recent news items ......
Hydrogeologist: I’m not kidding, we honestly don’t know what’s going on in cavern below giant sinkhole — “Nobody’s ever encountered anything like this in history of mankind” — World’s top experts don’t even have a good hypothesis — Wellhead pressure now up to almost 600 psi (VIDEO)
Explosive Gas Downplayed
sent in: Are the residents of Bayou Corne supposed to be relieved that only one hole was leaking enough gas to explode?
“Boudreaux said he tested the hole and found leaking gas at a concentration that was approaching an explosive level. Sonny Cranch, spokesman for Texas Brine, said 41 of the holes were drilled in the community and only one leaked.”
“Boudreaux said he tested the hole and found leaking gas at a concentration that was approaching an explosive level. Sonny Cranch, spokesman for Texas Brine, said 41 of the holes were drilled in the community and only one leaked.”
Before It’s News – Unusual geological event / Assumption Parish / Louisiana
Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?
Big Action Over Night – - Tense Watch on El Barfo
waiting for the next big event —
We will wait until after dinnertime to see what’s going on. The work trucks, drilling etc. are making so much racket on the helicorders you can’t see a thing ’til they quit.
2 Stories by Lonny Cavalier at the Bayou Journal
July 17 -
Texas Brine Slices 25% off Parish Invoices
(Houston Based Company Refuses to Pay OEP Director)
By Staff Writer
Lonny Cavalier
Lonny Cavalier
In what has long been a public relations nightmare by Texas Brine, its latest moves are doing nothing to repair its broken image.
Assumption Parish Police jurors announced at the regular scheduled Wednesday night meeting that the Houston based company without consulting anyone, cut the latest invoice by 25%. The company prior to the most recent payments, had only paid through the end of January’s invoices and the parish costs continue to mount.
Additionally, Texas Brine is refusing to pay straight time costs for OEP director John Boudreaux, who has been at Bayou Corne 7 days a week, generally 12 hours per day.
Police Jury President Marty Triche said Texas Brine’s reasoning is that the parish would have to pay him anyway.
The discussion took center stage at Wednesday’s meeting, as jurors try to grapple with ongoing costs due to the sinkhole and how to deal with Boudreauxs other assignments as Permit Officer and 911 Director.
Triche said he is concerned because the Texas Brine debacle could go on for years. Jurors will meet next week with OEP personnel to review the situation and make some changes internally to deal with the problems the best way possible.
In other matters, jurors approved the lowest bid by Magnolia Construction for the Bertrandville sewer project in the amount of $1,774,716.50.
The project was budgeted for $1,826,000. Jurors also approved the low bid of $5500.00 by Rene’s Trucking to clear the property for the sewer plant and construct a lay down yard.
In related jury issues, jurors
Assumption Parish Police jurors announced at the regular scheduled Wednesday night meeting that the Houston based company without consulting anyone, cut the latest invoice by 25%. The company prior to the most recent payments, had only paid through the end of January’s invoices and the parish costs continue to mount.
Additionally, Texas Brine is refusing to pay straight time costs for OEP director John Boudreaux, who has been at Bayou Corne 7 days a week, generally 12 hours per day.
Police Jury President Marty Triche said Texas Brine’s reasoning is that the parish would have to pay him anyway.
The discussion took center stage at Wednesday’s meeting, as jurors try to grapple with ongoing costs due to the sinkhole and how to deal with Boudreauxs other assignments as Permit Officer and 911 Director.
Triche said he is concerned because the Texas Brine debacle could go on for years. Jurors will meet next week with OEP personnel to review the situation and make some changes internally to deal with the problems the best way possible.
In other matters, jurors approved the lowest bid by Magnolia Construction for the Bertrandville sewer project in the amount of $1,774,716.50.
The project was budgeted for $1,826,000. Jurors also approved the low bid of $5500.00 by Rene’s Trucking to clear the property for the sewer plant and construct a lay down yard.
In related jury issues, jurors
- *Re-appointed Ricky Landry and Nelson Guillot as board members of Lower Texas Drainage District No. 15.
- *Approved a catch basin off of LA 402 at a cost of $200.00.
- *Approved resolutions for the Bertrandville, Peterville, and Marais/Louis treatment plants and improvements and authorized the president to sign necessary documents.
- *Heard an update from Mrs. Beryl Gomez on FEMA appeals.
- *Granted preliminary approval for the subdivision of property by Sarah Daigle on Highway 401.
- *Approved substantial completion for the 2012 Road Improvement Program but held a retainage of 10% for warranty work.
- *Approved a request by Juror Myron Matherne to send a letter to the property owners at 4318 Highway 70 in Ward 9, to cease and desist the operation of a scrap material yard at the location. Matherne provided photographs of the alleged ongoing work.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Texas Brine’s damages expanding
By Staff Writer
Lonny Cavalier
Lonny Cavalier
When the August 3, 2012 sinkhole formed, people figured that for the most part, Bayou Corne and Grand Bayou residents would feel the greatest consequences and that thought was correct.
As the 1 year anniversary approaches, the effects of Texas Brine’s disaster is reaching well beyond the boundaries of the local community and when all is said and done, if it ever is, there will never be enough money to go around.
Directly associated with the sinkhole are expenses related to buyouts, evacuations, public safety and environmental costs.
While Texas Brine has consistently ignored the issue of testing for gas in the border communities of Pierre part, Paincourtville, Belle Rose, etc., it now appears that those areas are beginning to feel the pain of Texas Brine’s misdeeds.
While there have been some statements made that testing was done, no one has ever provided any documentation of any such testing, but those property owners are fixing to pay a heavy price.
A recent Bayou Corne evacuee attempted to finance a home loan for a Paincourtville property, bus was denied. Why? Because they were too close to a sinkhole.
A Pierre Part businessman recently attempted to refinance a debt on personal property which is also tied to lines of credit for his business. The feat had been accomplished many times in the past, but Texas Brine has just put an end to that.
The bank arranging for the refinancing through a secondary lender issued a letter denying the loan application because the property was 4- 4½ miles from a sinkhole.
The inability of business and/or homeowners to refinance existing debt will lead to an extreme increase in interest rates, particularly if you have a floating interest rate or a loan tied to lines of credit.
Also, some outlying resident’s are receiving inquiries from insurance companies concerning the sinkhole. It is probably a safe bet that your homeowners insurance premiums are about to rise solely because of the sinkhole.
As a result of those circumstances, Texas Brine can expect additional civil claims as homeowners have no option but to pursue legal avenues to attempt to recover their losses.
* * * * * * * * * * *
- emphasis added
LEL on Sauce Piquante Lane . . . Weekend News
The Advocate – Seismic activity reported in Assumption Parish sinkhole(scroll way down)
“…residents complained about a plugged probe site leaking gasin front of homes on Sauce Piquante Lane.
. . . Boudreaux said he tested the hole and found leaking gas at a concentration that was approaching an explosive level.”
. . . Boudreaux said he tested the hole and found leaking gas at a concentration that was approaching an explosive level.”
QUERY (from a reader here) – WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??
Texas Brine put out a newish 2-day-old update . . . all about sub-structure ventilation. Like people are going to move back.
AND . . . they still claimall the methane coming up under homes is “SWAMP GAS”! Come Onnnn!!!!! Texas Brine‘s daily report to DNR (7-16) and their letter to Conservation Commish (7-16) has analysis of vapor etc. at Lake FUBAR. It is being done by a company called MP&A. On the chart on p.8, in teeny-tiny print at the bottom it says:

RTU-3, located at ST-2b, began recording elevated LEL readings at approximately 11:39 am on 7/15/2013. RTU-5 replaced RTU-3 at 8:27 am on 7/16/2013 and readings returned to normal. RTU-3 will be inspected by the onsite technician and serviced as necessary before being redeployed. |
As is usual these days, the helicorders are going bananas at Lake FUBAR. It looks like some work has started up at 7 a.m., obscuring the charts.
The Parish officials take their own measurement of Lake FUBAR:
Sent in by a reader -“. . . this article refers to Patrick Courreges. Seems to me that if you’re not playing the millionaire, get rich game at the expense of Mother Earth, you’re just given the big FU. If only the worker ants would justquit and walk away… Do you really think any of this can truly be stopped, when this fracking frenzy is being fed from the top political office in this country down through all the lower offices?”
Rural N.W. Louisiana – DeSoto Parish’s instant millionaires hold on to their humble roots
A bunch of other oil chit chat here.
WBRZ – Warning about flesh-eating bacteria off La. coast
“BATON ROUGE- State health leaders issued a warning Friday for coastal water: it may have flesh-eating bacteria.
One person has died and three others got sick from the bacteria, which is naturally occurring in warm seawater. . . “
“BATON ROUGE- State health leaders issued a warning Friday for coastal water: it may have flesh-eating bacteria.
One person has died and three others got sick from the bacteria, which is naturally occurring in warm seawater. . . “
NOTE: We put some updates on that recent DOW cavern problem post.
We ask: Is land subsidence causing water problems in New Orleans(pipe cracks etc.)??
If this is all too much to take in … Lunar Meteor Hunters‘ website has Sci-Fi B Movie Matinee - Battle of the Worlds (1961)
Baymuse said a big fluid movement deal happened after midnight and it sure did ! 1 A.M. at ALL the helicorders -
The helicorders are all going off and there are no work trucks etc. to blame. Hang on!