Release of Michael Hastings Autopsy Report Only Prompts More Questions
Portrayal of Hastings as drug abuser skirts truth about crash
Paul Joseph Watson
August 20, 2013
August 20, 2013
Reaction to the release of Michael Hastings’ autopsy report, which as expected ruled his death to be an accident caused by massive blunt trauma, has been varied, with many pointing out that it does little to answer the questions surrounding the Rolling Stone journalist’s suspicious car crash.

Image: Michael Hastings
Some are claiming that the report puts the “conspiracy theories” about the journalist’s death to bed despite the fact that it does not answer virtually every question that has been posed – such as why Hastings’ new Mercedes burst into flames with witnesses describing “explosions.”
The autopsy report states that Hastings had small amounts of marijuana and amphetamine in his blood, but that this would not have impaired his driving at such low levels.
It also twice references two empty alcohol bottles found at the scene of the crash as if to suggest that they could have belonged to Hastings despite the fact that no alcohol was found in his blood.
Why does the report feel the need to focus on the two bottles? Are we to believe that Hastings threw them out of the window in the moments before his high speed crash?
The media is now portraying Hastings as a drug abuser who had begun taking DMT and needed to go into rehab despite being completely sober for the previous five years.
Read the full autopsy report here. View a selection of tweets on the subject below.
Australia’s 60 Minutes national television program has become the first major media to expose the truth that BP’s oil and Corexit, that the petrochemical-military-industrial complex (PMIC) carpet-bombed Americans along the Gulf of Mexico coast, has caused illness and deaths, a “health catastrophe.”
“When petroleum giant BP spilled millions of litres of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico three years ago, it was the worst ever offshore oil disaster. Now, this environmental disaster is a health catastrophe,” 60 Minutes says in its Special Report, Crude Solution – Part 1. (Emphasis added)
“It was the world’s worst ever oil disaster,” 60 Minutes stated. “To try and break up that slick, vast quantities of chemical dispersant was sprayed on the spill. It seemed to work: The oil disappeared.”
But, people started getting sick, and then, people started dying,” the reported said after 60 Minutes conducted what it calls its special investigation. “Now, this environmental disaster has become a health catastrophe.”
To date, not one American major media television has reported this health catastrophe to the public, as detailed in Vampire of Macondo where this Gulf Operation that began in April 2010 is referred to as chemical genocide.
How can this health catastrophe be happening?
“We are basically being killed from the inside out,” one Gulf Coaster told 60 Minutes. (Watch 60 Mintes video Summary below.)
“How can this be happening?” Len Bahr, PhD asked, the same question being asked across the coast. “How can state and federal officials allow the people they swore to protect to be so abused by a foreign corporation?”
But then, how could Corexit be used to literally carpet bomb the entire stretch of the once pristine, white, fine sand along the Gulf Coast – and everyone anywhere near it?
In 2011, after treating scores of people with Gulf mystery diseases, Dr. Mike Robichaux of south Louisiana said, “If we do not have federal government intervention immediately to manage the health crisis and start treating people and start really cleaning this up appropriately, we’re going to have a lot of dead people on our hands.” (Vampire of Macondo, page)
Dr. Mike also divulged that prestigious Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans was possibly complicit in the medical cover up and mistreatment of poisoned patients. (Medical Inhumanity chapter in Vampire of Macondo.)
“I have since interviewed and collected blood samples from patients hailing from Florida, Alabama and the entire Louisiana coast, each with a compelling story about oil exposure and serious illness,” said Dr. Mike, speaking about not only oil-spill “clean-up workers,” but also residents.
“They told us we would not have to wear respirators or anything as a captain because we would not be touching the oil…,” Captain Louis Bahi said, explaining his ordeal as a Vessels Of Opportunity (VOO) oil clean-up worker. “As the job progressed, VOO workers would come in from three miles out, be put into tents, and interrogated.”
He recounted, “They’d ask us some questions, ‘How do you feel today?’”
“We’d tell them and they’d tried to tell us it was seasickness,” he said. “I never remember a time I was seasick. I really don’t remember a time I ever got seasick. So that wasn’t a plus in my book. There was no wind. It was slick as glass.”
Capt. Louis related the day two men passed out, a story involving similar inhumane treatment that former VOO survivor, Jennifer Rexford, seen in the Vampire of Macondo book trailer above, had described about BP’s hidden Gulf Coast death and dying.
“I remember coming in and there were two black guys, not my deck hands directly but they worked for BP – two black guys just passed out on the deck of my boat who just dropped,” Capt. Louis said. “So I had to rush them to emergency services on the jack-up rig. Got them there. Never heard anything else about these guys. I don’t know if they ever made it or not because we were supposed to continue doing what we had to do.
“I don’t know if they made it or not.”
“Most people in the Gulf region who have become sick or are aware of ‘latent illnesses’ from chemical poisoning, are learning that to survive, they must become their own doctor; that there aren’t enough Dr. Mikes; that pharmaceuticals and endless rounds of antibiotics are only going to do more damage; that deliberate or incompetent misdiagnoses only add insult to injury; that they’re squandering precious resources, or running up bankrupting bills,” New Orleans activist Delia LaBarre wrote.
“Please, please continue to address this… It was predicted by toxicologists who were last summer at the forefront of lobbying Congress and the EPA to halt spraying chemical dispersants, which continue to be sprayed on coastal shores as well as at sea.”
There will be a heavy toll on human life resultant from the PMIC Gulf Operation, world-renowned oil industry expert and whistleblower, Matthew Simmons had publicly stated — days before his untimely death, less than three months after the onset of the Gulf Operation.
For the Gulf Operation to succeed, it needed a well-financed, broad-reaching PR campaign (propaganda). It needed what Thom Hartmann calls a “well-oiled media that doesn’t depend on facts,” (Thom Hartmann, A Well Oiled Machine that Doesn’t Depend on Facts, TH Program, 6 April, 2010). That works, since most Americans still believe and even center their lives on TV.
The Gulf Operation involved “pure public relations disinformation designed to avoid panic and demands for greater action by the Obama administration, according to FEMA and Corps of Engineers sources.” (Wayne Madsen, The Coverup: BPs Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega Disaster, 6 May 2010)
In airing Crude Solutions, Australia’s 60 Minutes has defied America’s PMIC’s PR campaign.
Watch Crude Solution here:
Watch Crude Solution Summary video here below, courtesy of 60 Minutes and YouTube:
( When did he receive the wounds ? Photos at time of capture simply don't reflect such extensive facial wounds ! )
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev sustained gunshot wounds to face and extremities
Boston Marathon bombing suspect had fractured skull and injured legs and arms when he was arrested in April

Boston Marathon bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was arrested in Watertown four days after the bombing. Photograph: Handout/Getty Images
Accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was badly injured when taken into custody by federal agents in April, with multiple gunshot wounds, including one that had fractured his skull, according to unsealed court papers.
A trauma surgeon detailed the suspect's condition in a hearing the day the Chechen immigrant, who was lying in a Boston hospital bed, was first charged over the bombing attacks that killed three people and wounded about 264.
Tsarnaev, now 20, is the survivor of a pair of brothers accused of carrying out the worst mass-casualty attack on US soil since 9/11. A pair of homemade pressure-cooker bombs exploded on 15 April at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, which was crowded with thousands of spectators, volunteers and athletes.
"He has multiple gunshot wounds, the most severe of which appears to have entered through the left side inside of his mouth and exited the left face, lower face. This was a high-powered injury that has resulted in skull-base fracture," Dr Stephen Ray Odom of Beth Israel Medical Center testified on 22 April, according to court papers unsealed late Monday.
Tsarnaev was arrested on 19 April, four days after the bombing attack, at the conclusion of a day-long lockdown of most of the Boston area that began when he and his older brother allegedly killed a police officer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, carjacked a man and engaged in a gunbattle in the suburb of Watertown that ended with 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev dead and Dzhokhar on the run.
Police found the younger Tsarnaev hiding in a boat in a backyard.
Tsarnaev also sustained multiple wounds to his legs and arm but was alert and aware of his surroundings, Odom said.
"He definitely knows where he is," Odom said. "He knows that he has had multiple procedures, but I'm not sure how aware he is of the specifics. He knows that he has an injury to the neck and to the hand."
When Tsarnaev appeared in court in Boston last month to plead not guilty to charges that carry the threat of the death penalty, his face appeared swollen and his left arm was in a cast.
Tsarnaev is currently being held at a prison medical center in Fort Devens, Massachusetts, west of Boston, to where he was moved on 26 April after a week at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, a hospital that at the time was also treating many of his alleged victims.
The three people who died in the bombing were 29-year-old restaurant manager Krystle Campbell, graduate student Lingzi Lu, 23; and eight-year-old Martin Richard. MIT police officer Collier was killed three days later, according to the indictment.
You judge if his photos matches the description above .......lower portion of face does not reflect self - inflicted gunshot wound in mouth on left side of lower face !

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