It's called Leading from behind..... Ouch !
Numerous experts have called out the alleged chemical weapon attack as BS.....Who knew the syrian rebels had crisis actors ?
Expert: Chemical Weapons Victim Footage Appears “Set-Up”
Behavior of victims not consistent with alleged injuries
Paul Joseph Watson
August 22, 2013
August 22, 2013
Another chemical weapons expert has cast doubt on video footage which appears to show victims of a “gas attack” in Syria, noting that images of people foaming at the mouth appears “set-up” and is not consistent with the effects of a real chemical attack.
Stephen Johnson, an expert in weapons and chemical explosives at Cranfield Forensic Institute, told Euro News that the video footage looked suspect.
“There are, within some of the videos, examples which seem a little hyper-real, and almost as if they’ve been set up. Which is not to say that they are fake but it does cause some concern. Some of the people with foaming, the foam seems to be too white, too pure, and not consistent with the sort of internal injury you might expect to see, which you’d expect to be bloodier or yellower,” Johnson said.
Johnson adds that a definitive conclusion cannot be drawn from the videos, something which hasn’t stopped countries like France and Turkey threatening force before any kind of formal inquiry into the alleged attacks has even begun.
Johnson joins five other experts who have publicly questioned the authenticity of the narrative behind the alleged chemical weapons attack.
“Firstly, the timing is odd, bordering on suspicious,” writes BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner. “Why would the Assad government, which has recently been retaking ground from the rebels, carry out a chemical attack while UN weapons inspectors are in the country?”
His suspicions are shared by Swedish diplomat and former UN weapons inspector Rolf Ekeus, who told Reuters, “It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country….at the least, it wouldn’t be very clever.”
Swedish chemical weapons expert Ake Sellstrom, who is leading the current UN inspection in Syria, told Swedish broadcaster SVT that the high number of those killed and wounded sounded “suspicious.”
Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center, told the Jerusalem Post that the timing of such an attack is confusing. “Logically, it would make little sense for the Syrian government to employ chemical agents at such a time, particularly given the relatively close proximity of the targeted towns (to the UN team),” he said.
Meanwhile, chemical and biological weapons researcher Jean Pascal Zanders said that the footage appears to show victims of asphyxiation, which is not consistent with the use of mustard gas or the nerve agents VX or sarin. “I’m deliberately not using the term chemical weapons here,” he said, adding that the use of “industrial toxicants” was a more likely explanation.
And lest we forget , this was tried once before - just a few months ago. Remember folks ?
Syria False Flag Chemical Attack – US, French and British Threaten to Unleash NATO Gimp

Like last time, France’s Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, is leading the charge, closely followed by his diminutive and pusillanimous British counterpart William Hague, in calling for ‘force’ to be used in the aftermath of what ‘Syrian activists’ claim is evidence of the Assad government using chemical weapons on the Syrian people. Apart from a video showing people in various states of convulsion and heart-breaking clips of children struggling to breathe, there is little evidence to support the claim by these al-qaeda operatives in Syria that at least 1,000 have died in this alleged chemical attack. Western governments don’t see a problem though, and are willing to take any trumped-up ‘evidence’ that presents Assad as a ‘bad-man’ like Saddam Hussein, and run to the nearest camera with it.
The entire spectacle of French and British politicians repeatedly straining to make a case for a NATO attack on Syria would be funny, if it weren’t for the fact that these same politicians are already responsible for the murder of at least a hundred thousand Syrians as a result of their 3 year long proxy war against Assad and the Syrian people by way of their al-qaeda mercenaries. As I pointed out in a previous post, there is clear evidence that, on Christmas eve 2012, British ‘defence contractors’ Britam, had already been offered the job of detonating “soviet origin chemical weapons or g-shells, similar to those Assad should have” in Syria in an effort to provide the pretext for a NATO attack.
The above email is from David Goulding, the Business Development Director atBritam Defence and was sent to Phillip Doughty, the founder of the company on Dec. 24th 2012.
Despite this evidence, not a single mainstream media outlet has even hinted at the idea that the entire world may be being set-up (once again) to support a criminal attack on the Syrian people by NATO warmongers.
At this stage, with so much ignorance and apathy among the global population, combined with the incessant lies and manipulations of government and mainstream media, the only hope we have to stop the ongoing mass murder of civilians by psychopaths in power is for some external force to enter the scene and make it very clear that the prerogative to set to rights a global society gone disastrously wrong does not lie with any human agency.
US trained " rebels " entering Syria ? Any connection to any alleged infiltration and the alleged chemical weapon attack ? Tuesday's report from Debka on this subject followed up by today's report in Le Figaro .....
Syrian opposition activists report between 200 and 650 dead and hundreds more wounded in a poison gas strike by Bashar Assad’s forces on rebel-held areas of eastern Damascus. They claim nerve gas canisters were dropped by Syrian Air Force fighter planes which were seen flying over the area after the attack, the most extensive reported till now. Their claim has not been verified. The regime denied the accusation, saying there was “no truth whatsoever” in reports that chemical gas was used near Damascus, and maintaining over state television that the Syrian army was conducting a conventional attack on rebel positions south and east of Damascus.
DEBKAfile reports exclusively that Assad is acting to counter the first organized incursion of US-trained Syrian rebels from Jordan into southern Syria. The first group of 250 rebels, trained in special operations tactics by US and Jordanian instructors, entered Syria Saturday, Aug. 17, armed with weapons of Russian provenance supplied by the US and Saudi Arabia.
They are fighting under US and Jordanian commanders based in the Hashemite Kingdom.
A second group of 300 fighters crossed into Syria from Jordan Monday.
DEBKAfile reports exclusively that Assad is acting to counter the first organized incursion of US-trained Syrian rebels from Jordan into southern Syria. The first group of 250 rebels, trained in special operations tactics by US and Jordanian instructors, entered Syria Saturday, Aug. 17, armed with weapons of Russian provenance supplied by the US and Saudi Arabia.
They are fighting under US and Jordanian commanders based in the Hashemite Kingdom.
A second group of 300 fighters crossed into Syria from Jordan Monday.
They are linking up with local rebel groups chosen from amongst those with no ties with the jihadist Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria).
According to our military sources, the rebel units are advancing at speed along the Syrian-Israeli border. They have forced the Syrian brigades posted there into retreating from positions inside a strip of 1-25 kilometers from the border, and captured the villages of Raihaniya, Breiqa and Beer Ajam.
This tactic has moved the Syrian army back from the area opposite the Israeli Golan, and started marking out a buffer zone between Israeli and Syrian forces in the Horan province.
DEBKA’s military sources report that additional Syrian rebel forces are standing ready in Jordan to cross into Syria. The incoming forces will then start extending the nascent buffer zone northward towards Deraa (fountainhead of the Syrian uprising in 2011) and east toward Jabal Druze.
This Jordan-based rebel offensive was launched shortly after Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, visited US forces in Jordan and inaugurated the underground US war room near Amman for commanding the operation in Syria.
Syrian ruler Bashar Assad has more than once declared that if the Syrian capital Damascus came under threat, he would resort to chemical warfare and the entire Middle East including Israel would go up in flames. For now, his army is fighting to keep the rebels from taking control of southern Syria.
American, Israeli And Jordanian Troops And CIA Agents Have Entered Syria, Le Figaro Reports
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/22/2013 16:22 -0400
We have yet to see secondary confirmation of the following breaking news from the second largest French newspaper, Le Figaro, but if accurate, it means the Nobel Peace Prize winning president has just engaged in yet another unsanctioned by Congress war.
From Le Figaro, google translated:
According to our information, the regime's opponents, supervised by Jordanian, Israeli and American commandos moving towards Damascus since mid-August. This attack could explain the possible use of the Syrian president to chemical weapons.According to information obtained by Le Figaro , the first trained in guerrilla warfare by the Americans in Jordan Syrian troops reportedly entered into action since mid-August in southern Syria, in the region of Deraa. A first group of 300 men, probably supported by Israeli and Jordanian commandos, as well as men of the CIA, had crossed the border on August 17. A second would have joined the 19. According to military sources, the Americans, who do not want to put troops on the Syrian soil or arming rebels in part controlled by radical Islamists form quietly for several months in a training camp set up at the border Jordanian- Syrian fighters ASL, the Free Syrian Army, handpicked....According to this expert on the region, the idea proposed by Washington would be the possible establishment of a buffer zone from the south of Syria, or even a no-fly zone, which would cause opponents safely until the balance of power changes. This is the reason why the United States has deployed Patriot batteries and F16 in late June Jordan.
Why is the US, or rather Federal Reserve, desperate for a war with Syria? It was all explained previously here, but here is the one chart that matters.

In brief: to allow the Untaper once the Taper ends, the US needs to find much more deficit funding needs, and as always there is no place better to achieve this than to spike the contracting spending budget by engaging in war.
And now, the ball is in Putin's court.
The Syrian government is ready for “maximum” cooperation with UN experts working to clarify the alleged use of chemical weapons in attacks, Russia’s Foreign Ministry says. The UN has requested access to Damascus suburbs to be granted “without delays”.
Speaking on Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich said Moscow hopes that UN experts will conduct “objective investigation of all possible cases of use of chemical weapons on Syrian territory.”
"We hope that the results will clarify the issue and will help to dispel numerous speculations around the alleged use of the Syrian chemical weapons that simultaneously create a positive background for the moves towards the start of the political process of settlement of the Syrian crisis", he said.
The statement comes the day after a gas attack was reported by opposition activists in the capital, Damascus, killing according to various reports from dozens up to 1,300. However, according to Lukashevich no one has a confirmed data on the number of killed.
While rebel groups blamed the incident on President Bashar Assad's forces, the government suspects it was carried out by opposition to draw international attention to their cause.
The attack coincided with the visit of UN observers, coming to the country to investigate previous cases of chemical attacks in the war-torn country.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on the Syrian government to allow a UN team, led by Swedish scientist Ake Sellstrom, to visit the site in the Damascus suburbs.
"A formal request is being sent by the United Nations to the government of Syria in this regard. He expects to receive a positive response without delay," Ban’s office said in a statement.
Ban also stated that he would send a top UN disarmament official, Angela Kane, to personally carry out the talks with the Syrian government, adding that he expects a swift and positive answer.
UN human rights chief, Navi Pillay, said that allegations of the use of chemical weapons are“exceptionally grave and need to be comprehensively proved or disproved as soon as is humanly possible".
The US State Department has also expressed doubt that Syrian rebels have the capability to use chemical weapons. At the same time, the US stressed that it is yet unable to say conclusively if chemical weapons were used in Wednesday’s alleged gas attack in Damascus. President Obama has urged the intelligence community to gather information to help clarify the claim.
France has called on the international community to respond with force if it is proved true that the Syrian government was behind Wednesday’s chemical attack on civilians.
Speaking during a telephone conversation with the UN Secretary General, French President, Francois Hollande denounced “the likely use of chemical weapons" on the night of August 20-21.
Echoing the French statement, Britain said its priority is to verify cases of chemical weapon use and added it cannot rule out any option to end bloodshed in Syria.
Germany earlier the day also demanded Syrian authorities to “immediately” grant full access to UN chemicals weapons experts investigating the attack.
Russian officials at the same time remain skeptical of the claims that the Syrian government was behind the gas attack.
Reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” Lukashevich said on Wednesday. He added that there were previous reports by local media about chemical attacks that proved to be false.
“It draws attention to the fact that biased regional media have immediately, as if on command, begun an aggressive information attack, laying all the responsibility on the government,” he said.
The UN Security Council (UNSC) said it is seeking “clarity” on recent conflicting claims of chemical weapons use near Damascus, adding that humanitarian aid needs to be provided to the victims as soon as possible.
“There must be clarity on what happened and the situation must be followed carefully,” UN Permanent Representative of Argentina and President of the Security Council, Maria Cristina Perceval, told reporters after a closed-door emergency meeting of UNSC on Wednesday.
“All council members agree that any use of chemical weapons by any side under any circumstances is a violation of international law,” Perceval said, stating that members "welcomed the determination of the secretary general to ensure a thorough, impartial investigation."
The need for humanitarian assistance for the victims was also underlined in the meeting. UNSC members expressed their condolences to the victims and their families, calling “for a cessation of hostilities and cease-fire.”
UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson said that “we see the need to investigate this as soon as possible,” adding that there is no confirmation at this point of the use of chemical weapons.
Eliasson said that whatever the conclusions of the investigation, “this represents a serious escalation with grave humanitarian consequences.” He said the UN hopes its team will be given access to the alleged attack site by the Syrian government.
At this point the situation “is very dramatic” and “the security situation does not allow such access. We hope that they will be given access to the area by the Government – there is a requirement of consent in situations like this,” Eliasson stated.
France, Britain, the United States, Luxembourg, and South Korea requested the emergency meeting. Thirty-five member states welcomed UN chief Ban Ki-moon's calls for an immediate investigation by the chief UN investigator Ake Sellstrom, whose team is now in Syria.
Following the meeting, the UNSC issued no formal statement on the matter.
UN inspectors arrived in Damascus on Wednesday to investigate reports of toxic arms use. The Syrian opposition has stated that more than 1,300 people were killed in the alleged chemical weapons attack.
However, Syrian authorities issued a statement saying there is “no truth whatsoever” to reports of chemical weapons use near Damascus.
The incident reportedly took place in Ghouta, on the green agricultural belt territory surrounding the Syrian capital.
The Ghouta region is known for its opposition inclinations and has been the site of previous clashes between government forces and rebels.
International players disagree over chemical weapons reports
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was shocked by the report of the alleged attack, his press office said.
The UK, one of the five permanent members of the body, demanded that the UN team of investigators gets “unrestricted access” to the area of the alleged attack, Foreign Secretary William Hague told reporters.
Russia has spoken out on the issue, saying that reports by “biased regional media” about alleged chemical weapons use near Damascus might be “a provocation planned in advance,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich said in a Wednesday statement.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, citing its sources, said that a homemade rocket carrying unidentified chemical substances had been launched from an area controlled by the opposition.
“A homemade rocket with a poisonous substance that has not been identified yet – one similar to the rocket used by terrorists on March 19 in Khan al-Assal - was fired early on August 21 from a position occupied by the insurgents,” Lukashevich said.
Russia believes the incident should be thoroughly investigated by professionals. Moscow urged everyone who has influence on armed extremists to do everything possible to finally put an end to such provocations involving chemical poisonous substances.
Witnesses outside Damascus described symptoms consistent with the use of chemical weapons, Human Rights Watch reported.
“The explosion shook the house. We went to the site and we saw a very big explosion that destroyed several buildings. The buildings were on the ground...Paramedics quickly arrived and people were in a state of hysteria. There was a big cloud of smoke covering the area. Most of us had masks to cover our mouth but they didn’t protect our eyes. Everybody was coughing and some were suffocating. My eyes became red and itchy for hours,” a media activist in the town of Ayn Tarma said.
Meanwhile, an RT Arabic correspondent managed to contact locals who said they had not witnessed any“poisonous attack” in the area. They did point out, however, that gunfire could be heard.
Some experts believe that even if the attack did take place, it is still too early to blame the Syrian government. UK-based geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen told RT that the opposition is the side that would benefit from a chemical attack.
“The evidence does not stack up with these present claims of the Syrian government perpetrating these attacks,” Henningsen said. “The opposition benefits [from the chemical attack] because this will be the key to unlocking the air strikes and bombing campaign over Syria. The opposition would like a Libyan-style coalition with NATO in order to force the regime out of power in Damascus.”
Henningsen also added that the Ghouta region, where the attack allegedly took place, “is very active with the Al-Nusra Front and they have also been implicated in using make-shift chlorine bombs in Allepo back in March.”
US Has "Strong Indications" Assad Used Chemical Weapons; Russia Says Rebel False Flag
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/22/2013 00:05 -0400
The US is back at it again.
For a while it seemed as if the Egyptian situation would promptly escalate to all out war, and necessitate the US "liberation" of this or that interest or ideology (and certainly putting the Suez canal under US-controlled lockdown) until following a series of epically bungled missteps, Obama and John Kerry managed to alienate the Saudis and the Israelis who are firmly behind the new military countercoup government in Egypt, while the US still has to admit a coup ever happened. Which means only Plan B for middle-east escalation remains: Syria.
Sure enough, this morning we woke up to the horrible news that hundreds of people had died following the use of nerve gas in an area close to Damascus in an attack that the "democratic" media, and the Qatari mercenaries, scrambled to pin on the Assad regime. Just like in June the US "found" Assad had used chemcial weapons, only for the UN and Russia to accuse the US of fabricating the data, and for the chemical weapon warehouse of the rebels to be uncovered shortly thereafter, which meant the Syria narrative would have to be put on hiatus for a few months: after all the lies were getting perilously close to those used by Bush in the Iraqi WMD fiasco.
Well, the administration appears certain enough time has passed by and has relaunched the old "blame Assad" plotline, with the WSJ reporting minutes ago that the US "sees strong indications" that Syria's government used chemical weapons in the attacks. What those are it is unclear as the US does not actually have presence on the ground, and neither have any UN inspectors been able to investigate. But why not go for round two of the false flagfabrication: maybe this time it will fly?
Syrian authorities denied using chemical weapons in their renewed offensive on Wednesday, accusing the opposition of fabricating claims or staging gas attacks themselves. "These claims are categorically false and completely baseless and are part of the filthy media war waged by some countries against Syria," a spokesman for Syria's armed forces said.U.S. officials disagreed on Wednesday. "There are strong indications there was a chemical weapons attack—clearly by the government," a senior administration official said. "But we do need to do our due diligence and get all the facts and determine what steps need to be taken."The United Nations Security Council, in an emergency meeting in New York, backed calls for a prompt investigation of the allegations, which came just days after a U.N. team arrived in Damascus to look into earlier claims of chemical-weapons use by both sides.
In other words, the US had its mind made up already not only before the investigation, but mere hours after the news broke.
The allegations, if verified, would represent the largest use of chemical weapons since the regime of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein attacked Kurdish and Iranian citizens with them in the late 1980s.
Oh yes, remember all those Iraqi WMDs that were supposedly hiding in ever bar and alley that served as the basis for "humanitarian" intervention and the liberation of the enslaved Iraqi oil wells? We do.
And so does Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat who headed a team of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in the 1990s:
The timing and location of the reported chemical weapons use - just three days after the team of U.N. chemical experts checked in to a Damascus hotel a few km (miles) to the east at the start of their mission - was surprising."It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country," said Rolf Ekeus, a retired Swedish diplomat who headed a team of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq in the 1990s."At the least, it wouldn't be very clever."
Ironically, one can use precisely that phrase to describe the entire history of US foreign policy, based almost exclusively on just this kind of false flag interventions.
And yet, no amount of rhetoric matters as long as Russia keeps saying Niet. Such as now.
Russia, a supporter of the Assad regime, suggested rebels had launched a chemical attack and blamed it on the regime in order to gain U.N. support and thwart a planned peace conference in Geneva. "All of this really looks like an attempt, at any cost, to create a reason to produce demands for the U.N. Security Council to side with the regime's opponents and undermine the chances of convening the Geneva conference," Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.
Or, in other words, all of this looks like a false flag attempt.
Finally, who better to round off the cogitation than a man from the Bush administration - best known for making false flag attacks, both foreign and domestic, into an art form.
"This is an important turning point," said Elliot Abrams, who served as deputy national security adviser under President George W. Bush. He has urged limited airstrikes against the Syrian air force. "If there is no Western reaction, then we will see demoralization of the rebels and more use of chemical weapons against them. Conversely, if the U.S. does react, then that is significant."
So, the rebels, pardon al-Qaeda funded, Qatari mercenaries will use more gas on themselves and their sympathizers unless the US invades?
Sometimes, it gets very difficult to discern, in a world of "evil empires", which is which.
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