Nine more mid-level nuclear commanders in the United States Air Force have been fired according to this newly released story from The Guardian. In moves that are said to be tied to a much wider exam-cheating scandal, is there much more to these moves than we are being told? With Barack Obama worrying about a nuclear device going off in Manhatten, is this more set up for a nuke false flag? Video reports also below.
The US air force fired nine mid-level nuclear commanders Thursday and will discipline dozens of junior officers at a nuclear missile base in response to an exam-cheating scandal that spanned a far longer period than originally reported.
Air force officials called the moves unprecedented in the history of the intercontinental ballistic missile force, which has been rocked by a string of security lapses over the past year, including a failed safety and security inspection last summer at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, where the cheating happened.
Air Force secretary Deborah Lee James, the service’s top civilian official, had promised to hold officers at Malmstrom accountable once the cheating investigation was completed and the scope of the scandal was clear. None of the nine fired commanders was directly involved in the cheating, but each was determined to have failed in his or her leadership responsibilities.
Mysterious Truck Escorted By Military Convoy: What’s Going On In North Dakota?
Friday, March 28, 2014 6:17

A concerned Before It’s News reader has emailed us the following video which shows a mysterious truck being escorted through southwestern North Dakota by a very well prepared military convoy. What is on this truck and what are they preparing for? This event happened close to Minot Air Force Base, famous for loose nukes and a cluster of dead airmen back in 2007. Does this have anything to do with the 9 recently fired nuke commanders? The 2nd video below examines a potential New York nuke false flag while the 3rd video below tells the story of the missing nukes case from nearby Minot 7 years ago.
Collapse Cover Up False Flag Closer Than Ever As US Goes On High Alert
Friday, March 28, 2014 18:50

By Susan Duclos
In the first video below, Pinksapphiret goes over an article about the US forces being on a false flag high alert and in the second video is Obama warning that the biggest threat is a nuke going off in Manhattan.
Strange that all these dire warnings are coming at this very moment, UNLESS, Dave from X22Report is correct in the last video and it is all in preparation for some massive false flag attack because we are so close to economic collapse.
The false flag that we all have been warned was coming is closer than ever.
Identical flight 370 in Tel Aviv?
UPDATE: The company that owns this plane is headquartered in Florida, the same state the plane the Dutch intercepted on its way to the nuclear summit originated from, HMMMMM . . . . . . .
I looked into this and it actually took some thinking to confirm this was NOT a hoax, and it is not a hoax. I confirmed that it was not a hoax by putting the plane’s exact designation into Google with a dated search that forced all results to be prior to March of 2014. It is indeed a Malaysia flight 370 clone, with Malaysia airlines paint identical to flight 370, and it is indeed parked at Tel Aviv, and has been there since 21-10-2013.
To get the history of this plane and prove this story is not a hoax, drop the search term N105GT GA Telesis Boeing 777-2H6(ER) – cn 28416 / ln 155 into Google. Do a dated search to only return results from before March, and hit images. This will yield the four photos below:
UPDATE: These appear to be censored again, and I will permanently fix that shortly.

The plane is owned by GA telesis and has been sitting there, in Tel Aviv, in storage, as stated. Now, to the non-conspiracy crowd, GA Telisys is an aircraft leasing firm. SO, I guess you could say that explains why this plane is in storage. But I’d like to pop a question then, WHY IN TEL AVIV WHEN THE COMPANY IS HEADQUARTERED IN FLORIDA? . . . . . Good question.
The blog which originally pointed out that this plane is in Tel Aviv has been censored from Google. If I manage to find it again (I had to leave the cyber cafe in the middle of this because they closed for lunch and it was extremely difficult to re-find this data) I will post the original blog that had this as an update. It ended up being bang on.
UPDATE: HERE IS THE BLOG you have to scroll down a ways.
UPDATE: Malaysia airlines originally leased this plane, that would explain the paint job. But WHY TEL AVIV AND WHY HAS SUCH A VALUABLE ASSET BEEN IN STORAGE FOR SO LONG?
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