The International Monetary Fund’s headquarters may one day shift to Beijing from Washington, aligning with China’s growing influence in the world economy, the fund’s managing director said.
Christine Lagarde, speaking late today in London, said IMF rules require the main office be located in the country that is the biggest shareholder, which the U.S. has been since the fund was formed 70 years ago.
The IMF founding members “decided that the institution would be headquartered in the country which had the biggest share of the quota, which chipped in the biggest amount and contributed most. And that is still today the United States,” she said in response to questions at the London School of Economics.
“It is of no slight import that the project is being executed in one of the freest countries in the world, and in radical violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, which protects citizens from ‘unreasonable searches and seizures,’ and guarantees the privacy of their persons, houses, papers and effects,” Chomsky said.
“Much as government lawyers may try, there is no way to reconcile these principles with the assault on the population revealed in the Snowden documents.”
Full article:
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Some of you might remember the recent scandal where #HSBC tried to impose cash withdraw limits on their accounts:
Well it turns out that was just a trial balloon, to see how the public might react to withdraw limits being public knowledge. Limits that are already in place!
Let me tell you what my sources are telling me.
They have tried to withdraw large amounts in cash from a bank. They were told quite categorically “No, you cannot have this amount in cash”. They then asked if they could make an appointment to receive the amount in cash and were told “No”.
Just an awkward bank clerk right?
They then proceeded to transfer the balance to another bank, and tried to make the same withdraw. They received exactly the same response “No, No, No, No, you can’t have your money”.
So what’s going on?
The #European Union is fearful of a systemic bank run taking place. After all, they have already seen bank runs in Cyprus (a successful testing ground) and other peripheral countries. Such a bank run would overwhelm even the European Central Bank.
But their steps to prevent this have been interesting to say the least…… They simply won’t allow a bank run – it’s against the rules!
What rules you say? Well, these vary from bank to bank and I’ve assembled them from a few different sources, but here they are:
- A depositor can only withdraw ~10% of their balance in large-scale cash per year.
- These limits do not apply to small one-time incidents such as ~5000 euros.
- All large cash withdraws must have a “valid” reason given. Hint: “I don’t trust my bank”, is not a valid reason.
- Daily cash machine limits are exempt.
- These limits do not apply to small one-time incidents such as ~5000 euros.
- All large cash withdraws must have a “valid” reason given. Hint: “I don’t trust my bank”, is not a valid reason.
- Daily cash machine limits are exempt.
Since the majority of cash withdraws are not large, these rules go unnoticed. But if they see an excessive/unusual amount of small daily withdraws taking place they can easily tighten these limits – all the procedures are in place.
So what are the implications of this?
Quite simple really. There won’t be a bank run in #Europe – because it’s no longer allowed. Just like a toddler, you will NOT be allowed to play with matches!!
So given the system is tearing itself apart at the seams, we’d better start looking for the weaker stitching somewhere else!
As to whether this system is in place in the #US yet I cannot say. If it isn’t yet it soon will be.
As the U.S. government pushes for regular mental health screenings for American citizens to ensure we are not terrorists and that we are capable of owning firearms or raising children, perhaps we should start at the top of the hierarchy – with the President of the United States.
He is, after all, the “decision maker” for our nation and is the sole person responsible for determining if and when the “red button” needs to be pushed.
But what if such a health screening determined that the American people elected a mentally unstable individual to its highest office?
Here’s the scary version. According to psychologist Dr. Gina Loudon this may well be what has happened.
Speaking on Lou Dobbs Tonight, Dr. Loudon says that President Obama is displaying “erratic” and “irrational” behavior that may be indicative of someone who may not be “sane.”
Lou Dobbs: The President hasn’t mentioned a word about Sgt. Tahmooressi held in a Mexican prison. Your thoughts on the distinction here between the two, in at least Obama’s mind?
Dr. Loudon: You know, I will say to you, Lou, I am very, very concerned about the mental stability of this President at this point. Some of his behavior seems irrational to me. It seems beyond that of just a typical narcissistic, arrogant, sort of, ‘I’m a leader of a big country and I feel tyrannical at the moment’ kind of attitude. It really seems to me like this President is demonstrating behavior that is not only anti-American, but irrational and erratic and perhaps not exactly what we might want to deem sane.
Modeling or programming?
Modeling or programming?
A article, “Why is Predictive Modeling Essential to Healthcare?” offers this quote:
“…the algorithms of predictive modeling can analyze hundreds of data points to make a diagnosis or a prediction of risk.”
This is the new thing in American medicine, and everyone is climbing onboard. The idea is to combine diverse sets of data, to diagnose a patient—and also predict what illnesses will strike designated sectors of the population by identifying what social, economic, gender, and behavioral groups they belong to.
“Oh, yes, in USA population sector A-2ab, we can view the electronic health records of 10,000 patients who are single, under 30, live at home with their parents, have a history of ignoring medical advice, display symptoms of ADHD, graduated college with less than a 3.0 grade average, have taken prescription pain meds within the last five years…according to statistics, this group stands a better than 65% chance of developing clinical depression within the next 6.23 years. Therefore, we should prescribe them prophylactic antidepressants now, to save money on more expensive treatments later. If we utilize our algorithm and adjust code 4aQ1 and code 7B2Ex, we’ll be able to pinpoint which patients in this group need medication immediately…”
This is coming. The structure is being built now, across all medical and insurance organizations.
The hubris involved is outstanding, to say nothing of the intrusion on privacy, and the recent abysmal track record of government merely trying to sign people up for Obamacare.
Of course, the proponents of prediction are promising better patient outcomes, enormous $$ savings, and a Brave New World in which “at-risk” groups can be spared suffering before it occurs.
Managed Care has published an article, “More Data in Health Care Will Enable Predictive Modeling Advances.”
Here are two key quotes:
“Predictive modeling (PM) has grown to be a linchpin of care management. Health plans, integrated delivery systems, and other health care organizations (HCOs) increasingly channel their patients to interventions based in part on what they deduce from predictive models that have traditionally been run against databases of administrative claims. In this arena, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) [Obamacare] is likely to exert a profound effect.”
“…a growing number of health care experts, including the Care Continuum Alliance, see predictive modeling as an opportunity to prevent [disease] complications, control [hospital] readmissions, generate more precise diagnoses and treatments, predict risk, and control costs for a more diverse array of population segments than previously attempted.”
I could attack this gobbledegook PR in a number of ways, but I’ll cut to the real bottom line. The entirety of predictive modeling rests on the assumption that, in making disease and mental-disorder diagnoses, doctors are basically working from a correct playbook. Otherwise, they could massage data ‘til the cows come home and they would commit disastrous blunder after blunder.
But the basic playbook is not correct. For all 300 officially certified mental disorders, there are, in fact, no defining physical tests for diagnosis. None. No blood tests, no urine tests, no brain scans, no genetic assays.
For germ-caused diseases, the “tried and true” diagnostic tests are completely misleading.The antibody tests are frequently false-positive, and the presence of antibodies, in the first place, merely indicates that the patient has contacted the germ in question. It says nothing about present or future illness. In fact, a positive antibody test often means the opposite of illness: the patient’s immune system has contacted the germ and thrown it off.
The PCR diagnostic test takes a tiny, tiny amount of what is purported to be genetic material from a germ, and amplifies it many times so it can be observed. But the hallmark of illness, when germs may be involved at all, is: you have millions of a particular bacteria or virus being very active—in which case, you didn’t need the PCR test in the first place.You needed the PCR because you couldn’t find enough germ material in the patient to knock over a fly.
So…place these irrelevant and misleading diagnostic tests into the predictive modeling framework, and what do you get? False predictions.
Then there are the medical drugs. I’ve cited the Starfield Review many times. July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” Dr. Barbara Starfield, from the Johns Hopkins of School of Public Health, pointed out that, every year in the US, FDA approved medicines kill 106,000 people. In our 2009 interview, Starfield told me this was a conservative estimate.
This is tragedy and murder on a massive scale, supported by what have to be deceitfully glowing studies done on the drugs and routinely published in leading medical journals.
No one in his right mind would believe that all this lying and crime, embedded in a new and advanced predictive model, would produce anything except expanded disaster.
With the bonus that you lose your medical privacy, and you are observed and data-mined in other ways—as a “unit” that belongs to various groups. And oh yes, you get toxic drugs before you’re sick. It’s predictive. Hail to the Chief.
Up the line, proponents of traditional/ natural health, nutritional supplements, and “alternative practices” will discover that, as independent humans, they’re anomalies. The official algorithms don’t include what they do to maintain health. Therefore, they’re outliers.
“Sorry, we can’t model you in our predictions. You don’t compute. You’re illegal. Oh, wait. You do fit into one category: Threat. Potential Danger to the State.”
The International Monetary Fund’s headquarters may one day shift to Beijing from Washington, aligning with China’s growing influence in the world economy, the fund’s managing director said.
Christine Lagarde, speaking late today in London, said IMF rules require the main office be located in the country that is the biggest shareholder, which the U.S. has been since the fund was formed 70 years ago.
The IMF founding members “decided that the institution would be headquartered in the country which had the biggest share of the quota, which chipped in the biggest amount and contributed most. And that is still today the United States,” she said in response to questions at the London School of Economics.
June 6, 2014 Share It | Print This |
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Schizophrenics often claim that the military or CIA is using electromagnetic weapons to make them hear voices—it’s an incredibly common delusion. But what if they’re not all wrong? Read on for the uncomfortable truth.
In the 1990s, the US military conducted special weapons projects investigating the applications of high-powered microwaves, acoustics and lasers. The report detailing those experiments—titled “Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons”—was declassified in 2007 by way of the US Freedom of Information Act; the report was requested by Donald Friedman, who had been diagnosed as schizophrenic by two different psychiatrists. His positive symptoms included a delusion that he was being sadistically tortured by the government via microwave technology.
Many schizophrenics claim the same thing: that government and local law enforcement have the technology to not only cause them physical pain and discomfort, but beam voices directly into their heads.
Putting aluminum haberdashery aside for the moment, how could these weapons work? Weapons that cause physical discomfort with no visible wounds? Voices and buzzing that seem to come from within one’s own head? Do we have the scientific means to push people over the edge?
Here’s three weapons technologies the US military has developed to directly monkey with people’s nervous systems.
Many schizophrenics claim the same thing: that government and local law enforcement have the technology to not only cause them physical pain and discomfort, but beam voices directly into their heads.
Putting aluminum haberdashery aside for the moment, how could these weapons work? Weapons that cause physical discomfort with no visible wounds? Voices and buzzing that seem to come from within one’s own head? Do we have the scientific means to push people over the edge?
Here’s three weapons technologies the US military has developed to directly monkey with people’s nervous systems.
Progressive hero Noam Chomsky is terrified of the surveillance state that has developed during the tenure of President Barack Obama, calling it a grave threat to our fundamental civil liberties.In a column published Monday, Chomsky writes that the documents revealed to the public by Edward Snowden show a system that is flagrantly violating the principles of the Constitution.“It is of no slight import that the project is being executed in one of the freest countries in the world, and in radical violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights, which protects citizens from ‘unreasonable searches and seizures,’ and guarantees the privacy of their persons, houses, papers and effects,” Chomsky said.
“Much as government lawyers may try, there is no way to reconcile these principles with the assault on the population revealed in the Snowden documents.”
Sunday, 08 June 2014 09:44
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The NZ man who spotted what may have been the burning missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 off the coast of Vietnam was sacked from his position on an oil rig after reporting the incident.
Mike McKay was working on the Songa Mercur oil rig off the Vietnamese coast in March when the Boeing 777 jet with 239 passengers and crew went missing.
McKay sent an email to his employers after he saw what he believed to be a burning plane, which was leaked to the media.
Following the publication of his email, name and place of work, the rig operator, Idemitsu, and McKay's contractor and rig owner, Songa Offshore, were inundated with inquiries that blocked their communications, McKay said.
"This became intolerable for them and I was removed from the rig and not invited back."
South China Sea NOT Indian Ocean?
McKay said he was paid up until the end of his hitch, or work period, but released from the rig five days early.
The subcontractor that he was working under, M-I Swaco, said McKay was being released early as it had a local-salary engineer to take his place, he said. "Contracts meant little in the oil field," McKay said. "The oil patch is a rough, unforgiving game."
The drilling fluids consultant has worked mostly in Southeast Asia for the past 35 years and in Vietnam waters almost continuously since 2008. He is now back in New Zealand and is waiting for a new contract.
McKay saw what he believed to be a burning plane at high altitude, which appeared to be in one piece. "I believe I saw the Malaysian Airlines plane come down. The timing is right."
In his email he described his exact location on the oil rig, the compass bearing of where the plane was in relation to the rig, the approximate distance of the plane from the rig, the surface current and wind direction. The plane was off the normal flight path, he said, explaining he knew that because "we see the contrails every day".
He signed off the email with "good luck" followed by his full name and New Zealand passport number.

Vietnam abandoned search, while M'sian & Aussie authorities snubbed McKay
Vietnamese officials interviewed McKay in Vung Tau and were going to act on his sighting but the search moved to the Andaman Sea two days after the interview, McKay said. But neither the Malaysian nor Australian search teams had been in touch, he said.
McKay also made a statement to New Zealand Police for Interpol on his return home.
Last week another person, a woman sailing between India and Thailand in early March, came forward and told Australian authorities she may have seen the missing airliner on fire on the same day as McKay, but in a different location.

GOOD QUESTION: Can a burning plane fly? Or is sailor's Indian Ocean sighting another hoax?
Katherine Tee, 41, was on night watch on the deck of her yacht in early March when she claims she saw a plane surrounded by bright orange lights and with a tail of black smoke pass above her.

Katherine Tee, 41, claims she may have seen the missing plane (Picture: Supplied)

Image from Katherine Tee's blog showing where the claimed sighting was made.
She only recently reported her sighting to the Joint Agency Co-ordination Centre in Australia because she said she and her husband were not talking and she did not think anyone else would believe her.
McKay said his sighting was over the South China Sea, which would place it around 2000 kilometres away from Tee's sighting. He was unsure if MH370 could have flown that far: "How far can a burning aeroplane fly?"
The ongoing search for the missing airliner raised a lot of unanswered questions, he said. "The investigators do not inspire trust." -
MH370 FOUND? Or are search authorities pulling another FAST ONE?
'I SAW MH370 BURST INTO FLAMES' - NZ oil rig worker
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