Technology giant Google has developed state of the art software which proactively scours hundreds of millions of email accounts for images of child abuse.
The breakthrough means paedophiles around the world will no longer be able to store and send vile images via email without the risk of their crimes becoming known to the authorities.
Details of the software emerged after a 41-year-old convicted sex offender was arrested in Texas for possession of child abuse images.
Police in the United States revealed that Google’s sophisticated search system had identified suspect material in an email sent by a man in Houston.
Even though a registered sex offender was recently arrested after Google tipped off authorities to alleged child pornography images in the man's Gmail, Google isn't searching your emails for other crimes, the company told Business Insider.
And it can't mistake an innocent photo for an illegal one. A Google spokesperson told us:
Sadly all Internet companies have to deal with child sexual abuse. It’s why Google actively removes illegal imagery from our services — including search and Gmail — and immediately reports abuse to NCMEC [The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children]. This evidence is regularly used to convict criminals.
Each child sexual abuse image is given a unique digital fingerprint which enables our systems to identify those pictures, including in Gmail.
It is important to remember that we only use this technology to identify child sexual abuse imagery, not other email content that could be associated with criminal activity (for example using email to plot a burglary).
To unpack that a little ...
Internet companies have worked with the The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children to create a database of child pornography pictures. Each one of those is given a unique numerical number like a fingerprint, known as a "hash" in the tech world. When Google scans Gmail or the web, it is looking for those fingerprints.
If Google finds one, it is legally obligated to report it, attorney Chris Hoofnagle, director of information privacy programs at the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, told Business Insider.
But your photo of your cute baby splashing around in the tub wouldn't be in that database and wouldn't be tagged with a finger print. So emailing that to grandma wouldn't cause Gmail to report you to authorities.
Likewise, this kind of search technique can't be easily translated to other crimes. It's not the same as a keyword search looking for words like "murder," "killed," "stolen" or "bomb." Think how many times people use use those words innocently. "My sister really overcooked those carrots. It was murder eating them." And so on.
That said, it doesn't mean that Google can't change its mind and start searching your Gmail for other things, warns Hanni Fakhoury, a staff lawyer for privacy watchdog organization the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
"There's nothing in their privacy policy that precludes them from doing that. Nothing in the law precludes them for doing that, as long as the user consents," he told Business Insider.
In fact, Google's Terms of Service tell you that you must follow the law when using its services and warns you that it analyzes your email and other documents you upload to serve you ads and perform services like scanning for viruses.
It is similar to the terms of service for all internet providers.
That kind of leeway has led to strange decisions by other email providers, Fakhoury said, such as when Microsoft admitted earlier this year that it once searched a blogger's emails when it suspected an employee had leaked proprietary software to the blogger.
*** Bomb_Gaza_game_that_lets_you_kill_Muslim_women_and_children.html

Google Play, the official app store for Android operating systems, is currently offering a side-scrolling game called “Bomb Gaza.”
The description of the game states: “Bomb Gaza – drop bombs and avoid killing civilians. new version uploaded. improved performance. added new israel’s theme music.”
In a screen shot shown on the page (seen below) Israeli jets can be seen flying over a terrain dotted with cartoon Islamic terrorists and women attempting to protect children.
The game currently has a 3.7 star rating among users, with 47 reviewers giving it the highest rating, 5 stars, and 22 giving it a 1 star.
Commenters on the page both praised and condemned the game, with one writing, “Spineless disgusting filth trying to profit from genocide of Palastinians (sic) Trying to profit from the sufferings of others. Scumbag of the worst kind. Would you be doing the same if a member of your family was murdered? Utterly vile filth of a game from a sick twisted individual.”
According to the Google Play Developer Program Policies regarding Hate Speech: ” We don’t allow content advocating against groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.”
There is no indication whether Google Play would consider the game “hate speech.”
The developer of the game, which was uploaded to Google Play on July 29, is listed as PlayerFTW.
The game can be downloaded to an Android device for free.
Is Facebook doing the same type of screening - just not stalking users for crimes yet ?
Business Insider .....
The description of the game states: “Bomb Gaza – drop bombs and avoid killing civilians. new version uploaded. improved performance. added new israel’s theme music.”
In a screen shot shown on the page (seen below) Israeli jets can be seen flying over a terrain dotted with cartoon Islamic terrorists and women attempting to protect children.
The game currently has a 3.7 star rating among users, with 47 reviewers giving it the highest rating, 5 stars, and 22 giving it a 1 star.
Commenters on the page both praised and condemned the game, with one writing, “Spineless disgusting filth trying to profit from genocide of Palastinians (sic) Trying to profit from the sufferings of others. Scumbag of the worst kind. Would you be doing the same if a member of your family was murdered? Utterly vile filth of a game from a sick twisted individual.”
According to the Google Play Developer Program Policies regarding Hate Speech: ” We don’t allow content advocating against groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.”
There is no indication whether Google Play would consider the game “hate speech.”
The developer of the game, which was uploaded to Google Play on July 29, is listed as PlayerFTW.
The game can be downloaded to an Android device for free.
Is Facebook doing the same type of screening - just not stalking users for crimes yet ?
Business Insider .....
There's A Bizarre Reason Why Julia Louis-Dreyfus Has Been Banned From Facebook

On Thursday night's "Late Show With David Letterman," hilarious "Veep" star Julia Louis-Dreyfus confessed she had recently been banned from Facebook.
Why? Well, if you recall her April "Rolling Stone" cover featuring a barely covered Louis-Dreyfus with a tattoo of the Constitution, you may notice something not quite right.

Rolling Stone
"My husband Brad called me," Louis-Dreyfus told Letterman, "and he was like, 'flag on the play — John Hancock didn't sign the Constitution.'"
Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence.
"Who cares what he signed!" Letterman laughed.
As a joke, Louis-Dreyfus gets the idea to put out a baby photo on Facebook that shows baby Julia with a John Hancock signature tattoo "as if I've always had it," she explains to a hysterically laughing audience.

The photo was posted to Twitter and Facebook by Louis-Dreyfus.
"I try to get back on my Facebook and it's like, 'insensitive material! Inappropriate!' They think I'm a pervert. It's [a photo of me!]. I can't get into my account."
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