Monday, January 13, 2014

Lies of the US Government January 13 , 2014 -- Benghazi LIE -- Fox News’ James Rosen is reporting that newly declassified documents show that, minutes after the initial terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the president was briefed on an “attack,” not a protest or a video......... Fukushima - lies to the US sailors on the Ronald Reagan , lies to the rest of us about the ongoing hazards.......... Healthcare..... Today's whopper from Harry Reid ......... NSA , WH lies --- Government Is Spying On Us Through Our Computers, Phones, Cars, Buses, Streetlights, at Airports and On The Street, Via Mobile Scanners and Drones, Through Our Smart Meters, and In Many Other Ways

Benghazi..... President and Hillary told big whoppers !

Fox News’ James Rosen is reporting that newly declassified documents show that, minutes after the initial terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the president was briefed on an “attack,” not a protest or a video. Rosen reports:
Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation’s top civilian and uniformed defense officials — headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama — were informed that the event was a “terrorist attack,” declassified documents show. The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president’s Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.
That member of Obama’s cabinet was then-Secrertary of Defense Leon Panetta.
Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee in February of last year that it was him who informed the president that “there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi.” “Secretary Panetta, do you believe that unequivocally at that time we knew that this was a terrorist attack?” asked Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. “There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack,” Panetta replied.

I'm on @BretBaier @ 6p w/ 450pp of testimony on by chairman of @thejointstaff, et al, newly declassified.

Minutes after was attacked President Obama -- was informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show.

"There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack," Panetta replied.

-I'm glad you are focusing on . Fake story = cover for Obama's diminishing terrorism narrative prior to the election

THANK YOU for you Benghazi story!! Looking like this goes to the TOP. @JamesRosenFNC
@Morning_Joe Top secr docs & transcrpts indicate what President O knew about Benghazi attack & when he knew it. Now, how about reporting it?

transcripts re-cofirm that Foggy Bottom got caught with its pants suit down. 

.@BarackObama: You lied to the families who lost sons in . Never a video. You & Hillary looked parents in the eyes & flat out lied.

Obama stood in front of the UN and Lied that attack was due to a video. How can he get away with this after facts prove he lied?

Fukushima - lies to the sailors....

US Sailor Crippled by Fukushima Radiation Speaks Out on Government Lies

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“How do you think for one minute that there’s no health risk to anybody on board?”
Mikael Thalen
January 8, 2014
A U.S. Naval Administrative Officer severally affected by Fukushima’s radiation is telling his story, further exemplifying why the U.S. government cannot be trusted to inform the public on Fukushima’s danger.
Involved in the USS Ronald Reagan’s rescue efforts following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown, Steve Simmons began experiencing devastating symptoms several months after returning home.

“You’re starting to run fevers, your lymph nodes start swelling, you’re having night sweats, you’re getting spastic and you’re losing sensation in your legs, and you can’t feel your legs when you’re getting 2nd degree burns on them, and how do you explain those things?” Simmons told WUSA 9 News
Simmons is joined by more than 70 other U.S. sailors with similar ailments, including thyroid cancer, brain tumors and leukemia. Despite radiation-decontamination officer Michael Sebourn detecting “incredibly dangerous” radiation levels while on the Reagan, the Department of Defense has continued to claim levels were safe.
“How do you take a ship and place it into a nuclear plume for five plus hours, how do you suck up nuclear contaminated waste into the water filtration system and think for one minute that there’s no health risk to anybody on board?” Simmons said.
Sick U.S. sailors have filed suit against Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), claiming the power company hid radiation information from the U.S. Navy after Fukushima’s initial meltdown.
“TEPCO pursued a policy which caused rescuers, including the plaintiffs, to rush into an unsafe area which was too close to the [Fukushima nuclear power plant] that had been damaged,” the lawsuit states.
While denying any danger to the public, the federal government has quietly stockpiled millions of doses of potassium iodide over Fukushima concerns.
Recent remarks made by former MSNBC host Chenk Uygur have also revealed the government’s attempts to downplay Fukushima’s severity. Trying to inform his viewers in 2011, Uygur was told not to warn about radiation danger “because the official government position is that it’s safe.”
Despite the government’s obvious and continued deception, few media outlets have challenged official talking points. Following the recent discovery of a 500 percent radiation increase on a California beach, reporters from Infowars traveled to the area to investigate the alarming occurrence, finding levels closer to 1,200 percent higher than normal.
Bizarre and disturbing discoveries in West Coast sea life, including “melting sea stars,” mass die-offsand “never before seen” conjoined gray whale calves, have only added to the public’s concern.
With Fukushima’s major radiation plume now reaching America’s West Coast according to physics experts, the government and media’s continued silence is to be expected.


TV: Fukushima “is the most important issue going on in the world, everyone should stop what they’re doing and work together” — Newspaper Editor: Gov’t afraid to look into Fukushima as it could lead to destruction of fishing industry on West Coast (VIDEO)

“Constant influx” of U.S. sailors coming forward with problems after service off Fukushima — Gundersen: “Health effects of the Reagan crew are real… these brave men and women were exposed to high levels of radiation” (AUDIO)

Healthcare..... Today's whopper from Harry Reid

One of the Democrats who supported the “if you like your plan you can keep it” Obamacare law that cost millions their existing health insurance policies has his gall on overdrive again:

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Every day, more Americans sign up for health insurance. And every day, Republicans threaten to take it away.
And the spying doesn't stop terror - so apart from mass surveillance of Americans and everyone else for control purposes , what is the rationale  ?

NSA Surveillance Rarely Useful, Study Shows

NSA Programs Almost Never Used for Terror Probes

by Jason Ditz, January 12, 2014
review of government claims by the New America Foundation has come to the conclusion that NSA chief Keith Alexander’s testimony as to the utility of NSA bulk surveillance was “overblown” and “misleading.”
The study showed that virtually all of the 225 terrorism investigations run by the US since 9/11 have centered on “traditional investigation methods.”
This was in keeping with similar findings fromPresident Obama’s own review panel, which said the surveillance had been of little or no real benefit.
Incredibly though, the New America data suggests that not only was the NSA data not vital, it was rarely even used for terrorism investigations, with only 1.8% (2 out of 225) of investigations involving NSA bulk data collection in the first place.
The lack of even attempted uses of the NSA data for terrorism further underscores that the program itself was more about domestic mass surveillance for its own sake than some terrorism threat.

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