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The Story Changes: Ebola Is Now "Aerostable" And Can Remain On Surfaces For 50 Days
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/31/2014 - 22:01
When it comes to Ebola, the story that the government is telling us just keeps on changing. At first, government officials were claiming that it was very difficult to spread the Ebola virus. Some of them were even comparing it to HIV. We were given the impression that we had to have “direct contact” with someone else’s body fluids in order to have any chance of catching the virus. But of course that is not true at all. Now authorities are admitting that Ebola is “aerostable”, that it can be “spread through droplets”, and that it can remain on surfaces for up to 50 days. That is far different information than we have been getting up until this point.
Is It About To Get Worse? Lakeland Hazmat Suit Orders Go Exponential, Surpass 1 Million
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/29/2014 - 22:26
Almost exactly a month ago, long before the Texas Ebola fiasco, when virtually nobody had heard of a small company out of Ronkonkoma, NY called Lakeland Industries and whose only product is "industrial protective clothing for industry, municipalities, healthcare and to first responders" i.e., Hazmat suits, we asked "i) who will get sick next and ii) how bad could it get?" For the answer we focused on the recently announced order of 160,000 Hazmat suits by the US State Department which had come at a time when the CDC was urging everyone that there is nothing to fear and that Ebola is under control. Fast forward to today when shortly after the close, and minutes after it announced the completion of another $11 million follow on offering, Lakeland surprised everyone, and especially those who are short the stock, when it released the following "Update on Business Activity Relating to Ebola Crisis" in which it announced that it has, by now, received a stunning 1 million Hazmat suit orders and rising exponentially.
#INFOGRAPHIC Cumulative toll in the Ebola outbreak, now at more than 13,000 cases and 4,900 deaths @AFP #WHO
#Ebola-free nurse and state of Maine are on a legal collision course over quarantine rule. …
Liberian health official says 'good progress' made against Ebola, but cautions epidemic far from over
WHO says Ebola epidemic in Liberia may be slowing down
White House on back foot on Ebola | TheHill …
New York City doctor with Ebola reportedly lied about his movements in city |
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