In this astonishing video out of Watertown, MA, you see heavily armed militarized police rip a family from their home and treat them like potential terrorists. The cops bang on their door, then detain them, search their home, and shout orders at them all while pointing assault rifles at them as though they're dangerous terrorists.
It should be noted this entire police state trampling of the constitution was shown to be completely worthless and a mere exercise in power dominance as the suspects were caught thanks to tips from the general public. Despite calling on the general public to send them all their footage to assist in their investigation, the Associated Press reported a police officer was caught threatening to kill a reporter for filming with his cellphone.
If you violate people's rights to catch someone who violated people's rights, you become a criminal and serve to impose what you're fighting against.
Here's the description from the poster on YouTube:
The actions of these police are not to be celebrated, they're to be condemned for violating their oath to uphold the constitution and turning the city into a lawless police state.
Game over for Dzhokar.....
21st Century Wire says… As literally thousands of police and military-style personnel descend on Watertown today, in an attempt to apprehend one suspect to the Boston Bombings. This massive have told resident by authorities that these thousands of militarized police “will not leave the area until it is safe”. This by definition, is Martial Law. According to WBZ radio in Boston, the following are all happening today:
- Up to 9,000 law enforcement personnel are in Boston presently, to apprehend one suspect
- Dozens of SWAT Teams have been deployed
- Multiple bomb squads in play making ‘controlled detonations’ of suspect packages
- Teams of sniffer dogs have been deployed for house to house searches in the wider urban area
– Public transport has been shut down until further notice
- Use of Taxis restricted
- Access to hospital facilities have been restricted
- Banks are closed
- Major professional and sporting events all canceled
- Police have commandeered areas of town as staging areas
- Tanks have been deployed to Watertown as part of the police’s operation
The amount of resources amounts to the equivalent of forces currently on rotation duty in the city of Bagdad, Iraq.
WATERTOWN — As an army of heavily-armed police officers continued a door-to-door search in this community for a suspect in the deadly Boston Marathon terror bomb attacks, the FBI issued a description this afternoon of a vehicle the suspect might be driving.
The search of a 20-block area of this community adjacent to Boston comes after a chaotic, violent night in which a second suspect died in a firefight with police, and one police officer was killed and another was seriously wounded. It also comes as nearly a million people in Boston and surrounding towns have been asked to lock themselves in their homes — and only open up for police officers.
Colonel Timothy Alben, head of the State Police, said in a news conference shortly after 12:30 p.m. that there had been “no apprehension at this point,” but said the situation was changing moment by moment.
Local, state, and federal law enforcement officers, including the Secret Service, are undertaking a door-to-door search of the area in Watertown. K-9 teams, explosives experts, and SWAT officers are involved, said State Police spokesman David Procopio. Alben said the search was about 60 percent complete.
Authorities cannot rule out the possibility that the suspect is wearing an explosive vest, Procopio said.
Authorities are searching for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, a government official told the Globe this morning. The dead suspect is his brother, a separate source said. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a native of Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz state news agency said. He was studying at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, university officials said.
Alben alerted the public that there would be a controlled explosion by bomb experts this afternoon on Norfolk Street in Cambridge, where the two brothers lived. The explosions would make it safer for investigators combing through the home, he said.
In Washington, President Obama was briefed this morning in the White House Situation Room on the events in Boston, the White House said. The latest developments spread shock and alarm through a city already rattled by the bombings on Monday afternoon at the Marathon finish line that killed three and wounded more than 170.
Read more







Video Shows Police In Watertown Rip Family From Their Home & Treat Them Like Terrorists
April 21, 2013
Source: Chris - InformationLiberation
In this astonishing video out of Watertown, MA, you see heavily armed militarized police rip a family from their home and treat them like potential terrorists. The cops bang on their door, then detain them, search their home, and shout orders at them all while pointing assault rifles at them as though they're dangerous terrorists.
It should be noted this entire police state trampling of the constitution was shown to be completely worthless and a mere exercise in power dominance as the suspects were caught thanks to tips from the general public. Despite calling on the general public to send them all their footage to assist in their investigation, the Associated Press reported a police officer was caught threatening to kill a reporter for filming with his cellphone.
If you violate people's rights to catch someone who violated people's rights, you become a criminal and serve to impose what you're fighting against.
Here's the description from the poster on YouTube:
WATERTOWN, MA -- On Friday, April 19, 2013, during a manhunt for a bombing suspect, police and federal agents spent the day storming people's homes and performing illegal searches. While it was unclear initially if the home searches were voluntary, it is now crystal clear that they were absolutely NOT voluntary. Police were filmed ripping people from their homes at gunpoint, marching the residents out with their hands raised in submission, and then storming the homes to perform their illegal searches.It should also be noted the police knew the suspects they were looking for, yet they barked orders at these innocent people who did not match the description and were nothing but entirely submissive.
This was part of a larger operation that involved total lockdown of the suburban neighbor to Boston. Roads were barricaded and vehicle traffic was prohibited. A No-Fly Zone was declared over the town. People were "ordered" to stay indoors. Businesses were told not to open. National Guard soldiers helped with the lockdown, and were photographed checking IDs of pedestrians on the streets. All the while, police were performing these disgusting house-to-house searches.
The actions of these police are not to be celebrated, they're to be condemned for violating their oath to uphold the constitution and turning the city into a lawless police state.
Guest Post: Why did Boston celebrate Martial Law with chants of ‘USA, USA’?
April 20, 2013
Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
Last night in Boston, following the apprehension of a 19 year old student suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, crowds poured on to the streets of Watertown and surrounding boroughs, celebrating what they believe was an end of their terrible ordeal which began on Monday.
In what looked more like an post-game celebration following a Boston Celtics NBA championship, or the Red Sox World Series victory - major media reported the communal outpouring of national pride where resident could be seen with painted faces, brandishing American flags, and heard shouting “USA, USA”.
How did Friday become such a huge ‘patriotic moment’ for the people of Boston? Was this some kind of victory for America?

21st Century Wire
Last night in Boston, following the apprehension of a 19 year old student suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, crowds poured on to the streets of Watertown and surrounding boroughs, celebrating what they believe was an end of their terrible ordeal which began on Monday.
In what looked more like an post-game celebration following a Boston Celtics NBA championship, or the Red Sox World Series victory - major media reported the communal outpouring of national pride where resident could be seen with painted faces, brandishing American flags, and heard shouting “USA, USA”.
How did Friday become such a huge ‘patriotic moment’ for the people of Boston? Was this some kind of victory for America?

President Obama also emerged from ‘The Situation Room” in typical Hollywood fashion, to inform the people of New England that they “owed a debt of gratitude to federal and local law enforcement officers and officials”.
Was it really a success?
The Voice of America has called it, “A Week of Terror” in Boston.
But other than mustering en mass and on cue, many are still left asking this question of the 9,000 law enforcement, “What have they actually done so far?”
It seems that the biggest urban dragnet in US history could not manage to find the suspect, who was eventually found by a neighbor having a cigarette break.
What is obviously clear by the public reaction, and by the incessant grandstanding by a handful of officials at multiple press briefings, was that the people of Boston had been conditioned to believe that an overwhelming police and military show of force in Boston was necessary in order to ‘make them feel safe’.For federal and local officials, this was their own personal ‘Katrina moment’, and the media circus scrum saw a number of individuals and departments almost competing for air-time in a bid to make their own corner of the crisis relevant while the national media spotlight was still fresh. The words of former White House chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel can be heard echoing through Boston:
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”…

The city of Boston was effectively closed down under military-style dictum that included the closure of the city MBTA public transport system, Taxis taken off the road, restricted curfews, bank closures, business closures, police taking over public areas for ‘staging’, door to door searches of homes, and something which was not reported, and unsurprisingly so, the military commandeering of Boston police scanner communications in the early hours of Friday morning. Drivers heading in and out of city arteries could see the signs which read in bright letters, “Shelter-in-place in effect in Boston”, which was an order to stay indoors.
After the largest man-hunt in New England history, with an estimated 9,000 local and federal police, hundreds of bomb squad workers and SWAT Team marksman, anti-terror specialists and a visible contingent of heavy military vehicles – all spread throughout Boston conducting house-to-house searches, patrolling city neighborhoods – the 19 year old high school wrestling champion and University of Massachusetts Dartmouth student fugitive Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was miraculously located only blocks from the original shoot-out on the evening of April 18th. He has since been transferred to a local hospital and is said to be in serious condition due to gun shot wounds suffered some 24 hours before.
It was a bizarre spectacle – even by American standards, where under a federal mandate, the city of Boston went into complete lock-down for nearly 2 days, enacting what amounts to Martial Law, in order to apprehend one 19 year old suspect, who, based on the assessment of every pundit on every local and major network (as well as the White House) had already been determined to be the most dangerous fugitive in US history. Even after being discovered nearly bleeding to death under a tarp covering a boat in someone’s Sommerville driveway, the feeding frenzy continued, along with accolades and tributes to the bravery of Boston’s 9,000 plus finest.

Was it really a success?
The Voice of America has called it, “A Week of Terror” in Boston.
But other than mustering en mass and on cue, many are still left asking this question of the 9,000 law enforcement, “What have they actually done so far?”
It seems that the biggest urban dragnet in US history could not manage to find the suspect, who was eventually found by a neighbor having a cigarette break.
What is obviously clear by the public reaction, and by the incessant grandstanding by a handful of officials at multiple press briefings, was that the people of Boston had been conditioned to believe that an overwhelming police and military show of force in Boston was necessary in order to ‘make them feel safe’.For federal and local officials, this was their own personal ‘Katrina moment’, and the media circus scrum saw a number of individuals and departments almost competing for air-time in a bid to make their own corner of the crisis relevant while the national media spotlight was still fresh. The words of former White House chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel can be heard echoing through Boston:
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”…

The city of Boston was effectively closed down under military-style dictum that included the closure of the city MBTA public transport system, Taxis taken off the road, restricted curfews, bank closures, business closures, police taking over public areas for ‘staging’, door to door searches of homes, and something which was not reported, and unsurprisingly so, the military commandeering of Boston police scanner communications in the early hours of Friday morning. Drivers heading in and out of city arteries could see the signs which read in bright letters, “Shelter-in-place in effect in Boston”, which was an order to stay indoors.
After the largest man-hunt in New England history, with an estimated 9,000 local and federal police, hundreds of bomb squad workers and SWAT Team marksman, anti-terror specialists and a visible contingent of heavy military vehicles – all spread throughout Boston conducting house-to-house searches, patrolling city neighborhoods – the 19 year old high school wrestling champion and University of Massachusetts Dartmouth student fugitive Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was miraculously located only blocks from the original shoot-out on the evening of April 18th. He has since been transferred to a local hospital and is said to be in serious condition due to gun shot wounds suffered some 24 hours before.
It was a bizarre spectacle – even by American standards, where under a federal mandate, the city of Boston went into complete lock-down for nearly 2 days, enacting what amounts to Martial Law, in order to apprehend one 19 year old suspect, who, based on the assessment of every pundit on every local and major network (as well as the White House) had already been determined to be the most dangerous fugitive in US history. Even after being discovered nearly bleeding to death under a tarp covering a boat in someone’s Sommerville driveway, the feeding frenzy continued, along with accolades and tributes to the bravery of Boston’s 9,000 plus finest.
To call all of this over-the-top is an understatement for sure, but more than anything, it confirms what many already suspected – that faced with any threat – real or fabricated, and after pumping up with the corporate media machine and the new American police state, and in a macabre sort of fashion which has become almost unique to the post-9/11 American cultural mindset – they will clamour for Martial Law in their communities. Naturally, and with this Boston example offered as clear proof, authorities, technocrat and the architects of the new American police state now know this is indeed the case.
For all this it seems, the Commander ‘n Chief felts that America owes this new over-arching Police State a “debt of gratitude”.Who benefits?
Who benefits from this week’s events? Do the people of Boston, or the American people benefit from the events of the last few days? As the dust settles, there are a few clear beneficiaries of this regrettable incident.
MA Governor Deval Patrick took advantage of his own ”Chris Christie Moment” (of Hurricane Sandy fame in New Jersey), no doubt with his eye on a Presidential run in the future. The Boston Chief of Police Ed Davis also managed to get in front of the national media, but with very little to say… that was worth saying.
After this event, the TSA and the DHS will almost certainly be given new jurisdiction over all major professional and college sporting events, as well as any large public gatherings, festivals and concerts. In light of the recent budget sequester debate in Washington DC, you can also expect that their operating budgets will expand, which means many more billions will be awarded in federal contracts from those departments. The surveillance industry will also benefit.
In a segment which aired this morning on MSNBC’s Rock Center, a network ‘foreign affairs expert’ Richard Engel, claimed that the events of the last 48 hours somehow had serious “national security implications”. Now Americans can expect new powers, passed by law or by executive order, that will give the state increased power to spy upon their private lives and to seize their property or assets under the ever-expanding banner of national security.Living in the American bubble
Regarding national security implications, Americans and their media experts might consider that during this week alone: Terrorist bombs killed hundreds of innocent civilians including: 75 in Iraq, in 18 in Pakistan, 35 in Somalia - with hundreds of others currently dying, injured and maimed in those countries, as well as others in Syria, Bangladesh, Mali and Thailand. Over the course of a year, these figures can be multiplied by two hundred.
It should also be pointed out to the experts and the people of Boston, that much of terrorist activity in these foreign countries has been not only fomented, but financed and at least in the case of Syria – actively supported their taxpayer dollars, and cynically used for political leverage by local, state and the White House Administration in the United States – in order to secure terror funding in the US, which has become the biggest single gravy train in US domestic history.
Suspects already tried in media
Beyond all the hype and guesswork making its way through the US super-spin cycle this week, it seems that the major stakeholders have still yet to ask for any evidence proving that these two brothers were the actual bombers. For those who are awake to this fact, there is a lot of evidence here and there to suggest that they may not be the culprits of Monday’s Boston Marathon Bombing.

PHOTO: Tsarnaev brothers were likely set-up to take the fall by FBI or other federal officials.
More interestingly, MSNBC expert Engel also let slip on air that suspect number two, Dzhokhar, who is now in hospital care, “was probably being debriefed”. This was an odd phrase to attach to an alleged terrorist fugitive.
Why was a Saudi national let go early on and flown to Saudi Arabia by federal authorities.
Why were the two brothers suddenly labelled as the prime suspects on Thursday replacing the previous two names being pursued by Boston police, and immediately followed by a shoot-out… a mere coincidence, or is there more to this than meets the eye? In addition to these four names, a completely different third set of names appeared early on Tuesday, and also disappeared the following day.
Also, why did the FBI fake the surveillance video they released two days ago of the Tsarnaev brothers?
Did older brother Tamerlan have a FBI handler before this event? The answer appears to be yes. The dead suspect mother claimed that her son was already being watched by the FBI for five years.
During an exclusive interview with RT yesterday the Tsarnaev boys’ mother explained, “He was controlled by the FBI, for three, five years”.
She added, “They knew what my son was doing, they knew what actions and what sites on the internet he was going. They used to come and talk to me, telling me that he was really a serious leader and they were afraid of him.”
Obviously, the people of Boston, and America, have not asked any of the right questions so far.
And don’t expect federal officials to challenge their own packaged story either.
For all this it seems, the Commander ‘n Chief felts that America owes this new over-arching Police State a “debt of gratitude”.Who benefits?
Who benefits from this week’s events? Do the people of Boston, or the American people benefit from the events of the last few days? As the dust settles, there are a few clear beneficiaries of this regrettable incident.
MA Governor Deval Patrick took advantage of his own ”Chris Christie Moment” (of Hurricane Sandy fame in New Jersey), no doubt with his eye on a Presidential run in the future. The Boston Chief of Police Ed Davis also managed to get in front of the national media, but with very little to say… that was worth saying.
After this event, the TSA and the DHS will almost certainly be given new jurisdiction over all major professional and college sporting events, as well as any large public gatherings, festivals and concerts. In light of the recent budget sequester debate in Washington DC, you can also expect that their operating budgets will expand, which means many more billions will be awarded in federal contracts from those departments. The surveillance industry will also benefit.
In a segment which aired this morning on MSNBC’s Rock Center, a network ‘foreign affairs expert’ Richard Engel, claimed that the events of the last 48 hours somehow had serious “national security implications”. Now Americans can expect new powers, passed by law or by executive order, that will give the state increased power to spy upon their private lives and to seize their property or assets under the ever-expanding banner of national security.Living in the American bubble
Regarding national security implications, Americans and their media experts might consider that during this week alone: Terrorist bombs killed hundreds of innocent civilians including: 75 in Iraq, in 18 in Pakistan, 35 in Somalia - with hundreds of others currently dying, injured and maimed in those countries, as well as others in Syria, Bangladesh, Mali and Thailand. Over the course of a year, these figures can be multiplied by two hundred.
It should also be pointed out to the experts and the people of Boston, that much of terrorist activity in these foreign countries has been not only fomented, but financed and at least in the case of Syria – actively supported their taxpayer dollars, and cynically used for political leverage by local, state and the White House Administration in the United States – in order to secure terror funding in the US, which has become the biggest single gravy train in US domestic history.
Suspects already tried in media
Beyond all the hype and guesswork making its way through the US super-spin cycle this week, it seems that the major stakeholders have still yet to ask for any evidence proving that these two brothers were the actual bombers. For those who are awake to this fact, there is a lot of evidence here and there to suggest that they may not be the culprits of Monday’s Boston Marathon Bombing.

PHOTO: Tsarnaev brothers were likely set-up to take the fall by FBI or other federal officials.
More interestingly, MSNBC expert Engel also let slip on air that suspect number two, Dzhokhar, who is now in hospital care, “was probably being debriefed”. This was an odd phrase to attach to an alleged terrorist fugitive.
Why was a Saudi national let go early on and flown to Saudi Arabia by federal authorities.
Why were the two brothers suddenly labelled as the prime suspects on Thursday replacing the previous two names being pursued by Boston police, and immediately followed by a shoot-out… a mere coincidence, or is there more to this than meets the eye? In addition to these four names, a completely different third set of names appeared early on Tuesday, and also disappeared the following day.
Also, why did the FBI fake the surveillance video they released two days ago of the Tsarnaev brothers?
Did older brother Tamerlan have a FBI handler before this event? The answer appears to be yes. The dead suspect mother claimed that her son was already being watched by the FBI for five years.
During an exclusive interview with RT yesterday the Tsarnaev boys’ mother explained, “He was controlled by the FBI, for three, five years”.
She added, “They knew what my son was doing, they knew what actions and what sites on the internet he was going. They used to come and talk to me, telling me that he was really a serious leader and they were afraid of him.”
Obviously, the people of Boston, and America, have not asked any of the right questions so far.
And don’t expect federal officials to challenge their own packaged story either.
Game over for Dzhokar.....
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Wounded In Serious Condition, Will Get "Public Safety" Exception To Miranda
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2013 21:57 -0400
The nightly developments continue as we learn next that Tsarnaev is in serious (or critical according to Bloomberg) condition in the hospital, with a gunshot wound to the neck and leg, and that perhaps just as importantly, he will not get his Miranda warning, instead the FBI is overruling due process and using the "public safety" exception instead.
The wound speak for themselves. Those wishing to learn in what circumstances the Miranda Rights can be overruled, read on.
From the FBI:
The "Public Safety" Exception to Miranda
After 44 years, the Miranda decision stands as a monolith in police procedure.1 Its requirements are so well known that the Supreme Court remarked, "Miranda has become embedded in routine police practice to the point where the warnings have become part of our national culture."2 And, although the Supreme Court has clarified and refined Miranda over the years, its central requirements are clear.3 Whenever the prosecution seeks in its direct case to introduce a statement made by a suspect while in custody and in response to interrogation, it must prove that the subject was warned of specific rights and voluntarily waived those rights.4 The penalty imposed on the prosecution for failing to prove that the Miranda procedures were properly followed is harsh. While some secondary and limited uses of statements obtained in violation of Miranda are permitted, such statements are presumed to be coerced and cannot be introduced by the prosecution in its direct case.5
The strength of the Miranda decision is its clarity in its nearly unwavering protection of a suspect's Fifth Amendment protection against selfincrimination. The commitment to this rule is so strong that the Supreme Court has recognized only one exception to the Miranda rule—the "public safety" exception—which permits law enforcement to engage in a limited and focused unwarned interrogation and allows the government to introduce the statement as direct evidence.
Recent and well-publicized events, including the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 235 near Detroit, Michigan, on December 25, 2009, and the attempted bombing in New York City's Times Square in May 2010, highlight the importance of this exception.6 Those current events, occurring in a time of heightened vigilance against terrorist acts, place a spotlight on this law enforcement tool, which, although 26 years old, may play a vital role in protecting public safety while also permitting statements obtained under this exception to be used as evidence in a criminal prosecution. In brief, and as discussed in this article, police officers confronting situations that create a danger to themselves or others may ask questions designed to neutralize the threat without first providing a warning of rights. This article discusses the origins of the public safety exception and provides guidance for law enforcement officers confronted with an emergency that may require interrogating a suspect held in custody about an imminent threat to public safety without providing Miranda warnings.
The origin of the public safety exception to Miranda, the case of New York v. Quarles, began in the early morning hours of September 11, 1980. While on routine patrol in Queens, New York, two New York City police officers were approached by a young woman who told them that she had just been raped. She described the assailant as a black male, approximately 6 feet tall, wearing a leather jacket with "Big Ben" printed in yellow letters on the back. The woman told the officers that the man had just entered a nearby supermarket and that he was carrying a gun.
The officers drove to the supermarket, and one entered the store while the other radioed for assistance. A man matching the description was near a checkout counter, but upon seeing the officer, ran to the back of the store. The officer pursued the subject, but lost sight of him for several seconds as the individual turned a corner at the end of an aisle. Upon finding the subject, the officer ordered him to stop and to put his hands over his head. As backup personnel arrived, the officer frisked the man and discovered he was wearing an empty shoulder holster. After handcuffing him, the officer asked where the gun was. The man gestured toward empty milk cartons and said, "The gun is over there." The officer found and removed a loaded handgun from a carton, formally placed the man under arrest, and then read the Miranda rights to him. The man waived his rights and answered questions about the ownership of the gun and where it was purchased.7
The state of New York charged the man, identified as Benjamin Quarles, for criminal possession of a weapon.8 The trial court excluded the statement "The gun is over there," as well as the handgun, on the grounds that the officer did not give Quarles the warnings required by Miranda v. Arizona. 9 After an appellate court affirmed the decision, the case was appealed to the New York State Court of Appeals.
The New York Court of Appeals upheld the trial court decision by a 4 to 3 vote.10 According to the New York Court of Appeals, because Quarles responded "to the police interrogation while he was in custody, [and] before he had been given the preinterrogation warnings…," the lower courts properly suppressed the statement and the gun.11 The court refused to recognize an emergency exception to Miranda and noted that even if there were such an exception, there was "no evidence in the record before us that there were exigent circumstances posing a risk to the public safety or that the police interrogation was prompted by such concern."12 In dissent, Judge Watchler believed that there was a public safety exception to Miranda and that the facts presented such a situation. Judge Watchler noted that "Miranda was never intended to enable a criminal defendant to thwart official attempts to protect the general public against an imminent, immediate and grave risk of serious physical harm reasonably perceived."13 He also believed there was "a very real threat of possible physical harm which could result from a weapon being at large."14 The state of New York appealed the case to the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court ruled on these facts that a public safety exception to Miranda existed. To understand how the Court reached this conclusion and the implications of this exception on the admissibility of the statement and the handgun, a consideration of a summary of the steps used by the Court is important.
The first step toward this conclusion was a discussion by the Court of the relationship between the Miranda requirements and the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Fifth Amendment provides that "[n]o person…shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself."15 The Fifth Amendment "does not prohibit all incriminating admissions," only those that are "officially coerced selfaccusations…." 16 In Miranda, the Supreme Court "for the first time extended the Fifth Amendment privilege against compulsory self-incrimination to individuals subjected to custodial interrogation by the police."17 Thus, Miranda created a presumption that "interrogation in custodial circumstances is inherently coercive" and that statements obtained under those circumstances "are inadmissible unless the subject is specifically informed of his Miranda rights and freely decides to forgo those rights."18 Importantly, the Court noted that Miranda warnings were not required by the Constitution, but were prophylactic measures designed to provide protection for the Fifth Amendment privilege against selfincrimination. 19
After providing this explanation of the relationship between the Fifth Amendment and Miranda, the Court explained that Quarles did not claim that his statements were "actually compelled by police conduct which overcame his will to resist."20 Had police officers obtained an involuntary or coerced statement from Quarles in violation of the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, both the statement and the handgun would have been suppressed. 21And, in this regard, the Court explained that the failure to administer Miranda warnings does not, standing alone, make a confession involuntary in violation of the Constitution. 22
The Supreme Court then proceeded to determine whether the Miranda rule was implicated in this case and agreed with the New York Court of Appeals that it was. The Court agreed with the New York courts that Quarles was in custody. As the Court noted, "Quarles was surrounded by at least four police officers and was handcuffed when the questioning at issue took place."23 Therefore, on the facts of the case, the Court found that the Miranda decision was clearly implicated. The Court then referred to the determination by the New York courts that there was nothing in the record indicating that any of the police officers were concerned with their safety when they questioned Quarles. The Supreme Court noted that the New York Court of Appeals did not address the issue of whether there was an exception to Miranda in cases that involve a danger to the public "because the lower courts in New York made no factual determination that the police had acted with that motive."24
The Supreme Court chose to address whether a public safety exception to Miranda should exist. In this regard, the Court held that: "there is a 'public safety' exception to the requirement that Miranda warnings be given before a suspect's answers may be admitted into evidence, and the exception does not depend upon the motivation of the individual officers involved."25Thus, according to the Court, without regard to the actual motivation of the individual officers, Miranda need not be strictly followed in situations "in which police officers ask questions reasonably prompted by a concern for the public safety."26
The Court then applied the facts to the situation confronting them when Quarles was arrested. In the course of arresting Quarles, it became apparent that Quarles had removed the handgun and discarded it within the store. While the location of the handgun remained undetermined, it posed a danger to public safety.27 In this case, the officer needed an answer to the question about the location of the gun to ensure that its concealment in a public location would not endanger the public. The immediate questioning of Quarles was directed specifically at resolving this emergency. Since the questioning of Quarles was prompted by concern for public safety, the officers were not required to provide Miranda warnings to Quarles first. Therefore, the statement made by Quarles about the location of the handgun was admissible.28 In addition, because the Court found there was no violation of Miranda, the handgun also was admissible. The Court declined to address whether the handgun would have been suppressed if the statements were found to be inadmissible.29
The Quarles case provides a framework that police officers can use to assess a particular situation, determine whether the exception is available, and ensure that their questioning remains within the scope of the rule. This framework includes the presence of a public safety concern, limited questioning, and voluntariness.
Limited Questioning
The Quarles Court made clear that only those questions necessary for the police "to secure their own safety or the safety of the public" were permitted under the public safety exception.35 In U.S. v. Khalil, New York City police officers raided an apartment in Brooklyn after they received information that Khalil and Abu Mezer had bombs in their apartment and were planning to detonate them.36 During the raid, both men were shot and wounded as one of them grabbed the gun of a police officer and the other crawled toward a black bag believed to contain a bomb. When the officers looked inside the black bag, they saw pipe bombs and observed that a switch on one bomb was flipped.
Officers went to the hospital to question Abu Mezer about the bombs. They asked Abu Mezer "how many bombs there were, how many switches were on each bomb, which wires should be cut to disarm the bombs, and whether there were any timers."37 Abu Mezer answered each question and also was asked whether he planned to kill himself in the explosion. He responded by saying, "Poof."38
Abu Mezer sought to suppress each of his statements, but the trial court permitted them, ruling that they fell within the public safety exception. On appeal, Abu Mezer only challenged the admissibility of the last question, whether he intended to kill himself when detonating the bombs. He claimed the question was unrelated to public safety. The circuit court disagreed and noted "Abu Mezer's vision as to whether or not he would survive his attempt to detonate the bomb had the potential for shedding light on the bomb's stability."39
A common theme throughout cases such as this is the importance of limiting the interrogation of a subject to questions directed at eliminating the emergency. Following Quarles, at least two federal circuit courts of appeals have addressed the issue of the effect of an invocation of a right on the exception. In U.S. v. De- Santis, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the public safety exception applies even after the invocation of counsel.40 According to the court: "The same consideration that allows the police to dispense with providing Miranda warnings in a public safety situation also would permit them to dispense with the prophylactic safeguard that forbids initiating further questioning of an accused who requests counsel."41
In U.S. v. Mobley, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals also ruled that the public safety exception applied even when the subject had invoked his right to counsel.42 The court recognized that a threat to public safety still may exist even after Miranda rights are provided and invoked.
The "public safety" exception to Miranda is a powerful tool with a modern application for law enforcement. When police officers are confronted by a concern for public safety, Miranda warnings need not be provided prior to asking questions directed at neutralizing an imminent threat, and voluntary statements made in response to such narrowly tailored questions can be admitted at trial. Once the questions turn from those designed to resolve the concern for safety to questions designed solely to elicit incriminating statements, the questioning falls outside the scope of the exception and within the traditional rules of Miranda.
Dzhokar Tsarnaev In Custody, Alive
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2013 20:48 -0400
Breaking news from the siege: the suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev is in custody as of ~8:42 pm. As WaPo reports, he is alive but badly injured, as there was a lit fire in boat where was is hiding.
Police Surround House Where Dzhokar Tsarnaev Is Hiding - Live Feed And Police Scanner
Shots heard in Boston suburb; body found in boat during bomb manhunt

Dominic Chavez / EPA
Police SWAT teams make house to house searches in Watertown, Mass. on April 19.
The sound of gunfire erupted in a Boston suburb Friday evening, less than an hour after police said residents could leave their homes even though the marathon bombing suspect was still on the run after an all-day, door-to-door search.
Federal officials were told a body was found in a boat, but there was no word on whether it was accused bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, sources told NBC News.
The barrage was heard in Watertown, Mass., which had been the center of a sprawling manhunt. Dozens of police and armored vehicles tore down a street and residents were immediately told to take shelter. Officers began cordoning off the area.
The shots rang out less than an hour after Massachusetts State Police Col. Timothy Alben told a press conference that Tsarnaev had probably not left the state but nevertheless lifted a lockdown order that had been in effect since before dawn.
Police had just released new details about the scope of a bloody overnight rampage that began with the death of a campus security officer and ended with the death of Tsarnaev's 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan, with a bomb strapped to his body.
Hours after the FBI put out their photos Thursday night, the brothers exchanged 200 rounds with police during a stunning pre-dawn firefight and left behind seven homemade explosives, officials said.
The violence led to an extraordinary shutdown of transportation, schools and businesses in Boston and its surrounding suburbs, with police warning more than a million people to hunker down behind locked doors while SWAT teams fanned out looking for the younger suspect.
Investigators chased leads all day but could not find the suspect, a naturalized U.S. citizen of Chechen origin who grew up in Cambridge after his family moved here a deacde ago, seeking asylum.

Suspect #1 (Tamerlan Tsarnaev) pictured in a photo from The Sun of Lowell provided by AP and Suspect #2 (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev) in the Boston Marathon explosion is pictured in this undated FBI handout photo.
“There is still a very, very dangerous individual at large," said Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said Friday night.
Still, officials said residents could venture outside and the subway system was going back on line. They said patrols would be beefed up in Watertown, where the suspect was last seen, but state police tactical units were pulling back.
People began leaving their homes, some of them cheering. SWAT units were still on the scene when the shots were heard just before 7 p.m.
It was a rapid turn of events after a night of violence that police said included the slaying of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology patrol officer in his car in Cambridge, a carjacking and a half-hour hell ride for a man who was eventually released unharmed, before the gun battle with police.
The drama began at MIT about five hours after the FBI released surveillance photos of two "extremely dangerous" men suspected of planting two bombs near the finish line of Monday's Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding 176.
Police are at the Cambridge, Massachusetts, home of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, haven't yet entered the building, suspecting it may be booby-trapped. NBC's Ron Allen reports.
Tips about the identity of the suspects were still pouring in when the Tsarnaev brothers fatally shot campus officer Sean Collier, 26, in his vehicle at 10:20 p.m., law enforcement officials said.
The brothers then carjacked a Mercedes SUV, holding the driver captive for a half-hour while they tried to use his cash card to get money from three ATM's, a source said. At the first, they put in the wrong number; at the second, they took out $800 and at the third, they were told they had exceeded the withdrawal limit, the source said.
The carjacking victim was released unharmed at a gas station in Cambridge, sources said. He told police the brothers said they were the marathon bombers and had just killed a campus officer.
As the duo sped in his car toward Watertown, a police chase ensued and they tossed explosive devices out the window, officials said.
There was a long exchange of gunfire, according to Andrew Kitzenberg of Watertown, who took photos of the clash from his window and shared them via social media.
“They were also utilizing bombs, which sounded and looked like grenades, while engaging in the gunfight,” he told NBC News in an interview. “They also had what looked like a pressure-cooker bomb.
“I saw them light this bomb. They threw it towards the officers,” he said. “There was smoke that covered our entire street.”
A transit officer, identified as Richard H. Donahue, 33, was seriously injured during the pursuit. Authorities said he underwent surgery at Mount Auburn Hospital.
Kitzenberg said he saw the firefight end when Tamerlan Tsarnaev ran toward the officers and ultimately fell to the ground.
Tamerlan -- the man in the black hat from FBI photos released six hours earlier -- had an improvised explosive device strapped to his chest, law enforcement officials said.
Dzhokhar -- the brother who was wearing a white hat in the surveillance photos from the marathon -- got away when he drove the SUV through a line of police officers at the end of the street, Kitzenberg said.
Law enforcement sources told NBC News that blood found at the scene suggests Dzhokhar may have been wounded in the gun battle. The FBI released more photos of him, including a surveillance camera photo from a convenience store where the brothers had stopped for gas.
The suspects' uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, called the brothers "losers" and urged Dzhokhar to turn himself in.
"We're ashamed," he thundered outside his Maryland home.
The frantic search for the alleged bomber left streets across the Boston area eerily quiet. Subways and buses were shut down, and Amtrak service to Boston was cut. The Red Sox and Boston Bruins' home games were canceled.
Harvard University, Boston University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Emerson University were closed. The University of Massachusetts' Dartmouth campus was evacuated because of a possible tie to someone in the case, the school said.
The lockdown initially affected more than 300,000 people in Cambridge, Watertown, Newton, Brighton, Allston and Belmont, but by 8 a.m., the entire city of Boston was paralyzed.
Watertown was the epicenter of the search. Frightened residents were trapped inside as convoys of heavily armed officers and troops arrived by the hour and snipers perched on rooftops and in backyards.
Amid the search, Dzhokhar's father, in Russia, told The Associated Press he was "a true angel" and described him as a medical student who was expected to visit for the holidays.
Authorities painted a starkly different picture.
"We believe this man to be a terrorist," Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said. "We believe this to be a man who's come here to kill people."
This Is What Martial Law Looks Like
April 19, 2013
April 19, 2013
An reader sent in the photo below – militarized cops looking for a lone suspect in Boston. By the look of it, you’d think these cops are about to engage in a pitched battle with a heavily militarized foe, not some 20-something supposed terrorist who allegedly exploded a home-made black powder bomb.

Facebook users have also begun posting photos of their rights being violated:

The following photos were posted to reddit:
Police State Overkill Leads to Martial Law in Boston Met Area
Friday, April 19, 2013 13:41

- Up to 9,000 law enforcement personnel are in Boston presently, to apprehend one suspect
- Dozens of SWAT Teams have been deployed
- Multiple bomb squads in play making ‘controlled detonations’ of suspect packages
- Teams of sniffer dogs have been deployed for house to house searches in the wider urban area
– Public transport has been shut down until further notice
- Use of Taxis restricted
- Access to hospital facilities have been restricted
- Banks are closed
- Major professional and sporting events all canceled
- Police have commandeered areas of town as staging areas
- Tanks have been deployed to Watertown as part of the police’s operation
The amount of resources amounts to the equivalent of forces currently on rotation duty in the city of Bagdad, Iraq.
Search for marathon bombing suspect locks down Watertown, surrounding communities
Boston GlobeWATERTOWN — As an army of heavily-armed police officers continued a door-to-door search in this community for a suspect in the deadly Boston Marathon terror bomb attacks, the FBI issued a description this afternoon of a vehicle the suspect might be driving.
Colonel Timothy Alben, head of the State Police, said in a news conference shortly after 12:30 p.m. that there had been “no apprehension at this point,” but said the situation was changing moment by moment.
Local, state, and federal law enforcement officers, including the Secret Service, are undertaking a door-to-door search of the area in Watertown. K-9 teams, explosives experts, and SWAT officers are involved, said State Police spokesman David Procopio. Alben said the search was about 60 percent complete.

Authorities are searching for Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, a government official told the Globe this morning. The dead suspect is his brother, a separate source said. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a native of Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz state news agency said. He was studying at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, university officials said.
Alben alerted the public that there would be a controlled explosion by bomb experts this afternoon on Norfolk Street in Cambridge, where the two brothers lived. The explosions would make it safer for investigators combing through the home, he said.
In Washington, President Obama was briefed this morning in the White House Situation Room on the events in Boston, the White House said. The latest developments spread shock and alarm through a city already rattled by the bombings on Monday afternoon at the Marathon finish line that killed three and wounded more than 170.
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What were the military contractors doing Monday at the Boston Marathon ?
“Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation
Seen across street after blasts talking with FBI bomb squad. Who were they? What were they and the FBI doing?
Tony Cartalucci
April 19, 2013
April 19, 2013
What appear to be private contractors, wearing unmarked, matching uniforms and operating an unmarked SUV affixed with communication equipment near the finish line of the Boston Marathon shortly after the bomb blasts – can be seen beforehand, standing and waiting just meters away from where the first bomb was detonated.
The contractor-types had moved away from the bomb’s location before it detonated, and could be seen just across the street using communication equipment and waiting for similar dressed and equipped individuals to show up after the blasts.

Image: An already widely distributed photo showing the contractor-types on the bottom left, just left of where the bomb was placed and detonated. The men are wearing matching, unmarked uniforms, large black bags, and appear to be waiting, separately, and “behind” the rest of the crowd. In the upper left corner, a wooden structure forming one half of a temporary photography “bridge” over the finish line can be seen and serves as a useful reference when establishing the contractor-types’ position in other photos.

Image: After the explosion, two of the contractors seen by the wall next to the bomb, appear across the street, both using communication equipment. This photo too has been distributed and enlarged many times across the Internet. (click to enlarge)

Image: After the explosion, two of the contractors seen by the wall next to the bomb, appear across the street, both using communication equipment. This photo too has been distributed and enlarged many times across the Internet. (click to enlarge)

Image: An unmarked SUV with a considerable amount of communication gear on the roof appears, surrounded by identically dressed men. The vehicle parks near the bleachers. (click to enlarge)

Image: Event staff and contractors both above and below the bleachers begin tearing up the skirting and appear to be looking for something or retrieving something while casualties are still being treated and evacuated across the street. (click to enlarge)
The men, numbering between 6-8 then begin tearing up the skirting around temporary bleachers erected for the event, opposite the explosion, before taping it off. Then, what appears to be an FBI bomb squad truck pulls up directly behind the contractor-types’ SUV, with a woman clearly wearing the letters F.B.I. on her tactical vest emerging and speaking with the contractor-types. Together they disappear from the scene, leaving their vehicles behind.

Image: What appears to be an FBI bomb squad truck pulls in, with a woman wearing what is clearly the letters F.B.I. on her vest. She talks with two contractors while it appears a third is partially in the truck’s right-hand side. Also note that the area contractors and event staff tore up, is now taped off. (click to enlarge)

Image: The FBI truck and contractor SUV sit seemingly abandoned – neither the FBI agent, nor the contractors can be seen. What they did, or where they went remains so far, unknown. (click to enlarge)
It should be noted, that with the exception of the contractor-types, all other responders at the scene, including the FBI agent, can be clearly identified, from police to the fire department, to medics and even individuals wearing vests with “B.A.A. Physician” written on them. It should also be noted that no other uniformed individuals can be seen standing near the bomb site aside from the contractor-types.
These men were unidentified, professional contractors apparently augmenting public servants at the Boston Marathon, present before and after the bomb blasts in the direct vicinity of the incident. After the blasts, whether it was their intended function or not, they appeared to be searching for something under the bleachers before being joined by what appears to be the FBI bomb squad. The FBI and the city of Boston has so far categorically failed to provide any information on these highly suspicious individuals.
Questions That Must be Answered
Several questions must be answered by the FBI, leading the investigation on behalf of we, the American people. The first question is who these men were, with large, black bags in the direct vicinity of where a bomb would detonate, moving away before the blast, and appearing directly across the road afterward. Who hired them and what was their function? Why were they moving amongst the crowd in a semi-covert fashion when all other public servants present were wearing proper uniforms and clearly identified? Did police, firefighters, event organizers, and medics know these men were present and what they were doing?
Why did it appear that the FBI was fully aware of their presence, and in fact working with them, specifically with what looks like a bomb squad unit? Were these contractors specialists in explosives, and if so, what is the significance that at least two of them were spotted just meters from where the blast occurred?
Why These Questions Demand Answers
The checkered, frightening history (see: FBI’s History of Handing “Terror Suspects” Live Explosives) of the FBI’s involvement in fomenting false terror attacks, and even presiding over attacks that succeeded in maiming and killing innocent people, should call into question their presence or involvement at any public event, especially when seen associating with unidentified, semi-clandestine organizations that appear to be private contractors.
Private contractors as well, do not answer or work for the public, but rather the highest bidder. Private contractors, most notably Blackwater and its various incarnations have operated both domestically and abroad, committing obscene crimes and atrocities with seemingly absolute impunity. The term “defense contractor” is in fact a euphemism for mercenary, and has no place in a civilized, democratic world, no matter what their alleged mission statement may claim.
That both of these nefarious entities were present and cooperating in the direct vicinity of the Boston bombings, with at least two contractors standing just meters away from where the bomb actually went off, raises a number of possibilities and concerns. A drill may have been being conducted, though the FBI and city officials have denied this. Or, a threat may have been communicated to event organizers ahead of time, which prompted the inclusion of “auxiliary” security, though again, both the FBI and the city of Boston deny receiving any information prior to the bombings. Whichever contracting firm this may have been, may just have wanted to swindle Boston’s taxpayers for an easy payday, and coincidentally found itself in the middle of extraordinary circumstances.
However, alarming suspicion is raised when the FBI makes no mention of an organization it was clearly coordinating with, particularly in terms of bombs and explosives before and after the incident, considering the nature of the attack. When an already dubious organization attempts to obfuscate the facts of any given event, it is the right and responsibility of legitimate law enforcement, public representatives and the citizenry itself to demand and get answers. If we are not persistent, with the FBI’s bizarre behavior over the past few days, including inexplicably cancelled and suspiciously rushed press conferences, and now what appears to be a Hollywood ending for the case, we may never get those answers.
Note: Most images were taken from Flickr user HahaTango, the entire collection of 150 images from the Boston Marathon can be found here.
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