Facebook censors pictures of children rallying against GMOs
In one of the most devastating acts of destruction of its own credibility, Facebook engaged in yet more censorship of Free Speech with the suspending of an account that posted a photo of children rallying against Monsanto during today’s global March Against Monsanto.
The picture shows two children of Natural News reader Andrea Lalama. They are carrying hand-drawn signs that read:
“ORGANIC FOOD It’s My Medicine – Label GMOs – Say NO to GMO”
After this picture was shared on Facebook by Natural News, Andrea’s account was immediately suspended. Facebook displayed a message on her account which read (see screen capture, below):
“FACEBOOK: You have been restricted from Interacting With Pages until Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 6:47pm.”
- A D V E R T I S E M E N T
At this point, Andrea can only re-post other people’s content but is disallowed from posting her own content. Why? Because children with signs are obviously very, very dangerous to the establishment.
See the photo of two children that Facebook says is “abusive”
Here’s the photo of the children that caused Facebook to suspend her account:

And here’s the account suspension notice screen capture:

Here’s a link to Andrea’s Facebook page, which remains suspended:
Another woman, Georgia Gallucci, was also censored by Facebook
As the following screen capture shows, another FB user named Georgia Gallucci also had her account suspended by Facebook after “reposting a friend’s photo from the Monsanto March.”

Yet another account called “Reversing Autism” was also suspended by Facebook for posting Monsanto march photos. The following screen capture shows the Reversing Autism account being labeled by Facebook as posting content that is “abusive.”

Astonishingly, Facebook believes that a corporation growing corn engineered to contain a deadly poison is not abusive, but talking about it IS abusive!
Facebook previously censored Natural News for posting a quote from Gandhi
Remember, Facebook previously censored a Gandhi quote infographic, claiming it violated its “community guidelines.” Facebook hit Natural News with a “final warning” and threatening to permanently delete the Natural News account.
Facebook has also been caught in the outrageous abuse of Free Speech through the censorship of people who have all sorts of non-mainstream views, including people who believe in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
So this Facebook censorship is nothing new, and in light of recent revelations that the U.S. government engaged in an outrageous abuse of power to threaten, intimidate and silence certain groups through the IRS, many people are now questioning whether Facebook actually is part of the government surveillance grid that intentionally suppresses information the government doesn’t want to be seen.
More reporting to follow on Natural News…
‘Monsanto is the metaphor for genetic manipulation, food chain control’
May 26, 2013
May 26, 2013
In order to take full control of the global food chain the world’s largest owner of patents on seeds Monsanto is lobbying, bribing, suing small farmers out of business and altering scientific research, geopolitical analyst F. William Engdahl told RT.
Hundreds of thousands around the world gathered on Saturday in a global move dubbed ‘March Against Monsanto’.
Activists are calling for labeling of food containing GMOs and further scientific research of the effects of GMO crops that while banned in several countries over alleged health threats still remain legal in many others.
Protesters all across the US joined the march calling for a boycott of Monsanto products, following the Senate’s decision to turn down a bill which requires the labeling of GM food.
RT: What’s wrong with GM food?
William Engdahl: The fundamental problem with GM food that it’s genetically and biologically unstable. There’s no genetic modification known to science and this I have from some of top scientists in the world on this question that’s stable – it’s always mutating. And No.2, all the GM products that are in the human and animal food chain over the last 20 years are modified primarily to do one thing – 80 per cent of all the GM is modified to accept chemicals, the pesticides. Monsanto Roundup being the most prominent of them, which are highly, highly toxic and they’re modified to be resistant to that deadly chemical so that it kills everything inside, except the Monsanto corn or the Monsanto soy beans or what will you. All those chemicals are equally as dangerous to the human food chain as the GMO seeds themselves.
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RT: Why have so many people in different countries taken to the streets to demonstrate against this US company now?
WE: I think for one very simple reason Monsanto is the company. They are the world’s largest owner of seeds. They’ve bought up all those small seed companies to control those seed varieties of wheat, of rice, of corn and soy beans and so forth. No.2 Monsanto bought up a company that gives Monsanto a patent on what are called terminator seeds, which self-destruct, the seeds commit suicide after one harvest season. So, farmers are unable to take part of their seeds and replant them for the next harvest season – something that never in history has been possible before this Monsanto development. But Monsanto is the metaphor for genetic manipulation of the food chain and they are by far the largest – of course, you have other companies like Syngenta in Switzerland, you have BASF, which is a partner of Monsanto in Germany. You have Dow and DuPont Chemical. But Monsanto is really the giant of the four horsemen of the GMO Apocalypse.
RT: Why is the US government so keen to protect the interests of Monsanto?
WE: I think this is the strategic interest of the US agribusiness lobby, the lobby of Bush senior as president in 1992. Monsanto went to the White House and had a closed-door meeting with Bush, and got him to agree to make sure there are no government tests whatsoever on the health and safety of GMO products before they were released to the commercial public. That was called the doctrine of ‘substantial equivalence’– it’s a fraudulent doctrine if you just analyze the name, it’s by no means scientifically rigorous. So there have been up until recently no long-term tests beyond what ninety day short-term studies Monsanto gave to the government to say ‘everything is hunky-dory.’ It turns out evidence has been uncovered by whistleblowers who say we were forced to alter the scientific data for Monsanto so it showed that the results were positive. You have the fox guarding the chicken house here with Monsanto verifying the health and safety of its own products. But it’s the idea of monopoly on seeds, a patent on monopoly on seeds worldwide that makes the whole question of Monsanto and GMO question so extremely important in so many countries. They are trying everything to bribe and influence the European commission in Brussels. A study came out in France at the Caen university September last year, it was published in the PEW review , a serious scientific journal of toxicology , by Dr Seralini and his French colleagues, showing that rats fed with GMO Monsanto rice , or corn rather, had huge incidents of cancer tumors compared with non GMO rats. They had enormous organ damage and death rates five times that of normal rats. The study was suppressed by the EU food safety administration. It turns out that most of the scientists on the panel had ties to Monsanto. So it’s just the corruption that Monsanto tries to infiltrate its way, they try to block labeling in California, because that would damage their whole product situation in America. People are beginning to wake up. I think there is change going on not only against the Monsanto but biological engineering of our food chain.
China Incinerates 3 US Shipments of Genetically Modified Corn
Anthony Gucciardi
May 24, 2013
May 24, 2013
China has destroyed a total of at least three genetically modified corn shipments with origins from the United States in a move that echoes the way in which the nation of Hungary actually went and destroyed acres upon acres of Monsanto’s GMO corn fields. Interestingly enough, my article on that subject became one of the most widely shared articles in recent years across the web thanks to the rising number of individuals who are behind the elimination of GMOs across the globe.
And I suspect this move by China will be met with similar applause, as it represents a direct stand against Monsanto — the company that is literally being funded with your taxpayer dollars and directly marketed by the US State Department. Even Reuters and others reported on the leaked information, and journalists were in complete shock when the news came out. The reality explains not only why the US government continues to approve and outwardly support Monsanto’s GMOs despite being linked to a number of serious health conditions, but also explains why the US threatened ‘military style trade wars‘ against those who oppose Monsanto.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that Monsanto’s major connections in government, like FDA head Michael Taylor, are lending aid to the GMO crusade in ways that even surprise me.
And perhaps what’s most interesting with this situation here is that China has essentially acted against the US by destroying these crops — crops that the US government pushes on nations, targeting those who defy Monsanto. It’s arguably more of an act against the US than sending a naval battleship closer to US soil! It shows the true priorities of many US government officials, who could care less about public health if it stands in the way of megalomania expansion.
Regardless of even why the Chinese are destroying these shipments, which is listed as a crackdown on GMO shipments that aren’t even following basic approval protocol, you can expect US officials (especially the State Department individuals) to be in uproar for Monsanto. As detailed from the GMWatch website and reported by Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo:
The law says that the [Chinese] Ministry of Agriculture must require environmental and food safety tests to be carried out by Chinese institutions, in order to verify data provided by the seed developer. All these documents must be reviewed by the National Biosafety Committee before the MOA can issue a safety certificate. Yet these shipments of US corn did not have the relevant safety certificates and approval documents, according to the news reports below.
When even China has the will to destroy Monsanto’s GMOs, you know there’s something wrong with officials in the US who sit idly by as millions consume Monsanto’s Roundup-drenched GMO foods on a daily basis. Thankfully, action is being taken at warp speed. We have the March Against Monsanto taking place in just 2 days, and we have more support than ever for exposing the corrupt GMO giant and GMO infestation at large.
This post originally appeared at Natural Society
Monsanto hired mercenary Blackwater to infiltrate anti-GMO groups
20 21.2K 443 34 Google +43
Documents reveal that Blackwater has been busy expanding its corporate reach by providing intelligence services for agencies such as the Canadian Military, Netherlands Police and corporations like Monsanto.
Blackwater is a private, mercenary army. They've been called the 'shadow army,' and most notoriously worked for the United States in Iraq, where the company courted controversy. Journalist Jeremy Scahill, who wrote a book about Blackwater, wrote an exclusive for The Nation, revealing general details of the extent of the Blackwater business operations. Scahill managed to obtain documents that, according to Scahill, show
A spokesperson for Monsanto, reached by Scahill, first denied the relationship with Blackwater, but then admitted that Monsanto had paid Total Intelligence for intelligence reoprts
The news that Monsanto hired a Blackwater company for intelligence reports is rocketing around the world via anti-GMO activists. Blogger Rady Ananda summed up the relationship between Monsanto and Blackwater as
Citing the growing movement to destroy GMO crops, Ananda thought Monsanto was hoping to be able to quell dissent through infiltrating actvist groups that take direct action. Ananda concluded his article saying
Writing on Above Top Secret, Airspoon commented on Monsanto's hiring of Blackwater, saying (sic)
The documents obtained by Scahill show that Monsanto paid Blackwater's subsidiary, Total Intelligence a total of $232,000 for intelligence services provided in 2008 and 2009.
Aside from the brief statement provided to Scahill, Monsanto is keeping quiet on the matter, as is Blackwater and the other organizations cited in Scahill's article.
Scahill said the Canadian Military paid Blackwater over $1.6 million for training, which was provided through Blackwater's subsidiary, the Terrorism Research Center.
Blackwater violated some US export control laws, reported Yahoo News this past August, violations which included the provision of training to the Canadian Military.
While the list of violations the US Department of State found Blackwater guilty of is extensive, the company was only fined $42 million.
The company name 'Blackwater' was changed to Xe (pronounced 'zee') in 2009, which Source Watch called a 'rebranding effort.'
The company is now up for sale.
AFP reported Blackwater operatives were accused of killing 17 Iraqis, wounding a further 22 in what was said to be an unprovoked attack in 2007. The company was later cleared of all wrongdoing. Blackwater was ordered out of Iraq earlier this year because of that violent incident said CBS News.
Scahill is a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute. He recently wrote the book, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army. Scahill is also an award-winning investigative journalist and in addition to writing for The Nation, he is a correspondent with Democracy Now!.
"... entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation. Blackwater's work for corporations and government agencies was contracted using two companies owned by Blackwater's owner and founder, Erik Prince: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center (TRC). Prince is listed as the chairman of both companies in internal company documents, which show how the web of companies functions as a highly coordinated operation."
"... about the activities of groups or individuals that could pose a risk to company personnel or operations around the world which were developed by monitoring local media reports and other publicly available information. The subject matter ranged from information regarding terrorist incidents in Asia or kidnappings in Central America to scanning the content of activist blogs and websites."The spokesperson told Scahill he was told Total Intelligence was completely separate from Blackwater.
"... A death-tech firm weds a hit squad."
"... Monsanto, by hiring a mercenary army and former CIA field agents, is deadly serious about protecting its deadly products. Yet, this contract further discredits the company. The public can now paint an even bleaker picture of the firm that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, rBST, DDT, aspartame and, now, hitmen."
"The above quote is pretty scary and indicative of how corporate interests are acting against our own, though most of us already knew that. For any of the deniars who tried to refute that such tactics were used, one need only look at the plethora of information coming out about Xe and Blackwater due to the scandal in Iraq.I think that the best thing that could be done, is to boycott these companies as much as possible. Monsanto might be a little hard to boycott for some folks, though the other companies shouldn't be. In fact, Monsanto shouldn't be either for most folks.Blackwater (Xe) is one of the most dangerous entities facing the American people. It's like the enforcement arm of corporate interests that does not have to operate under the same "restrictions" that government enforcers have to operate under under. It's like a private army for TPTB.Americans and citizens of the world should be irate ove the very existence of a company such as Blackwater and we should all stand together against the Nazi-like tactics and the anti-freedom angenda of such an evil organization."
Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/297701#ixzz2URkI0qGO
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