Now that the man hunt is over , the questions will hopefully begin to be asked concerning what really went down in Boston ? Will President Obama declare Dzhokar an enemy combatant ? If so , there goes miranda warnings / right to counsel / right to lawyer . And of course , would he then be subject to torture as part of interrogation while in the hands of the military ? And let's talk about Dzhokar's pal Terrorista # 1 , okay ?
( Who actually would have auto tags like this ? Actually , how would you obtain let alone drive around with this tag and not be stopped by Police regularly ? )
Curiouser and curiouser.....
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev awaits questioning after surgery
DEBKAfile April 20, 2013, 12:39 PM (GMT+02:00)
The Saudis feared that their convoluted involvement in the Caucasus would come embarrassingly to light when a Saudi student was questioned about his involvement in the bombng attacks while in a Boston hospital with badly burned hands.
That day too, official Saudi domestic media launched an extraordinary three-day campaign. National and religious figures stood up and maintained that authentic Saudi Wahhabism does not espouse any form of terrorism or suicide jihadism and the national Saudi religion had nothing to do with the violence in Boston. “No matter what the nationality and religious of the perpetrators, they are terrorists and deviants who represent no one but themselves.”
1. An elite American college in Cambridge admitted younger brother Dzhokhar and granted him a $2,500 scholarship, without subjecting him to the exceptionally stiff standard conditions of admission. This may be explained by his older brother Tamerlan demanding this privilege for his kid brother in part payment for recruitment ;
2. When in 2011, a “foreign government” (Russian intelligence) asked the FBI to screen Tamerlan for suspected ties to Caucasian Wahhabist cells during a period in which they had begun pledging allegiance to al Qaeda, the agency, it was officially revealed, found nothing incriminating against him and let him go after a short interview
Yet even after the Boston marathon bombings, when law enforcement agencies, heavily reinforced by federal and state personnel, desperately hunted the perpetrators, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was never mentioned as a possible suspect ;
We now know this was a charade. The authorities knew exactly who they were. Suddenly, during the police pursuit of their getaway car from the MIT campus on Friday, they were fully identified. The brother who was killed in the chase was named Tamerlan, aged 26, and the one who escaped, only to be hunted down Saturday night hiding in a boat, was 19-year old Dzhokhar.
On Dec. 30, 2009, the Jordanian physician Humam Khalil al-Balawi, having gained the trust of US intelligence in Afghanistan as an agent capable of penetrating al Qaeda’s top ranks, detonated a bomb at a prearranged rendezvous in Kost, killing the four top CIA agents in the country;
Then, there was the French Muslim Mohamed Merah. He was recruited by French intelligence to penetrate Islamist terror cells in at least eight countries, including the Caucasus. At the end of last year, he revealed his true spots in deadly attacks on a Jewish school in Toulouse and a group of French military commandoes;
c) What was the exact purpose of the Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath at MIT in Watertown?

The Daily Mail reports today that despite the fact the FBI had Tamerlan Tsarnaev under surveillance for five years, the agency discounted the possibility he was in direct contact with Doku Umarov, a man described as “Russia’s Bin Laden,” and thus posed a threat to the United States.
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
With the latest developments regarding the suspects identified in the Boston Bombing, reports of the alleged perpetrators’ Chechen heritage are being used by the whole of the mainstream media to draw connections between the bombing and Islamic terrorism. Even despite the desire of mainstream magazines like Salon for the bomber(s) to have been white Americans, the narrative being paraded in front of the American collective is currently satisfied with the meme of the Chechen Muslim fundamentalist.
Indeed, in a recent report by FOX News, entitled “Ties Between Islamic Extremist Groups and Chechnya Well-Documented,” the organization states,
The report also clearly states that “The ties between major Islamic extremist groups and Chechnya are well-documented, particularly pertaining to extremists' support for the separatists in Chechnya.”
Likewise, it was stated by Michael Wines of the New York Times, in an article published as far back as December 9, 2001, entitled “War on Terror Casts Chechen Conflict in New Light,” that “Chechnya's guerrillas are indisputably financed by a web of Islamic charities, banks and other organizations that have served as cash conduits for terrorist groups.”
Wines also writes,
Yet, although the narrative promoted by both FOX News and The New York Times, as well as the vast majority of the other mainstream media outlets revolves around the traditional notion of crafty Arab Muslims hiding in caves and successfully plotting to outsmart one of the most sophisticated police states in the world, as is almost always the case, these outlets are fundamentally missing the most important piece of the puzzle.
Interestingly enough, this missing puzzle piece was hinted at in 2001 by Michael Wines where he mentions that “the Wahhabi takeover” in Chechnya, “like much of the Chechen war, was clearly propelled by outside support.”
But what forces are propelling this continued conflict?
Wines and other mainstream commentators may, of course, suggest that the terrorists are “financed by a web of Islamic charities, banks and other organizations that have served as cash conduits for terrorist groups.”
However, the true source of funding, training, and arming may prove to be more difficult to fit in to the traditional mainstream narrative surrounding Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.
Chechen “rebels,” much like their “rebel” cousins in Syria, are, in fact, receiving training, weapons, and financial support via the very networks that so vociferously claim to oppose them – the United States and British governments.
Indeed, in order to see the direct connection between the U.S. government and Chechen terrorism, one need only look toward the leader of the “Chechen rebels,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic-Ichkeria, Ilyas Akhmadov, who resides internationally by bouncing back and forth between the United States and Britain all on the tab of the U.S. State Department ever since 2004.
Being more willing to report on the treachery of the United States than the American press, the Russian news agency KMNews was quite willing to pick up on the American bankrolling of foreign terrorists. The agency wrote,
The agency then went on to cite the official expressions of support by then-President George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and State Department spokesman Richard Boucher in order to acknowledge the seemingly bizarre hypocrisy of these officials as they prosecuted a war OF terror all across the globe.
KMNews also pointed out that the generous grant money provided to Akhmadov by the Reagan-Fascell Foundation is nothing more than a thinly veiled payment to Akhmadov by the U.S. State Department. This is because the Reagan-Fascell Foundation is actually financed by the U.S. Congress via the budget of the State Department itself.
KMNews then tellingly explained the motivation behind the funding and support of Chechen terrorist networks. It stated,
In addition, it is also widely known within European media, political, and intelligence circles that certain leaders of the Chechen terrorist networks are closely connected to the American CIA, if not agents outright. Shamil Basayev, described as the “brutal Chechen field commander” by Webster Tarpley, happens to be one of those individuals. It should be noted that Basayev was linked to the Beslan school massacre as well.
Furthermore, as Webster Tarpley writes in his article, “Russians Blast US-UK Sponsorship Of Chechen Terror,”
Again, as Tarpley writes,

Regardless of the final connections regarding the Boston Bombing, the alleged perpetrators, and the connection to Chechen terrorism, one must always be cognizant of the relevant geopolitical facts in order to avoid being swindled and wholly misinformed by clouded mainstream accounts of narratives that are, themselves, entirely mythical.
The myth of an independent (of Anglo-American control) and organic al-Qaeda is one that is easily dismantled upon even a small modicum of research and investigation. From the founding of al-Qaeda by Western forces in the 1970s to the use of death squads in Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, it is clear that al-Qaeda is nothing less than a wholly owned subsidiary of the Anglo-American intelligence community. It is, in effect, the CIA Arab Legion.
If the United States government eventually blames the Boston Bombings on Chechen terrorists, whether legitimately or intentionally by virtue of a false flag, then such a situation is undoubtedly a two-edged sword. If the American people are ever capable of understanding that international Muslim fundamentalist terrorist networks – from the United States, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, or Chechnya – are entirely organized, directed, and controlled by Western Anglo-American powers themselves, it may prove to be the end of the imperialist foreign policy, domestic police state mechanisms, and austerity measures. If the American people, however, continue to bite the bait of terror and fear, there may be no limits to the depths the United States and the rest of the world will sink.
Notes:[1] Tarpley, Webster Griffin. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made In USA. 4th Edition. Progressive Press. 2007. Pp. 428-431.
( Did the young man act like someone on the run , did Dzhokhar act as if he had participated in a horrible crime ? Just wondering ..... )
And from the Middlesex County DA - one vehicle
Differences in the condition of the boat he climbed out of........
Photos from residents...
Mass State Police Photos... 5 in series
Boat looks different here when he surrenders..... no evidence of a fire on the boat !
Same guy alleged to have has head to toe wounds - look at the photo above - then photo below , where is the blood from the head to toe wounds above ?
Really - when did the wounds appear
( Who actually would have auto tags like this ? Actually , how would you obtain let alone drive around with this tag and not be stopped by Police regularly ? )
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/20/2013 14:59 -0400
Last night we showed what turned out to be Dzhokar Tsarnaev's 'getaway' vehicle from images on his twitter feed. It turns out that in one of those images was another car - a black BMW 330Xi - that has become very important to the ongoing investigation. As The Daily Mail reports, last night two young men (light-skinned, thin, and short) described by neighbors as "nice boys" and their girlfriendwere arrested in connection with the Boston Bombings. They are thought to be from Kazakhstan, and had not been seen since the bombings until the FBI raided their home - based on suggestions that Dzokhar had lived there. Despite the 'nice boys' comments, neighbors claimed the men had stolen the BMW but Azmat and Diaz, students at UMass, "who used to party til 3 or 4 in the morning," had one more unsettling surprise up their sleeves... the license plate of their car... "Terrorista#1".
and just to add some more spice to this intrigue... the sticker in the back of the car read: "Fuck You, You Fucking Fuck." Indeed...
...The neighbor said, "I've not spoken to them since the bombings. They have heavy accents so I find it hard to understand them anyway."...‘They went away for a couple of weeks a few months ago but they did not say where. I don’t know if they went back to KazakhstanTwo Russian speaking men in their early 20s later arrived at the apartment and told reporters they were journalists from the Boston Globe.They then entered the apartment through an unlocked patio door. When asked what they were doing they said: ‘We are friends of theirs. They are talking, they are talking’ and closed the door.When MailOnline rang the City desk of the Boston Globe, a man said: ‘We’re very busy right now. Consider us informed’.
The BMW 330 Xi...
Dzhokhar's car on the right and the two young men's car on the left
One of the boys being arrested...
The girlfriend's arrest...

So, let's get this straight; the FBI was informed 18 months ago that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a follower of radical Island by the Russian FSB; and Dzhokhar's friends drove around in a stolen black BMW with the plate "Terrorista#1" on it? Oh and Jon Corzine has still not been arrested...
Curiouser and curiouser.....
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev awaits questioning after surgery
DEBKAfile April 20, 2013, 12:39 PM (GMT+02:00)
When fit to be questioned, the Boston bomber will be read his rights (Miranda) and be permitted a lawyer unless the investigation invokes the “public safety exemption.” Legal experts say he will then be denied both rights but questions must be confined to immediate public safety concerns such as unexploded bombs or an active threat from other terrorists. Alternatively, the president may define him an “enemy combatant” in view of global terrorism and then he goes before a military tribunal without Miranda, lawyer or restrictions on questions. The 19-year old suspect is in Boston hospital under heavy guard with two gunshot wounds and blood loss, one inflicting during the police chase in which is brother Tamerlan was killed.
The Tsarnaev brothers were double agents who decoyed US into terror trap
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis April 20, 2013, 4:39 PM (GMT+02:00)
The big questions buzzing over Boston Bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have a single answer: It emerged in the 102 tense hours between the twin Boston Marathon bombings Monday, April 15 – which left three dead, 180 injured and a police officer killed at MIT - and Dzohkhar’s capture Friday, April 19 in Watertown.
The conclusion reached by DEBKAfile’s counterterrorism and intelligence sources is that the brothers were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which, helped by Saudi financial institutions, had spread across the restive Russian Caucasian.
Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over to the radical Islamist networks.
By this tortuous path, the brothers earned the dubious distinction of being the first terrorist operatives to import al Qaeda terror to the United States through a winding route outside the Middle East – the Caucasus.
This broad region encompasses the autonomous or semi-autonomous Muslim republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, North Ossetia and Karachyevo-Cherkesiya, most of which the West has never heard of.
Moscow however keeps these republics on a tight military and intelligence leash, constantly putting down violent resistance by the Wahhabist cells, which draw support from certain Saudi sources and funds from the Riyadh government for building Wahhabist mosques and schools to disseminate the state religion of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis feared that their convoluted involvement in the Caucasus would come embarrassingly to light when a Saudi student was questioned about his involvement in the bombng attacks while in a Boston hospital with badly burned hands.
They were concerned to enough to send Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal to Washington Wednesday, April 17, in the middle of the Boston Marathon bombing crisis, for a private conversation with President Barack Obama and his national security adviser Tom Donilon on how to handle the Saudi angle of the bombing attack.
That day too, official Saudi domestic media launched an extraordinary three-day campaign. National and religious figures stood up and maintained that authentic Saudi Wahhabism does not espouse any form of terrorism or suicide jihadism and the national Saudi religion had nothing to do with the violence in Boston. “No matter what the nationality and religious of the perpetrators, they are terrorists and deviants who represent no one but themselves.”
Prince Saud was on a mission to clear the 30,000 Saudi students in America of suspicion of engaging in terrorism for their country or religion, a taint which still lingers twelve years after 9/11. He was concerned that exposure of the Tsarnaev brothers’ connections with Wahhabist groups in the Caucasus would revive the stigma.
The Tsarnaevs' recruitment by US intelligence as penetration agents against terrorist networks in southern Russia explains some otherwise baffling features of the event:
1. An elite American college in Cambridge admitted younger brother Dzhokhar and granted him a $2,500 scholarship, without subjecting him to the exceptionally stiff standard conditions of admission. This may be explained by his older brother Tamerlan demanding this privilege for his kid brother in part payment for recruitment ;
2. When in 2011, a “foreign government” (Russian intelligence) asked the FBI to screen Tamerlan for suspected ties to Caucasian Wahhabist cells during a period in which they had begun pledging allegiance to al Qaeda, the agency, it was officially revealed, found nothing incriminating against him and let him go after a short interview
He was not placed under surveillance. Neither was there any attempt to hide the fact that he paid a long visit to Russia last year and on his return began promoting radical Islam on social media.
Yet even after the Boston marathon bombings, when law enforcement agencies, heavily reinforced by federal and state personnel, desperately hunted the perpetrators, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was never mentioned as a possible suspect ;
3. Friday, four days after the twin explosions at the marathon finishing line, the FBI released footage of Suspect No. 1 in a black hat and Suspect No. 2 in a white hat walking briskly away from the crime scene, and appealed to the public to help the authorities identify the pair.
We now know this was a charade. The authorities knew exactly who they were. Suddenly, during the police pursuit of their getaway car from the MIT campus on Friday, they were fully identified. The brother who was killed in the chase was named Tamerlan, aged 26, and the one who escaped, only to be hunted down Saturday night hiding in a boat, was 19-year old Dzhokhar.
Our intelligence sources say that we may never know more than we do today about the Boston terrorist outrage which shook America – and most strikingly, Washington - this week. We may not have the full story of when and how the Chechen brothers were recruited by US intelligence as penetration agents – any more than we have got to the bottom of tales of other American double agents who turned coat and bit their recruiters.
Here is just a short list of some of the Chechen brothers’ two-faced predecessors:
In the 1980s, an Egyptian called Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed offered his services as a spy to the CIA residence in Cairo. He was hired, even though he was at the time the official interpreter of Ayman al-Zuwahiri, then Osama bin Laden’s senior lieutenant and currently his successor;
He accounted for this by posing as a defector. But then, he turned out to be feeding al Qaeda US military secrets. Later, he was charged with Al Qaeda’s 1998 bombings of US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es-Salaam;
On Dec. 30, 2009, the Jordanian physician Humam Khalil al-Balawi, having gained the trust of US intelligence in Afghanistan as an agent capable of penetrating al Qaeda’s top ranks, detonated a bomb at a prearranged rendezvous in Kost, killing the four top CIA agents in the country;
Then, there was the French Muslim Mohamed Merah. He was recruited by French intelligence to penetrate Islamist terror cells in at least eight countries, including the Caucasus. At the end of last year, he revealed his true spots in deadly attacks on a Jewish school in Toulouse and a group of French military commandoes;
The debate has begun over the interrogation of the captured Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarmayev when he is fit for questioning after surgery for two bullet wounds and loss of blood. The first was inflicted during the police chase in which his brother Tamerlan was killed.
An ordinary suspect would be read his rights (Miranda) and be permitted a lawyer. In his case, the “public safety exemption” option may be invoked, permitting him to be questioned without those rights, provided the interrogation is restricted to immediate public safety concerns. President Barack Obama is also entitled to rule him an “enemy combatant” and so refer him to a military tribunal and unrestricted grilling.
According to DEBKAfile’s counter terror sources, four questions should top the interrogators' agenda:
a) At what date did the Tsarnaev brothers turn coat and decide to work for Caucasian Wahhabi networks?
b) Did they round up recruits for those networks in the United States - particularly, among the Caucasian and Saudi communities?
c) What was the exact purpose of the Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath at MIT in Watertown?
d) Are any more terrorist attacks in the works in other American cities?
State Department connections ?
Brothers Tsarnaev Inspired by Chechen Warlord on State Department Payroll
Kurt Nimmo
April 21, 2013
April 21, 2013

Doku Umarov, described as “Russia’s Bin Laden.”
From the Daily Mail:
According to an intelligence source, Russia remained convinced that Tamerlan, an ethnic Chechen, was in ‘direct contact’ with Islamist militants, most likely based in the strife-torn southern Russian region of Dagestan, where he lived for two years with his family prior to moving to the US.During a six-month visit to Russia last year – a trip US investigators are investigating – it is understood Tamerlan visited Dagestan, which is now regarded as more unstable than Chechnya.One theory is that Tamerlan and Dzhokhar, who was in thrall to his older brother, may have been ‘inspired’ by a rebel leader known as Russia’s Bin Laden.Doku Umarov, like the Tsarnaev brothers, is an ethnic Chechen from the war-torn Caucasus region that lies between Europe and Central Asia.
The Daily Mail’s explanation, however, omits a few crucial details – namely that Doku Umarov, like his supposed mentor Osama bin Laden, works in the interest of U.S. intelligence and the State Department.
According to research conducted by Eric Draitser and others, Umarov’s Kavkaz Center was funded by the State Department and several supporting fronts including the National Endowment for Democracy-funded Russian-Chechen Friendship Society.
The militant Chechen effort to undermine Russia is supported by a number of influential neocons. “Despite the fact that organs such as Kavkaz Center operate in the service of terrorists who advocate the destruction of Russia, their activity alone is not altogether significant if seen in a vacuum,” writes Draitser.
Rather, it is the association of these types of individuals and organizations with the US State Department and US intelligence that makes them particularly insidious. One such entity that bears scrutiny is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), previously known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. As reported by Right Web at the Institute for Policy Studies, “The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a neoconservative organization that has worked closely with the U.S. government, receiving funds from the National Endowment for Democracy and other U.S. democratization initiatives.” This intimate relationship between the ACPC and the US State Department indicates not merely a confluence of interests, but rather a direct relationship wherein the former is an organ of the latter.
The globalist neocon faction has worked over a 30 year period to create militant Sunni Salafist terror organizations, including al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Since the establishment of the Afghan Mujahideen by the CIA and the Saudis – an effort that cost more than six billion dollars – the manufactured Islamic terror network has spread from Serbia and the Balkans, to the Caucasus Mountains, Iraq, Libya and now Syria.
None of this, of course, makes it into the establishment media. Instead we are expected to believe in yet another “intelligence failure,” this time by the FBI, and the emphasis has once again shifted to the threat posed by Islamic radicals who are now white and more difficult to ferret out than their Middle Eastern predecessors. Naturally, in oder to fight the renewed threat we will have to surrender more of our liberties and further diminish the protections afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, civil libertarians are already saying a new assault on our liberty is beginning.
Glenn Beck and other neocons are preparing the Islamic threat scenario to explain what happened in Boston last week. In the process, the real objective will be dismissed as a vicious conspiracy theory if not ignored altogether. This will be necessary if the global elite will successfully reinvigorate the international Islamic terror network threat and redouble their effort to inflate the manufactured war on terrorism.
The finalization of the police state apparatus at home and forever war abroad depend on it.
Chechen Terrorist Networks Trace Back to the US State Department

Activist Post
With the latest developments regarding the suspects identified in the Boston Bombing, reports of the alleged perpetrators’ Chechen heritage are being used by the whole of the mainstream media to draw connections between the bombing and Islamic terrorism. Even despite the desire of mainstream magazines like Salon for the bomber(s) to have been white Americans, the narrative being paraded in front of the American collective is currently satisfied with the meme of the Chechen Muslim fundamentalist.
Indeed, in a recent report by FOX News, entitled “Ties Between Islamic Extremist Groups and Chechnya Well-Documented,” the organization states,
Reports that the suspects in the Boston bombing are believed to be from the region near Chechnya may have caught some by surprise -- rebels in Chechnya are known for their violent and long-running campaign to break away from Russia, but not for exporting terror to America.But congressional researchers and foreign policy analysts have long tracked a connection between the Chechnya region and Islamic extremists with Al Qaeda and the Taliban. If the suspects are indeed Chechen, analysts told Fox News they may represent part of a jihadi network which has made its way to American soil.
The report also clearly states that “The ties between major Islamic extremist groups and Chechnya are well-documented, particularly pertaining to extremists' support for the separatists in Chechnya.”
Likewise, it was stated by Michael Wines of the New York Times, in an article published as far back as December 9, 2001, entitled “War on Terror Casts Chechen Conflict in New Light,” that “Chechnya's guerrillas are indisputably financed by a web of Islamic charities, banks and other organizations that have served as cash conduits for terrorist groups.”
Wines also writes,
On one hand, the Wahhabi takeover here, like much of the Chechen war, was clearly propelled by outside support. Residents say the Wahhabis also had ties to a notorious training camp that indoctrinated Chechens and foreigners alike in Islamic militancy and military tactics.There are strong indications that the camp and its leader, a guerrilla from the Middle East known as Khattab, have ties to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda.
Yet, although the narrative promoted by both FOX News and The New York Times, as well as the vast majority of the other mainstream media outlets revolves around the traditional notion of crafty Arab Muslims hiding in caves and successfully plotting to outsmart one of the most sophisticated police states in the world, as is almost always the case, these outlets are fundamentally missing the most important piece of the puzzle.
Interestingly enough, this missing puzzle piece was hinted at in 2001 by Michael Wines where he mentions that “the Wahhabi takeover” in Chechnya, “like much of the Chechen war, was clearly propelled by outside support.”
But what forces are propelling this continued conflict?
Wines and other mainstream commentators may, of course, suggest that the terrorists are “financed by a web of Islamic charities, banks and other organizations that have served as cash conduits for terrorist groups.”

Chechen “rebels,” much like their “rebel” cousins in Syria, are, in fact, receiving training, weapons, and financial support via the very networks that so vociferously claim to oppose them – the United States and British governments.
Indeed, in order to see the direct connection between the U.S. government and Chechen terrorism, one need only look toward the leader of the “Chechen rebels,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic-Ichkeria, Ilyas Akhmadov, who resides internationally by bouncing back and forth between the United States and Britain all on the tab of the U.S. State Department ever since 2004.
Being more willing to report on the treachery of the United States than the American press, the Russian news agency KMNews was quite willing to pick up on the American bankrolling of foreign terrorists. The agency wrote,
In early August, . . . Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chechen Republic-Ichkeria, Ilyas Akhmadov received political asylum in the USA. And for his ‘outstanding services,’ Akhmadov received a Reagan-Fascell grant,” including a monthly stipend, medical insurance, and well-equipped office with all necessary support services, including the possibility of meetings with political circles and leading US media . . .”[1]KMNews then asked, “What about our partners in the ‘anti-terrorist’ coalition?”
The agency then went on to cite the official expressions of support by then-President George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and State Department spokesman Richard Boucher in order to acknowledge the seemingly bizarre hypocrisy of these officials as they prosecuted a war OF terror all across the globe.
KMNews also pointed out that the generous grant money provided to Akhmadov by the Reagan-Fascell Foundation is nothing more than a thinly veiled payment to Akhmadov by the U.S. State Department. This is because the Reagan-Fascell Foundation is actually financed by the U.S. Congress via the budget of the State Department itself.
KMNews then tellingly explained the motivation behind the funding and support of Chechen terrorist networks. It stated,
Thus, the conclusion is obvious. Willingly or not, Downing Street and the White House provoked the guerrillas to these latest attacks [Beslan school massacre in 2004]. Willingly or not, Great Britain and the USA have nurtured the separatists with material, information and diplomatic resources. Willingly or not, the policy of London and Washington fostered the current terrorist acts.” “As the ancients said, cui bono? Perhaps we are too hasty with such sweeping accusations against our ‘friends’ and ‘partners’? Is there a motive for the Anglo-American ‘anti-terrorist coalition’ to fan the fires of terror in the North Caucasus?” “Alas, there is a motive. It is no secret, that the West is vitally interested in maintaining instability in the Caucasus. That makes it easier to pump out the fossil fuels, extracted in the Caspian region, and it makes it easier to control Georgia and Azerbaijan, and to exert influence on Armenia. Finally, it makes it easier to drive Russia out of the Caspian and the Caucasus. Divide et impera! – the leaders of the Roman Empire already introduced this simple formula for subjugation.Yet Akhmadov was not the only separatist terrorist that was given asylum in the Western Anglo Zone. Akmad Zakayev and Aslan Mashkhadov (given asylum in London, England) were also granted protection by the U.S. and Britain in 2003. Zakayev is designated as the “special representative” of Mashkhadov.

Furthermore, as Webster Tarpley writes in his article, “Russians Blast US-UK Sponsorship Of Chechen Terror,”
As Michel Chossudovsky pointed out some years back, the Chechen leaders Basayev and Al Khattab were trained in the CIA-run camps for Islamic fighters in Afghanistan. In 1999, Putin rode to power on a backlash against Chechen terror which he had in all probability staged himself – thus judoing a long-standing US-UK capability. The key point is that the Russian press is now openly denouncing London and Washington as centers for terrorist control.Tarpley continues by stating,
Around the time of 9/11, Putin had pointed to open recruitment of Chechen terrorists going on in London, telling a German interviewer: “In London, there is a recruitment station for people wanting to join combat in Chechnya. Today — not officially, but effectively in the open — they are talking there about recruiting volunteers to go to Afghanistan.” (Focus — German weekly newsmagazine, September 2001) In addition, it is generally known in well-informed European circles that the leaders of the Chechen rebels were trained by the CIA, and that the Chechens were backed by US-sponsored anti-Russian fighters from Afghanistan. In recent months, US-UK backed Chechens have destroyed two Russian airliners and attacked a Moscow subway station, in addition to the school atrocity.
Some aspects of Putin’s thinking were further explained by a press interview given by Aslambek Aslakhanov, the Chechen politician who is one of Putin’s official advisors. A dispatch from RIA Novosti reported Aslakhanov’s comments as follows: “The terrorists who seized the school in Beslan, North Ossetia, took their orders from abroad. ‘They were talking with people not from Russia, but from abroad. They were being directed,’ said Aslambek Aslakhanov, advisor to the President of the Russian Federation. ‘It is the desire of our “friends” – in quotation marks — who have probably for more than a decade been carrying out enormous, titanic work, aimed at dismembering Russia. These people have worked very hard, and the fact that the financing comes from there and that they are the puppet masters, is also clear.” Aslakhanov, who was named by the terrorists as one of the people they were going to hold talks with, also told RIA Novosti that the bid for such “talks” was completely phony. He said that the hostage-takers were not Chechens. When he talked to them, by phone, in Chechen, they demanded that he talk Russian, and the ones he spoke with had the accents of other North Caucasus ethnic groups. (RIA Novosti, September 6, 2004)
On September 7, RIA Novosti reported on the demand of the Russian Foreign Ministry that two leading Chechen figures be extradited from London and Washington to stand trial in Russia. A statement from the Russia Foreign Ministry’s Department of Information and Press indicated that Russia will put the United States and Britain on the spot about extraditing two top Chechen separatist officials, who have been given asylum in Washington and London, respectively. They are Akhmad Zakayev, known as a “special representative” of Aslan Maskhadov (currently enjoying asylum in London), and Ilyas Akhmadov, the “Foreign Minister” of the unrecognized “Chechen Republic-Ichkeria” (now residing in the USA). (RIA Novosti, September 7, 2004)Even more than the open harboring of Chechen terrorists, however, is the fact that Western agents have themselves been caught in the act of aiding and actually conducting acts of terror. Indeed, toward the end of 2004, it was reported by RBC that a British agent who was working for a Czech Republic-based NGO was arrested for blowing up a Russian armed personnel carrier. It was also reported that other British agents were caught “instructing Chechen gangs in how to lay mines.”
Again, as Tarpley writes,
The RBC commentary goes on to cite the Economist of August 19, which contained what RBC characterizes as a virtual ultimatum to Russia. RBC notes that “the carrying out of such a series of coordinated, highly professional terrorist attacks, would be impossible without the help of qualified ‘specialists’.” RBC notes that at the end of August one such “specialist,” working for an NGO based in the Czech republic, was arrested for blowing up a Russian armed personnel carrier. Also, British “experts” have been found instructing Chechen gangs in how to lay mines. “It cannot be excluded, that also in Beslan, the logistics of the operation were provided by just such ‘specialists’,” notes RBC.

The RBC editorial concludes: “Apparently, by having recourse to large-scale terrorist actions, the forces behind that terrorism, have now acted directly to force a ‘change’ in the political situation in the Caucasus, propagating interethnic wars into Russia. “The only way to resist this, would be for Moscow to make it known, that we are ready to fight a new war, according to new rules and new methods — not with mythical ‘international terrorists’, who do not and never existed, but with the controllers of the ‘insurgents and freedom fighters’; a war against the geopolitical puppet-masters, who are ready to destroy thousands of Russians for the sake of achieving their new division of the world.” (RBC, September 7, 2004)
Regardless of the final connections regarding the Boston Bombing, the alleged perpetrators, and the connection to Chechen terrorism, one must always be cognizant of the relevant geopolitical facts in order to avoid being swindled and wholly misinformed by clouded mainstream accounts of narratives that are, themselves, entirely mythical.
The myth of an independent (of Anglo-American control) and organic al-Qaeda is one that is easily dismantled upon even a small modicum of research and investigation. From the founding of al-Qaeda by Western forces in the 1970s to the use of death squads in Iraq, Libya, and now Syria, it is clear that al-Qaeda is nothing less than a wholly owned subsidiary of the Anglo-American intelligence community. It is, in effect, the CIA Arab Legion.
If the United States government eventually blames the Boston Bombings on Chechen terrorists, whether legitimately or intentionally by virtue of a false flag, then such a situation is undoubtedly a two-edged sword. If the American people are ever capable of understanding that international Muslim fundamentalist terrorist networks – from the United States, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, or Chechnya – are entirely organized, directed, and controlled by Western Anglo-American powers themselves, it may prove to be the end of the imperialist foreign policy, domestic police state mechanisms, and austerity measures. If the American people, however, continue to bite the bait of terror and fear, there may be no limits to the depths the United States and the rest of the world will sink.
Notes:[1] Tarpley, Webster Griffin. 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made In USA. 4th Edition. Progressive Press. 2007. Pp. 428-431.
( Actually amazed the man was actually brought in alive - one wonders if the citizen alert may have foiled plans for another " shootout scene " to put a wrap on the whole event ? And now they have a live suspect who sooner or later should actually be allowed counsel and who could shed some light on what went down. Maybe that' why the no miranda talks have been forecast - which leads to an interesting legal question..... )
( Actually amazed the man was actually brought in alive - one wonders if the citizen alert may have foiled plans for another " shootout scene " to put a wrap on the whole event ? And now they have a live suspect who sooner or later should actually be allowed counsel and who could shed some light on what went down. Maybe that' why the no miranda talks have been forecast - which leads to an interesting legal question..... )
FBI Interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev In Early 2011: Suspects' Mother Claims FBI Set Up
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/20/2013 13:46 -0400
Yesterday we reported that the initial, and largely expected, response by the father of the Boston bombing suspects, Anzor Tsarnaev, was that they had been set up by US secret services. As RT reported further, in an interview with Russian television the brothers’ father Anzor Tsarnaev also claimed that they are innocent and somebody might have set them up. "I’m sure about my children, in their purity. I don’t know what happened and who did this. God knows and he will punish them,”he told Zvezda channel. “Somebody might have set them up. I don’t know who and because of their cowardice killed the boy."

The father said he was unable to contact his sons or other relatives. “Everything is switched off. I can’t reach my brother there either. I can’t reach anyone! I just want information. Now I fear for my boy, that they will now shoot him dead and then will say 'He had a gun'.”
“I fear for my son, for his life. They should arrest him, bring him, but alive. Justice should investigate who is right and who is wrong,” he said.
Mr Tsarnaev recently spoke to his elder son, Tamerlan [Suspect #1], telling him that he should take care of his younger brother. Speaking of the Boston marathon bombing he told his son “Ok, Thanks to Allah you were not close to there and did not suffer.”
“I remember I even asked “Who could do something like that?”
“We just talked. I asked him about our Dzhokhar [Suspect #2], how was he. I told him, he should help him out and keep an eye on him, so that he studies well. I told him ‘You left school, got married too early, but the kid should finish [his education]’. Because this is life – those who don’t study work a lot and work hard. That’s why I was telling them study”.
* * *
As said up front: largely an expected reaction of shock and initial denial that one's children ended up behaving in a less than anticipated fashion. So it was not unexpected that the mother also decided to go the conspiracy route, and allege the boys conduct was "set up" andthat the FBI had been following them for years.
Again from RT:
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva maintains her younger son is innocent and like so many of the brothers’ acquaintances, claims they were good, courteous kids and model students – especially the younger 19-year-old Dzhokhar. A US citizen who is presently in the Russian Republic of Dagestan, she revealed to RT some suspicions of her own.Grief-stricken at the latest developments in the case, Zubeidat expressed her dismay at the allegations, recounting Dzhokhar’s life in the US and talking of his status among his peers and friends: he was an honors student, loved by many of his friends and teachers. And his older brother Tamerlan was a star athlete and student, whose ambition was to one day appear on the US Olympic wrestling team.But her biggest suspicion surrounding the case was the constant FBI surveillance she said her family was subjected to over the years. She is surprised that having been so stringent with the entire family, the FBI had no idea the sons were supposedly planning a terrorist act.“They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [the older, 26-y/o Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!”When asked if maybe she didn’t know about some of her sons’ more secret aspirations and dark secrets, she said “That’s impossible. My sons would never keep a secret.”Finally, she said that if she could speak to her youngest – Dzhokhar, she would tell him, “Save your life and tell the truth, that you haven’t done anything, that this is a set up!”
A clip of the above:
More deranged appeals to some conspiracy theory involving the FBI? Possibly.
But then we learn that the FBI did indeed interview Tamerlan nearly two years ago. From AP:
A foreign government told the FBI in early 2011 about information that Tamerlan Tsarnaev (tsahr-NEYE'-ehv), one of the brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, was a follower of radical Islam.Tamerlan Tsarnaev died in a shootout, and his younger brother was captured alive. They were identified by authorities and relatives as ethnic Chechens from southern Russia who had been in the U.S. for about a decade.According to FBI, the foreign government said that based on its information, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a strong believer and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the U.S. for travel to the country's region to join unspecified underground groups.The FBI says it interviewed Tsarnaev and relatives, and did not find any domestic or foreign terrorism activity.
It did? Because suddenly questions emerge:
- What did the FBI inquiry involve?
- What unspecified "underground groups"?
- Have the same "underground groups" recruited more young people from Boston or neighboring cities?
- Who made the decision to absolve Tamerlan of any suspicion?
- Which "foreign government" demanded that the US FBI get involved in the life of a then 24 year old boy and under what pretext?
- Also, and unrelated, why were both parents abroad?
Dead men tell not tales, and Tamerlan is now permanently muted, so it is the FBI's word, as secret as it may, be against that of a dead man.
As for his brother: one wonders how quickly will he recuperate, or will his serious (or critical as was reported by Bloomberg) condition in hosptial suddenly deteriorate to a condition of just as terminal silence, thus tying up all the loose ends?
'They were set up, FBI followed them for years'- Tsarnaevs' mother to RT
With the 24-hour manhunt for the second suspect of the Boston bombing closed, RT remembers its conversation with the parents of the Tsarnaev brothers, who claimed all along their children were set up.
Zubeidat Tsarnaeva maintains her younger son is innocent and like so many of the brothers’ acquaintances, claims they were good, courteous kids and model students – especially the younger 19-year-old Dzhokhar. A US citizen who is presently in the Russian Republic of Dagestan, she revealed to RT some suspicions of her own.
Grief-stricken at the latest developments in the case, Zubeidat expressed her dismay at the allegations, recounting Dzhokhar’s life in the US and talking of his status among his peers and friends: he was an honors student, loved by many of his friends and teachers. And his older brother Tamerlan was a star athlete and student, whose ambition was to one day appear on the US Olympic wrestling team.
But her biggest suspicion surrounding the case was the constant FBI surveillance she said her family was subjected to over the years. She is surprised that having been so stringent with the entire family, the FBI had no idea the sons were supposedly planning a terrorist act.
Grief-stricken at the latest developments in the case, Zubeidat expressed her dismay at the allegations, recounting Dzhokhar’s life in the US and talking of his status among his peers and friends: he was an honors student, loved by many of his friends and teachers. And his older brother Tamerlan was a star athlete and student, whose ambition was to one day appear on the US Olympic wrestling team.
But her biggest suspicion surrounding the case was the constant FBI surveillance she said her family was subjected to over the years. She is surprised that having been so stringent with the entire family, the FBI had no idea the sons were supposedly planning a terrorist act.

Tsarnaev brothers (FBI/AFP Photo)
“They used to come [to our] home, they used to talk to me…they were telling me that he [the older, 26-y/o Tamerlan] was really an extremist leader and that they were afraid of him. They told me whatever information he is getting, he gets from these extremist sites… they were controlling him, they were controlling his every step…and now they say that this is a terrorist act! Never ever is this true, my sons are innocent!”
When asked if maybe she didn’t know about some of her sons’ more secret aspirations and dark secrets, she said “That’s impossible. My sons would never keep a secret.”
Finally, she said that if she could speak to her youngest – Dzhokhar, she would tell him, “Save your life and tell the truth, that you haven’t done anything, that this is a set up!”

The suspects' father, Anzor Tsarnaev
In an interview with Russian television the brothers’ father Anzor Tsarnaev also claimed that they are innocent and somebody might have set them up.
“I’m sure about my children, in their purity. I don’t know what happened and who did this. God knows and he will punish them,” he told Zvezda channel. “Somebody might have set them up. I don’t know who and because of their cowardice killed the boy.”
The father said he was unable to contact his sons or other relatives. “Everything is switched off. I can’t reach my brother there either. I can’t reach anyone! I just want information. Now I fear for my boy, that they will now shoot him dead and then will say 'He had a gun'.”
“I fear for my son, for his life. They should arrest him, bring him, but alive. Justice should investigate who is right and who is wrong,” he said.
Mr Tsarnaev recently spoke to his elder son, Tamerlan [Suspect #1], telling him that he should take care of his younger brother. Speaking of the Boston marathon bombing he told his son “Ok, Thanks to Allah you were not close to there and did not suffer.”
“I remember I even asked “Who could do something like that?”
“We just talked. I asked him about our Dzhokhar [Suspect #2], how was he. I told him, he should help him out and keep an eye on him, so that he studies well. I told him ‘You left school, got married too early, but the kid should finish [his education]’. Because this is life – those who don’t study work a lot and work hard. That’s why I was telling them study”.
Russian 'Alpha' Special Forces team-veteran and vice-president of its International Association, Aleksey Filatov, believes there is more to the case than meets the eye. He emphasizes, firstly, that the origin and religious beliefs of the suspect, along with the specifics of the bombing, have all been carefully pre-meditated and planned by someone within the United States in order to distract the public from the true identity and long-term aims of the actual planners.
“Putting a young Chechen in those shoes was top-notch professionalism in distracting everyone from the true identity and motives of the planner,” he told RT.
“The executors were chosen to confuse the American public and simultaneously untie the White House’s hands in a way that would justify a departure from the rhetoric of non-involvement in military action on foreign territories.”
“Putting a young Chechen in those shoes was top-notch professionalism in distracting everyone from the true identity and motives of the planner,” he told RT.
“The executors were chosen to confuse the American public and simultaneously untie the White House’s hands in a way that would justify a departure from the rhetoric of non-involvement in military action on foreign territories.”
Full Extent of FBI Role in Boston Bombing Will Never Be Known
Kurt Nimmo
April 20, 2013
FBI cooked the bomb in 1993 WTC bombing but this fact is omitted from the official narrative.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, brother of the dead FBI asset Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is now an enemy combatant. Due to this, the role the FBI played in the deadly bombing will never come to light.
“Now that the suspect is in custody, the last thing we should want is for him to remain silent,” said senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured last night in Watertown, Massachusetts. “It is absolutely vital the suspect be questioned for intelligence gathering purposes. We need to know about any possible future attacks which could take additional American lives. The least of our worries is a criminal trial which will likely be held years from now.”
“Our goal at this critical juncture should be to gather intelligence and protect our nation from further attacks. We remain under threat from radical Islam and we hope the Obama Administration will seriously consider the enemy combatant option.”
The Obama administration has decided to follow a 2010 memorandum from the Justice Department. It strikes the customary Miranda warning and allows the government to question suspected terrorists and deny legal representation and Fifth Amendment protection. “The exception allows agents to ask questions reasonably prompted by an immediate concern for the public’s safety,” the Washington Post reports today. “Additionally, it says that in ‘exceptional’ cases, agents may conclude that continued ‘unwarned’ investigation is warranted.”
After Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, the mother of Boston bombing suspects Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, said Friday that her eldest son Tamerlan was under the control of the FBI, the agency responded by stating that it had “interviewed” him at the behest of the Russian government. Russia suspected Tsarnaeva of being a Chechen terrorist.
“In response to this 2011 request, the FBI checked U.S. government databases and other information to look for such things as derogatory telephone communications, possible use of online sites associated with the promotion of radical activity, associations with other persons of interest, travel history and plans, and education history,” the FBI said in a statement. “The FBI also interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev and family members. The FBI did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, and those results were provided to the foreign government in the summer of 2011. The FBI requested but did not receive more specific or additional information from the foreign government.”
Considering the FBI’s track record in setting up and busting would-be terrorists, this explanation is suspect. The case will be handled like the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed six people and injured over a thousand. Recordings released by the New York Times revealed that the FBI cooked the bomb used in the attack, but this key fact is now omitted from the official narrative on the bombing.
“The implications are of course, with the FBI’s current nationwide stable of patsies being trained, directed, and provided material support to carry out attacks the FBI then ‘foils,’ is at any given moment, any one of these operations can be switched ‘live’ just as in 1993,” writes Tony Cartalucci. “The resulting carnage can then be used to manipulate public opinion just as it was in 1993, 2001, on 7/7 in London, and in Madrid, Spain in 2004.”
The FBI’s highly suspicious contact with Tsarnaeva will be underplayed in the short term and omitted in the long term as the government’s official narrative takes its final mythological shape and the war on manufactured terror is reinvigorated.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been cosigned the status of enemy combatant as delineated under the Military Commissions Act. Due to this, we will never know the full extent of the FBI’s role in killing three people and injuring 183 in Boston on April 15, 2013.
( Did the young man act like someone on the run , did Dzhokhar act as if he had participated in a horrible crime ? Just wondering ..... )
Bombing suspect spent Wednesday as typical student

UMass-Dartmouth students stood on Friday outside the Pine Dale Hall dormitory, where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev live.
DARTMOUTH — Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spent an apparently normal day Wednesday at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he was a sophomore, according to a school official, working out in the gym, then sleeping in his dorm room that night, while law enforcement officials frantically scanned photos trying to identify the men who planted deadly bombs at the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Card swipes told officials that Tsarnaev, described as a good and typical student who played intramural soccer, was on campus Wednesday, but it was not clear if he had been there earlier in the week.
A student, who did not want to be identified, also said she saw Tsarnaev at a party on Wednesday night that was attended by some of his soccer friends.
“He was just relaxed,” she said.
In a phone interview Friday morning, Pamala Rolon, 22, a UMass Dartmouth senior and a resident assistant at the Pine Dale Hall dorms, where Tsarnaev lived, said she has known him for a year and finds the notion that he played any role in the bombing incredible.
“He studied. He hung out with me and my friends,” she said. “I’m in shock.”
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had done well academically in high school, but The New York Times reported that he was failing many of his courses at UMass Dartmouth. The Times said a school transcript showed seven failing grades over two semesters in 2012 and 2013, including Fs in Principles of Modern Chemistry, Intro American Politics, and Chemistry and the Environment. According to the transcript, Tsarnaev got a B in Critical Writing and a D and D-plus in two other courses.
The UMass Dartmouth campus in the southeastern part of the state closed early Friday morning after school officials realized the younger of the two men authorities said were responsible for the Monday bombing was a student there.
The campus remained on lockdown throughout the day, with armed police blocking the main entrance. The shutdown was staggered — first the suspect’s dorm, and then the entire campus. Students living on campus were evacuated to Dartmouth High School.
On its website Friday, the school posted a stark message: “UMass Dartmouth has learned that a person being sought in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing has been identified as a student registered at UMass Dartmouth. The campus is closed. Individuals on campus should shelter in place unless instructed otherwise.”
During the lockdown, three black helicopters landed at the main entrance early in the afternoon, carrying about a dozen armed police officers who ran onto campus. Two U-Haul trucks arrived a short time later and drove onto campus; three U-Hauls had arrived earlier. Around 3:30 p.m., 11 State Police cruisers with lights flashing raced through the main campus entrance, followed by SUVs carrying personnel wearing military fatigues.
A handful of students milled about the front entrance, watching police come and go.
Rolon said when she returned from class Thursday afternoon, she and her friends watched a television news broadcast showing the images of the suspects, including one she thought looked faintly like Tsarnaev.
“We made a joke like — that could be Dzhokhar,” she said. “But then we thought it just couldn’t be him. Dzhokhar? Never.”
Tsarnaev was quite studious, she said. He had not been seen on campus during the past two weeks, she said, but she did not think much about it because everyone was busy with tests and studying.
Rolon said she finds it impossible to believe he was involved in any zealous religious or political cause, or would turn to violence.
“I think he’s Muslim, but not so religious,” she said. “He’s a normal city kid.”
She also said that Tsarnaev, an ethnic Chechen who came to the United States with his family from Kyrgyzstan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, did not talk about Russian or international politics.
“He never said anything about Russia versus the United States,” she said.
She said Tsarnaev dressed typically in sweaters and jeans and fit in easily on campus. He spoke English with barely a trace of an accent. He had a roommate, she said, but she declined to give the student’s name. Rolon said she never met his family.
Chris Baratta, 22, a senior nursing student from Acton, lives across the street from campus. He played intramural soccer against Tsarnaev last year, but said nothing unusual stood out about him.
“You just sign up and make your own team, and whoever plays, plays,” he said.
He said friends of his smoked marijuana with Tsarnaev, but nothing stood out about the student.
Katie Horan, a sophomore at UMass Dartmouth who lives in Tsarnaev’s dorm, said the alarm went off around 7:45 a.m. telling everyone in the building to evacuate.
“What’s going on?” she said as the students emptied the building, unsure of why they had to leave.
She said two hours later, school officials announced a total campus evacuation; they learned officially that it was because a student was linked to the Marathon bombing.
Another student, Raja Nageswaran, 25, said Tsarnaev attended a gathering last fall at his home. No one who lived at the home had invited Tsarnaev and three friends who came to the gathering, he said.
“He was pretty social,” Nageswaran said. “He was pretty liked by most of the people.”
Nageswaran’s roommate, Emily DeInnocentis, 23, said Tsarnaev stood out to her because of some odd behavior, like spreading messy string cheese all over her couch, and picking up her cat and carrying it upstairs for no reason.
“We just didn’t invite him over after that. How many people just pick up your cat and go upstairs?” she said.

Police officers guard the entrance to Franklin street during an active crime scene search for the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Friday, April 19, 2013, in Watertown, Mass. (AP)
A former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor says the federal government made a mistake in not immediately reading captured Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights and instead invoking a public safety exception.
Justice Department officials confirmed to multiple news outlets Friday night that Tsarnaev did not receive a Miranda warning and instead will be questioned by a special interrogation team in the hope that he could give up more information, such as whether he and his brother acted alone or if they received training or direction from anyone abroad.
But Aitan Goelman, who served as a Justice Department attorney for nine years and prosecuted the Oklahoma City bombing case, said Saturday that he thinks the government is taking a risk in invoking the exception that says police do not need to give Tsarnaev the well-known warning and can still introduce any statements he makes in court — because it might not hold up.
“The government is taking a chance in interviewing the suspect without reading his Miranda rights,” Goelman said on Fox News.
The public safety exception originated in a 1980 New York case where a police officer was arresting an individual matching a suspect description from a woman who said she had just been raped. When the officer frisked the man, he found he was wearing an empty shoulder holster, and after handcuffing him, asked where the gun was. The man gestured and said, “The gun is over there,” at which point the officer discovered a loaded handgun. The U.S. Supreme Court ultimately ruled that the immediate need to protect the police or public from danger permitted the officer to question the man right away — and made his pre-Mirandized statements admissible in court.
“In that case the danger to the public was immediate,” Goelman said on Fox News. “Here I think we’re talking about potentially interviewing this guy when he wakes up in a hospital after the police have been satisfied that the immediate danger is gone. I think it’s a risk…there is a chance that any statement he makes after giving an un-Mirandized statement might be suppressed [in court].”
Goelman noted that suppressing any statements from Tsarnaev — who became a naturalized U.S. citizen on Sept. 11, 2012 — might not be completely detrimental to the case because the government appears to have a lot of other evidence against him already.
The public safety exception is not permanent, and is meant to run out once the questions are no longer about stopping an immediate danger to the public. Additionally, it’s still unclear when Tsarnaev will be questioned — he is said to be hospitalized in serious condition following injuries sustained in a shootout with police Thursday night, and possibly during his capture on Friday.
“There is a public safety exception in cases of national security and potential charges involving acts of terrorism, and so the government has that opportunity. Right now, though, I believe that the suspect has been taken to a hospital,” U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz told reporters Friday night.
* * *
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who had said the government should hold Tsarnaev as an “enemy combatant” and not read him his Miranda rights, released a joint statement late Friday with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) reiterating that point.
“Now that the suspect is in custody, the last thing we should want is for him to remain silent. It is absolutely vital the suspect be questioned for intelligence gathering purposes. We need to know about any possible future attacks which could take additional American lives. The least of our worries is a criminal trial which will likely be held years from now,” Graham and McCain said. “Under the Law of War we can hold this suspect as a potential enemy combatant not entitled to Miranda warnings or the appointment of counsel. Our goal at this critical juncture should be to gather intelligence and protect our nation from further attacks.”
Thoughts The Next Morning
Help me out here - isn't this a major change in the narrative ? Compare this version of the Thursday shootout drama , with what we heard before.... follow the photos , you decide if the story has migrated / morphed along the way ....
First the Watertown Police Chief today ..... watch how confused the tale is ....
( Two vehicles now ? )
The police chief of the Watertown police department shares amazing new details of the chase for the Boston bombings suspects from Thursday night into Friday evening:
The police chief, Edward Deveau, describes how cops nearly apprehended the older suspect, and were placing handcuffs on him in the middle of the street Thursday night, when the younger suspect came at officers in a carjacked SUV. The cops were able "to dive out of the way," and the younger suspect then continued to drive directly over his brother and dragging him through the street. That's how the older suspect died, according to the police chief.
The younger suspect eventually dumped the SUV and ran into the darkness of the night, according to the police chief. It took nearly 18 hours and massive manhunt to find the younger suspect. He gave himself up after a 20-minute negotiation with the FBI, he said, but not before the suspect fired more rounds at the authorities.
The bombers were armed with "pipe bombs and explosives," some of which appear to have been homemade hand-grenades. They had "at least 6 bombs, if you will," says the chief. They also had a some guns.
The chief also says that "there was a major explosion in the middle of the gun fight" between officers and the suspects, Thursday night, when a pressure cooker bomb, like the ones used in the Boston Marathon bombings, went off in the residential area.
The interview with the police chief took place today on CNN.
The prior versions of events - the prior chase , photos compared .....
( one vehicle )
* * *
“We believe this to be a terrorist," Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said. "We believe this to be a man who has come here to kill people. We need to get him in custody.”
The dramatic turn of events began Thursday night with a robbery at a convenience store — reports that state police have now denied — where "Suspect 2" was ID'd by police. That was followed by a fatal shooting of an MIT police officer at about 10:30 p.m. in Cambridge, Mass. The MIT officer has been named by the Boston Globe as Sean Collier, 26, of Somerville.
Police say the suspects then committed an armed carjacking in Cambridge. When police pursued them into neighboring Watertown, the suspects threw explosive devices out of the stolen car.
The suspects then began shooting. Police returned fire and eventually killed "Suspect 1" (who reportedly had a bomb strapped to his chest). An MBTA police officer, later named as 33-year-old Richard H. Donohue Jr, was seriously injured in the exchange.
The Boston Globe reports that their sources say "an explosive trigger was found" on Suspect 1's body.
"Suspect 2," who is considered "armed and dangerous," then drove away and abandoned the car. He's been at large ever since. There has been speculation on the Boston PD scanner that he may be wearing a suicide vest.
Here's a graphic organizing the series of violent events on Thursday night and Friday morning:
And here's a map of the key events:
( getaway on foot ? )
Boston officials are holding a press conference to provide updates on the manhunt in Boston, which is now focused on 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev.
Col. Timothy Alben of the Massachusetts State Police said that police have not apprehended any suspects, but he added "we will have one."
Alben said that the suspect fled on foot.
"We are committed to seeing a conclusion to this case," Alben said. The suspect is likely still in Massachusetts, Alben said.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said that the investigation was effectively at the same point as "Monday night" or "Tuesday morning."
"We are where we were effectively as of Monday night [or] Tuesday morning, with a couple of exceptions," Patrick said.
And from the Middlesex County DA - one vehicle

Differences in the condition of the boat he climbed out of........
Photos from residents...

Mass State Police Photos... 5 in series
Boat looks different here when he surrenders..... no evidence of a fire on the boat !

This image obtained April 19, 2013 courtesy CBS News shows Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing who was captured Friday night, April 19, 2013 after he was found hiding in a boat in a Boston suburb
Picture of Suspect apparently surrendering to Police after late Thursday / early Friday morning shootout.....
Picture of Suspect apparently surrendering to Police after late Thursday / early Friday morning shootout.....
UPDATE 1:09 a.m. ET — There are now reports of “heavy gunfire” in Watertown, Mass., located about five miles from MIT.
A witness named Rachel told WHDH-TV that she heard what she thought were “explosions” before heavy gunfire rang out in Watertown.
TheBlaze was able to get a screengrab from WHDH’s live video of a possible suspect laying on the ground surrounded by police:
Same guy alleged to have has head to toe wounds - look at the photo above - then photo below , where is the blood from the head to toe wounds above ?
Tamerlan on Friday morning, dead:
Really - when did the wounds appear
Dead Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect Had 'Head To Toe' Wounds

Police stand guard outside Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Friday, April 19, 2013 after an ambulance carrying Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a19-year-old Massachusetts college student wanted in the Boston Marathon bombings, arrived.
BOSTON (AP) — A doctor involved in treating the Boston Marathon bombing suspect who died in a gunbattle with police says he had injuries head to toe and all limbs intact when he arrived at the hospital.
Dr. David Schoenfeld said 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was unconscious and had so many penetrating wounds when he arrived at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center early Friday that it isn't clear which ones killed him, and a medical examiner will have to determine the cause of death.
The second bombing suspect, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was in serious condition at the same hospital after his capture Friday night. The FBI has not allowed hospital officials to say any more about his wounds or condition.
Schoenfeld lives in the Boston suburb of Watertown and heard explosions from the shootout between the two brothers and police early Friday. He called the hospital to alert staff they likely would be getting injured people, then rushed in to coordinate preparations.
"We had three or four trauma teams in different rooms set up and ready," unsure of whether they would be treating a bombing suspect, injured police or bystanders, Schoenfeld said.
The older Tsarnaev's clothes had been cut off by emergency responders at the scene, so if he had been wearing a vest with explosives, he wasn't by the time he arrived at the hospital, the doctor said.
"From head to toe, every region of his body had injuries," he said. "His legs and arms were intact — he wasn't blown into a million pieces" — but he lost a pulse and was in cardiac arrest, meaning his heart and circulation had stopped, so CPR, or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, was started.
Schoenfeld said he couldn't discuss specific treatments in the case except to say what is usually done in such circumstances, including putting a needle in the chest to relieve pressure that can damage blood vessels, and cutting open the chest and using rib-spreaders to let doctors drain blood in the sac around the heart that can put pressure on the heart and keep it from beating.
"Once you've done all of those things ... if they don't respond there's really nothing you can do. You've exhausted the playbook," he said.
After 15 minutes of unsuccessful treatment, doctors pronounced him dead.
"We did everything we could" to try to save his life, Schoenfeld said.
How did the medical team react to treating the bombing suspect?
"There was some discussion in the emergency room about who it was. That discussion ended pretty quickly," Schoenfeld said. "It really doesn't matter who the person is. We're going to treat them as best we can."
And what about this for the dead suspect - he surrendered alive apparently ( if this video is accurate ?
Tamerlan Tsarnaev NAKED walking alive.
This UNCONFIRMED video which we are told appeared on Brazilian TV earlier today appears to have been shot at the scene of the Boston Police Dept’s arrest of suspect bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev – the video clearly shows the 26 year old being escorted to BPD vehicle whilst handcuffed and not wounded, which in total contradiction to official reports which claim the suspect was shot by police and then run-over by his younger brother in a stolen SUV in Sommerville, MA. Please bookmark and share this video, and do continue to ask questions about what happened on the evening April 18th and the morning of April 19th, 2013, so the public can better determine the truth of all that really happened.
Eye witness account of the suspect being ordered to take off all his clothes.
Why did they release this Picture? Would they be trying to create more hatred? How does this benefit anyone?
Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses To Ignore By Josey Wales, Click Here!

And what about this for the dead suspect - he surrendered alive apparently ( if this video is accurate ?
Video Of Tamerlan Tsarnaev NAKED, Handcuffed,Walking Alive! So How Did His Body End Up Like This?
Saturday, April 20, 2013 13:59

This UNCONFIRMED video which we are told appeared on Brazilian TV earlier today appears to have been shot at the scene of the Boston Police Dept’s arrest of suspect bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev – the video clearly shows the 26 year old being escorted to BPD vehicle whilst handcuffed and not wounded, which in total contradiction to official reports which claim the suspect was shot by police and then run-over by his younger brother in a stolen SUV in Sommerville, MA. Please bookmark and share this video, and do continue to ask questions about what happened on the evening April 18th and the morning of April 19th, 2013, so the public can better determine the truth of all that really happened.
Eye witness account of the suspect being ordered to take off all his clothes.
Why did they release this Picture? Would they be trying to create more hatred? How does this benefit anyone?
Critical Reads: More News Mainstream Media Chooses To Ignore By Josey Wales, Click Here!

Tamerlan Tsarnaev death photo |
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