Update..... Is the frozen water wall Tepco's fatal error ?
Fukushima Diary.....
Energy News......
Fukushima Diary.....
Tepco to start building frozen water underground wall tomorrow (6/2/2014) / 1.5 km, 30m deep, 1550 pipes
Posted by Mochizuki on June 1st, 2014 · 5 Comments
Tepco is going to start building the frozen water underground wall on 6/2/2014.
By surrounding 4 reactor & turbine buildings with this frozen water wall, Tepco expects to reduce the groundwater volume to flow to the basement floors of these buildings.
However reducing the groundwater volume may affect the soundness of the ground and also it may damage the underground structures, NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) didn’t give Tepco the approval until 5/30/2014.
The wall is going to be 1.5 km long. Tepco is to put 1,550 pipes to 30m underground. These 1,550 pipes are connected to the horizontally installed brine pipes to circulate the refrigerant of -30℃. The surrounding soil is expected to be frozen to stop the groundwater flowing in.
Tepco plans to have it in the full operation by the end of March in 2015.
Energy News......
Excerpts from Oyama Koichi of the Minamisoma City Council, May 13, 2014 — Translation byDissensus Japan, May 25, 2014:
- I want to shout for all the people in this world: “Please Please HELP US!”
- The cause substance have been found. This is an aggregate of radionuclides which starts with Uranium [in] a nuclear reactor at more than 5000°C.
- This mixed metal contains four different substances, α・β・γ and also have the possibility to radiate neutron ray.
- No creature on earth never knew this substance.
- We are forced to have those strong substances inside our body without knowing where it exactly stays.
- To say that “Cesium has got the same system as potassium and it will be discharged from the body” is just a lie! [...]
- We are all manipulated by the words “radiation” and “radiation doze” without knowing the real identity of radiation source. We are not told the real facts of being irradiated [...]
- They only compare radiation doze and natural potassium contained in bananas and manipulated people as if it was a scientific study. I really want the scholars patronized by the government to be punished by the rancorous of all children on this earth. [...]
- The informations say that hot particles were diffused and flied in all directions in Japan. The particles from hell is flying in the air and people don’t protect themselves anymore three years after the nuclear accident and children are aspirating those horrible particles everyday!!!
- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP US! Please let all people in the world to know the life we are living since the accident, everyday and today.
Kyodo News, May 28, 2014: [Tepco] has identified the location of a leak at the bottom of the container in the No. 1 reactor [...] water was leaking from a joint in a pipe [...] The metal bellow joint is likely to have been corroded ["destruction of materials from chemical reaction"] by seawater [the Tepco official said.] The official denied the possibility that the leakage was caused because the earthquake damaged equipment. He said the company will continue to investigate if there are other areas of leakage nearby.

Jiji Press, May 28, 2014: Tepco said it had confirmed water was leaking from a pipe in the reactor containment vessel inside the plant’s No. 1 reactor building. The utility used a camera-mounted remote-controlled robot [...] water was leaking from the vessel’s bottom near the pipe, at a rate of up to 3.2 tons per hour [76.8 tons/day]. In the No. 1 to No. 3 reactor buildings, highly contaminated water leaking from the vessels has amassed, preventing work to remove nuclear fuel.
NHK, May 27, 2014: The water is leaking from a point on a pipe leading to the containment vessel. An image taken by a robot probe shows a black area on the brown pipe. The leak point is above a donut-shaped unit called a suppression chamber where a robotic investigation detected flows of contaminated water last November. The chamber is in the lower part of the containment vessel. [...] A contaminated water leak has also been found in the containment vessel of the Number 3 reactor. Officials say they will now investigate the suppression chamber and other parts of the Number 2 reactor.
Fukushima Diary....
2.4 Sv/h on the basement floor of reactor1
Posted by Mochizuki on May 31st, 2014 · No Comments
↑ 2.4 Sv/h was measured around this point.
↑ Steel plate lay over the aisle.
Following up this article.. [Video] Tepco identified a leaking part on reactor1 vessel / Pipes are rusted and starting deteriorated [URL]
Tepco measured 2.4 Sv/h on the basement floor of reactor1.
On 5/30/2014, Tepco implemented the follow-up robot survey in reactor1. They ran the robot in torus room to investigate the coolant part called suppression chamber.
From their report, the atmospheric radiation level was 200 ~ 500 mSv/h in most of the areas, but they detected 2,400 mSv/h at one point. A steel plate was detached from somewhere and lay over the aisle to stop the robot moving ahead (The picture above). The pipes were severely contaminated nearby the high radiation level area, but detailed readings are not announced.
This time, video wasn’t published either.
Matsudo city government “Don’t go close to the river, the radiation level is overly high”
Posted by Mochizuki on May 31st, 2014 · No Comments
↑ A warning of Matsudo city gov in Chiba. It reads “In this area (to the next bridge), radiation level goes higher toward the river. For the safety measure, please don’t go close to the river. The highest reading was 1.026 μSv/h on 3/11/2014.”
Matsudo city government in Chiba warns not to go close to the river side.
It’s Kokubu river.
From their survey on 2/26/2013 (their website states it was 2013, but it can be a typo of 2014), the highest reading was 1.33 μSv/h at 1m from the ground beside the river.
Especially around a bridge called Reimei, they measured over 1 μSv/h at 3 points. The area was blockaded by the municipal government.
In their following survey of 3/11/2014, they still measured 0.804 ~ 1.026 μSv/h.
Usually water shields radiation so the radiation level can be lower than other locations. However the river seems to accumulate the contamination in Chiba prefecture. Fukushima Diary recommends not to get close to the river in Kanto area. (cf, Fukushima gov to open swimming beach / 94 Bq/Kg from sea floor, but don’t even check sand [URL])
[Video] Tepco identified a leaking part on reactor1 vessel / Pipes are rusted and starting deteriorated
Posted by Mochizuki on May 29th, 2014 · No Comments
↑ The leaking part on the pipe connected to reactor1 vessel
Following up this article.. [Video] Reactor1 confirmed leaking out the coolant water / 2.0 Sv/h[URL]
On 5/27/2014, Tepco identified one of the coolant water leaking parts on reactor1 primary containment vessel.
This is the first time for them to find one of the actual leaking part on reactor1. The investigation was implemented by a robot due to the high level of radiation (the video below).
The leaking part was the vacuum break pipe to connect vessel to a coolant system called suppression chamber.
The water was confirmed leaking from a joint part. The joint part looked severely rusted already (the pictures above).
The radioactive density and the volume of leaking water are not announced.
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