Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lake Fubar updates - H/T Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle and Energy News

Unsettled Lake FUBAR – Thursday News – BONUS! Fly Over Video

A whole lot of parish blog ‘news’ put out in the last few days including a water pipeline break. Now they say a gas pipeline is being attended to.  Keep an eye out for the next shoe to drop!
July 31st  DNR Inspection Report out.

Newspaper: Giant Louisiana sinkhole now over 20 times larger than last year — It’s “taken on a volcano-like quality”

Army General (Ret.): Giant Louisiana sinkhole is “unprecedented environmental disaster” — Concern about failure of another cavern nearby — Butane still being added to salt dome

AGL Resources “Testing” Caverns at Lake Peigneur

From their website -
Welcome to Jefferson Island Storage & Hub
Please note the testing for July 23,2013 has been postponed to July 30, 2013.
Effective July 30, 2013 at 9:00 AM Central Time, Jefferson Island Storage & Hub, L.L.C. (JISH) will be performing an inventory verification test at each of our two caverns,scheduled to last up to 4 days total for both caverns. The test will be performed on each cavern independently, and only one cavern will be in service during the planned service outage. JISH’s ability to accept injection and withdrawal nominations will be limited to the capacity of the sole cavern in service which could be reduced by 23% to 67%. Injection and withdrawal nominations will be processed and capacity will be allocated in accordance with the scheduling and priority of service provisions (Article 9) in JISH’s Statement of Operating Terms and Conditions as posted.
This is moments before they have to explain themselves in court!
From Save Lake Peigneur:

We have been rescheduled to Monday, August 19 at 9:30.

We are first on the docket. I have been told that this will be it unless an attorney from the DNR has a new reason.
Meanwhile, as I write this, AGL has barges in the water. They are “surveying the wells and testing bottom pressure.” I wonder if we might have access to the pictures they are taking of the wells? This must be for the permit therefore this makes it public unless of course it’s seismic which the public is not allowed to see. Like we care about where the oil & gas is. All we have ever cared about is saving our water, our lake and our lives.
This Saturday marks the one year point of the Bayou Corne disaster.They are having a commemoration at 10AM. the sinkhole now 22 acres (from 9 acres) 700′ or more deep at the center, most families still not settled with the company. If Hwy. 70 fails the depreciation of their homes will be even more significant.
Next week marks the 7th anniversary of Governor Blanco stating an Environmental Impact Statement would be required before permitting cavern expansion at Jefferson Island Salt Dome. Why hasn’t our state demanded the same? Oh, I forgot, Don Briggs recently that he “can’t believe the Office of Conservation broke it’s own rules” when granting the permit. Meaning that Coastal Management should have just granted the permit without stipulations.
Please try to be present at the hearing. We need people your presence. Please even if only for 15 minutes it will be enough to show that you care.
We have the best drinking water! Please help save it! The families from Grand Bayou and Bayou Corne have lived through tragedy and their drinking water contaminated. If you think this can not happen here you are gravely wrong.
Your presence is your voice. Please mark your calendars for August 19, 9:30 AM at Iberia Parish Courthouse, Iberia Street, New Iberia.
We wish our friends in Bayou Corne well on this sad weekend.

2:10 p.m. Activity Update from the Office of Conservation

Bayou Corne/Grand Bayou Response Activity
Wednesday, July 31 work-
Sinkhole Activity Code 1 – lowest level, indicating little seismic activity detected near sinkhole/Oxy 3
- Continuing sub-slab pressure monitoring at 107 Crawfish Stew and 135 Crawfish Stew, 1418 Jambalaya
- Installing two sub-slab monitoring probes at 135 Crawfish Stew
- Installing pressure monitor at 1433 Sauce Piquante
- Well work on ORW 38 (northern part of community, just behind Sauce Piquante) and ORW 23 (north side of La.

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