Monday, May 12, 2014

Solange tunes ups famed , pompous Illumanti Jay Z in an elevator ? Should Quentin Tarantino find some role for this would be ninja ( Death Proof 2 , Re-kill Bill , Reservoir Dog 2 ???? )

Who Could Have Even Known Solange had a a hit in her ?

Solange has the eye of the Tiger , Jay Z now has 100 problems and a sore jaw  !  Beyonce trying not to bust out laughing !

To paraphrase Don King -  God Bless The Internet !

The aftermath: Jay Z looked shellshocked as the trio left the elevator after the fight at the Standard Hotel in New York last Monday
The aftermath: Jay Z looked shellshocked as the trio left the elevator after the fight at the Standard Hotel in New York last Monday 
'What just happened?' Jay Z holds his face as Beyonce tries to plaster on a smile just minutes after the assault
What just happened?' Jay Z holds his face as Beyonce tries to plaster on a smile just minutes after the assault

What happened here? Jay Z holds his face as Solange marches ahead angrily minutes  after attacking him in the elevator

Drama:  Jay Z holds his face as Solange marches ahead angrily minutes  after attacking him in the elevator 

The face says it all: Bey tries to keep calm as her husband staggers behind

The face says it all: Bey tries to keep calm as her husband staggers behind 

Struggling for composure: Jay Z rights himself as he tails his wife, who is also hot on the heels of her younger sister

Struggling for composure: Jay Z rights himself as he tails his wife, who is also hot on the heels of her younger sister

And the Internet rejoiced at the comedic possibilities ......

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LMAO. Jay Z and Solange

Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via @Chf_BoyarB

Twitter Is Running Wild With Conspiracy Theories About Why Solange Attacked Jay ZImage via E! Online
Shocking footage has emerged today of Solange allegedly attacking Jay Z in an elevator after the Met Gala while BeyoncĂ© calmly watched on. The footage was leaked courtesy of TMZ (who else?) and featured Solange getting in Jay's face before being pulled away by what looks like a bodyguard. However, even as she's being pulled away, Solange manages to land some kicks on Jay.
While the video is obviously a big deal because it's a celebrity attacking another, it's an even bigger deal because it's an intimate behind the scenes of some of the most elusively private pop stars in the world. The video raises a number of questions like, "Damn, if this was '90s Jay, would he have reacted so calmly?" and "Dude, how did BeyoncĂ© not react at all and then pose for this picture just moments after?" But the most important question is: Why did Solange attack Jay Z?We have no idea.
But, of course, Twitter is running rampant with conspiracy theories. We're sure we'll be talking about this for weeks to come, but here's some of the best ones so far...

Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via samir on Twitter


Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via Hater164 on Twitter


Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via THE_COLI on Twitter


Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via bizzy786 on Twitter


Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via and1grad on Twitter


Here Are All The Solange Attacking Jay Z Memes You Need In Your LifeImage via PSLoveKc on Twitter


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Solange: This elevator isn't going anywhere Jay: Like ya career?


  1. Good morning,

    Russia's taking it's time on Eastern Ukraine, I think the referendums have been very convincing despite the claims of Kiev and the UN. Prepaid gas only, that is how you do it.

    Yes NW the markets will be green no matter what, or else :)

    1. Kiev running out of road ( regarding getting Russian natural gas without paying for it . ) So , either the IMF / US and EU pony up or Russia is going to drop the Gazprom hammer come June it would appear !

      Lot of euphoria yesterday for stocks - Referendums in Ukraine bullish ? Strange times indeed !

      Enjoy your day !
