Thursday, April 11, 2013

Comex silver inventories fall off cliff - registered silver declines by 10 percent in 48 hours ! Run on silver continues at Comex ( Comex run in progress ? ) .... As Comex sees a run on Silver , note the GLD ETF has lost 25 tons of gold between April 3 - April 11 , 2013 ( GLD run on gold in progress ? ) Harvey Organ Missive for April 11 , 2013 and gold and silver items of note - news and views !


Comex Registered Fall off CliffCOMEX registered silver inventories have fallen off the proverbial cliff this week, as registered supplies have dropped a massive 10% in the last 48 hours! 
Nearly 4 million ounces of physical metal has vaporized from COMEX vaults as the rush to physical intensifies in the wake of the Cyprus bail-in wealth confiscation as news has spread that nations the Western world over are preparing to shove the next banking crisis down the throats of depositors.
From SRSrocco:
Comex Registered Fall off Cliff


COMEX SILVER 41013Epic drainage of physical silver inventories continued Tuesday, as 17.3% of CNT’s physical silver inventories vaporized for the 2nd consecutive day, cutting CNT’s physical silver inventories by 1/3 in only 48 hours!
Brinks’, CNT, Delaware, HSBC, & Scotia (every vault except JPM) all saw significant physical withdrawals, as a massive 2.7 million ounces of physical metal fled COMEX depositories.


Chart Courtesy SRSrocco


gold threatYou want to know why gold and silver prices are down? Listen to former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts. He says, “When gold hit $1,900, the Federal Reserve panicked because they realized with the dollar deteriorating so rapidly, compared to bullion prices, that soon it would also deteriorate its exchange value with other currencies.”   So, Dr. Roberts contends, “The Fed had to cap the price of gold and stop the rise. . . . If bullion (gold and silver) were not a threat, the government would not be attacking it.” Not only is the Fed debasing the dollar, but the Fed and IMF encourage other countries to do the same thing. So, gold will continue to be acquired, and Dr. Roberts, who holds a PhD in economics, goes on to say, “They can’t forever suppress the gold price because if you look at actual demand for physical possession of the metal, it continues to rise. . . . They are desperately concerned about the dollar.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

Comex Gold Inventories Collapse By Largest Amount Ever On Record

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 8:20
A stunning piece of information was brought to my attention yesterday. Amid all the mainstream talk of the end of the gold bull market (and the end of the gold mining industry), something has been discretely happening behind the scenes.
Over the last 90 days without any announcement, stocks of gold held at Comex warehouses plunged by the largest figure ever on record during a single quarter since eligible record keeping began in 2001 (roughly the beginning of the bull market). See chart below.

(click to enlarge)
Total drainage of physical inventories reached nearly 2 million oz.’s of gold, which at today’s prices represent roughly $3,000,000,000 dollars
According to chart sage Nick Laird, this data indicates that, “Eligible stocks which are owned in LBMA/Comex good delivery form are being drawn down—which means they are being removed from the warehouses. As to how and why they are [being] removed, that is a mystery. [Up until now], eligible stocks were on the continual increase throughout the bull market. Now that trend has changed.” 

What is most interesting in reviewing this chart data, is seeing where the largest drops have occurred.The largest inventory drainage is being reported from JP Morgan Chase & Scotia Mocattawarehouses. See charts below.
(click to enlarge)
JP Morgan Chase’s reported gold stockpile dropped by over 1.2 million oz.’s, or rather, a staggering $1.8 billion dollars worth of physical gold was removed from it’s vaults during the last 120 days.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Greek unemployment rises to 27.2%/Youth unemployment at 59%/Spanish house prices plummet by 9.7% y/y/ Italian debt to GDP projected to rise to 130.4/ Silver OI rises again to 166,621

Good evening  Ladies and Gentlemen:


Gold closed up $3.50 to $1564.30 (comex closing time).  Silver rose by only 4 cents to $27.68 (comex closing time).  

In the access market at 5 pm:

gold: 1560.90

silver: 27.66

At the comex, the open interest in silver rose to multi year highs at 166,621 contracts.  The total amount of gold ounces standing for April rose to 32.27 tonnes and silver also had an increase to 2.78 million oz standing.

The big news  that we reported on yesterday is that  the CBC in Toronto will be  airing a program on the gold (and silver ) manipulation.  They are going to focus on the huge derivatives in gold where we have 100 oz of ounces of paper gold per one oz of real gold. The program will be aired on Thursday April 18.2013 at 9 pm.

The Central bank of Cyprus surprised everyone stating that they have no knowledge of any sale of Cyprus' 10 tonnes gold.

Cyprus also announced that they are short 6 billion euros for their bailout and this must be financed by Cyprus itself.  Where on earth will they obtain this money? Also 1.7 billion of private debt is coming due and the Troika is only giving Cyprus 700 million Euros.  They must finance another 1 billion euros somehow.

Greek unemployment rose to 27.2% for the entire country with the youth (18 -24 years) at 59%.

Spanish house prices plummet again in January to the tune of 9.7% year over year. This again will put huge pressure on their banking sector.

Italy's Debt to GDP is now projected to be 130.4% in 2013.

In USA news, we again get faulty data on the jobless claims. They reported that first time claims were reduced to 344,000 from 368,000


 We will go over these and other stories but first.........................

Let us now head over to the comex and assess trading over there today:

The total gold comex open interest rose by 3350 contracts from 416,513 up to 419,863,  with gold falling  by  $25.40 on Wednesday. Makes sense to me!!  The front April OI fell by 6 contracts from  838 down to 832. We had 93 notices filed on Wednesday so we gained 87 contracts or 8700 additional gold oz will be standing for the April gold contract month. The next non active contract month is May and here the OI fell by 219 contracts to 447. The next big contract month is June and here the OI rose by 1476 contracts from 265,746 up to 267,222.  The estimated volume today was fair at 140,379.  The confirmed volume on Wednesday was also very good at 187,554. 

The total silver comex OI continues to astound to our bankers.  Here the total OI for the silver complex rose again  by a gigantic 4,380 contracts from  162,241 all the way up to 166,62 despite the huge drop in silver price yesterday.  Needless to say we are again at record multi year levels in silver OI. No doubt we have some very stoic longs who seem impervious to pain.They look for any opportunity that presents itself and then loads the boat. It sure looks to me like we have a major sovereign (like maybe China?) with proxies, standing for much of this silver.  The front non active delivery month of April saw its OI fall by 9 contracts from 89 down to 80 . We had 13 delivery notices filed on Wednesday, so in essence we gained 4 contracts or an additional  20,000 oz of  will stand for delivery in April.  The next big delivery month for silver is May and here the OI fell by 1739 contracts to stand at 67,589.We are 2 1/2 weeks away from first day notice in the May silver delivery month. Those that left May entered July.  The estimated volume today was good coming in at 40,975 contracts.  We had confirmed volume on Wednesday at 68,240 which is a huge volume day . 

April 11.2013      April gold.

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventory in oz
Withdrawals from Customer Inventory in oz
27,611.394  (JPM)
Deposits to the Dealer Inventory in oz
899.96 (Brinks)
Deposits to the Customer Inventory, in oz
198.71 (Brinks)
No of oz served (contracts) today
 146  (146,000  oz)
No of oz to be served (notices)
686  (68,600)  oz
Total monthly oz gold served (contracts) so far this month
9690  (969,000 oz) 
Total accumulative withdrawal of gold from the Dealers inventory this month
Total accumulative withdrawal of gold from the Customer inventory this month


We had tiny activity at the gold vaults.
The dealer had 1 deposits and 0   withdrawals.

At the dealer Brinks:  899.96 oz was deposited

We had 1   customer deposits:

Into Brinks:  198.71 oz

total deposit:  198.71 oz

We had 1   customer withdrawal :

i) out of JPMorgan: 27,611.394 oz

total customer withdrawal:  27,611.394  oz  

We had 1  adjustments:

Out of the HSBC vault:  96.912 oz was adjusted out of the customer account and this landed  into the dealer account.  

Thus the dealer inventory  rests tonight at 2.905 million oz (90.35) tonnes of gold.
The total of all gold at the comex rests at 9.214 million oz or 286.6 tonnes. 

The CME reported that we had 146 notices filed for 14,600 oz of gold today.   The total number of notices so far this month is thus 9690 contracts x 100 oz per contract or 969,000 oz of gold. In order to establish what will be the total number of gold ounces standing, I take the OI for April (832) and subtract out today's delivery notices (146) which leaves us with 686 contracts or 68,600 oz left to be served upon our longs. 

Thus  we have the following gold ounces standing for metal:

969,000 oz (served)  + 68,600 oz (left to be served upon )  =  1,037,600 oz or
32.27 tonnes of gold.

we gained 8700 oz  of gold standing for the April gold contract. This is turning out to be a very big delivery month!1

April 11.2013:  April silver: 

Withdrawals from Dealers Inventorynil
Withdrawals from Customer Inventory 633,928.568 oz (HSBC,Scotia,)   
Deposits to the Dealer Inventory nil
Deposits to the Customer Inventory  770,870.678 (JPM,Delaware)
No of oz served (contracts)2 contracts  (10,000 oz)  
No of oz to be served (notices)78  (390,000 oz)
Total monthly oz silver served (contracts) 478  (2,390,000 oz)
Total accumulative withdrawal of silver from the Dealers inventory this month1,272,381.0 oz
Total accumulative withdrawal of silver from the Customer inventory this month1,659,617.9

Today, we  had good activity  inside the silver vaults.

 we had 0 dealer deposits and 0  dealer withdrawals.

We had 2 customer deposits:

i) Into JPM: 766,894.204 oz 
ii) Into Delaware: 3,976.476 oz

Total deposits:  770,870.678  oz

We had 2 customer withdrawals:

i) Out of Scotia:  60,528.60 oz
ii) Out of HSBC  573,399.968 oz

total customer withdrawal: 633,928.568 oz

we had 0  adjustments:

Registered silver  at :  41.000 million oz
total of all silver:  163.229 million oz.

The CME reported that we had 2 notices filed for 10,000 oz of silver  for the non active contract month of April. In order to calculate the number of silver ounces that will stand, I take the OI for April silver (80) and subtract out today's notices (2) which leaves us with 78 notices or 390,000 oz left to be served upon our longs.

Thus the total number of silver ounces standing in this non active delivery month of April is as follows:

2,390,000 oz served  +   390,000 oz to be served  =  2,780,000 oz

we gained 20,000 oz of additional silver standing.
This is also turning out to be a very good delivery schedule for what is usually a quiet month as April is a non active month for silver.

*    *    *  

Between today's date and April 3 , 2013 - twenty five tons of gold have been withdrawn from the GLD GLD ETF

April 11.2013:



Value US$59.431  billion

Between today's date and April 8 , 2013 , no change at the SLV ETF though  

April 11.2013:

Ounces of Silver in Trust337,505,197.400
Tonnes of Silver in TrustTonnes of Silver in Trust
One metric tonne is equivalent to 1,000 kilograms or 32,150.7465 troy ounces.

*     *     * 

Selected  news items.......

The following is fascinating:  "the Cyprus gold sale was not discussed"

(courtesy Kitco)

Cyprus Central Bank Spokesperson says $523 million Gold Sale Never Discussed

By John Dourekas of Kitco News
Wednesday April 10, 2013 5:25 PM

(Kitco News) - A spokesperson for the Central Bank of Cyprus told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA)  that reports of the $523 million gold sale have not been, “raised, discussed or debated,” with the bank’s board of directors.  
Aliki Stylianou told CNA this Wednesday after reports on Reuters surfaced that Cyprus officials had agreed to sell around 400 million euros in excess gold reserves to contribute to the country's bailout.  Stylianou said that the gold sale was, “never discussed nor are there current or future plans to do so on the board’s agenda.” Reuters based its story on a draft report from the European Commission which assessed the nation's financing needs.
News of Cyprus’ planned sale helped drive gold down the most in five months.  Gold futures for June delivery fell 1.8 percent to settle at $1,558.80 an ounce at 1:38 p.m. on the Comex in New York, the biggest drop for a most-active contract since Nov. 2.
By John Dourekas of Kitco News

Canadian Broadcasting Corp. to air 'The Secret World of Gold'

11:52a ET Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Gold and the mysteries about its trading will be the subject of a documentary to be broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. on Thursday, April 18.
The documentary, "The Secret World of Gold," will be broadcast on CBC's premier investigative program, "Doc Zone," and it seems to have a clue about market manipulation.
The CBC's announcement of the program says in part: "Some claim that much of the gold held by the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, and Fort Knox is gone -- that for every 100 ounces of gold traded, there exists only 1 ounce of real, physical gold. So where is the gold -- and who really owns it?"
We don't yet know how accessible this documentary will be outside Canada but we hope that it eventually will be accessible worldwide and we'll keep you posted about it.
CBC's announcement of "The Secret World of Gold" is posted at the network's Internet site here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

This is unusual:  Peter Schiff rarely goes into gold manipulation.  Yesterday he complained of gold manipulation on CNBC:

(courtesy GATA)

Schiff complains of gold market manipulation on CNBC; network lets it pass unremarked

Submitted by cpowell on 07:31AM ET Thursday, April 11, 2013. Section: Daily Dispatches

10:30a ET Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Interviewed yesterday by CNBC, Euro Pacific Capital's Peter Schiff did something we don't recall him ever doing: He speculated that the Federal Reserve is manipulating the gold price down and that Goldman Sachs' unfavorable prediction for gold this week was either part of that or a deception to assist the bank in obtaining gold cheaper.
Of course the CNBC host let the observation pass unremarked. The network isn't yet up to the challenge of merely telephoning the public information office at the Fed to seek access to the Fed's gold swap arrangements with foreign banks, its gold-related accounts with the Bank for International Settlements, and the records the Fed succeeded in withholding from GATA at the conclusion of our freedom-of-information lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 2011 (, and then reporting the stonewalling.
All this stuff and a lot more --

-- is lying around in plain view or is only clumsily concealed, and the gold price suppression scheme's only defense is the failure of financial journalism.
Schiff's speculation about gold market manipulation can be viewed at the CNBC video archive here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

Dave Kranzler (Dave from Denver)

Some anecdotal demand input from Dave from Denver:
Bill, according to the guy I spoke to on the phone Monday, Tulving had not received their allocation from the mint. As soon as they know how much and an estimate of when it will be delivered, they start taking orders. They won't sell anything that's not inventory or that they have been told will be delivered.

It means that the mint is not shipping anything right now. I know the mint has updated its website with sales 3 times this month. But I've only seen 3 updates. They may be playing "catch up" with March.


"Tulving completely sold out of all 90% bags now"

(courtesy Gene Arensberg/GATA)

Premium on old silver coins rises from 8 cents to $1.08 in 3 months, Arensberg reports

2:53p ET Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Gene Arensberg of the Got Gold Report reports today that premiums for bags of old U.S. coinage with 90 percent silver content have risen from 8 cents to $1.08 per ounce in the last three months, an indication that the recent pounding of the price of silver futures contracts is not reflecting the market for the real stuff. Arensberg's commentary is headlined "Dip in Silver Prices Means Higher Premiums for U.S. Silver Coins" and it's posted at the Got Gold Report here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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