Proof of Poland’s Participation in the Ukrainian Pandemonium
Thu, Apr 17, 2014

Polish media outlet Nie has published a bombshell account about direct Polish involvement in Ukraine’s destabilization. Its source alleges that the Polish Foreign Ministry had invited Ukrainian militants into the country and trained them outside of Warsaw in September 2013. Considering the destructive actions and fatalities they would later be responsible for during the EuroMaidan riots, such a connection would directly link Warsaw to the pandemonium. It would also implicate Poland in being the “Slavic Turkey” of NATO in Eastern Europe. The impact of Nie’s reporting can also affect domestic Polish politics, as it would prove that the political elite misled members of Parliament, which could later have direct political repercussions for Tusk’s “Civil Platform”. This scandal serves to highlight that Poland is starting to emulate the methods of its invited neo-colonial headmaster, the US, thereby deepening the puppet-master relationship between Warsaw and Washington.
According to the report, 86 Euromaidan militants, some of whom appeared to be over 40 years old, came to Poland under the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The pretext for plausible deniability was that they were in the country to promote cooperation between the Warsaw University of Technology and the National Technical University in Kiev. In reality, however, these individuals were whisked away to Legionowo, a town on the outskirts of Warsaw. There, at the police training center, they spent four weeks engaged in a regiment of destabilization training.

Polish police academy “students” beating Ukrainian anti-riot police officer on Euromaidan in Kiev, January 2014.
The source goes on to state that pictures of the participants show them clothed in Nazi regalia and tattoos, with their Polish military instructors lacking any outward identification as such. At the facility, militants learned the following techniques: crowd management; target identification; tactics; leadership; behavioural management under stressful conditions; protection against police gasses; building barricades; and importantly, they engaged in shooting classes, which incidentally included sniper rifles. Quite clearly, the “students” who came to Warsaw were there for war, not academic work, and their training there resulted in the christening of Bandera’s spiritual descendants.
These revelations underline how the EuroMaidan militants had prior Western-backed training, and that Poland was chosen as the location for their instruction. Through its direct involvement and support in training the radicals, Poland is quickly living up to its reputation as NATO’s most important frontline state. When the Polish Sejm voted in early December, 2013 to show its “full solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine, who with great determination show the world their desire to ensure their country’s full membership in the EU”, little did they know that the violent vanguard which had just days before thrown Molotov cocktails and attacked police officers likely acquired their tactics less than an hour’s drive from where they casted their vote. Most members of parliament likely did not have a clue that their government was training those violent elements and would be shocked to know that this was the case.
The ultimate irony is that Poland is training fighters who honor a man that glorified in ethnically cleansing Poles from Ukraine in the most horrendous ways imaginable during World War II. For all of its blaring patriotism and nationalist sentiment, the Polish government is actually working against its long-term interests by backing such radical anti-Polish elements right next door. This “Bandera Brinksmanship” reminds one of the US’ foreign policy mentality of allying with and building dangerous radical forces that may later come back to harm them (i.e. Al Qaeda in the Soviet’s Afghan conflict and the Libyan and Syrian-based international jihadis of today). Through its greedy and nationalistically minded cooperation with the US in seeking to de-facto resurrect the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Poland has abandoned its European principles and blindly set itself on becoming America’s bulldog in Eastern Europe.
Andrew Korybko is the American Master’s Degree student at the Moscow State University of International Relations (MGIMO).
From Blacklisted News......
The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot.
The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking system, buttressed by a network of allies and the reluctant acquiescence of neutral states. Let us call this the Manhattan Project of the early 21st century.
"It is a new kind of war, like a creeping financial insurgency, intended to constrict our enemies' financial lifeblood, unprecedented in its reach and effectiveness," says Juan Zarate, the Treasury and White House official who helped spearhead policy after 9/11.
“The new geo-economic game may be more efficient and subtle than past geopolitical competitions, but it is no less ruthless and destructive,” he writes in his book Treasury's War: the Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare.
RIA Novosti.......
OPINION: US Fuel Ineffective in Ukrainian Nuclear Plants

Nuclear fuel containers (Archive)
© RIA Novosti. А. Соломонов
18:56 25/04/2014
MOSCOW, April 25 (RIA Novosti) – The use of US fuel at Ukrainian nuclear power plants will negatively impact their power production, Valentin Ivanov, General Director of Bochvar High-Technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials told RIA Novosti Friday.
“While using the US fuel, Ukrainian nuclear power plants will be working less and stopping more often," the expert said.
The cladding that surrounds Russian and American fuel assemblies are made from very different materials, he explained.
"The fuel produced by the Americans in the late 1990s to early 2000s wasn’t quite good," Ivanov said, adding that it proved incompatible with Ukrainian reactors.
“Therefore Ukrainians in their time refused to use American fuel at Soviet-designed nuclear plants,” he said.
Ukraine's state-run Energoatom and US nuclear company Westinghouse recently agreed to a contract on supplies of nuclear fuel for three Ukrainian reactors. Nuclear safety experts have raised concerns over the decision, as it could pose a threat to the safe operation of Ukraine’s reactors.
The move revealed Ukraine's desire to ease its dependence on Russia for nuclear fuel. The country has 15 VVER reactors built during Soviet times, which use fuel imported from Russia.
A Czech nuclear power plant saw depressurization of Westinghouse fuel elements several years ago, which led the Czech government to abandon the company as a fuel supplier.
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