Evening tweets....
Libya Herald
Missing Libyan Airliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11 http://freebeacon.com/national-security/missing-libyan-jetliners-raise-fears-of-suicide-airliner-attacks-on-911/ … #Libya pic.twitter.com/x2hoLqolit
#Libya AF has reportedly lost third Mig-21 in 5 weeks (29 Jul, 29 Aug & 02 Sep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCpCWn6HUZc …)
#Libya's central bank warns warring sides to leave it out of conflict | Reuters http://af.reuters.com/article/commoditiesNews/idAFL5N0R33BN20140902 …
#Lavrov: The aftermath of the #Libya revolution has at least 14 countries infiltrated by active militants @RusEmbassyIraq
Libya Herald
HoR asks Thinni to lead new thinned-down government
By Farah Waleed.
Benghazi, Monday 1 September 2014:
The House of Representatives, at its meeting in Tobruk today, asked acting Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni to form a new government within two weeks. According to HoR spokesman Faraj Hashem, the government is have between eight and ten cabinet ministers.
Thinni was the favourite among five contenders shortlisted by the HoR for the premiership. The interim government he led resigned on Friday to allow it to make a new appointment.
Hashem told the Libya Herald that although Thinni has been given two weeks to formally nominate his ministers, he had in fact already provided parliament with the names. However, Hashem would not disclose them.
Thinni has been caretaker prime minister since being asked by the former General National Congress on 11 March to take on the post temporarily after it sacked Ali Zeidan. It then reappointed him several times as caretaker because it was unable to gather sufficient votes to appoint a fulltime replacement to Zeidan. Under Congress rules, a minimum of 120 were needed.
On 6 May, however, it seemed that Congress had overcome the hurdle when it announced it had sacked Thinni and appointed Ahmed Maetig as prime minister by 121 votes. But the appointment was challenged on constitutional grounds and on 9 June was overturned by the Supreme Court on the grounds that the quorum had been unconstitutionally assembled because a number of those who voted had been turned up after proceedings had begun.
Today, Thinni – whose appointment is now officially permanent – was chosen by 64 out of the 106 members attending this morning’s session. It is just over half the number specified by Congress as being needed to appoint a prime minister. However, the HoR says that the 120-vote threshold no longer applies because last month it voted to itself presidential powers until such time as a president is elected. It says that with such powers, it can appoint a prime minister by a simple majority vote.
Compared to the 64 votes, just five were cast a week ago when the rival General National Congress “appointed” Omar Hassi as prime minister.
In a separate development, the outgoing government has said that it no longer has any control over ministries and government institutions based in Tripoli. The declaration is unlikely to have any political impact, however, since it is a statement of the obvious. In any event, the ministries in Tripoli at present exercise no power in the country.
Fighting in south east Benghazi as Ansar renews Benina attacks
By Noora Ibrahim.
Benghazi, 1 September 2014:
There were Massive missile attacks and explosions overnight in and around the Benghazi district of Buatni as Ansar Al-Sharia launched a fresh assault on Benina Airport.
The head of Saiqa Special Forces Investigations Unit, Fadel Al-Hassi, told the Libya Herald that Ansar had ceased its offensive at around midday having begun at around midnight. He said Ansar had deployed a number of armoured cars in its attempts to take the airport but that finally Special Forces had been abel to repulse the Islamists as far as Sidi Mansour.
Benina Airport and a nearby Air Defence base are the last major positions held by Operation Dignity in Benghazi since its Special Forces partners were pushed from its headquarters in Buatni at the end of Ramadan. Buatni has been the backdrop to the worst fighting in Benghazi over the last month with most residents now displaced and sheltering in schools or with friends and relatives in other parts of the city.
The commander of Operation Dignity’s airforces Adam Saqr Geroushi said his aircraft had carried out airstrikes over the Ansar held district of Sidi Faraj. Some missiles are also reported to have landed in the Islamist stronghold of Leithi. Bombing raids by Operation Dignity on Islamist strongholds have taken place since the beginning of the goup’s military campaign in May.
There have also been reports of sporadic clashes in and around Benghazi University in the past 24 hours. Believed to involve February 17 Brigade, the fighting will likely push back the reopening of the university, which it was hoped would restart classes this month.
CAIRO — A Libyan security official says clashes in the eastern city of Benghazi between Islamists and rival fighters loyal to a renegade general have killed 31 on both sides.
The official said early on Tuesday that fierce fighting erupted between Gen. Khalifa Hifter’s loyalists and a group of Islamist militias called The Benghazi Revolutionary Shura Council late on Monday. Hifter’s jets pounded Islamists’ positions while militiamen responded with artillery.
The hours-long clashes concentrated around the city’s Benina airport.
The official says Hifter’s side lost 20 fighters while the militiamen had 11 killed. He says 36 fighters in all were wounded. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to media.
Libya is witnessing its worst spasm of violence since Moammar Gadhafi was toppled in 2011

In this photo taken during a tour offered to onlookers and journalists by the Dawn of Libya militia on Sunday damage is seen in the front yard of a building at the U.S. Embassy compound in Tripoli, Libya, after weeks of violence between rival militias over control of the capital. The Islamist-allied militia group in control of Libya's capital now guards the U.S. Embassy and its residential compound, a commander said Sunday, as onlookers and journalists toured the abandoned homes of diplomats who fled the country more than a month ago.
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