranted.
Africans infected with Ebola may be trying to seek treatment in U.S., other countries
Liberians are apparently flooding Roberts International Airport in Harbel, Liberia, in an attempt to flee the Ebola-struck country, raising fears that more people infected with Ebola will fly into America.
Thomas Eric Duncan, the 40-year-old Liberian national who was diagnosed with Ebola a few days after arriving in Dallas, Texas, may have started a trend of “Ebola tourism” in which Liberians leave their country to seek better treatment for the disease.
“That’s not something we should be encouraging or allowing,” Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, told the Washington Times.
Overall, around 200,000 people from the West African countries hit hardest by Ebola hold temporary visas to the U.S., but the Obama administration has rejected calls to enact a visa ban.
“Based on State Department nonimmigrant visa issuance statistics, I estimate that there are about 5,000 people in Guinea, 5,000 people in Sierra Leone, and 3,500 people in Liberia who possess visas to come to the United States today,” Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told the Washington Examiner.
Temporary visas given to Nigerians have recently skyrocketed, with nearly 195,000 Nigerians currently holding visas, she added.
The Obama administration has similarly refused to impose a ban on travel from the Ebola hot zone into the U.S., despite pressure from a Florida Democrat and the fact that other countries have enacted similar bans.
Back in July, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) suggested the State Dept. ban citizens from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone from entering the U.S. and foreign travelers who have visited those countries in the previous 90 days.
Grayson grew concerned after an American who contracted Ebola in Liberia died in Nigeria after flying into the country through an international airport.
“This latest case is particularly troubling because Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, Nigeria, is the third busiest airport in Africa, and it offers direct flights to the United States,” Grayson wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry. “I urge you to consider the enhanced danger Ebola now presents to the American public, and therefore request that appropriate travel restrictions be implemented immediately.”
The administration ignored Grayson’s plea but, in contrast, British Airways, Air France, Korean Air andKenya Airways decided to suspend flights to the Ebola hot zone in August.
“If [the Obama administration] instituted the travel ban when Alan Grayson, of all people, demanded it, [Duncan] wouldn’t be here,” Krikorian added.
Insists CDC underplaying threat posed by disease and is intentionally misleading the public
Dom Giordano talked with Dr. Gil Mobley, who believes the CDC is lying about the threat posed by Ebola and staged a protest at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson Airport to expose it.
Mobley, a doctor in Missouri, is convinced that Ebola will soon be infecting people all over the globe.
“For months, doctors in my community — since we had a meeting six weeks ago — have been convinced that the United States will be importing clusters regularly. Right now, on the continent of West Africa, there are a million people in isolation, in quarantine, because of Ebola, and ten thousand passengers leave West Africa every single day. It’s just a matter of time before this disease is carried to every corner of the world.”
He insists the CDC is underplaying the threat posed by the disease and is intentionally misleading the public.
“Right of return” and “gender dimension” more important than stopping spread of disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday shutting down travel from West Africa to stem the spread of Ebola will put more Americans at risk.
The director of the federal agency, Tom Frieden, said restricting air travel from Liberia and other countries where the disease is rapidly spreading will be ineffective and prevent officialdom from doing its job.
“The only way we’re going to get to zero risk is by stopping the outbreak at the source” in West Africa, Frieden told MSNBC.
He added that the “right of return” is more important than preventing the disease from spreading.
“Even if we tried to close the border, it wouldn’t work,” he said. “People have a right to return. People transiting through could come in. And it would backfire, because by isolating these countries, it’ll make it harder to help them, it will spread more there and we’d be more likely to be exposed here.”
In addition to the “right of return,” Human Rights Watch argues governments should “limit use of quarantines” and “address the gender dimensions of the outbreak.”
Human Rights Watch is funded by the globalist financier George Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefellers have played an instrumental role in the eugenics movement.
On Friday journalist and author Jerome Corsi cited a study published in a scientific journal one month ago predicting the virus would reach the United States by the end of September.
The scientists said that in order to effectively combat the deadly virus air travel in West Africa would need to be shut down and a quarantined imposed. They said only “interventions on the ground” will prevent Ebola from spreading internationally.
“The current analysis shows that if the West African outbreak is not contained, the probability of international spread is going to increase consistently, especially if other countries are affected and not able to contain the epidemic.”
The scientists agreed with the CDC and the United Nations World Health Organization that imposing a quarantine “may hamper the deployment of personnel and support in the region, ultimately creating a counter-productive effect in the containment effort.”
1 month to stop Ebola before it's 'totally out of control' - global aid NGO
The International Rescue Committee (IRC), on behalf of 34 NGOs battling Ebola in West Africa, has warned that the number of cases is doubling roughly every three weeks and the globe has only four weeks to stop the crisis from spiraling out of control.
Aid organizations have called for a six-point plan to combat the virus at an international summit convened in London to tackle the epidemic.
The charity Save the Children warned that five people are being infected with the virus every hour.
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced earlier this week that more than 3,000 people have died from Ebola so-far in West Africa. 6,500 cases have been officially recorded, but the real number is expected to be far higher, as many victims are dying unreported.
The ‘Defeating Ebola’ conference commenced in London on Thursday. It will highlight the scale of the crisis, just after Dr. David Nabarro, leading the United Nation's Ebola response, said that epidemic scares him more than either the early years of the HIV virus and SARS.
Sanjayan Srikanthan from the IRC, speaking on behalf of aid organizations and NGOs such as Christian Aid and Oxfam, told delegates that the world has a small “window of opportunity” left to stop the disease spreading further.
“Every day we delay in disbursing resources to affected countries, the more impossible it becomes to contain the disease. The international community has a window of opportunity over the next four weeks to stop the crisis from spreading completely out of control. To do so we must break transmission rates and halt the exponential increase in cases,” he says in a statement prepared for the summit.
A WHO spokesman said that transmission is still widespread in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone with the number of new cases increasing sharply in several districts.
Of the three, the situation in Sierra Leone is the most “critical.” Save the Children said that 765 new cases were reported in the country last week but there were only 327 beds available “with five people infected every hour.”
“We need a coordinated international response that ensures treatment centers are built and staffed immediately,” said Justin Forsyth, the Save the Children’s chief executive, as quoted by British media.
The IRC’s six-point plan to combat the Ebola epidemic is outlined in their statement prepared for the conference.
First on the list is - unsurprisingly, given that Ebola has struck in some of the world’s poorest countries - more financial help. The IRC said that only a quarter of the amount needed has been committed so far and urged international donors to increase donations and hand them over to the UN appeal within two weeks.
Second is medical personnel and equipment. Many health centers lack the resources to diagnose, isolate and treat patients with Ebola, and protect health workers.
Srikanthan also asks for more military and civilian support as Aid agencies don’t have enough staff to deal with the crisis.
“As a measure of last resort we are calling on governments to release military capacity to set up facilities and help manage them, to expedite the deployment of volunteers from health services and agencies,” he says.
He also called for help to mobilize local communities and for local media in Ebola-affected countries help “reduce transmission and dispel rumors and misunderstanding about Ebola.”
Srikanthan asked for the international community to come up with a contingency plan and that the $1 billion that it is estimated is needed to adequately respond to the Ebola crisis, is just the sum which will cover the cost of the response in three of the countries with confirmed cases.
Finally, he warned that the hidden indirect costs of Ebola are far greater and that “as national resources are diverted to responding to the outbreak, health systems have collapsed. Easily treatable and preventable illnesses are claiming hundreds of lives.”
Americans On Ebola: "I'm Getting So Nervous"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/02/2014 21:22 -0400
Coast to coast, ordinary Americans are growing more fearful of what Ebola in America means. Despite reassurances from officials (President Obama on down) that it's contained, it appears it is not. By anecdote, as Reuters reports, in the Dallas community of Vickery Meadow (where Richard Duncan was staying), a cultural polyglot where about three dozen languages are spoken, the one word on everyone's lips is "Ebola." There is little indication a visitor to the community had been infected with a disease that has killed more than 3,000 people in West Africa, in the worst Ebola outbreak on record. "There's no notes on the doors. No one came to talk to us. I picked up my kids from school down the street and found out it was this close," one mother exclaimed, adding "right now, I'm not sure to take my daughter to school tomorrow... I'm getting so nervous."
On Sunday, a group of blighted apartments in a section of the neighborhood favored by West African immigrants was shaken by screams as one family saw a recently arrived relative being carted away in an ambulance.The man was the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. He was last seen by neighbors in the parking lot vomiting on the street."I heard about Ebola on the news, but I didn't know it was right here," said Juan Pablo Escalante, 43, who is from Mexico.There is little indication a visitor to the community had been infected with a disease that has killed more than 3,000 people in West Africa, in the worst Ebola outbreak on record."There's no notes on the doors. No one came to talk to us. I picked up my kids from school down the street and found out it was this close," Escalante said on Wednesday.Dallas County said it would put "boots on the ground" to monitor those who may have been exposed. In Vickery Meadow, residents worried if that would be enough to prevent an outbreak at what has been dubbed "ground zero" for Ebola in the United States. Vickery Meadow is home to about 25,000 people and more than 30 languages spoken among immigrants who have come to Dallas because it has one of the better job markets in the United States and relatively inexpensive property prices....The community's schools have also been touched by Ebola, with five children coming into contact with the patient. The children went to the four different schools they attend after being exposed. They are now home and showing no symptoms, but parents are worried.Dozens of comments from parents posted on the Dallas Independent School District's Facebook page said more information was needed, including the names of the potentially exposed children.
* * *
Stay calm everyone - the government will be here soon with 'the solution'.
Stay calm everyone - the government will be here soon with 'the solution'.
Hour-by-hour account of what happened as Thomas Duncan developed Ebola symptoms...
Mishandling of patient prompts CDC alert to hospitals...
UNITED Trying to Reach Passengers From Flights...
'Zero risk of transmission'...
Pressure grows to restrict travel from Africa...
Cleanup Delayed in Dallas as Workers Balk...
Household weary of quarantine...
Tired of being 'locked up'...
NBCNEWS cameraman tests positive in Liberia...
Crew to Be Isolated for 21 Days...
Mishandling of patient prompts CDC alert to hospitals...
UNITED Trying to Reach Passengers From Flights...
'Zero risk of transmission'...
Pressure grows to restrict travel from Africa...
Cleanup Delayed in Dallas as Workers Balk...
Household weary of quarantine...
Tired of being 'locked up'...
NBCNEWS cameraman tests positive in Liberia...
Crew to Be Isolated for 21 Days...
Wednesday tweets...
Texas health officials tracking 100 people "in contact" with first Ebola victim in US
U.S. Ebola Patient Facing Criminal Charges For Lying On Health Form To Gain Entry Into The - @HealthMottos @youknowbt
Um, is he actually dead?
WATCH: The shocking moment an Ebola 'corpse' moves
Suicidal U.K. cuts aid Sierra Leone and Liberia by a fifth, while #Ebola is raging -- …
Tuesday tweets.....
American Ebola News Wrap: Up To 80 Potential Cases In Texas, 1 In Hawaii …
Four weeks to stop Ebola: 34 global organisations will warn international conference we have ONE MONTH to stop…
Ebola outbreak: 'Five infected every hour' in Sierra Leone …
U.S. Will Increase Production of the Ebola Drug ZMapp, but May Not Meet Demand
END GAME? How many Ebola deaths nationally would trigger a Presidential Executive Order declaring martial law … #tcot
80 people came in contact with Dallas #Ebola virus patient, Dallas health official says - @NBCDFW via @breaking
1,400 U.S. troops will head to Liberia to help support fight against Ebola: (Pascal Guyot, AP)
#Ebola vaccines fast-tracked as report predicts "worst-case scenario" #BBCGoFigure
Info War.....
Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told to prepare to be activated in the month of October
A public tweet from a large government supplier of emergency response products specializing in “high risk events” says that Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told to prepare to be activated in the month of October. The shocking revelation, made on the Goldenstate Fire/EMS Twitter page, suggests that not only did someone know that the Ebola virus would be reaching America, but that they knew exactly when it would happen.
“What we are now hearing is just the tip of the iceburg as we enter October,” noted the company’s Twitter spokesperson. “Ebola virus will cripple EMS and hospitals.”
With the Ebola virus now having been confirmed on U.S. soil, speculation as to how it got here and how many others may have contracted it is mounting. The traditional thinking here is that the virus made its way to the United States simply by one infected individual coming into contact with another, and so on. But, a growing chorus of contrarian researchers suggests another possibility – the Ebola virus may have been weaponized by a government or rogue terror cell and it has been deployed as a bio weapon.
This may sound outlandish, but in August posted a video of a State Department official’s remarks to reporters about developments in Africa. In her statement she specifically referred to the growing crisis as an “Ebola attack,” suggesting that not only has the virus been weaponized, but that the U.S. government knew it was not a naturally occurring event.
Though such weaponization is difficult to achieve according to Dr. Joe Alton, it remains a distinct possibility.
As noted by Kurt Nimmo, who cites a 2013 Global Policy Journal report, if someone had the resources to make it happen, they probably could:
Although weaponization of Ebola is complex and unlikely, experts in the field say transmission of the virus by air has occurred between animals. They believe “with advancing knowledge about how to manipulate viruses, the traits that make these [hemorrhagic fever virus agents] difficult to weaponize might be a diminishing barrier.”Additionally, a “reverse genetics system provides a way to produce highly virulent mutated viruses for the purpose of biological warfare or biological terrorism,” scientists believe, according to Teckman’s research. (Infowars)
Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show notes that the U.S. Army is intimately involved in Ebola research, adding further fuel to speculation that it has been used to develop new bio weapon systems:
The fact that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is involved suggests that either the Ebola virus, or the vaccine, or both, have been weaponized.
Weaponization aside, there is a third possibility and that is the virus did spread through the natural contagion effect, but that its entry into the United States is being facilitated by lax border policies and almost non-existent airport screening procedures, something that has Immigration and Customs officials terrified.
Over the last several years the U.S. government has been actively preparing for awidespread crisis scenario. Whether that crisis is Ebola or something else remains to be seen. But, what we do know is that they have stocked up not only armaments and ammunition, but tens of thousands of Hazmat suits, body bags and what are believed to be millions of disposable FEMA coffins.
Moreover, the President updated several Executive Orders over the last several years authorizing, among other things, forced quarantines and round-ups in the event of apandemic emergency and the appropriation of private resources like food, water and human labor.
That a major government supplier of emergency equipment has come out in the open to claim that their sources had foreknowledge of an emergency Disaster Response mobilization to occur in the United States in October of this year is an astonishing development considering what has transpired in the last 72 hours.
Will Obama be the Commander-In-Chief Who Lets Ebola Infect America?
3 Supreme Court justices, 2 top level NSA executives, numerous Democratic and Republican Congress members and other top American officials have said that we’re basically in a police state
Obama has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined. Indeed, the Obama administration is literally treating whistleblowers as terrorists. Dissent is also treated as terrorism, and the massive spy apparatus is focused on crushing dissent. Even trying to protect oneself from spying istreated as extremism. And investigative journalism has been criminalized by the Obama administration.
And yet the government is allowing people from Ebola-infected countries like Liberia visit America …even after a Liberian brought Ebola to Dallas.
Why don’t we enforce a travel ban … just until the African epidemic ends?
In July, Congressman Alan Grayson called for a travel ban from Liberia and other hot zone countries, to be lifted 90 days after the last case of Ebola is reported.
Scores of African nations have enacted Ebola travel restrictions.
Kit Daniels notes:
In mid-August, Korean Air and Kenya Airways announced they were halting flights to the West African countries ravaged by Ebola, and British Airways and Air France also decided to suspend service to the Ebola hot zone a few weeks later.“France is recommending that its citizens leave Sierra Leone and Liberia, two of the countries hardest hit by the worst ever outbreak of the disease,” Jessica Plautz reported for Mashable. “The government said the increasing spread of the disease prompted its request that the airline to suspend flights.”Yet the Obama administration made no such request to U.S. airlines and government flights
Indeed, there’s not only open travel for people from hot zone countries, but there are limited screening procedures at airports, and doctors aren’t screening very vigorously either.
While the Centers for Diseases Control are talking as if they are confident, the reality is different:
- The CDC’sbudget has been slashed
- As Dr. Sanjay Guptanotes, there have been lapses in safety at the Centers for Disease Control and U.S. hospitals in treating infectious diseases
American government officials are acting arrogantly – and may be putting us all at risk – in the same way that:
- U.S. economic officials thought that the U.S. had the world’s strongest financial system – and that they hadfigured outhow to permanently stabilize the economy in a prosperous utopia – but their models werecompletely flawed, and built uponwildlyerroneousassumptions
- The Japanese had the reputation as being the world’s most technologically sophisticated and conscientious country … but their arrogance andattempt to underplaythe dangers of nuclear power caused them to takeincrediblyriskyactionswhich let Fukushima melt down
The government is much more focused on bombing yet more Arabs in yet more wars than stopping a pandemic which could turn into the modern equivalent of the Great Plague.
But stupid government policy is more dangerous than terrorism.
Text amended amidst concern over first confirmed case in America
The Public Health Agency of Canada has deleted information from its official website which indicated that the “airborne spread” of Ebola was strongly suspected by health authorities, amidst efforts by officials in Texas to calm concerns about the first outbreak of the virus in America.
The image below shows the original Public Health Agency of Canada website’s information page on the Ebola virus as it appeared on August 20th compared to how it appears now.

Under a section entitled “mode of transmission,” the original text stated that, “airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated.”
However, the amended text states that, “airborne transmission has not been demonstrated between non-human primates.”
Both passages refer to a 2012 study by Canadian scientists which indicated that the Ebola virus could be transmitted by air between different species.
“Researchers from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the country’s Public Health Agency have shown that pigs infected with this form of Ebola can pass the disease on to macaques without any direct contact between the species,” reported BBC News.
Although there is no confirmation that Ebola has gone airborne, Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, acknowledged in a recent New York Times op-ed that virologists are “loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private” the possibility that Ebola has gone airborne.
Some have questioned why hundreds of health workers have become sick and died from Ebola given that they take extreme precautions to avoid bodily contact with victims.
How Bad Could It Get? US Government Order Of 160,000 HazMat Suits Gives A Clue
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2014 11:17 -0400
Now that Ebola is officially in the US on an uncontrolled basis, the two questions on everyone's lips are i) who will get sick next and ii) how bad could it get?
We don't know the answer to question #1 just yet, but when it comes to the second one, a press release three weeks ago from Lakeland Industries, a manufacturer and seller of a "comprehensive line of safety garments and accessories for the industrial protective clothing market" may provide some insight into just how bad the US State Department thinks it may get. Because when the US government buys 160,000 hazmat suits specifically designed against Ebola, just ahead of the worst Ebola epidemic in history making US landfall, one wonders: what do they know the we don't?
From Lakeland Industries:
****Lakeland Industries, Inc. (LAKE), a leading global manufacturer of industrial protective clothing for industry, municipalities, healthcare and to first responders on the federal, state and local levels, today announced the global availability of its protective apparel for use in handling the Ebola virus. In response to the increasing demand for specialty protective suits to be worm by healthcare workers and others being exposed to Ebola, Lakeland is increasing its manufacturing capacity for these garments and includes proprietary processes for specialized seam sealing, a far superior technology for protecting against viral hazards than non-sealed products."Lakeland stands ready to join the fight against the spread of Ebola," said Christopher J. Ryan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lakeland Industries. "We understand the difficulty of getting appropriate products through a procurement system that in times of crisis favors availability over specification, and we hope our added capacity will help alleviate that problem. With the U.S. State Department alone putting out a bid for 160,000 suits, we encourage all protective apparel companies to increase their manufacturing capacity for sealed seam garments so that our industry can do its part in addressing this threat to global health.
Ebola-Stricken West African Economies Are Crashing
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/01/2014 18:44 -0400
We warned five weeks ago of the potential economic damage that the Ebola virus could do to West African economies, and now it appears The IMF, The World Bank, and the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization have warned that Liberia and other West African economies, as WaPo reports, begun a frightening descent into economic hell. Fear that "that people would abandon the fields and factories, that food and fuel would become scarce and unaffordable, and that the government’s already meager capacity to help, along with the nation’s prospects for a better future, would be severely compromised" are no longer scenarios - they are real! Annual inflation rates have doubled, fuel sales are down 35%, Liberia's productivity is down 50-75%, and "micro-trade" financing is "completely depleted."
The IMF warns “In addition to exacting a heavy human toll, the Ebola outbreak is having a severe economic and social impact, and could jeopardize the gains from a decade of peace.”
With WHO and CDC expecting a worst case scenario now, the $809 million collapse in GDP across Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia is stunning...
Three recent reports from international organizations that seem to bear out the worst-case scenarios of months ago:that people would abandon the fields and factories, that food and fuel would become scarce and unaffordable, and that the government’s already meager capacity to help, along with the nation’s prospects for a better future, would be severely compromised.They are no longer scenarios. They are real. While these trends have been noted anecdotally, the cumulative toll is horrific.The basic necessities of survival in Liberia — food, transportation, work, money, help from the government — are rapidly being depleted, according to recent reports by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank....The International Monetary Fund said in a separate report that restrictions on public transport, internal travel and trade are burdening the country’s ability to distribute the food that is available.The combination is driving up food prices rapidly, said the IMF even as “panic buying” is boosting demand, according to the World Bank. The IMF is projecting aninflation rate of 13.1 percent by year’s end, compared with 7.7 percent before the Ebola epidemic started taking its toll.Transportation has been badly disrupted, one indicator being a drop of between 20 and 35 percent in fuel sales.The services sector, about half of Liberia’s economy, employing about 45 percent of the work force, has experienced a drop in turnover of 50 to 75 percent, the World Bank says.Savings and loan programs, called “susu,” that finance “micro-trade” and small businesses — especially those run by women — have been “completely depleted,” with participants no longer able to pay their debts, said the FAO.Projections for short-term and long-term economic growth are getting ratcheted downward, with the worst-case estimates nothing short of catastrophic. The World Bank, looking at 2014 alone, projected a reduction in growth in Liberia from 5.9 percent to 2.5 percent, a plunge that would be considered calamitous in any country. In 2015, under its most dire but altogether realistic scenario, Liberia’s output could decrease by nearly 12 percent in 2015.Projections for inflation are moving upward, with the IMF estimating an inflation rate of 13.1 percent by year’s end, compared with 7.7 percent the year before.On top of it all, the revenue coming in to the Liberian government has dropped sharply, by 20 percent, Liberia’s foreign minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan told the United Nations earlier this week. “Consequently, ourability to provide for basic social services and continue to fund key development projects are significantly diminished.”
* * *
“The Ebola epidemic is washing away years of progress and hard work,” said the FAO in its Sept. 23 report.
“The Ebola epidemic is washing away years of progress and hard work,” said the FAO in its Sept. 23 report.
CDC Confirms First Ebola Case Diagnosed In The US, In Dallas Hospital - Press Conference Live Feed
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/30/2014 16:45 -0400
The patient recently returned (via plane) from traveling from Liberia, West Africa. This perhaps explains why CDC was "taking precautions in the US" as we noted previously. And don't forget the administration's interference in Ebola treatments.
The day that many of us hoped would never arrive is here
The day that many of us hoped would never arrive is here. Ebola has come to America. Air travel between the United States and the countries of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone should have been totally shut down except for absolutely essential personnel but it wasn’t. And now our nation may end up paying a great price as a result. On Tuesday, the CDC announced that there is a confirmed case of Ebola in Dallas, Texas. We know that this individual is a male and that he traveled by air from Liberia to Texas on September 19th. At that time, he was not exhibiting any symptoms. It is being reported that he started developing symptoms on September 24th and that he sought out treatment two days later. Incredibly, he was turned away and sent home. Then on September 28th he went to a hospital again and this time he was admitted for treatment. That means that he could have potentially been spreading Ebola to others for at least four full daysbefore finally getting treated at a hospital. Now he is in intensive care at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. The CDC says that “there is no doubt that we will stop it here” and is promising that “it will not spread widely in this country”. The CDC better be right on both counts.
At this point, the CDC is admitting that it is not known if others have been infected by this individual. The CDC also says that it is tracking down everyone that he has been in contact with. But over four days in a major U.S. city, you can be “in contact” with a whole lot of people. And what about all of the people that those people were in contact with?
Instead, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is taking an entirely different approach. Dr. Thomas Frieden insists that we have absolutely nothing to worry about…
“I have no doubt that we will control this case of Ebola, so that it does not spread widely in this country. It is certainly possible that someone who has had contact with this patient could develop Ebola. But there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here.”
Frieden better be right about that.
I have no idea how they can say these things when the outbreak over in Africa is completely and totally out of control. Despite extreme precautions, hundreds of health workers have gotten the virus, and so far global health officials have not even been able to slow down the exponential growth of the Ebola pandemic in West Africa.
And our health officials should not be so dogmatic about how this virus spreads either.
In a previous article, I discussed a study that was conducted back in 2012 that demonstrated that Ebola could be transmitted through the air between pigs and monkeys that did not have physical contact with one another…
There is much that we don’t understand about this disease.
I can understand the need to keep the public calm, but why don’t these officials just tell us the truth?
At the same time that they are telling us that there is no chance that there will be an Ebola epidemic in the United States, they are also sending out guidelines to funeral homes on how to deal with dead Ebola victims…
Why are they doing this if there is “no chance” that the disease will spread widely?
Hopefully they isolated this Ebola patient in Dallas in time.
Hopefully he did not infect anyone else.
But we need to be honest about the situation that we are potentially facing. So far, there have been more than 6,000 cases of Ebola in Africa and more than 3,000 of those have died. Unfortunately, even WHO officials admit that those official numbers “great underestimate” the scope of this outbreak. The number of official cases has been doubling approximately every three weeks, and the CDC says that under a “worst case scenario” we could be looking at 1.4 million cases by the end of January 2015.
Right now all of the treatment facilities in Liberia and Sierra Leone are completely full and more than 80 percent of Ebola patients have been turned away and sent home without being treated. It is an absolute nightmare, and now it has come to America.
And as the virus continues to spread, it is inevitable that more carriers of the disease will get on airplanes headed for America.
Unfortunately for us, according to a recent Defense One article the screening done at airports actually does very little to stop the spread of Ebola…
Provisions would allow for quarantine of "well persons" who "do not show symptoms" of virus
Confirmation that the first case of Ebola has arrived in the United States will prompt questions as to whether the CDC will enact emergency procedures that could see even healthy Americans detained against their will.
The Centers for Disease Control confirmed today that an Ebola victim was admitted to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Reference to the patient’s “recent travel history” suggests that the victim arrived from one of the African countries hit by the virus.
The patient has been held in “strict isolation” and the hospital is “complying with all recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and the Texas Department of Health to ensure the safety of other patients and medical staff,” according to WFAA.
The official CDC website details ‘Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases’, under which even healthy citizens who show no symptoms of Ebola whatsoever would be forcibly quarantined at the behest of medical authorities.
“Quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of well persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill. These people may have been exposed to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease butdo not show symptoms,” states the CDC (emphasis mine).
Last month, former FDA official Scott Gottlieb, M.D. wrote in Forbes that the CDC will invoke powers to “hold a healthy person against his will” in the event of an Ebola outbreak, warning that the feds may assume “too much jurisdiction to detain people involuntarily,” leading to “spooky scenarios where people could be detained for long periods, merely on a suspicion they might have been exposed to some pathogen. And forced to submit to certain medical interventions to gain their freedom.”
An executive order signed by President Obama at the end of July also allows for the “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”
As we reported earlier today, the CDC has also instructed funeral homes to prepare for Ebola victims, telling workers not to embalm corpses or carry out autopsies.
UPDATE: 4 close family members of #Ebola patient ordered by local, state officials to stay home, not have visitors:
1,400 U.S. Troops Soon Headed to Liberia for Ebola Mission #Health …
Ebola case stokes concerns for Liberians in Texas
VIDEO: Safety equipment shortages, patients refusing hospital care put stress on Liberia's Ebola first responders:
#Health : #Nigeria ’s actions seem to contain #Ebola outbreak. … via @nytimes
First case of Ebola in the US: here's what life is like in the country worst-hit by the virus
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