Monday, August 5, 2013

Fukushima and Japan - with the inevitable massive releases of highly contaminated water to the Pacific Ocean - we now are on Godzilla watch !

[Column] Accident calendar of Fukushima nuclear plant

I’m not psychic but it’s easy to calculate what is going to happen and when.
It’s simply a physical matter. So much easier than forecasting weather or stock market.
I hope it will turn to be false. However, if Tepco doesn’t take any prevention, it would be as it is.
Because nobody else does this in the world, I do it. Not to mention, this is only a rough estimate.

8/19/2013 : Contaminated groundwater comes up to the ground on the seaside of reactor 2.

This is based on Tepco’s report published on 7/30/2013. From the simple calculation, the groundwater would reach the surface of the ground 19.5 days after 7/31/2013.
Tepco stated they will try to start pumping up by this weekend. I hope they are on time.

11/11/2013~11/17/2013 : Tepco runs out of water storage facility if they pump up the groundwater above.

This is based on Tepco’s rough estimate announced on 8/5/2013. This is also based on the assumption that they build no additional tanks nor don’t discharge contaminated water to the sea. This is a quite severe estimate but if Fukushima has some typhoons, they may run out of the storage facility sooner.
This means Tepco would really have to let all the water directly flow to the sea from this week.

12/16/2013~12/22/2013 : Tepco runs out of water storage facility if they don’t pump up the groundwater above.

This is also based on their rough estate of 8/5/2013. If they have enough storage capacity by this time, it means, they lost the seaside of reactor2 area, or/and managed to build new tanks somehow, or/and discharged contaminated water  to the sea.

The Times: “Lethal threat” from Fukushima’s highly radioactive water flowing into Pacific Ocean — “A threat to life”

BBC: Flow of radioactive water into Pacific could ‘accelerate rapidly’ now that barrier is breached at Fukushima plant — Tepco clearly in ‘deep trouble’

Watch: Japan Officials Issue Fukushima Radioactivity Alert — “The radioactive discharge is out of control” — Contamination seeping into ocean is an emergency (VIDEO)

Fire alarm goes off nearby Fukushima spent fuel pool — Tepco: “No smoke, etc. was found around ceiling at site using a web camera… we have judged incident was malfunction”

Reuters Exclusive: Barrier is breached at Fukushima says official — ‘Highly radioactive’ water entering ocean — Will flow ‘extremely fast’ if it reaches surface — Tepco sorry for trouble

Fukushima Unit No. 3 steaming — Lasted more than four hours today — Observed ‘intermittently’ over past 13 days

Japan Official: ‘State of emergency’ now at Fukushima nuclear plant — ‘High possibility’ barrier is breached


#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Groundwater Contamination: TEPCO's Ad-Hoc Underground Impermeable Wall in Embankment Made It Worse

This is just too ... (I can't even come up with the right word to describe).

Amateurish, maybe. Pathetic, maybe. And sad.

Because radioactive materials started to get detected in June this year in observation holes along the embankment in orders they didn't expect, TEPCO hastily decided in early July to inject waterglass in the soil of the embankment to create an impermeable wall in the ground. Since it is hot during the day at the plant, they made the workers work at night in full protection gear, from 7PM to 7AM, in the area with high radiation.

According to the articles below, we now know what many of us may have been suspecting all along. The idiom "Haste makes waste" exists for TEPCO.

It turned out that injection of chemicals to create the impermeable wall was too successful. It not only stopped the flow of groundwater, but raised the groundwater level significantly. So now, the groundwater is probably going up and over the hastily built underground impermeable wall, and through the porous, top part of the embankment into the open culvert.

The embankment is artificial, built on top of a natural sandy beach which had existed before the plant was built. There is no way to inject chemicals to solidify the top 1.8 meters. Even if it is possible, the water will simply go around the sides.

(The opening sentence of Nikkei's article below is wrong, though. There is no highly contaminated water leaking from the plant, yet. The highly contaminated water is mostly in the underground trenches, where it has been since 2011. Some may be leaking into the groundwater flowing from the west and that groundwater may be leaking into the open culvert.)

From Nikkei Shinbun (8/3/2013):

Contaminated water from Fukushima I Nuke Plant may be leaking into the ocean over the underground impermeable wall


Regarding the problem of highly contaminated water leaking from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, it was revealed on August 2 that it was highly likely that the contaminated water is going over the underground "impermeable wall" and leaking into the ocean. Nuclear Regulatory Authority's working group met on August 2, and commissioners including Toyoshi Fuketa pointed out the possibility and TEPCO admitted to the possibility. As there are worries over the effect on marine creatures including fish, Nuclear Regulatory Authority ordered TEPCO to come up with emergency countermeasures.


In order to prevent the underground contaminated water from leaking into the ocean, TEPCO has been injecting special liquid called waterglass [sodium silicate solution] along the embankment to solidify the soil and build an impermeable wall since early July. The wall is set deeper than 1.8 meters from the surface.


The working group came to the conclusion that because the underground impermeable wall stopped the flow of groundwater, the level of groundwater rose recently, and went over the top of the wall. Not only the groundwater could go over the impermeable wall but go around the wall and leak from the sides of the wall.


TEPCO will start digging wells near the impermeable wall to draw groundwater and lower the water level. The company hopes to finish by the end of this month. Groundwater is flowing in from the mountain side (west) at the rate of 100 tonnes per day, and TEPCO needs to draw more than that amount. Storage of the water thus drawn will be discussed later.

(Diagram from Nikkei Shinbun, English labels are by me.)

Now, what is the point of drawing the contaminated groundwater along the embankment? In haste? Particularly when the levels of cesium, all-beta, and tritium in the open culvert have not risen in a significant manner? Do they even stop and think?

They have to somehow stop the groundwater upstream, before it reaches the space between the turbine buildings and the embankment and gets contaminated.

According to an article by Mainichi Shinbun that only appeared in Fukushima local edition (7/24/2013), the embankment was a landfill:

This area was reclaimed in the 1960s when the plant was being constructed. TEPCO explains that the land was made by piling up mudstones and sandstones on the beach.

And just like anything else - from removing fuel rods from the spent fuel pools to removing the corium from the broken reactors - TEPCO has been made to promise the wells will be dug "ahead of schedule", starting this weekend, according to Yomiuri Shinbun (8/6/2013).

The Yomiuri article makes no mention of what will happen to the water drawn from the wells.

What's the point of drawing the water "ahead of schedule" when you don't even know what to do with it?

I am more convinced that construction of the impermeable wall in the ocean by driving sheet piles in the open culvert with vibratory hammer has caused the leak by disturbing the underground trenches and joints that were already damaged by the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The trenches and shafts were filled with highly contaminated water from April/May 2011 leak from the turbine buildings for Reactors 2 and 3.

TEPCO did not want to deal with the highly contaminated water, and instead decided to inject waterglass, thinking that would stop any water from flowing into the ocean.

My guess is that by hastily injecting waterglass TEPCO wanted at least few weeks of non detection or low detection of radioactive materials from the observation holes, so that they could somehow proceed on releasing the uncontaminated groundwater drawn from upstream into the ocean.

For now, TEPCO cannot release any water, and groundwater keeps flowing from west to east without any hindrance.

The photo below is from July 16, as workers injected waterglass in an effort to stop the groundwater (from TEPCO's Photos and Videos Library 7/17/2013):


#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Latest Images and Video of Inside Reactor 2 Containment Vessel (8/2/2013)

There is a white brush sitting on top of the rail for the control rod driving mechanism...

(From TEPCO's video taken on 8/2/2013):

TEPCO has been trying to get better information inside the Reactor 2's Containment Vessel for some time, and have failed for one reason or another. This latest attempt was to reach inside the pedestal. The attempt failed again, when it simply took too long for the workers to manipulate the camera past the obstacles.

Workers threaded the CCD camera, dosimeter, and thermocouple through the penetration X53 in order to find out whether the CRD exchange rail has dropped or not, whether there is any obstacle on the rail, and whether there is anything dropped inside the pedestal (TEPCO's word in the handout on 8/2/2013).

The rail is there, and there are some items on the rail. TEPCO says they will try again in August 6 to reach inside the pedestal. They will also collect the water sample on August 5.

From TEPCO's Photos and Videos Library, 8/2/2013 (English labels are by me):

The condition of the rail reminded me of the guide rail for the Reactor 3 CV's equipment hatch - some blackish substance, though it could be just water in the dark.

Just like the first video of the inside of Reactor 2's Containment Vessel taken in January 2012, there are constant drops of water in the dark. And radiation:

If TEPCO is successful on August 6, we may get to see the corium for the first time.


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