Chaos , confusion - what was going on really ? Guy with earplug part of a drill ?
Posted By Josh Rogin

The Saudi national who was reported as "suspect" in the initial reporting is in fact a "witness", says Washington Post.
In the place of a foreign terrorist, therefore, we now have a possibility of the bombing carried out by "domestic terrorists", as in Boston Globe. The reasons? One, the explosive devices were too crude to be the work of Al Qaeda; two, Boston Marathon was accessible to everyone.
Definition of domestic extremists under the current administration is not what you may think.
And this from (4/16/2013; part, emphasis is mine):
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.
Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.
"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."
CNN reports a state government official said there were no credible threats before the race.
Shifting narrative.......
Source: Washington's Blog
Homeland Security Agencies Wasted Money On Seminars Like “Did Jesus Die for Klingons Too?”, Training for a “Zombie Apocalypse” and Launching Wars for Oil Instead of Actually Focusing on Anti-Terror Efforts
While We’re Waiting to Learn Who the Boston Terrorists Were … Let’s Review How Stupid Our Anti-Terrorism Policies Have Been
While we are waiting to find out who carried out the Boston terror attack, it is worth reflecting on one important fact …
America’s anti-terrorism policies since 9/11 have been a dismal failure.
Wasted Homeland Security Funding
Initially, a large amount of the homeland security spending has been wasted … producing “a bunch of crap”.
For example, spending money on zombie apocalypse training or other silly programs is a bad investment which led to a false sense of security.
Spending defense money on a workshop called “Did Jesus die for Klingons too?” and DOD-run microbreweries is probably not helping stop terrorist attacks.
Moreover, using homeland security resources to spy on average Americans or crack down on peaceful protesters or government critics distracts from getting the actual bad guys.
If we had spent the money and deployed the resources on focused anti-terror efforts, we would be in a better position today.
Our Wars In the Middle East Have Created More Terrorists
Moreover, security experts – including both conservatives and liberals – agree that waging war in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism. See this, this, this,this, this, this, this and this.
Killing innocent civilians is one of the main things which increases terrorism. As one of the top counter-terrorism experts (the former number 2 counter-terrorism expert at the State Department) told me, starting wars against states which do not pose an imminent threat to America’s national security increases the threat of terrorism because:
And top CIA officers say that drone strikes increase terrorism (and see this).
Furthermore, James K. Feldman – former professor of decision analysis and economics at the Air Force Institute of Technology and the School of Advanced Airpower Studies – and other experts say that foreign occupation is the main cause of terrorism
University of Chicago professor Robert A. Pape – who specializes in international security affairs – points out:
In addition, torture creates new terrorists:
Nice Job Creating More Terrorists, You Morons …
Additionally – in the name of fighting our enemies – the U.S. has directly been supporting Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups for the last decade. See this, this, this, this and this.
Why Have We Given Up Our Rights If the Government Can’t Keep Us Safe?
We have given up the fundamental rights which make us American.
The government insisted that – if we gave up our liberties – it would keep us safe.
It has failed to do so, and has instead squandered our national treasure, our resources and our troops on efforts which have only increased the risk of terrorism.
( As one would expect , there is considerable confusion , possible disinformation leaked to confuse potential suspected terrorist (s) ...... let's no jump to conclusions but let information come in first. )
REVERE, Mass. ( – Police were seen carrying several large bags from a suburban Boston apartment that authorities say was searched in connection to the Boston Marathon bombing.
( Bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish line - UM Coach told it was just a training exercise ... )
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.
Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.
"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."
CNN reports a state government official said there were no credible threats before the race.
Stevenson had just finished the marathon before the explosions. Stevenson said his wife had been sitting in one of the seating sections where an explosion went off, but thankfully she left her seat and was walking to meet up with him.
( Interesting ...... )
( ball bearing used in bombs - would explain the 25 - 30 folks who lost limbs... )

“Newtown can’t go through another event like this.”
No information has been released about the cause of the explosions but they are being treated by the US authorities as a major, multiple terrorist event. Ball bearings found strewn at the scene of the blasts and in the pockets of victims were seen as consistent with terrorist methods and the same signature found in similar attacks in Israel and other places.
No information has been released about the cause of the explosions but they are being treated by the US authorities as a major, multiple terrorist event.
Boston Bombing Culprits Identified?
Paul Joseph Watson
April 17, 2013
April 17, 2013
UPDATE: FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare” before speaking to the media. Struggling to get their narrative straight in the aftermath of numerous men with backpacks being identified?
Photos collated on the 4chan website show numerous images of suspicious individuals wearing large backpacks present at the scene of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Three of the men appear to be Arab or Middle Eastern in appearance, whereas another two of the individuals are white.
The images show the men looking away from the marathon runners, talking on cellphones and running from the scene immediately after the blast.
Remains of one of the backpacks are also photographed yards from where one of the bombs exploded. The FBI states that at least one of the pressure cooker devices used in the bombing was housed in a backpack.
Some of these men may have merely been victims, but the image of the two men standing together wearing the same clothes and carrying heavy backpacks and wearing credentials suggests they may have been involved in a drill or in the actual attack. One of individuals, a white man whose backpack was found at the scene of the bombing, looks badly dressed and disheveled.
The Associated Press is now reporting that authorities have identified a suspect wearing a “black jacket on a cell phone, wearing a gray hoodie and a white baseball cap backwards placing a black bag at the second bomb site outside of the Forum restaurant on Boylston Street and then leaving the area before that explosion,” a description which closely but not specifically could be applied to more than one different man identified in the photos below.
As eyewitness Ali Stevenson reported, marathon runners were told before the bombing that a “drill” was taking place involving bomb sniffing dogs and spotters of roofs and to remain calm, although police later denied that any exercise had taken place.
CNN reported that authorities have identified one of the suspects involved in the attack by means of “video from a department store near the site of the second explosion” and “video from a Boston television station.” CNN backed off a report that a suspect had already been arrested.
The Boston Globe also reports that, “authorities have an image of a suspect carrying and possibly dropping a black bag at the second blast site on Boylston Street.”
NewsCenter5 is reporting that, “An arrest is imminent or may have already taken place,” and that the individual is being taken to court.

Update: Boston Bombing Suspect HAS NOT BEEN Arrested; Boston Courthouse Evacuated
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/17/2013 13:50 -0400
First we got headlines coming out, from CNN and WCVB TV in Boston, that a suspect is now in custody:
- Law enforcement official: Boston Marathon bomb suspect in custody, expected in federal court.
- Janet Wu reports it is a man who was arrested.
- The officials says the suspect is to be taken into custody by federal marshals and taken to a courthouse.
- There is no immediate word on where the arrest was made.
- Suspects at Federal Court are brought into an entrance away from public view.
- Jack Harper says the security at the Federal Courthouse is almost unprecedented.
- A source tells Newscenter5's WuWCVB that one male suspect delivered both bombs.
AP confirmed:
Then this became a media pissing match with both NBC and Reuters denying reports from CNN, AP and WCVB (on the ground), that no arrest has been made.
* * *
And now CNN is denying its original report that a suspect has been arrested. At least no report yet of the Boston Federal Court being under 9 feet of water.
Finally, here comes the FBI:
And the Boston Police itself chimes in:
Well - "New Normal" media.
Latest: Boston courthouse now being evacuated due to a Code Red, as well as Brigham Hospital:
Posted By Josh Rogin
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - 4:02 PM
The Saudi national injured during the bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon Monday has been cleared and is no longer even a person of interest, intelligence officials told lawmakers Tuesday.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper briefed members of the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors in a pre-scheduled hearing that was supposed to focus on the budget, but Clapper began with an update of the bombings. Ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) emerged from the briefing and said he was told the 22-year old Saudi student who was injured during the bombings and remains in the care of a local hospital was no longer a focus of investigators.
"He was never categorized as a suspect; he was a person of interest. My understanding is that he totally cooperated and that he is no longer a person of interest," Chambliss said.
Asked if there were any other persons of interest at this time, Chambliss said, "Not that I know of."
Details about the bombings are still scarce and the investigation hasn't yielded any firm conclusions about the perpetrator or the origin of the explosive devices yet, according to Chambliss.
"It's a very fluid investigation, the FBI is in the lead, and I personally know the special agent in charge. He is one of the best, and they are doing a very good job of moving the investigation forward," he said. "We don't know at this point whether it was a home grown terrorist, whether it was an isolated incident or part of an overall scheme, whether it was a domestic terrorist or a foreign terrorist."
Chambliss did say that security around the country would have to change for large public events, including greater involvement by the federal government.
"This was a soft target. It was not a target that was able to be totally protected," he said. "This particular incident is going to cause the administration and Congress to evaluate our overall security programs around the country, particularly for major events. We can't leave it just to the communities that host these events to provide the security."
UPDATE: Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said Tuesday afternoon that there had been no advance intelligence information before the attacks. Read about that here.
Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 16, 2013, 7:45 PM (GMT+02:00)
FBI Special Agent Richard Deslauriers told reporters Tuesday, April 16, that the probe had no leads 18 hours after two explosions blew up at the annual Boston Marathon’s finishing line, killing three people and injuring 176 – 17 critically. DEBKAfile’s counterterrorism sources can disclose however that the investigation has in fact homed in on a suspected terror cell of three Saudi nationals, very possibly tied to Al Qaeda.
The flat they share in the Revere, Massachusetts, near Boston, was searched after the questioning of one of the suspects, a Saudi student, who was hospitalized with badly burned hands. One of his flatmates was taken into custody over “visa problems.” A third is on the run. All three hail from a prominent Saudi family belonging to a tribe from the Asir province bordering on Yemen.
The flat they share in the Revere, Massachusetts, near Boston, was searched after the questioning of one of the suspects, a Saudi student, who was hospitalized with badly burned hands. One of his flatmates was taken into custody over “visa problems.” A third is on the run. All three hail from a prominent Saudi family belonging to a tribe from the Asir province bordering on Yemen.
The search for the wanted man led to the grounding of a plane at Logan International Airport Tuesday. The investigation has meanwhile broadened out to places in and outside Boston in a search for the cell’s accomplices.
The origins of the Saudi cell, if confirmed, strongly suggest that Al Qaeda of Arabia – AQAP –succeeded in planting a cell in the United States for the bombing attack in Boston – and possibly more than one in other parts of the US. Asir Province is known as a hotbed of resistance to the Saudi throne in Riyadh.
US law enforcement authorities in charge of the probe are refusing to confirm any suspects are in custody, or even leads to whoever carried out the bombings. President Barack Obama said in his second statement in 24 hours: “…we don’t know if who was behind the bombings were foreign, domestic or individual.” The President was forced to admit for the first time that the FBI was investigating “an act of terror.”
US law enforcement authorities in charge of the probe are refusing to confirm any suspects are in custody, or even leads to whoever carried out the bombings. President Barack Obama said in his second statement in 24 hours: “…we don’t know if who was behind the bombings were foreign, domestic or individual.” The President was forced to admit for the first time that the FBI was investigating “an act of terror.”
DEBKAfile earlier Tuesday was alone in reporting that the FBI Boston Marathon probe pointed to Mid-East terrorists with domestic support.
Read on:
Read on:
The lack of adequate security jumps to the eye after twin bombings struck the high-prestige Boston Marathon Monday, April 15, killing three people, including an 8-year old boy and injuring 140 – seventeen critically.
This was the world's oldest annual marathon, with 28,000 runners representing athletes from every US state and more than 90 nations. Yet there was no sign of dogs along the route trained to sniff out explosives or a police helicopter overhead with sensors for detecting explosives or traces thereof on the person of anyone present around the finishing line after the blasts.
Tuesday morning, while interviewing witnesses and collecting photos taken by spectators, the Boston police and security officers announced they were seeking two wanted men: One was described as swarthy, speaking with a foreign accent, his face partially hidden by a hood, who was carrying a large backpack and kept on trying to enter a closed section near the finishing line. This was the first time an area was disclosed as having been closed to the public.
Tuesday morning, while interviewing witnesses and collecting photos taken by spectators, the Boston police and security officers announced they were seeking two wanted men: One was described as swarthy, speaking with a foreign accent, his face partially hidden by a hood, who was carrying a large backpack and kept on trying to enter a closed section near the finishing line. This was the first time an area was disclosed as having been closed to the public.
The second man was photographed by a spectator walking on a rooftop overlooking the finishing line after the second bomb exploded.
After the event, police searches turned up and defused another three explosive devices. Had that search taken place before the event, at least one of the lethal devices might have been discovered and the race aborted.
Tuesday, the FBI admitted “a potential terrorist inquiry” was underway, although President Barack Obama, when he pledged justice for “the perpetrators,” carefully skirted the term “terror.” This recalls his administration’s refusal to brand as an act of terror the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens, although it was clearly the work of an al Qaeda element.
Counterterrorism experts are equally certain of the Middle East terrorist hallmarks on the Boston Marathon bombings, although it is too soon to say whether it was the work of Al Qaeda or an allied radical jihadi group such as the Ansar al-Shariah, which was responsible for the Benghazi consulate in conjunction with a clandestine al Qaeda command center in Cairo.
Here, too, initial investigation discloses the hand of al Qaeda or an affiliate.
After the event, police searches turned up and defused another three explosive devices. Had that search taken place before the event, at least one of the lethal devices might have been discovered and the race aborted.
Tuesday, the FBI admitted “a potential terrorist inquiry” was underway, although President Barack Obama, when he pledged justice for “the perpetrators,” carefully skirted the term “terror.” This recalls his administration’s refusal to brand as an act of terror the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens, although it was clearly the work of an al Qaeda element.
Counterterrorism experts are equally certain of the Middle East terrorist hallmarks on the Boston Marathon bombings, although it is too soon to say whether it was the work of Al Qaeda or an allied radical jihadi group such as the Ansar al-Shariah, which was responsible for the Benghazi consulate in conjunction with a clandestine al Qaeda command center in Cairo.
Here, too, initial investigation discloses the hand of al Qaeda or an affiliate.
Ahead of the London marathon scheduled for next week and the state funeral of the late UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Wednesday, April 17, a determined official effort is being made in Washington and London to present the Boston bombings as the work of a lone wolf.
However, experts experienced in these matters maintain that an attack on this scale and of this type would have required four or five bombers on the ground and a support team of about 10 spotters and accomplices familiar with the terrain, further back. They would have needed more than one vehicle and communications gear, in addition to mobile phones which are easily tracked.
The two explosions, 400 meters apart, were obviously coordinated and designed to cause maximum casualties. The ball-bearings scattered across the crime scene and found in the pockets of some of the casualties were familiar to Israelis and others and telling evidence of Middle East terrorist authorship.
The explosive device which caused such havoc and agony was small yet deadly – another pointer to the “professionalism” of the attackers. A similar device was discovered in time three years ago in a bomb-rigged car parked in Times Square New York and left there by the Pakistani student Faisal Shahzad.
Unlike the president, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had no compunctions about putting into words the general suspicion. Straight after the event, she said, “My understanding is that it’s a terrorist incident” - although it is too soon to say whether it was carried out by a foreign or domestic element.
Suspicion of a foreign hand was strengthened when the US media reported that a Saudi national suffering from severe burns was being questioned in hospital. The Boston Police Department denied the report and the FBI, now in charge of the case, said that no one has so far been taken into custody. They did not deny questioning “persons of interest.”
Unlike the president, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had no compunctions about putting into words the general suspicion. Straight after the event, she said, “My understanding is that it’s a terrorist incident” - although it is too soon to say whether it was carried out by a foreign or domestic element.
Suspicion of a foreign hand was strengthened when the US media reported that a Saudi national suffering from severe burns was being questioned in hospital. The Boston Police Department denied the report and the FBI, now in charge of the case, said that no one has so far been taken into custody. They did not deny questioning “persons of interest.”
The first response to the explosions in Boston from Middle East itself came from Mohammad al-Chalabi the head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group, who said he's "happy to see the horror in America…American blood isn't more precious than Muslim blood," he said. "Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there."
A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said the blasts "carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaeda."
A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said the blasts "carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaeda."
National Guard forces were streaming Tuesday into Boston in long convoys of armored Humvees.
Boston residents are in for upsets from the massive security measures that will continue throughout the week, as the area of the bombings is declared a crime scene and kept under lockdown; law enforcement officials patrol the streets and carry out random bag checks; and transport services are delayed.
Al Qaeda Link Probed
Al Qaeda investigated in Boston blasts
Law enforcement and intelligence authorities investigating the Boston terror bombings suspect al Qaeda terrorists were behind the blasts that killed three and injured scores although so far there is no firm evidence.
A U.S. official familiar with briefings on the probe into the blast said investigators remain stymied in determining who was behind the bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon Monday.
So far there has been no claim of responsibility, something that in the past was a characteristic of al Qaeda’s attack methodology. Senior jihadists monitored by Western intelligence agencies on the Internet remained silent in the hours after the bombings, officials said.
Investigators also are checking recent departures from Boston’s Logan airport for clues.
Richard DesLauriers, FBI special agent in charge in Boston, said in an an afternoon press conference that among the items recovered form the bombing were fragments and BB’s “possibly contained in a pressure cooker device.”
The devices were placed in a dark-colored nylon bag or backpack.
“At this time there are no claims of responsibility,” he said. “The range of suspects and motives remains wide open.”
Asked if al Qaeda was behind the attack, a U.S. government spokesman said it was too soon to tell.
However, initial reports indicate the bombs were fashioned from pressure cookers and designed to avoid detection by bomb-sniffing dogs. Investigators believe the devices were delivered in duffle bags and are now searching surveillance video of Boston for clues. An al Qaeda magazine in 2010 directed terrorists to use kitchen materials to make bombs, including pressure cooking bombs, for killing “tens” of people.
The bombs contained metal pieces designed to increase their lethality.
The official said the use of a pressure cooker bomb device also is an indication that more than one person was involved in the attacks.

Pressure cooker bomb from the 2010 al Qaeda journal Inspire under a section “Open Source Jihad: Make A bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom.”
A review of recent jihadist web postings show that several al Qaeda affiliated terrorists stated attacks on U.S. soil were coming.
For example, an al Qaeda weapons specialist, Abdallah Dhu-al-Bajadin, wrote in an online jihadist website last month that al Qaeda remains capable of conducting spectacular attacks against the United States. He dismissed U.S. intelligence assertions that al Qaeda is in decline.
“If your reports say the organization is a danger, we strike you on your own turf and show ourselves to be more dangerous than you expect, with operations that dazzle your security experts,” Dhu-al-Bajadin stated, according to a translation of the report.
Dhu-al-Bajadin is known as a key al Qaeda weapons specialist who in the past presented information to jihadists on how to conduct chemical or conventional attacks. He predicted in 2010 that al Qaeda would conduct a poison gas attack on the United States.
Another online report from April 1 quoted an Ahmad Bin Laden who posted a YouTube video urging the White House to withdraw all U.S. troops from Saudi Arabia by May 31. The jihadist announced plans for “a thunderous war against all the vital sectors in America.”
“You are forcing us to escalate and destroy your country and its people,” the video stated.
Also, some analysts speculated the recent video message from al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri contained subtle clues that an attack was coming.
Al Qaeda’s first issue of Inspire magazine published in July 2010 contained an article on how to construct a bomb in a kitchen that will be undetectable to sniffer dogs.
The article, headlined “Make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom,” urges jihadists in the United States and Europe to “work inside the West such as the operations of Nidal Hassan and Faisal Shazad”—the Islamist attacker in the U.S. military who conducted the Fort Hood shooting and the failed Times Square bomber, respectively.

“My Muslim brother: We are conveying to you our military training right into your kitchen to relieve you of the difficulty of traveling to us,” the article states, adding that “all that you have to do is enter your kitchen and make an explosive device that would damage the enemy.”
The article notes ingredients for kitchen-made bombs are readily available and do not raise suspicion and can be easily disposed if authorities conduct a search.
The Inspire article says gunpowder placed in a pressure cooker can be used as a bomb.
“The pressurized cooker is the most effective method,” the article said. “Glue shrapnel to the inside of the pressurized cooker then fill the cooker with inflammable material.” A small light bulb can be used as a detonator, it said.
“Place the device in a crowded area,” the article said. “Camouflage the device with something that would not hinder the shrapnel such as cardboard.”
“You need to also include shrapnel,” the article said. “The best shrapnel are the spherical shaped ones.”
Also, “sniffing dogs are not trained to recognize them as bomb making ingredients,” the article says.
“In one or two days the bomb could be ready to kill at least 10 people,” the article said. “In a month you may make a bigger and more lethal bomb that could kill tens of people.”
The article went on to explain that two types of explosions can be made from kitchen materials, chemical and mechanical blasts, and revealed how to make a pipe bomb from match heads and sugar.
In other developments, FBI official DesLauriers told reporters in Boston that there were “no known additional threats” of further bombing attacks. The FBI is following leads.
President Barack Obama, who on the day of the attack did not identify the bombing as a terrorist strike, appeared before reporters on Tuesday to say the blasts were “an act of terror.”
“What we don’t yet know, however, is who carried out this attack or why, whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organization, foreign or domestic, or was the act of a malevolent individual,” he said.
The president denounced the attack as a “heinous and cowardly act” and said, “The FBI is investigating it as an act of terrorism.”
“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror,” the president said.
The Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) terrorist group in Pakistan, which has been linked to the 2010 bombing plot in New York City, denied it was behind the Boston explosions.
“”We believe in attacking US and its allies but we are not involved in this attack,” (TTP) spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan told Agence France Presse.
A review of jihadist web sites and Twitter feeds revealed that many Islamists celebrated the Boston bombings, noting that security of a major sporting event had been breached by the attacks.
Authorities in London, meanwhile, are increasing security for that city’s marathon, set for April 21, fearing an attack similar to the bombing in Boston.
One jihadist identified on Twitter “Nasir Qa’idat al-Jihad” said the attack was significant for breaching security at a major event in the United States and that whoever was behind the attack was not as important.
Note pivot from Al Qaeda to Domestic Terrorists....
Note pivot from Al Qaeda to Domestic Terrorists....
Update on Boston Marathon Bombing: Experts Speculate It Was a "Domestic Terrorists" Job
The Saudi national who was reported as "suspect" in the initial reporting is in fact a "witness", says Washington Post.
In the place of a foreign terrorist, therefore, we now have a possibility of the bombing carried out by "domestic terrorists", as in Boston Globe. The reasons? One, the explosive devices were too crude to be the work of Al Qaeda; two, Boston Marathon was accessible to everyone.
Definition of domestic extremists under the current administration is not what you may think.
And this from (4/16/2013; part, emphasis is mine):
UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.
Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.
"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."
CNN reports a state government official said there were no credible threats before the race.
Shifting narrative.......
Expert blames right-wing terrorists
THE fatal explosions in Boston have hints of a right-wing terrorist attack rather than al-Qaeda-inspired extremism, according to one of the world’s leading experts on counter-terrorism.
Richard Barrett, the former United Nations co-ordinator for the al-Qaeda and Taliban monitoring team, said it was too early to say who was to blame for the marathon blasts.
But Barrett, who has served with MI5, MI6 and the British Foreign Office, said the timing of the attack on Patriots’ Day and the relatively small size of the devices suggested the work of a domestic extremist.
His comments came after US supercop Bill Bratton, a former head of Boston police who is now based in London, warned there are “no shortage of potential suspects” behind the explosions.
America’s Anti-Terrorism Policies Since 9/11 Have Been a Dismal Failure
April 16, 2013Source: Washington's Blog
Homeland Security Agencies Wasted Money On Seminars Like “Did Jesus Die for Klingons Too?”, Training for a “Zombie Apocalypse” and Launching Wars for Oil Instead of Actually Focusing on Anti-Terror Efforts
While We’re Waiting to Learn Who the Boston Terrorists Were … Let’s Review How Stupid Our Anti-Terrorism Policies Have Been
While we are waiting to find out who carried out the Boston terror attack, it is worth reflecting on one important fact …
America’s anti-terrorism policies since 9/11 have been a dismal failure.
Wasted Homeland Security Funding
Initially, a large amount of the homeland security spending has been wasted … producing “a bunch of crap”.
For example, spending money on zombie apocalypse training or other silly programs is a bad investment which led to a false sense of security.
Spending defense money on a workshop called “Did Jesus die for Klingons too?” and DOD-run microbreweries is probably not helping stop terrorist attacks.
Moreover, using homeland security resources to spy on average Americans or crack down on peaceful protesters or government critics distracts from getting the actual bad guys.
If we had spent the money and deployed the resources on focused anti-terror efforts, we would be in a better position today.
Our Wars In the Middle East Have Created More Terrorists
Moreover, security experts – including both conservatives and liberals – agree that waging war in the Middle East weakens national security and increases terrorism. See this, this, this,this, this, this, this and this.
Killing innocent civilians is one of the main things which increases terrorism. As one of the top counter-terrorism experts (the former number 2 counter-terrorism expert at the State Department) told me, starting wars against states which do not pose an imminent threat to America’s national security increases the threat of terrorism because:
One of the principal causes of terrorism is injuries to people and families.The Iraq war wasn’t even fought to combat terrorism. And Al Qaeda wasn’t even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded that country.
And top CIA officers say that drone strikes increase terrorism (and see this).
Furthermore, James K. Feldman – former professor of decision analysis and economics at the Air Force Institute of Technology and the School of Advanced Airpower Studies – and other experts say that foreign occupation is the main cause of terrorism
University of Chicago professor Robert A. Pape – who specializes in international security affairs – points out:
Extensive research into the causes of suicide terrorism proves Islam isn’t to blame — the root of the problem is foreign military occupations.
Each month, there are more suicide terrorists trying to kill Americans and their allies in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Muslim countries than in all the years before 2001 combined.Our Program of Torture Created Terrorists
New research provides strong evidence that suicide terrorism such as that of 9/11 is particularly sensitive to foreign military occupation, and not Islamic fundamentalism or any ideology independent of this crucial circumstance. Although this pattern began to emerge in the 1980s and 1990s, a wealth of new data presents a powerful picture.
More than 95 percent of all suicide attacks are in response to foreign occupation, according to extensive research [co-authored by James K. Feldman - former professor of decision analysis and economics at the Air Force Institute of Technology and the School of Advanced Airpower Studies] that we conducted at the University of Chicago’s Project on Security and Terrorism, where we examined every one of the over 2,200 suicide attacks across the world from 1980 to the present day. As the United States has occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, which have a combined population of about 60 million, total suicide attacks worldwide have risen dramatically — from about 300 from 1980 to 2003, to 1,800 from 2004 to 2009. Further, over 90 percent of suicide attacks worldwide are now anti-American. The vast majority of suicide terrorists hail from the local region threatened by foreign troops, which is why 90 percent of suicide attackers in Afghanistan are Afghans.
Israelis have their own narrative about terrorism, which holds that Arab fanatics seek to destroy the Jewish state because of what it is, not what it does. But since Israel withdrew its army from Lebanon in May 2000, there has not been a single Lebanese suicide attack. Similarly, since Israel withdrew from Gaza and large parts of the West Bank, Palestinian suicide attacks are down over 90 percent.
The first step is recognizing that occupations in the Muslim world don’t make Americans any safer — in fact, they are at the heart of the problem.
In addition, torture creates new terrorists:
- One of the top military interrogators said that torture by Americans of innocent Iraqis is the main reason that foreign fighters started fighting against Americans in Iraq in the first place (and see this).
- Former counter-terrorism czar Richard A. Clarke says that America’s indefinite detention without trial and abuse of prisoners is a leading Al Qaeda recruiting tool
- A former FBI interrogator — who interrogated Al Qaeda suspects — says categorically that torture actually turns people into terrorists
- A 30-year veteran of CIA’s operations directorate who rose to the most senior managerial ranks, says:
Torture creates more terrorists and fosters more acts of terror than it could possibly neutralize.
- A former US Air Force interrogator said that torture just creates more terrorists
- A former U.S. interrogator and counterintelligence agent, and Afghanistan veteransaid, “Torture puts our troops in danger, torture makes our troops less safe, torture creates terrorists. It’s used so widely as a propaganda tool now in Afghanistan. All too often, detainees have pamphlets on them, depicting what happened at Guantanamo.”
- The Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously stated:
“The administration’s policies concerning [torture] and the resulting controversies … strengthened the hand of our enemies.”
- Two professors of political science have demonstrated that torture increases, rather than decreases, terrorism
- General Petraeus said that torture hurts our national security
- And the reporter who broke Iran-Contra and other stories says that torture actually helped Al Qaeda, by giving false leads to the U.S. which diverted its military, intelligence and economic resources into wild goose chases
Nice Job Creating More Terrorists, You Morons …
Additionally – in the name of fighting our enemies – the U.S. has directly been supporting Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups for the last decade. See this, this, this, this and this.
Why Have We Given Up Our Rights If the Government Can’t Keep Us Safe?
We have given up the fundamental rights which make us American.
The government insisted that – if we gave up our liberties – it would keep us safe.
It has failed to do so, and has instead squandered our national treasure, our resources and our troops on efforts which have only increased the risk of terrorism.
( As one would expect , there is considerable confusion , possible disinformation leaked to confuse potential suspected terrorist (s) ...... let's no jump to conclusions but let information come in first. )
REVERE, Mass. ( – Police were seen carrying several large bags from a suburban Boston apartment that authorities say was searched in connection to the Boston Marathon bombing.
The bags were removed from the apartment on Ocean Avenue in Revere just north of Boston at about 2 a.m. Tuesday.
Police did not disclose what was in them and calls to federal and state authorities were not immediately returned.
Massachusetts State Police confirmed that a search warrant was served Monday night but provided no further details.
The Revere Fire Department wrote on its Facebook page that firefighters responded to the scene for a search for "a person of interest."
The FBI is leading the investigation into the explosions, which killed three people and injured more than 140.
Heavily armed state troopers, National Guard members and SWAT teams are patrolling the city. Expect bags to be randomly searched on the MBTA.
Gov. Deval Patrick said the area will pretty much stay in lockdown mode. Workers and visitors will not be allowed into that zone, and residents will not be allowed into their homes in the blast zone until further notice.
Police did not disclose what was in them and calls to federal and state authorities were not immediately returned.
Massachusetts State Police confirmed that a search warrant was served Monday night but provided no further details.
The Revere Fire Department wrote on its Facebook page that firefighters responded to the scene for a search for "a person of interest."
The FBI is leading the investigation into the explosions, which killed three people and injured more than 140.
Heavily armed state troopers, National Guard members and SWAT teams are patrolling the city. Expect bags to be randomly searched on the MBTA.
Gov. Deval Patrick said the area will pretty much stay in lockdown mode. Workers and visitors will not be allowed into that zone, and residents will not be allowed into their homes in the blast zone until further notice.
( Bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish line - UM Coach told it was just a training exercise ... )
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.
Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.
"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."
CNN reports a state government official said there were no credible threats before the race.
Stevenson had just finished the marathon before the explosions. Stevenson said his wife had been sitting in one of the seating sections where an explosion went off, but thankfully she left her seat and was walking to meet up with him.
( Interesting ...... )
Boston to Deploy Mass-Casualty Tablet Device During Marathon
Boston EMS is deploying a new, off-the-shelf, lightweight mobile device for the first time at the Boston Marathon on April 15.
The platform, from SafetyPAD, is intended for use in mass-casualty situations gives EMS personnel the ability to carry into crowds and assess a patient upon arrival, document in realtime, transmit data to transport units before they arrive, and other features.
Boston EMS will utilize the new Android-based program for bike and gator teams along race route.
( ball bearing used in bombs - would explain the 25 - 30 folks who lost limbs... )
Investigators hunt for clues in marathon bombing
(Reuters) - Two bombs packed with ball bearings tore through crowds near the finish of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and triggering a massive hunt for those behind an attack the White House said would be treated as "an act of terror".
Officials said more than 100 people were wounded by the devices, which were packed with gunpowder and shrapnel to maximize injuries, according a senior law enforcement official briefed on the investigation who declined to be named.
"I saw people who looked like they had their legs blown off. There was a lot of blood over their legs. Then people were being pushed in wheelchairs," said Joe Anderson, 33, a fisherman from Pembroke, Massachusetts, who had just run the race holding a large U.S. flag.
Some victims would require further surgery in the coming days, said Peter Fagenholz, a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital.
"We're seeing a lot of shrapnel injuries" from small metal debris, Fagenholz told reporters outside the hospital. Doctors treated 29 people, of whom eight were in a critical condition.
An eight-year-old boy was among the dead, the Boston Globe reported, citing two law enforcement sources briefed on the investigation. A two-year-old was being treated at Boston Children's Hospital for a head wound, the hospital said.
White House officials and investigators said it was too early to say whether the Boston attacks were carried out by a foreign or homegrown group or to identify a motive.
The attack was the worst bombing on American soil since far-right militant and U.S. citizen Timothy McVeigh set off a massive truck bomb that destroyed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people.
Two years earlier, Islamist militants bombed the twin towers of the World trade Center, killing six people and wounding more than 1,000.
President Barack Obama said those responsible would "feel the full weight of justice" and the White House said it was handling the incident as "an act of terror".
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was leading the manhunt on Tuesday, alongside battery of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.
"It is a criminal investigation that is a potential terrorist investigation," said Richard DesLauriers, the FBI special agent in charge for Boston.
Agents searched an apartment in the Boston suburb of Revere late on Monday, local media reported but did not elaborate.
Many runners were heading for the finish some four hours into the race when the first bomb detonated, sending up a fireball and smoke from behind cheering spectators and a row of flags representing the countries of participants.
World-class runners had long finished the race but the initial blast, followed moments later by a second, caught scores of other competitors and spectators.
The blasts put police on alert in major cities across the United States, including in Washington, D.C., and New York City, sites of the September 11 attacks.
The annual Boston Marathon, held since 1897, attracts an estimated half-million spectators and some 20,000 participants every year.
Organizers in the British capital said the London Marathon would go ahead on Sunday despite the Boston attack, but security was being reviewed.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel Joined world leaders in condemning the blasts.
"Nothing can justify such an insidious attack on people who had come together for a peaceful sports event. I hope that the person or people guilty (of this attack) can be brought to justice," she said in a statement
FBI Boston Marathon probe points to Mid-East terrorists with domestic support
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 16, 2013, 10:43 AM (GMT+02:00)
The lack of adequate security jumps to the eye after twin bombings struck the high-prestige Boston Marathon Monday, April 15, killing three people, including an 8-year old boy and injuring 140 – seventeen critically.
This was the world's oldest annual marathon, with 28,000 runners representing athletes from every US state and more than 90 nations. Yet there was no sign of dogs along the route trained to sniff out explosives or a police helicopter overhead with sensors for detecting explosives or traces thereof on the person of anyone present around the finishing line after the blasts.
Tuesday morning, while interviewing witnesses and collecting photos taken by spectators, the Boston police and security officers announced they were seeking two wanted men: One was described as swarthy, speaking with a foreign accent, his face partially hidden by a hood, who was carrying a large backpack and kept on trying to enter a closed section near the finishing line. This was the first time an area was disclosed as having been closed to the public.
Tuesday morning, while interviewing witnesses and collecting photos taken by spectators, the Boston police and security officers announced they were seeking two wanted men: One was described as swarthy, speaking with a foreign accent, his face partially hidden by a hood, who was carrying a large backpack and kept on trying to enter a closed section near the finishing line. This was the first time an area was disclosed as having been closed to the public.
The second man was photographed by a spectator walking on a rooftop overlooking the finishing line after the second bomb exploded.
After the event, police searches turned up and defused another three explosive devices. Had that search taken place before the event, at least one of the lethal devices might have been discovered and the race aborted.
Tuesday, the FBI admitted “a potential terrorist inquiry” was underway, although President Barack Obama, when he pledged justice for “the perpetrators,” carefully skirted the term “terror.” This recalls his administration’s refusal to brand as an act of terror the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens, although it was clearly the work of an al Qaeda element.
Counterterrorism experts are equally certain of the Middle East terrorist hallmarks on the Boston Marathon bombings, although it is too soon to say whether it was the work of Al Qaeda or an allied radical jihadi group such as the Ansar al-Shariah, which was responsible for the Benghazi consulate in conjunction with a clandestine al Qaeda command center in Cairo.
Here, too, initial investigation discloses the hand of al Qaeda or an affiliate.
After the event, police searches turned up and defused another three explosive devices. Had that search taken place before the event, at least one of the lethal devices might have been discovered and the race aborted.
Tuesday, the FBI admitted “a potential terrorist inquiry” was underway, although President Barack Obama, when he pledged justice for “the perpetrators,” carefully skirted the term “terror.” This recalls his administration’s refusal to brand as an act of terror the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, and the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens, although it was clearly the work of an al Qaeda element.
Counterterrorism experts are equally certain of the Middle East terrorist hallmarks on the Boston Marathon bombings, although it is too soon to say whether it was the work of Al Qaeda or an allied radical jihadi group such as the Ansar al-Shariah, which was responsible for the Benghazi consulate in conjunction with a clandestine al Qaeda command center in Cairo.
Here, too, initial investigation discloses the hand of al Qaeda or an affiliate.
Ahead of the London marathon scheduled for next week and the state funeral of the late UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Wednesday, April 17, a determined official effort is being made in Washington and London to present the Boston bombings as the work of a lone wolf.
However, experts experienced in these matters maintain that an attack on this scale and of this type would have required four or five bombers on the ground and a support team of about 10 spotters and accomplices familiar with the terrain, further back. They would have needed more than one vehicle and communications gear, in addition to mobile phones which are easily tracked.
The two explosions, 400 meters apart, were obviously coordinated and designed to cause maximum casualties. The ball-bearings scattered across the crime scene and found in the pockets of some of the casualties were familiar to Israelis and others and telling evidence of Middle East terrorist authorship.
The explosive device which caused such havoc and agony was small yet deadly – another pointer to the “professionalism” of the attackers. A similar device was discovered in time three years ago in a bomb-rigged car parked in Times Square New York and left there by the Pakistani student Faisal Shahzad.
Unlike the president, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had no compunctions about putting into words the general suspicion. Straight after the event, she said, “My understanding is that it’s a terrorist incident” - although it is too soon to say whether it was carried out by a foreign or domestic element.
Suspicion of a foreign hand was strengthened when the US media reported that a Saudi national suffering from severe burns was being questioned in hospital. The Boston Police Department denied the report and the FBI, now in charge of the case, said that no one has so far been taken into custody. They did not deny questioning “persons of interest.”
Unlike the president, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had no compunctions about putting into words the general suspicion. Straight after the event, she said, “My understanding is that it’s a terrorist incident” - although it is too soon to say whether it was carried out by a foreign or domestic element.
Suspicion of a foreign hand was strengthened when the US media reported that a Saudi national suffering from severe burns was being questioned in hospital. The Boston Police Department denied the report and the FBI, now in charge of the case, said that no one has so far been taken into custody. They did not deny questioning “persons of interest.”
The first response to the explosions in Boston from Middle East itself came from Mohammad al-Chalabi the head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group, who said he's "happy to see the horror in America…American blood isn't more precious than Muslim blood," he said. "Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there."
A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said the blasts "carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaeda."
A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said the blasts "carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaeda."
National Guard forces were streaming Tuesday into Boston in long convoys of armored Humvees.
Boston residents are in for upsets from the massive security measures that will continue throughout the week, as the area of the bombings is declared a crime scene and kept under lockdown; law enforcement officials patrol the streets and carry out random bag checks; and transport services are delayed.
'You can't go anywhere': Newtown runner's wife speaks

Charles Krupa / AP
The 26th mile marker of the Boston Marathon was dedicated to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn.
Shock waves from the Boston Marathon bombing were felt acutely in Newtown, Conn., which sent a contingent of runners to the iconic race to honor the memories of the 26 students and staff killed in December’s school massacre.
There is no indication that any of the eight runners on the team or others on the sidelines or in the grandstand were injured in the double blast near the finish line, but relatives at home sweated through tense moments until they heard from them.
“It’s terrible to say, but I am just thankful nobody from Newtown was hurt,” said Lisa Abrams, whose husband Tom and nephew Jason Bloom were running.
Abrams said she was home when her sister texted that there had been a bombing at the race.
“I was in shock. I didn’t process it and then I started to panic,” she said.
Abrams, a teacher, tried to track her husband and nephew’s whereabouts by their race numbers, but while she was doing it, someone texted to say that her husband was fine. Then Tom called and said Jason and his girlfriend were also unhurt.
She said she has never been so grateful that her husband was having a bad day pounding the asphalt.
“Thank god he was slow. Otherwise he would have been right there,” she said.
There were strong Newtown ties to the marathon.
Not only was a team from the town running to raise money for a scholarship fund, the 26th mile was dedicated to the first-graders and school workers gunned down by Adam Lanza on Dec. 14.
Marathon organizers created a custom marker for the 26th mile with the Sandy Hook Elementary school colors and 26 stars circling the town emblem. A 26-second moment of silence was held at the start of the race.
Abrams said the race was supposed to be a healing event.
“But now it has just opened old wounds,” she said.
“I’m very sad about the world. You can’t go to a movie, you can’t go to school, you can’t go anywhere.”
BREAKING REPORT: Police Have Video of Suspect Dropping Bombs in Trash Cans (UPDATED)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, April 15, 2013, 5:52 PM
This comes from a trusted source on today’s Boston bombings:
From a cop friend in Boston–
A former partner says there was a reporter at the hospital in Boston. She overheard police saying they have video of the suspect dropping bombs into the garbage cans.Cops will never admit that have a suspect in custody until they are ready. If they call him a suspect you must read him his Miranda rights.
An eight year-old child was killed in one of the blasts.
UPDATE: Am waiting confirmation of this report.
UPDATE: Confirmed. Police have video of suspect planting bombs. reports,
Five More Undetonated Bombs Found In Boston; Death Toll Rises To 3
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/15/2013 20:53 -0400
In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon explosions, the WSJ is reporting that counterterrorism officials have found what they believe to be five additional, undetonated explosive devices around the Boston area. The devices - which are in addition to the two that exploded near the finish line of the marathon - were discovered over the course of a frantic inspection of suspicious packages.Each had been rendered inoperative or was in the process of being rendered inoperative.
Counterterrorism officials found what they believe to be five additional, undetonated explosive devices around the Boston area, according to two people briefed on the rapidly moving investigation.The devices—which are in addition to the two that exploded near the finish line of the marathon—were discovered over the course of a frantic inspection of suspicious packages, many of them abandoned as pedestrians, runners, and others scrambled away from crowded public streets. Each had been rendered inoperative or was in the process of being rendered inoperative, the officials said.But the officials also sounded a note of caution, saying they are moving quickly and each device they believe is a bomb hasn't been fully dissected or analyzed....a White House official said: "Any event with multiple explosive devices - as this appears to be - is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror."...
Two explosions at Boston Marathon kill at least 2 people, injure more than 100. White House, New York on terror alert
DEBKAfile Special Report April 16, 2013, 1:42 AM (GMT+02:00)

Bombing chaos in Boston
An injured Saudi national is being questioned under guard in hospital after two powerful explosions struck the elite Boston Marathon Monday, April 15, causing at least two deaths and more than 100 injuries among the runners and the spectators packing the streets. These figures are expected to rise, as the injured are treated, many of them with amputated limbs. The two blasts were seconds apart, apparently in or near the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel at the finishing line, three hours after the winners passed.
The Boston police advised people to stay home after closing the city's airspace and and also the mobile phone service to prevent the detonation of explosives. Air links between Boston and New York are suspended. The Secret Service closed the pedestrian walkway in front of the White House in Washington and the Pentagon was placed on heightened terror alert after Barack Obama was briefed on the Boston bombings.
President Obama, addressing the nation, said: “We don’t know what happened, but we will get to the bottom of who and why… and the perpetrators will be held accountable and feel the full weight of justice.”
New York counterterrorism police are deployed at Manhattan landmarks and strategic areas in the city.
After the twin explosions, the Boston authorities found two more explosive devices at the Boston Marathon and dismantled.
After the twin explosions, the Boston authorities found two more explosive devices at the Boston Marathon and dismantled.
No information has been released about the cause of the explosions but they are being treated by the US authorities as a major, multiple terrorist event. Ball bearings found strewn at the scene of the blasts and in the pockets of victims were seen as consistent with terrorist methods and the same signature found in similar attacks in Israel and other places.
The Boston Marathon with thousands of runners from many countries is one the most prestigious events of its kind in the world.
New York counterterrorism police are deployed at Manhattan landmarks and strategic areas in the city.
After the twin explosions, the Boston authorities conducted a controlled explosion of a suspicious package. Two more explosive devices were found at the Boston Marathon and dismantled.
No information has been released about the cause of the explosions but they are being treated by the US authorities as a major, multiple terrorist event.
The Boston Marathon with thousands of runners from many countries is one the most prestigious events of its kind in the world.
The head of an extremist Jordanian Muslim Salafi group said he's "happy to see the horror in America" after the explosions in Boston.
"American blood isn't more precious than Muslim blood," said Mohammad al-Chalabi, who was convicted in an al-Qaida-linked plot to attack U.S. and other Western diplomatic missions in Jordan in 2003.
"Let the Americans feel the pain we endured by their armies occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing our people there," he said early Tuesday.
A Mideast counterterrorism official based in Jordan said the blasts "carry the hallmark of an organized terrorist group, like al-Qaeda." He did not give actual evidence.
Authorities ID suspect as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital
- Last Updated: 6:35 PM, April 15, 2013
- Posted: 4:28 PM, April 15, 2013

Police clear the area at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon.
Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital.
Fox News reported that the suspect suffered severe burns.
It was not immediately clear why the man was hospitalized and whether he was injured in the attack or in his apprehension.
The man was caught less than two hours after the 2:50 p.m. bombing on the finish line of the race, in the heart of Boston.
In addition, Boston police have surveillance video of someone bringing multiple backpacks to the blast site, according to CBS News.
Police also confirmed that there was a third explosion, at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. It was not immediately clear how much damage was done or whether it was related to the bombings at the marathon finish line.
The library bombing occurred about 4:30 p.m. and more than a mile from the marathon.
A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.
Reported Boston Explosion Suspect In Custody, Is A Saudi National
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/15/2013 16:39 -0400
Update from Bloomberg: Boston Police says no suspects are in custody. Could it be that even the venerable NYPost got something wrong? Or is the Boston PD merely making a distinction between someone in custody (i.e., arrested) and someone guarded as a possible suspect? We should find out soon.
Just a brief blurb at the NY Post for now (which may have been overzealous in reporting the number of casualties earlier) but for what it's worth:
- Authorities ID'd a suspect in marathon bombings - he is being guarded in Boston hospital.
- Authorities have a identified a suspect, who is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital with shrapnel wounds.
Unclear how much credibility to assign to this, but that's what is being reported. We will provide more info if and when we see it. Some more via twitter, where we learn that according to CBSNews, police have surveillance video a person bringing multiple backpacks into the area 20 or so minutes before the explosions.
The NY Post has released more, such as the nationality of the suspect: Saudi.
Authorities have confirmed to The Post that they have identified a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.The suspect — a Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds in today's blast — is currently being guarded in a Boston hospital.A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.
Large Explosions Reported At Boston Marathon; Numerous Injuries And Casualties
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/15/2013 14:57 -0400
North Korea's daily war bluffs may be (rightfully) ignored by the market, but an unexpected and tragic development comes out of Boston, where local media reports of two explosions and numerous injuries:
Where the blasts occurred, via the WSJ:
What happened:
According to the NY Post there are at 12 casualties so far, although according to the Boston PD 2 are dead and 22 are hurt.
Two explosions shattered the euphoria of the Boston Marathon finish line on Monday, sending authorities out on the course to carry off the injured while the stragglers in the 26.2-mile trek from Hopkinton were rerouted away from the smoking site of the blasts.A federal law-enforcement source told The Post there are at least 12 dead and twice as many injured.Law-enforcement sources said at least the first explosion occurred in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel.
A more credible report comes from Reuters:
Two explosions hit the Boston Marathon as runners crossed the finish line on Monday, killing at least two people and injuring 23 on a day when tens of thousands of people pack the streets to watch one of the world's best known marathons.Boston police also reported another explosion at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, which is three miles from the marathon's finishing line."We are not certain that these incidents are related, but we are treating them as if they are," Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis told a news conference.Boston police said two people were killed and 23 injured in the explosions on the marathon scene.Two high-level U.S. law enforcement officials said one or more bombs were responsible for the explosions."It sounded like a sonic boom. I haven't stopped shaking yet," said Melissa Stanley, who watched her daughter cross the finish line four minutes before the explosions.A fireball rose from behind spectators and a row of flags, video posted on the New York Post website showed. Other pictures showed blood stains on the ground and several people knocked down.Massachusetts General Hospital was treating 19 victims of the explosion in its emergency room, six of them in critical condition, a spokeswoman said.Witnesses said two explosions hit as spectators were cheering on people finishing the Boston Marathon, which was first run in 1897.Reporters in the media center heard two blasts.Mike Mitchell of Vancouver, Canada, a runner who had finished the race, said he was looking back at the finish line and saw a "massive explosion."Smoke rose 50 feet in the air, Mitchell said. People began running and screaming after hearing the noise, Mitchell said."Everybody freaked out," Mitchell said.Ambulances, fire trucks and dozens of police vehicles converged at the finish line.U.S. President Barack Obama was notified and directed his administration to provide whatever assistance was necessary, the White House said. Obama was being briefed by Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco and other staff, the White House said.Authorities tightened security in Washington and New York."Blood everywhere, victims carried out on stretchers. I saw someone lose their leg, people are crying," the Boston Globe's Steve Silva reported from the scene, the Globe said on Twitter.Hundreds of thousands of spectators typically line the 26.2 mile race course, with the heaviest crowds near the finish line. The blasts occurred more than five hours after the start of the race, at a time when most top athletes were off the course but slower amateur marathoners were still running.The transit agency shut down all service to the area, citing police activity.Ambulances arrived on the scene within minutes and runners and spectators could be seen crying and consoling each other.The Boston Marathon has been held on Patriots Day, the third Monday of April, since 1897. The event, which starts in Hopkinton, Massachusetts and ends Boston's Copley Square, attracts an estimated half-million spectators and some 20,000 participants every year.Earlier on Monday, Ethiopia's Lelisa Desisa and Kenya's Rita Jeptoo won the men's and women's events, continuing African runners' dominance in the sport.
Clip from right after explosion...fwd to 0:33...
First picture of the explosion:
Boston Police Department Press Conference - Live Stream
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/15/2013 16:52 -0400
While headlines are flashing with increasingly worrisome details, the Boston PD is about to provide up-to-date details on the incident.
Boston PD are warning people to stay home - this is an ongoing event.
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