Saturday, October 26, 2013

Louisiana sinkhole updates - October 28 , 2013 - H/T Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle

Recent activity 1 new

Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle ......

2:30 p.m. Update

A crack has developed on the South Berm, south/southwest of pad 3. There is also increased seismic activity occurring. We will continue to monitor the south berm and sinkhole for any changes and will update accordingly.
A CRACK ?!?!

Big Trouble . . . continues Saturday

Unless they are drilling/working AT 5 A.M. . . . .
LA14 < they all look like this!

Afternoon – FLUID MOVEMENT -



This seismic activity kept up overnight. And a big bang about 1 A.M. showed on ALL helicorders.
LA18 continues to have sharp bangs all night — they all show this -

Another Slough In + Tuesday News

. . . reported by neighbors today at N.E. corner of Lake FUBAR.

 The Parish Blog put out an update â€“ it doesn’t mention the slough in but it may have gone out before. It has no time stamp. They are sticking with CODE 2.  Let’s see if they keep it that way til work tomorrow.
Crosstex has an update (2 days old).
The helicorders are still poppin’ off but not as bad as Sunday to Monday.About 11:30 A.M. something pretty big made a plunkLA17-02 got some sort of repair and is giving less alarming charts today.
Something happened at just after 11 p.m.. It showed on all the monitors. Here is LA14:
It’s even bigger on LA18


  1. Ahhh, Lake FUBAR looks luvly this time of year..
    Speaking of FUBAR, I re-read your 10/3/12 post on LIBOR this morning :
    And then this afternoon, I was thinking about what a commenter on a 'Clouded Titles' article said about her loan contract got cancelled because it was implicated with LIBOR.
    so I looked up some more articles :
    And the ringer :
    From the article,,"Your loan agreement could be determined to be VOID based on the ILLEGALITY of the loan agreement, leaving everyone on the courthouse steps in a declatory relief action giving a judge the right to determine the rights and responsibilities of the parties."
    There was another good comment on another article basically saying id the intrest rate on you loan was rigged, the loan is now VOID, game over. Whatever you had the loan on is now belong to you.
    'Oly crap ! This is boat loans,student loans, big fake tiTTy loans,car loans, house loans,biz loans,muni loans,etc etc etc...
    Refer to the article you posted,'genesis of LIBOR', Hank, TurboTimmy,GWB,BHO, jackin the LIBOR w/$7.5 T to counter fraud MERS fricking GARBABGE CDS/CDO/CMO ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDIN ME ???? LOL LOL
    The size of these crimes is just amazing.,a,,,maze,,,ing.
    But as usual,,
    Same as it ever was.

    1. Hey , NW , Rule of Law is just so yesteryear , so pre- 9/11/01. Where have you been ? Sarc off...

      When it comes to the Banks , the Law is bent , twisted and perverted - and the Law Enforcement of the Banksters kiss their rings.....Imagine this though , despite everything that has been done for the Banksters , their position still fragile as spun glass .... If they weren't still in deep trouble , the Fed could stop QE - but as they now have spun the ponzi completely out of control , they're trapped until everything just goes completely sideways ! And we shall have our own Troika to supervise us in the US .....
