Wednesday tweets...
Tuesday tweets...
Tweets for Sunday.....
Scientific Evidence Proves Ebola Is Airborne and Our Liberian Bound Troops Are Walking Into a Death Trap
On the surface, the Presidential order to send 3,000 military personnel to Ebola-ridden is nothing but sheer lunacy. This 3 day old order have left people scratching their heads and wondering if Obama has lost his mind.
This article will shed light on the fact that Obama is acting with depraved indifference and the evidence is clear, Ebola is much more contagious than the government is telling the people and the available science speaks clearly to this fact.
Doctors Are Condemning the Sending of US Troops to Liberia
Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has stated that “You can see that these doctors, who are highly trained people, got themselves infected… So sending troops into an area, if they’re dealing one-on-one with a patient, they’re not going to be able to protect themselves very well. It’s not easy to [prevent transmission], because you get tired and you get careless and you make some simple mistakes. All it takes is one virus particle.”
Elaine Donelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, has stated that, “I’m just appalled. Judging from this, the United States seems to have a very confused vision of what ‘national security’ means.” Donelly went on to state that Obama is putting both our troops and their families at risk.
Our Three Thousand Liberia Bound Troops Are in Grave Danger
Some scoffed when I published that researchers from the Canadian government discovered, in 2009, that Ebola could be transmitted across species through airborne means. This led to speculation that if Ebola could be transmitted through airborne means between mammals from different species, could humans be vulnerable to the same process? The suggestion was met with some derision.
Further research indicates that scientists have known for six to eight years that Ebola is an airborne virus as well as the means of transmission that the corporate controlled media tells you about (i.e. bodily fluids).
I find it incredulous that the mainstream media, the CDC, the NIH and the Obama administration are silent as to the gravity of the Ebola threat in which millions of people in this country and billions in the entire world are at greater risk because of these crimes of omission being committed against humanity by the aforementioned entities.
There presently exists a mountain of work that shows just how Ebola is transmitted through the air. And still, not one airport has been shut down and not one of these studies has aired in the mainstream media.
What Do We Really Know About the Transmission of Ebola?
No one knows for certain how Ebola virus is transmitted from one person to the next. The virus has been found in the saliva, stool, breast milk, semen, and blood of infected persons. The virus has been found in the saliva, stool, breast milk, semen, and blood of infected persons.
Body fluids (e.g. vomit, diarrhea, blood, and saliva) can result in the inhalable aerosol particles in the immediate vicinity of an infected person. Coughing was identified among some cases in a 1995 outbreak in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Coughs are widely known to emit viruses in respirable particles. Actual vomiting produces an aerosol and has been implicated in airborne transmission of gastrointestinal viruses. Regarding diarrhea, toilet flushing emits a pathogen-laden aerosol that disperses in the air.
If you are still not convinced that we are sending our troops into a situation where they will likely contract Ebola through airborne transmission, then consider that both Marburg and Ebola viruses can be isolated from sera and tissue culture medium at room temperature for up to 46 days! Even in the most optimal of conditions, aerosolized Ebola, and Reston viruses, at 50% to 55% relative humidity and 72°F, had biological decay rates of 3.06%. and 1.55% per minute, respectively. These rates indicate that 99% loss in aerosol infectivity would occur in 104, and 162 minutes, respectively. Simply put, when our troops walk into an infected zone, they can be infected for one hour and 44 minutes after the release of the Ebola into the air. When it comes to Ebola Reston, the virus can be contracted through aerosolized means for a period of two hours and forty-two minute, almost three hours!
There is also strong experimental evidence that Ebola can be transmitted by airborne means.Jaax et al reported the unexpected death of two rhesus monkeys housed approximately three meters from monkeys infected with Ebola virus, concluding that respiratory or eye exposure to aerosols was the only possible explanation.
This scientific evidence merely scratches the surface with regard to the available data related to these facts as they are presented in this article.
Obama Is Making Good On His Transparency Promise
Healthcare workers have experienced very high rates of morbidity and mortality in the past and current Ebola virus outbreaks. A facemask, or surgical mask, offers no or very minimal protection from infectious aerosol particles.
Soldiers armed with far less protective gear than healthcare workers who are contracting the Ebola virus in great numbers, are going to get slaughtered. And for what? What possible mission can combat troops fulfill in a healthcare mission? How can anyone conclude that Obama is not deliberately putting several thousand troops at risk by inserting these men and women into Liberia? Some have speculated that this Obama’s way of beginning the degradation of our military. I must admit that this must be considered as a distinct possibility.
A concerned and competent President would be preventing flights from Ebola outbreak areas from entering the U.S., and we should be coercing our allies to do the same. Instead, this President has overseen the obliteration of our southern borders, thus, making the citizens of this country vulnerable to the entry of Ebola from illegal immigrants emanating from West Africa as well as the distinct possibility of inviting an Ebola bio-terror attack.
An Interesting Alternative Theory
One of my military sources has suggested that this is Obama’s way of covertly building up our troop presence in Africa in preparation for fighting against the Chinese troops. He contends that in actuality, only a small part of Liberian contingent will be put in harms way. The bulk of the troops will be preparing for World War III on the African continent.
Call for quarantine, banning flights to U.S. from nations with virus outbreaks

A real-life horror story is playing out in Africa as Ebola spreads, and President Obama’s decision to send 3,000 troops to Liberia to combat the virus could very well put Americans at risk of contracting the deadly illness at home, some health experts say.
According to the World Health Organization, at least 4,985 people have contracted Ebola and at least 2,461 have died. Several doctors have fallen ill with Ebola, and two of them have died. New reports indicate a Doctors Without Borders staff member has contracted the virus in Liberia and will be evacuated to France for treatment.
“You can see that these doctors, who are highly trained people, got themselves infected,” said Dr. Lee Hieb, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. “So sending troops into an area, if they’re dealing one-on-one with a patient, they’re not going to be able to protect themselves very well. It’s not easy to [prevent transmission], because you get tired and you get careless and you make some simple mistakes. All it takes is one virus particle.”
Dr. Hieb said quarantine measures should be taken to control the outbreak and prevent Ebola from coming to America.
“You don’t get Ebola from Europe,” she told WND. “You get Ebola from Africa. And it’s a really simple formula: Don’t let people fly to America if they’ve been to areas where there’s an outbreak. When there’s an outbreak, stop air [traffic] flow.”
Hieb added, “If they’re going to use the troops to do population control, which is one of the ways you contain it, basically you just don’t let anybody out. You’d make a ring around where it is, and you’d quarantine the area.”
With quarantines in places where the outbreaks are occurring, even if a person infected with Ebola were to try to board a plane to the U.S., it would be far more difficult for them to make the journey, she explained.
“Could somebody sneak through by going to Pakistan or some place?” she asked. “Yes, potentially. Ebola comes on so rapidly, you would know it. They wouldn’t make it. We should not allow flights from nations that are having Ebola outbreaks.”
Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has warned that the U.S. must “treat Ebola as a wake-up call.”
“What African troops are doing is shooting people who cross borders or violate quarantine,” Orient told WND, reacting to news of the U.S. troop deployment. “Is that what we plan to support?”
She added, “Africans are already very suspicious of us. How will they react to an army setting up hospitals?”
Orient called the planned U.S. deployment a “dubious mission,” warning that the nightmarish scenario could bring Ebola to America.
“There is definitely a risk,” she said. “It seems irresponsible to send more people there when the ones already there are having trouble leaving. Probably anyone who has been exposed should be quarantined for 25 days since the last exposure.”
Orient echoed the concerns of Elaine Donelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, who told WND, “I’m just appalled. Judging from this, the United States seems to have a very confused vision of what ‘national security’ means.”
“But whether 3,000 American troops should be sent into that area of the world to deal with that problem, I do not see the justification,” Donelly said. “Surely there are alternatives in the international health-care networks.”
WND also reported when retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin charged that sending American troops to combat Ebola in Liberia is “an absolute misuse of the U.S. military.”
Donnelly emphasized it’s “not the purpose of our military.”
“I am very disappointed to see this announcement,” she said.
Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger appointed Donnelly to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services for a three-year term from 1984 through 1986. Then, in 1992, President George H. W. Bush appointed her to the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces.
Donnelly explained to WND her concern that the U.S. military is not designed to fight health wars.
“Our military people will show compassion in Liberia, as they always do, and they will do everything asked of them,” she said.
“Still, health wars are unhealthy for soldiers and all living things. Like oxymoronic ‘peace wars,’ such as the incursion into Bosnia, deployments such as this put our troops in causes having little impact on America’s national security,” she said.
American military families will be put at greater risk, Donnelly warned.
“Here we have a ‘health war’ that could cost our troops’ health.”
Wednesday tweets...
BREAKING: Obama Deploys 3,000 Troops To Catch Ebola …
CDC: Ebola could infect 1.4 million in Liberia and Sierra Leone by end of January …
New post: Inovio, GeneOne to advance DNA-based Ebola vaccine into phase I clinical trial …
Tuesday tweets...
Fresh Graves Point to Undercount of Ebola Toll
Wow: without additional intervention @CDCgov warns by Jan 2015 could be 550,000 cases of #Ebola. Given under-reporting, means >1 million!
Liberia facing massive shortage of foreign help against Ebola - U.N. #Health …
"@MailOnline: Experimental Ebola drugs will be tested in West Africa for first time "
And now the good news...#Ebola 'contained in Senegal and Nigeria' by @AJEnglish
Tweets for Sunday.....
Medical Martial Law in Sierra Leone: Ebola Victims Hunted Like Fugitives | Human via @sharethis
Trade in the time of #Ebola: @AshleyHamer's stunning pix from a #SierraLeone market
Ebola orphans in Sierra Leone face isolation from hard-hit relatives | Monica Mark via @guardian
The Ebola crisis in Liberia has brought the rest of the health system to a halt. People dying of routine problems.
Chinese military and medical team in Jui setting up new #ebola treatment center #SierraLeone
Sierra Leone's Ebola survivors. Ericson Musa Thuray lost 37 members of his family. Photo essay
Criticism grows as Sierra Leone's Ebola shutdown enters final day:
Tweets for Saturday......
Thousands 'evade' Ebola lockdown in Sierra Leone
Study reveals how Ebola blocks immune system - …
A short visual history of the Ebola epidemic … via @voxdotcom
"@kobbyblay An #Ebola victim hidden at home discovered during hse 2 hse campaign in #SierraLeone" v. @helleringer143
EBOLA: Sierra Leone complies with lockdown, officials say ‘no violence’ recorded via @todayngr
Ban launches UN Ebola response mission; advance teams to arrive in West Africa on Monday
“They're not doctors. They're not nurses. They're not trained for that & not equipped for that." ~Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby #Ebola #Liberia
CDC: Ebola could infect up to 500,000 by end of January
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