Simply Info ......
Rokkasho Nuclear Site; Impossible To Evacuate Residents

The Aomori governor weighed in on the stalled safety review of the Rokkasho nuclear fuel site and how they are finding it impossible to come up with an evacuation plan. Municipalities and prefecture governments are expected to submit working evacuation plans for any nuclear facility that plans to eventually restart. This includes areas up to 30km from the facility. In the same area of Rokkasho resides the Higashidoori nuclear plant that is under construction. The map … Read entire article »
Fukushima Unit 4 Fuel Inspection Shows Some More Damaged

TEPCO released a small selection of images of some of the fuel removed from the unit 4 spent fuel pool. They selected different types of fuel to examine. They provide some contrast to how each fuel type was damaged by the conditions in the pool during the disaster. The 8×8 high burnup fuel appears to have fared the worst with … Read entire article »
Fukushima Worker Files Suit For Exposure

A contract worker at Fukushima Daiichi during the height of the disaster has filed suit for his exposure. The individual was one of a small team of contract workers instructed to go into the flooded turbine building basement of unit 3 to connect a temporary power cable. The workers were not informed of the high levels of radiation in the … Read entire article »
New Fukushima Containment Investigation Plan Confirmed

Details of the new upcoming effort to investigate the containment structures of the melted reactors at Fukushima Daiichi have been published. Information was given out in bits from various involved parties. We have been able to assemble this into a more coherent format to show the proposed plan. This work is extremely important as it should give clues about the … Read entire article »
Fukushima Frozen Wall Scandal

The Japanese government began funding this project after it was discovered TEPCO had realized the need, yet hid the problem and skipped the project due to the massive cost involved. Now the Japanese government is funding the project and administering it through METI. All tests of the technology at the plant have proven it to be successful. Then NRA raised the … Read entire article »
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