Fake silver follows discoveries of fake gold.....
A reader of silver analyst Jeff Lewis submitted the evidence after acquiring 15 fake ASE’s on ebay (underscoring the need to acquire your precious metals from a reputable dealer who obtains their supply directly from national mints):
The fake ASE’s are reportedly slightly underweight, year 2000 in date, and nearly perfect in appearance:
Last year news that tungsten filled 10 oz PAMP gold bars surfaced on the market in NYC went viral as long rumored tungsten filled gold bars were finally confirmed to exist.
At the time, we warned readers of rumors of fake silver coins and bars likely filled with molybdenum.
At the time, we warned readers of rumors of fake silver coins and bars likely filled with molybdenum.
We now have an official confirmed report of tungsten molybdenum filled American Silver Eagles.
A reader of silver analyst Jeff Lewis submitted the evidence after acquiring 15 fake ASE’s on ebay (underscoring the need to acquire your precious metals from a reputable dealer who obtains their supply directly from national mints):
Hello Dr. Jeff,I read you newsletter often and look forward to it on silverseek as well…Wanted to let you and readers know, today 4/3/2013, I just received 15 ASE counterfeit fakes, year 2000 from eBay. I thought it was as good deal, also got refund .I work in radiology and had x-rays taken of real and fake, the fake coin can be x-rayed through; writing clearly visualized and authentic ASE can not (a solid white blank)…some kind of alloy I suspect?… Other similar details to the article in Coin World on the fake 2011 ASE’s coins that turned up in Canada in FEB 2013)…Beware…They are out there!!!!Face and back images are oriented same (eagle and head up, authentic are opposite) and 2000 date slightly smaller in size than authentic ASE date. Fake coin is minimally thicker and minimally smaller in diameter. Non magnetic also.
The fake ASE’s are reportedly slightly underweight, year 2000 in date, and nearly perfect in appearance:
The Counterfeit:
One gram light…30.1g coin, is minimally thicker and minimally smaller in diameter. Side images are oriented same and 2000 date slightly smaller in size than authentic.
With the US Mint unable to keep up with demand and selling ASE’s at an all-time record pace, is this a last ditch effort to dissuade investors from acquiring precious metals, and to keep their wealth in paper assets?
The central banks KNOW and have KNOWN that the only way out is through confiscating assets. Either by stealing directly through bank accounts, pensions and the like OR through inflation and devaluing currencies…which is WHY they are shaking the Golden trees so hard right now.
They know “what” is coming because THEY are going (and have been doing) to do it. They know that they must clean as many Gold and Silver assets up and off of the streets as they can…NOW and get them out of the hands of the people. “Time” is running out!
They know “what” is coming because THEY are going (and have been doing) to do it. They know that they must clean as many Gold and Silver assets up and off of the streets as they can…NOW and get them out of the hands of the people. “Time” is running out!
They’ve bought some time…
…but that’s about all and probably not much. Stock markets at highs, precious metals under pressure and bond yields down, what more could you want to “show” that all is well across the land? Well, a couple of “humorous” pieces of news have surfaced beyond what we knew yesterday as to upcoming events that will best be viewed with a bowl of popcorn by your side. It turns out that Spain funded their own debt market the second half of last year by stuffing their equivalent of Social Security with their own sovereign debt. The pension now consists 97% of Spanish sovereign debt. SHOCKING until you look at our own plan which is basically 100% US Treasuries and Agencies…what could possibly go wrong here?
Then we heard from Japan last night, that little island that’s just “glowing” with economic activity, they announced a $1.4 trillion “printing/stimulus” package over the next two years. $1.4 TRILLION! Let me put this in perspective for you, this amount will first of all literally double their money supply in 2 years. It is not one $700 billion U.S. TARP plan, no, it’s TWO back to back from an island the size of New Jersey! But wait, let me REALLY put it into perspective for you. Do you Know how much $1.4 trillion really is? At today’s price of Gold, it is equal to 7 YEARS of GLOBAL PRODUCTION (what is it about this 7 years stuff? First Germany waits 7 years for their Gold, now Japan does a print job equal to 7 years of global production?).
Where oh where will the Bank of Japan eventually sell these radioactive securities in the marketplace? Especially with the whopping 1/2 of 1% interest that they are paying. …AND after telling the world that their currency will be worth almost exactly 1/2 of what it’s “worth” now after doubling the money supply? Let me do a little crude math for you here. In 2 years the buyer of a ten year Samurai bond will earn a cumulative 1% in interest…the Yen will theoretically be worth 50% of what it is today if the money supply doubles as they promise, leaving the buyer with a 49% loss. In the words of “Ronco”, but wait there’s more! What happens if interest rates double to a whopping 1% in 2 years? Another 50% haircut leaving you with 24% of your original investment? Or what if the unthinkable happens and rates go to sky high levels like 2%? Another 50% haircut? I have to stop here because the math is getting just too hard for me…and you get the point anyway, they are announcing a devaluation of the Yen in massive terms.
So what to do? Well first off you should sell all of your Gold because “it’s going down” and no one wants to lose money right? Which is exactly “why” it has been “going down”. (first a little sarcasm…Gold has been going down in anticipation of this Japanese freak show? Maybe the news leaked out and someone wanted to front run getting out of Gold first? …Sarcasm now off) The central banks KNOW and have KNOWN that the only way out is through confiscating assets. Either by stealing directly through bank accounts, pensions and the like OR through inflation and devaluing currencies…which is WHY they are shaking the Golden trees so hard right now. They know “what” is coming because THEY are going (and have been doing) to do it. They know that they must clean as many Gold and Silver assets up and off of the streets as they can…NOW and get them out of the hands of the people. “Time” is running out!
As to physical supply of metal. junk Silver is very scarce with up to 5 weeks before delivery and the premium is approaching 10%. The U.S. Mint ALONE sold more Silver Eagles in the last 3 months than all of the Silver produced in the United States over that time! Southern India is experiencing Gold shortages even after huge imports and I now have heard a story (I will try to verify) where Bangkok Thailand is actually out of Gold with at least 5 day wait lists and very small amounts allowed to even be ordered. The more they shake the tree apparently the less “fruit” is becoming available because buyers of the real thing are doing what buyers always do. They are BUYING when their desired product goes on sale…ah the unintended consequences of a “centrally planned” global economy! As the saying goes, “they are of their own undoing”.
Regards, Bill H.
March and April 2013 may go down in history as the tipping point for the western financial system.The veil of banker honesty has been lifted. The EU/IMF/ECB will do whatever is necessary to support the banks, even if it means they will confiscate (tax, steal, bail-in) customer deposits.
Customer deposits are NOT assets held in the bank for safe-keeping, but are liabilities of the bank and are not guaranteed to be made whole.Billions of dollars were removed prior to the Cyprus freeze, so insiders clearly knew in advance of the ordinary depositors (see below). There is no “level playing field” when billions of dollars/euros are in play.
According to Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Dutch finance minister and Euro Group President, this is “the template for any future bank bailouts.” In other words, your deposits are considerably less safe than you thought. Your bank could fail, and your deposits might be used to compensate for derivative losses or other losses that the bank incurred.
Customer deposits are NOT assets held in the bank for safe-keeping, but are liabilities of the bank and are not guaranteed to be made whole.Billions of dollars were removed prior to the Cyprus freeze, so insiders clearly knew in advance of the ordinary depositors (see below). There is no “level playing field” when billions of dollars/euros are in play.
According to Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Dutch finance minister and Euro Group President, this is “the template for any future bank bailouts.” In other words, your deposits are considerably less safe than you thought. Your bank could fail, and your deposits might be used to compensate for derivative losses or other losses that the bank incurred.
Submitted by Deviant Investor:
March and April 2013 may go down in history as the tipping point for the western financial system.
We have already seen:
- Lehman Brothers and many other financial firms collapse.
- $700 Billion in TARP funds arranged by banking insiders for banking insiders at the expense of US taxpayers.
- Over $16 Trillion in bailouts, guarantees, swaps, and loans created by the Fed and given to various banks, nations, and other insiders.
- MFGlobal took “segregated” customer funds, the exchange provided no compensation to customers, and yet no criminal indictments have been issued.
- Global derivatives total $700 Trillion to well over $1,000 Trillion, depending on who is counting. Some are “toxic waste.”
- Many European bailouts and “fixes.”
- Spain, Italy, Slovenia, and perhaps France in trouble.
- US official debt approaching $17 Trillion with unfunded liabilities many times larger.
- The Federal Reserve creating $85 Billion per month (over $115,000,000 per hour) to support banks and the US government.
So what other disasters could occur? In a word, Cyprus!
- Not because the EU and Cyprus took Russian money.
- Not because several banks will close.
- Not because some deposits will be confiscated and/or frozen.
In my opinion, the sign that a tipping point has occurred in the financial system is the real story:
- The veil of banker honesty has been lifted. The EU/IMF/ECB will do whatever is necessary to support the banks, even if it means they will confiscate (tax, steal, bail-in) customer deposits.
- Customer deposits are NOT assets held in the bank for safe-keeping, but are liabilities of the bank and are not guaranteed to be made whole.
- Billions of dollars were removed prior to the Cyprus freeze, so insiders clearly knew in advance of the ordinary depositors (see below). There is no “level playing field” when billions of dollars/euros are in play.
- According to Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Dutch finance minister and Euro Group President, this is “the template for any future bank bailouts.” In other words, your deposits are considerably less safe than you thought. Your bank could fail, and your deposits might be used to compensate for derivative losses or other losses that the bank incurred.
- The FDIC in the US, as well as England, Canada, and New Zealand, has announced similar policies, agreements, and plans to confiscate deposits in the case of an emergency. Is this a sign that an emergency is not only possible but probable and imminent?
- Confidence in the banking and financial system has been seriously damaged, perhaps irreversibly.
Following are a few quotes from respected commentators:
Jim Sinclair: If the fools that have attacked Cyprus persist then it is the start of an avalanche that will destroy confidence in fiat currency, the fractional reserve system and central banks. What are the central bankers terrified of? My answer is the mountain of old OTC derivative coming home to roost.” Link.
Tyler Durden: “With every passing day, it becomes clearer and clearer the Cyprus deposit confiscation “news” was the most unsurprising outcome for the nation’s financial system and was known by virtually everyone on the ground days and weeks in advance: first it was disclosed that Russians had been pulling their money, then it was suggested the president himself had made sure some €21 million of his family’s money was parked safely in London, then we showed a massive surge in Cyprus deposit outflows in February, and now the latest news is that a list of 132 companies and individuals has emerged who withdrew their €-denominated deposits in the two weeks from March 1 to March 15, among which the previously noted company Loutsios & Sons which is alleged to have ties with the current Cypriot president Anastasiadis.”Link.
Peter Cooper: “Depositors in the beleaguered Bank of Cyprus are now facing losses of 60 per cent on deposits over 100,000 euros as the Cyprus Government seems to have woken up to the fact that this is its last chance to steal money off these mainly foreign depositors. It’s an absolute travesty and a red letter day for European Union banks…
“Money in EU bank accounts is clearly now up for grabs by any government that recapitalizes its banking sector. Moreover, the Cyprus precedent is going to cause a run on the weaker banks that will make this sort of recapitalization inevitable. Standby for a systemic banking crisis in the EU…
“What the EU has done in Cyprus is the modern equivalent of the failure of the Credit Anstaldt in 1931 that brought on the Great Depression with thousands of banking failures around the world.” Link.
Jim Sinclair: “I believe Cyprus is the defining moment whereby the physical market for gold overtakes the paper market for gold as the arbiter of price. When that occurred in 1979 the price of gold began its move to seek its maximum valuation.” Link.
Julian DW Phillips: “When it was announced [in Cyprus] that both large and small depositors were to have a percentage of their deposits seized, it was not the amount that horrified the world but the discovery that you do not own your own bank deposits… Most investors worldwide are of the belief that when you deposit your money in a bank, it simply has safe-keeping of that money. The realization that you have lent the bank your money and are an “Unsecured Creditor” of the bank is an unpleasant revelation.” Link.
Michael Snyder: “What you are about to see absolutely amazed me when I first saw it. The Canadian government is actually proposing that what just happened in Cyprus should be used as a blueprint for future bank failures up in Canada.
The following comes from pages 144 and 145 of “Economic Action Plan 2013″ which you can find right here. Apparently the goal is to find a way to rescue “systemically important banks” without the use of taxpayer funds…”
“In addition, branches of the two largest banks in Cyprus were kept open in Moscow and London even after all of the banks in Cyprus itself were shut down. So wealthy Russians and wealthy Brits have been able to take all of their money out of those banks while the people of Cyprus have been unable to…”
“The global elite are fundamentally changing the game. From now on, no bank account on earth will ever be able to be considered “100% safe” again. This is going to create an atmosphere of fear and panic, and no financial system can operate normally when you destroy the confidence that people have in it.
Confidence is a funny thing – it can take decades to build, but it can be destroyed in a single moment.” Link.
Ellen Brown: “Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone “troika” officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets. A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012, shows that these plans have been long in the making; that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland (discussed earlier here); and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds.” Link.
Richard Russell: “I’ve been asked to name one future situation of which I’m most certain. My answer is this – I believe the surest situation (change) in America’s future is a decline, even a drastic decline, in our standard of living. We’ve spent it; we’ve spent what we didn’t have. And somewhere ahead, probably much sooner than we think, will come payback time. And it won’t be pretty.” Link.
- Bank deposits are neither safe nor sacred. What you think is true might be false and costly.
- More financial disasters are inevitable and imminent. Your standard of living is likely to decline.
- Insiders – the political and financial elite – will benefit at the expense of the other 99%. (Nothing new here.)
- Governments, agencies, and bankers are preparing for more confiscations. Plan on it! It’s going to end badly!
- Buy gold and silver and remove it from the banking system. Silver and gold purchases
- The next few years will be very problematic for citizens of Europe and the United States. Preparation is essential.
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