Sunday, August 25, 2013

Louisiana sinkhole updates - August 25 , 2013.....With the advent of the sinkhole now swallowing trees whole in seconds , should we reconsider whether the Sinkhole has morphed from a perceived inverted witch hat shape to more like a cauldron ? And just how deep is the hole now anyway ?

On the sheer vertical drop,  whole trees swallowing  sinkhole ......

Dear Blue Ribbons,


Remember this Blue Ribbon report from April 5, 2013 and the drawings of the “witches hat”?

Pomkiwi commented that is “hat” could not have allowed those trees to fall STRAIGHT DOWN.  
If this  CBI art were a real representation of the shape of Lake FUBAR the trees would simply have fallen over sideways. These trees were sucked STRAIGHT DOWN!

Another tree swallowed by sinkhole (Video)

More action was captured Thursday at the year-old, 24-acre opening in the earth near Bayou Corne when another tree was pulled into the Assumption sinkhole.
At approximately 9 a.m. Thursday morning, an additional tree (in the same area as yesterday afternoon’s slough in) went down into the sinkhole, according to Assumption Parish officials. A video was captured at that time and can be viewed at the top of this story.
Video of Wednesday’s dramatic action has been viewed by thousands on social media and throughout the internet. In that video, the sinkhole swallowed a sizeable clump of tall cypress in less than a minute.


  1. That is one impressive sinkhole. I wonder if it's expanding at a faster rate now? You would think that a larger hole has greater area to continue eating away at.

    Syria, I don't know what to think, I was of the opinion that we were backing off but I'm not sure now. Maybe we were backing off, hence the false flag and now we have to show a little bluster before backing off again. I hope that the case though that would require some kind of common sense from our decision makers.

  2. Afternoon kev ! Yeah , I almost t think we need a new term ( sinkhole seems to understate what's going on ) for what going on in Louisiana ! The burps or continuing burps are pretty darn impressive . The gulp that took down the stand of 75- 100 foot trees was petty amazing . Just gets bigger and stronger....

    Syria - it seems like we are lurching toward doing something ( maybe cruise missile strikes ) - If that is the option , I think cruise missile strikes are problematic . As Juan Cole notes , Israel has already hit Syria several times , that hasn't helped the Rebels. Second , if the US / UK / France and GCC linked nations + Israel coalition hits the several repositories of chemical weapons of the Syria Government , how does one know you won't cause an epic dispersion of various chemical agents - would that not be a crime against humanity if massive civilian deaths occurred ? The US has huge negative American reaction against intervention in Syria - Iraq , Afghanistan , Libya failures have left a bad taste in the mouth for the public - so , I don't see US boots on the grounds ( not overt at least. ) Without US boots , I don't see the " Coalition of the Willing " putting their boots on the ground. Does the US desire another " No Fly Zone " after Libya - how is that one working out ? How many Special Forces troops would we commit to supplying , who would we actually even work with in country ( note discord among various Rebels forces with islamists being the Alpha forces - would they take US direction anyway ? ) And the rush to judgment before anything has been established looks unseemly , just like the statement knocking down Syria agreed upon cooperation ( despite previously saying / demanding Syria cooperate ) , also looks biased . I guess we wait and see which way the wind blows ( and just what lies in said wind ) !

  3. And don't forget the unknowns of Iran and Russia. Maybe Iran decides to move on Iraq, Kuwait and Saudia Arabia rather than waiting for us to digest Syria before coming after them. Who knows what Russia could do.

  4. Hey Kev - Neither Russia nor Iran will intervene least not at first. Now , if there is an attack and if Syria fires missiles at Israel or the Saudis ( and if for some reason those nations retaliate directly against Iran , that could be a horse of a different color ( so to speak ) , for Iran. I think Russia sits this out unless someone hits at their ships.....
