Friday, April 25, 2014

China and Russia continue to push forward to non UDS hegemony goals .... April 25 , 2014 Updates --- PBOC Pressures USD Hegemony; Starts Yuan-Denominated Gold & Oil Trading ....... Forming Of Eurasian Economic Union And Joint Currency Accelerates - Several Russian media outlets have reported that Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, that currently form theEurasian customs union, will sign an agreement in May to accelerate the formation of an economic union and a joint currency: Altyn........ Jim Willie says petrodollar day of reckoning comes this year - 2014 !

PBOC Pressures USD Hegemony; Starts Yuan-Denominated Gold & Oil Trading

Tyler Durden's picture

With 23 foreign central banks diversifying from US Dollars to Renminbi and the PBOC actively aiding numerous major financial hubs around the world with bilateral currency swap agreements, it seems yet another nail in the coffin of US dollar hegemony just got hit...
Nothing lasts forever, no matter how much you believe...
PBOC plans to start yuan-denominated gold and oil futures to help establish a global payment system for the Chinese currency, Guo Jianwei, deputy director of the second monetary policy department of the People’s Bank of China, is cited by Shanghai Securities News as saying.
PBOC will continue to push reform of interest rates, exchange rates and the capital account
The pace of Renminbi use is accelerating...
"In the first quarter, the RMB settlement of trade in goods amounted to 1.0871 trillion, accounting for the proportion of total import and export customs of 18.4% over the same period," said Guo Jianwei, 18.4% and 11.7%, two figures, hidden vitality, accounting for just three months time improved 6 percentage points, indicating that the use of the renminbi is growing internal demand.
It seems the level of interest in diversifying away from the US Dollar is growing...
At the end of last year, China's total with 23 foreign central banks or monetary authorities signed bilateral currency swap agreements, the total size of more than 2.5 trillion yuan.

Recently, the central bank after another with Britain and Germany signed a memorandum of agreement RMB clearing and settlement central bank, the European offshore RMB business to accelerate.

It is noteworthy that, in addition to London, Paris, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Singapore, striving for offshore yuan trading center with only the United States "sitting on the sidelines."
The goal seems clear...
"Renminbi is a new bright spot in the next cross-border RMB business development." Guo Jianwei, said the central bank will continue to advance the future of interest rates, exchange rate reform, capital projects, and expand the range of RMB payment using to promote the yuan-denominated policies, thereby establishing renminbi The global payment system and so on.

Forming Of Eurasian Economic Union And Joint Currency Accelerates

Several Russian media outlets have reported that Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, that currently form theEurasian customs union, will sign an agreement in May to accelerate the formation of an economic union and a joint currency: Altyn.

On the territory of several Russian principalities the currency Altyn has been circulating from the 15th century until 1991. Originally it was made of copper, the silver Altyn appeared during the times of Peter the Great.

I added English subtitles to the video below, press the ‘captions button’ to activate.

Transcript of the video:



A new currency for the Eurasian Economic Union, “Altyn” may enter into circulation within the next five years. In May, the Presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will sign an agreement on the establishment by 2015 of the Eurasian Economic Union. This unique partnership and single economic space will be a response to the European Union. It is not excluded [It is possible] that this may eventually develop into a military- political alliance which is able to compete with NATO and China. The original idea for creation of a single currency belonged to President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. In 2012, it was supported by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. It was originally planned to create a currency in 2025, but the introduction of serious economic sanctions against Russia may begin to accelerate plans for this new currency market.

Other media outlets that reported this news were and Moskovsky Komsomolets. From these leads I did some searching on official sources on the development of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and Altyn. What I found was that the EEU is in an advanced stage, on Altyn I couldn’t find much so I’m not convinced this currency will be introduced within 5 years. Presumably only an “oral agreement” between the states has been made on the joint currency.  

From Wikipedia:

The Eurasian Customs Union was launched as a first step towards forming a broader European Union-type economic alliance of former Soviet states. The member states are planning to continue with economic integration and were set to remove all customs borders between each other after July 2011. On 19 November 2011, the member states put together a joint commission on fostering closer economic ties, planning to create a Eurasian Union by 2015. Since 1 January 2012, the three states are a Single Economic Space (SES) to promote further economic integration. The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is the regulatory agency for the Customs Union.

United States foreign policy opposes the Customs Union, claiming it as an attempt to “re-establish a Russian-dominated USSR-type union amongst the Post-Soviet states”

Documents from the Eurasian Economic Committee confirm the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union. Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Tajikistan may join the new financial and economic organisation. Currently the three member states are at stage III of their integration process, they aim to reach stage IV by the end of 2015. Especially Putin is keen on closing a deal to move away from the petrodollar in conjunction with allies in central Asia.

Development Eurasian Economic Union
Development Stages Eurasian Economic Union

Steps in forming the Eurasian Economic Union

As was being said in the video above the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was the first to come out with the idea to form a joint currency. According to Nazarbayev is of the opinion the US dollar is an illegal and non-competitive means of payment “the world currency was not de jure legitimate because it was never adopted by any communities or organizations. There is no such international law,… the world currency market is not a civilized market, as the system of world currency issuance is not being controlled.” He said. Nazarbayev believes the world is heading towards a new monetary system; from “defective capitalism” to “the new capitalism that would be based on a non-defective currency – self-growing global wealth.”

Fun Facts About The Eurasian Economic Union


Commodity production by the Eurasian Economic Union EEU

Energy production by the Eurasian Economic Union EEU

Russia’s economy is eight times smaller than that of the US, but by forming a new ‘empire’ on top of a vast amounts of resources this economic block will be a serious threat for the US petrodollar. Russia is now speaking openly about getting rid of the US dollar for trading energy, it’s building its own payment system and closinggas export deals with China - the other Asian empire. The Eurasian Economic Union will be a powerful stab at the US dollar hegemony.

By the way, in Kazakhstan “Altyn” means … gold.


Systemic failure and its pathogenesis have been over 50 years in progress, with countless events. The origin is found with the cabal murder Kennedy, but the climax finale will be found with the Saudi Petro-Dollar rejection and the arrival of Eastern gold-backed currencies. The pathogenesis is fierce, vicious, multi-faceted, coordinated, enforced, unstoppable, destructive, vile, with many unfortunate aspects and facades. The extreme vulnerability of the financial crime syndicate can finally be seen, the symptoms obvious. If somebody had asked Greenspan in 1995 whether the day would ever come when the US Federal Reserve would install Zero Interest Policy and keep the 0% rate in place indefinitely, then install Quantitative Easing and keep the bond monetization in place permanently, approximately 0% of the experts would say the day would arrive. But here it is. In early 2009, the Jackass forecasted that the arrival of official rate cuts would result in ZIRP Forever. In mid-2011, the Jackass forecasted that the arrival of official unsterilized bond monetizations would result in QE programs in a long series. In 2013, the Jackass forecasted that QE would continue and Taper Talk would be abandoned, resulting in QE to Infinity. It is the New Normal, and Sir Alan Greenspan is aghast, unable to defend the current monetary policy.

The pathogenesis continues unabated, and will reach its inexorable conclusion. When the systemic breakdown is too painful, when it causes too many systems to stop functioning, when it must be enforced by imposing sanctions on the majority of the world stage, when the toxicity of the USDollar and USTreasury Bond is intolerable, when the entire global system demands it, when the pain is too great, the Gold Trade Standard will return. The only player not to participate will be the Untied States. They might present a supposed gold-backed New Republic Dollar, aka Scheiss Dollar, but it will be supported by the familiar Deep Storage Gold. It is nothing but unmined ore bodies, some tied to the Barrick infamous Evergreen gold contracts. The new split Dollar will be revealed quickly as a sham. The Untied States is at greater risk of rapid decline and systemic breakdown than at any time since the republic was formed in 1776. The quintessential points in time to guarantee the national failure are the creation of the US Federal Reserve in 1913, the abrogation of the Bretton Woods Gold Standard in 1971, and the granting of Most Favored Nation status to China in 1999. These three events, all with fingerprints extended from banker cabal hands, have assured the destruction of the US nation.

The nation will be rebuilt, but by a different cast. It will enjoy a new industrial phase, but by different masters. It will benefit from new economic growth, but with lesser income and minimal benefits. It will see debt removed, but with tremendous loss of wealth. It will see movement toward fiscal balance, but with confiscation of pensions. The nation will see a new currency, but it will undergo heavy formal devaluation. It will rebound, but not thrive, under the cloud of fascism. The hope lies with Gold & Silver, which will be likely outlawed in the land. The People are in a position to object in defiance, and to save in the form of true money: precious metals. Poverty and debt slavery will rule. The People must put aside the propaganda on what constitutes money. The People must learn economics, finance, and especially capitalism again. The States must snatch back control from a crime syndicate lodged in the federal offices.

The USDollar pathogenesis and USEconomic collapse have included a truly nasty diabolic unfortunate unfolding of events and direction of developments. It has had a few pushes, and several still hidden elements. Nothing is exact, but the following sequence makes too much sense in hindsight. Consider the following key events in recent history:
1) Kill Kennedy, install Nixon, abrogate Gold Standard, put Kissinger in charge, build Petro-Dollar Standard with the Middle East core of producing nations.
2) Environmental movement combined with labor union power to discourage US corporations, who go offshore.
3) Exploitation of cheaper Asian labor, Mexican labor, Latin labor made cost sense, but depleted US of legitimate income.
4) Clean financial industry in US eventually led to extreme bond fraud, national savings diverted, bonds as chief export instead of tangible output.
5) Rubin & Clinton stole Fort Knox gold with aid of Papa Bush and Wall Street banks, the narco routes used in distribution.
6) Greenspan fed the beast, giving the US public and Wall Street banks what they wanted in cheap plentiful money.
7) Bank Derivatives become a key glue to the wrecked banking structures which went insolvent in the early 1990 decade.
8) Wall Street cut a deal with China to lease gold, give Most Favored Nation status, which paved the way for tremendous Foreign Direct Investment to China, but tragic loss of legitimate income and deep dependence for final time on the twin housing & mortgage bubbles.
9) USEconomy had dependence on asset bubbles explode with the tech telecom stock bust in 2000 followed by the subprime mortgage bust in 2007, the climax that marked systemic breakdown.
10) USGovt debt went out of control in volume at $1 trillion annually, with foreigners holding majority of debt.
11) CIA narcotics business created a Shadow Govt with a $800 billion hidden budget, underground cities, bio-weapon research, tactical HAARP usage, gold caches, and more.
12) US War Machine became an integral part of US foreign policy and USDollar defense.
13) USGovt Security Agencies took control after 911, came out in explicit overt fascist style after 40 years of hidden nazi leadership.
14) Weimar USFed monetary policy became fixed and permanent without potential alteration under the installed ZIRP Forever and QE to Infinity.
15) The entire system breaks, systemic failure, economic disintegration, profit margin vanishing act, debt default, derivative cracks, oppressive health insurance costs, all in progress.
16) Narcos on the verge of buying all major governments and police agencies in the world, to install global totalitarianism.
17) Gold markets corrupt the price despite almost totally absent inventory while global police corner the banker cabal rats.
18) War breaks out in as many spots as possible, this time led by the Langley black op corps without full support of the Pentagon.
19) Internal rivalries are exposed within the United States Govt while external factions are revealed for deep cracks during high level US betrayals.
20) Global Currency Reset has begun and the death of the Petro-Dollar is in progress, as the Eastern Hemisphere gathers critical mass in replacement of the USD-based trade payment system even as new gold-backed currencies are born to usher in the New Gold Trade Standard finally.

As footnote, apologies for forgetting, omitting, or being ignorant of another 80 devious diabolical deadly deeds where numerous operations were launched, many people perished, and scattered nations were ransacked in support of the unsound fiat currency regime supported by surreptitious violence and outright military force.

Change agents before end of year 2014 can be identified. Some significant events are extremely likely to occur soon, which will change the American and Western landscape permanently. The confidence in the system will vanish quickly. The gold investors will be given a bolstered hope and much encouragement. The changes will hit like a storm, slow at first, the process already having begun. The storm will accelerate, the time between highly disruptive events to quicken.

The USDollar has no value, since it has no asset backing. It is reinforced by faith (vanished) and military force (clear with Libya, Syria, Ukraine). Many gold & silver investors are disheartened by the low and still declining official COMEX price. The Jackass position is to ignore it, since corrupted. Besides, they have almost no precious metals in inventory. To pay attention to a vacated mart is lunatic and without logic. That an empty vault would dictate price is one of the biggest absurdities of our era, hardly ever debated in open forums. That bright alert aware folks would care about their declared enforced price, done from illegal mechanisms in a blatant way, is the basis of irrational action that has led to great frustration. However, reality has it that fine people wish to see progress on their redeemable wealth. They wonder when the day might come for cashing in. Others depend unfortunately on selling some small amounts of their gold and silver hoard (stash) in order to run their business, to continue their lifestyle, or to attend school.

The following are some likely actual change agent factors, agents, and events, which could happen before year 2014 ends. The Jackass has stated that 2014 will not end as it began, as huge changes and disruptions come. Also, my perspective on the rapidly reducing time between events is very evident, indicating a Great Quickening much like an earthquake building from minor tremors. If a few of the following probable events occur, the entire financial system will be altered. Momentum will gather during the movement of time. The system is not static, but rather dynamic, and in fast decay. The internal rot is profound. The public will come to learn and be convinced the system is broken. The faith in money will quickly vanish. Consider the following potential change agents:

1) Russian primitive payment system arrives, with an asset backed Ruble currency
2) Saudis accept non-USD for oil payments, actually any major currency
3) Yuan full convertibility hits the scene, to occur in Shanghai Free Trade Zone
4) Indications of a new Dollar in the United States, with fraudulent backing
5) Significant shutdown of global mining industry, from lack of profitability
6) One major giant Western bank goes into failure, with three prime candidates
7) Major US retail (product, food) chains show empty shelves from interruptions
8) USFed revealed to huge QE volume through proxies, the hidden side revealed
9) COMEX & LBMA show no gold price, from lack of inventory
10) High ranking US or London banker is murdered, with no possible cover-up

The Voice added his own ominous High Risk factors for altering the public landscape, far beyond the financial system, but instead more completely like to social systems and political systems. He lists extreme geopolitical risk factors. In contrast, the Jackass change factors are likely to occur with 50-50 likelihood, meaning several could happen. The Voice list includes less likely events, but extreme events, deadly events. None should be dismissed, as pressures grow. EuroRaj added some perspective, more within the RESET context, for severe change agents. The London banker produced highly probable events, actual markers within the RESET context. It is a process rather than a single event at a point in time, a process that has begun. The conclusion of Paradigm Shift taking root is the message, as the RESET is basically the global adjustment away from the USDollar and US-centric financial, commercial, and leadership position. Their two addendum full lists are presented in the April Hat Trick Letter as formatted in the Gold & Currency Report to be posted this weekend.

The protection is with Gold & Silver bars & coins. The solution is not to be found at the doorstep of central banks, since they are the perpetrators of the systemic ruin. They escape prosecution since they appoint the prosecutors. The solution is a return to the Gold Standard, the introduction of new gold-backed currencies, the installation of new banking systems instead of SWIFT, and the construction of free trade zones. They will all be put in place, led by the Eastern superpowers. They will arrive with a vast new structure of legitimacy. They will include barter systems and decentralized mechanisms. They will include new Letters of Credit based in Gold Trade Notes. But the East led by the BRICS nations and their armada of associate nations will be the promoters, installers, and participants of the new strong viable Gold Standard system that the Untied States dreads and fears. The West led by Wall Street and London will continue its rapacious confiscation of wealth and its vicious devotion to war until the platform they stand on collapses, built upon USD, USTBond, and SWIFT copyrights. The return of the Gold Standard is coming like a great storm. The West will claim its architects are terrorists, the advocates of sound money to be renegades. The West and its Fascist Business Model is reaching a climax phase of descent into a sinkhole. The damage will be extensive. The survivors will be owners of Gold & Silver. The rest will become debt slaves in a nasty fascist state.

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