Cover up theorems getting louder ?
Fruitless search resumes.......
MAS information of note......
Friday, 23 May 2014 16:17
CRUCIAL PINGS 'NOT FROM MH370’ - SCIENTISTS: Abbott and Najib were playing politics
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UNDERWATER scientists have labelled the search for MH370 a “debacle” and say Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his Malaysian counterpart Najib Razak may have been playing politics when he 'prematurely' announced the black box pingers had been found.
The acoustic experts, who do not wish to be identified, said the four crucial signals detected by a US pinger locator were almost certainly not from the missing Malaysian Airlines plane’s black boxes, but from another man-made source.
They insisted that the signals were in the wrong frequency and detected too far apart to be from the boxes.
“As soon as I saw the frequency and the distance between the pings I knew it couldn’t be the aircraft pinger,” one scientist told News Corp Australia.
That conclusion is supported by the lack of success from a detailed search of the area conducted by the US deep sea drone ‘Bluefin 21’.
The unmanned submarine will return to Perth this weekend and will be replaced by a commercial deep water search vehicle.
An RAAF aircraft also detected a mystery signal earlier in the search, showing there were other signals being transmitted.
“It is clear there were other man made signals out there,” an expert said.
In answer to questions from News Corp Australia the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) said that the signals were “likely” sourced from electronic equipment and were “believed to be” consistent with the Flight Data Recorder.
Deliberate wild-goose chase: Pings most likely came from whales?

The look of guilt on the faces of the two leaders says it all?

Still searching ... technicians work on the Bluefin-21 autonomous underwater vehicle. Picture: Paul Kane/Getty Images Source: Getty Images
However the scientists said the 33.3 kilohertz frequency of the signal was very different to the 37.5 kilohertz generated by underwater acoustic beacons. The signals were also detected some 30km and four days apart.
The JACC has refused a request to release recordings of the signals for independent analysis and it did not release the exact location or precise depth of the signals.
Agency head retired defence chief Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said the signals were still being analysed to ensure nothing was overlooked.

Standing his ground ... the Chief Coordinator of the JACC, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston. Picture: Marie Nirme. Source: News Corp Australia
“They won’t release them because they don’t know what it is,” one scientist said.
“Signals do pass through water in complicated ways and you can get unusual ‘sound ducts’ but at those distances it is very unlikely.”
According to the scientists the required critical, detailed analysis of the signals was not conducted before Mr Abbott went public in China on April 11.

International effort ... Commodore Peter Leavy (right), United States Navy Salvage Supervisor, Captain Mark Matthews (centre) and ADV Ocean Shield RAN Mission Commander, Commander James Lybrand (left). Picture: Greg Wood Source: AFP
His announcement coincided with negative political fallout over his controversial “knights and dames” decision to change the Australian honours system and the ICAC scandal enveloping former NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell.
“We are confident that we know the position of the black box flight recorder to within some kilometres,” Mr Abbott said in Shanghai.

Looking for clues ... Able Seaman Communications and Information Systems Atlanta Heysen, carries out damage control board plotting onboard HMAS Toowoomba, in search of missing Flight MH370. Source: Supplied
ACM Houston almost immediately contradicted him saying that nothing had changed.
“On the information I have available to me, there has been no major breakthrough in the search for MH370,” he said at the time.
Seventeen ships and 23 aircraft from eight countries were involved in the search and RAAF P-3C Orion aircraft deployed 1416 sonobuoys at a cost of $1018 each or $1.4 million.
The Malaysian Airlines flight, with 239 passengers and crew on board, disappeared in the early hours of March 8 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Since then no trace of the jetliner has been found, despite a multi-million dollar search effort.

Diving below ... Able Seaman Clearance Diver Matthew Johnston is towed by Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield's fast response craft as he scans the water for debris of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. Source: Supplied
There are so far no clues, at least publicly known, for why and how the plane veered so radically from its course, doing an air turnback as it was crossing between Malaysian and Vietnamese air space, and then flying back over Malaysia, over the tip of Indonesia and into the treacherous southern Indian Ocean.
The search, off Perth, has so far yielded little. - Agencies,
Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:28
MH370 COVER-UP: First Anwar, then Dr M - why doesn't Najib dare to DENY their allegations?
Written by J. D. Lovrenciear
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The unresolved MH370 tragedy is taking on a heightened phase of intrigue. The latest speculation is fueled by none other than the former premier of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad.
In his blog, CheDet, and as reported in The Sun newspaper (“Someone is hiding something: Dr M”, May 19, 2014, pp. 4), the former leader is claiming that “someone is hiding something”.
He goes on to claim that the ill fated plane may be “somewhere (and) without MAS (logo) markings”.
Now that is serious. For a former leader who undoubtedly still has a hidden hand in the politics of the nation and perceived to have access to crucial, confidential information, to state openly that the plane is being hidden somewhere cannot be dismissed or interpreted as sheer unfounded allegations.
Not just anyone but a former prime minister
In the first place, if the government of the day dismisses the Tun’s claims as mere speculation, then we have to ask what are the authorities going to do about such baseless accusations? Did the police and the Defense Minister not warn Malaysians not to speculate on the fate of the missing aircraft?
If an ordinary citizen is to ask probing questions she or he is immediately chastised for tarnishing the image of the nation or being a traitor.
Now that Mahathir is blatantly saying that the plane is still somewhere and that it did not just crash or disappear from the face of the earth, it certainly puts the entire machinery of the Malaysian government to shame.
How come, the leaders did not, outright, make such claims from the beginning? Why did even Najib announce that the plane “ended” somewhere in the wide blue ocean?
Now the question is will the UMNO-led leaders and their paid agencies take the Tun to task for speculating? Or will they now change their musical piece and sing in unison that anyone is entitled to his or her own opinion?
Suppose the Malaysian alternative government-in-waiting leaders like Lim Kit Siang or Mat Sabu or Anwar Ibrahim are to make that same statement as that of the Tun, what would the likely unfolding scenario be?
Why is Najib covering up for FOREIGN powers - what is he getting?
Seriously, the citizens of Malaysia and the rest of the responsible world – and especially the anguished family members of the missing persons on board MH370, have a right to demand a response from the current prime minister of Malaysia.

And if speculation like that of the Tun is allowed, are we wrong now to ask further: Is Najib being held at ransom by the powers that be over his knowledge and or involvement in the murder of the Mongolian citizen, in so far as the fate of the MH370 goes?
We need answers. The answers have a critical bearing on national security, our integrity and the future of citizens and Rulers.
Let not the MH370 end up just like the Altantuya episode where motive is deemed irrelevant; plotters are let free with handsome cash returns on investments (ROI) intact in the kitty; and no light shed on the many strange developments surrounding the mother-of-all-murders in Malaysia. - MAILBAG
Thursday, 22 May 2014 19:04
M'sian govt slams Anwar for MH370 cover-up claim but quiet on Dr M's CIA-to-blame comments
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The Malaysian government has reportedly said that the MH370 cover up claim is false.
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, a government spokesman said the claim made by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on the ABC's Four Corners program that the flight manifest had been deleted by "people in authority" was designed to smear his country in the international media.
The spokesman said that the Cargo manifest allegation is the latest attempt by Anwar Ibrahim to exploit the MH370 tragedy and damage Malaysia's reputation for personal political gain.
Anwar had earlier told the ABC News that the government was liable to give an explanation in a transparent manner on whether information on the manifest was deleted as told to him by confidential sources.

Meanwhile, the spokesman said that the Malaysian government had released MH370's full manifest on May 1, according to which, the cargo included four tonnes of mangosteen fruit and lithium batteries.
Last month, Anwar, who has been sentenced to five years in jail for charge of sodomy, claimed that the Malaysian government was intentionally hiding information that would explain the fate of the missing Malaysia Airline flight. -
Fruitless search resumes.......
MAS information of note......
Good morning,
ReplyDeleteI'm with Tun, someone is hiding something when it comes to flight 370.
While I agree the markets look toppy, I would think the reduction in margin debt means there will be less selling in the future or more buying power on the sidelines. Still didn't look like a big reduction though.
More military takeovers that we support, I'm guessing we were involved somehow then.
It's finally Friday, took long enough. You guys have a good one
TGIF , right ?
DeleteI think the reduction in margin is a harbinger of a lack of fuel to support asset prices ( in particular stocks ) , moving forward . As the fuel is removed to support prices , if selling of assets begins , there is less of an ability to support asset prices especially if they are already elevated ! Moreover , losses on margin account forces selling of assets to meet margin calls ( and you can see the negative feedback loop that can get started . )
Stated another way , all ponzi schemes fail when new money stops coming in. It would seem margin plays a similar role .
Enjoy your day ....