Funny how these things seem to happen - just as the crisis in Cyprus is ramping up.......
Wednesday update..... competing theories for what caused the latest power outage - my money is on Tepco incompetence....
Late Monday / Early Tuesday updates.....
(UPDATE-2) Common Spent Fuel Pool cooling is scheduled to resume at 8AM on March 20.
(UPDATE) Jiji Tsushin reports that TEPCO hopes to resume cooling of the SFPs of Reactor 3 and Reactor 4 at about 8PM (Japan Time). (It's about 3:45PM in Japan now.)
Information from NHK Kabun (Science and Literature) tweet, about 20 minutes ago:
Wednesday update..... competing theories for what caused the latest power outage - my money is on Tepco incompetence....
Title: TEPCO yet to learn from nuclear disaster / Problematic ‘makeshift’ power panel was exposed to elements, in use since initial crisis response
Source: Yomiuri Shimbun
Author: Koichi Yasuda and Takashi Ito
Date: Mar. 21, 2013
Source: Yomiuri Shimbun
Author: Koichi Yasuda and Takashi Ito
Date: Mar. 21, 2013
Monday’s power outage at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant highlighted the utility’s management defects at the crippled facility [...]TEPCO officials inspected the temporary power distribution panels [...][The] power panel in question [...] was exposed to the weather while left on the back of the vehicle.[...] Prof. Masanori Aritomi of Tokyo Institute of Technology said, “Due to the recent strong wind, seawater and sand from the nearby beach might have been blown into the power panel.”“Salt in the sand and seawater could have caused the power panel to short out,” the reactor engineering expert added. [...]TEPCO was in fact aware of the vulnerability of the temporary power panel that had been exposed to the elements. [...]Full report here
Tepco’s Response? “This is the first time that operation of the cooling system was halted for such a long time at several core facilities all together. If you say we were complacent about making our decision and dealing with the situation, I can’t deny that.”
Kyodo News: The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant said Wednesday it suspects a rat-like animal of causing a short circuit in a switchboard that may have led to the power outage at the plant, disabling cooling systems for spent fuel pools earlier this week. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it found burn marks on a makeshift power switchboard on Wednesday and a dead animal nearby. The utility suspects excess current caused by an unknown reason led to the blackout.

AP: Masayuki Ono, spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co., the utility that runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, says a 15-centimeter (6-inch) rat was found dead Wednesday near a switchboard. He says the rat may be linked to the power failure, but that more investigation is needed to be sure.
WSJ: The prospect that a small animal could trigger the blackout underscores the facility’s vulnerability, two years after a massive earthquake and tsunami knocked out power to the reactors, triggering a nuclear disaster.
See also: Fukushima Worker: Rats now being found in many places around plant -- Concern about biting cables, tripping electrical systems, spreading high level contamination
AP: Cooling systems were restored for four fuel storage pools at Japan’s tsunami-damaged nuclear plant, more than a day after a power outage halted the supply of fresh cooling water and raised concerns about the safety of the facility, which still relies on makeshift equipment. [...] “We don’t believe the Fukushima disaster is under control,” said Yuko Endo, chief of nearby Kawauchi village, part of which remains restricted because of radiation contamination, keeping hundreds of residents away from their homes. Officials are struggling to make the area livable again, but people cannot return home unless they feel confident about the plant’s stability, he said.
NYTimes: Crucial Cooling Systems Restored at Fukushima Plant, Company Says [...] The latest problem raised new fears about the continuing vulnerability of the plant, which suffered a triple meltdown two years ago and still relies on makeshift equipment. [...] The latest troubles also underscore the continuing worries about the safety of the plant [...] In particular, experts have warned that the makeshift cooling systems could be knocked out by another large earthquake. [...] With the company as the only source of information, it was impossible to independently assess the conditions at the plant, which sits in a contaminated zone that is closed to the public.
Late Monday / Early Tuesday updates.....
MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013
#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Power Back On, Cooling of Reactor 1 SFP Resumed
(UPDATE-2) Common Spent Fuel Pool cooling is scheduled to resume at 8AM on March 20.
(UPDATE) Jiji Tsushin reports that TEPCO hopes to resume cooling of the SFPs of Reactor 3 and Reactor 4 at about 8PM (Japan Time). (It's about 3:45PM in Japan now.)
Information from NHK Kabun (Science and Literature) tweet, about 20 minutes ago:
At about 2:20PM on March 19, power was back on at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. Cooling of Reactor 1 Spent Fuel Pool resumed.
No information about other Spent Fuel Pools or other facilities. No details as to what caused the power failure to begin with.
Update via EXSKF, 2:36a ET: Cooling of Reactor 1 SFP Resumed
Associated Press, 2:29a ET: Four fuel storage pools at Japan’s tsunami-damaged nuclear plant have been without fresh cooling water for nearly 20 hours [...] TEPCO workers were scrambling to find the cause and repair the problems. [...] TEPCO, which has repeatedly faced cover-up scandals, was already slammed by local media Tuesday for waiting hours to disclose the blackout. [TEPCO spokesman Masayuki Ono] acknowledged the plant was vulnerable. “Fukushima Dai-ichi still runs on makeshift equipment, and we are trying to switch to something more permanent and dependable, which is more desirable,” he said. “Considering the equipment situation, we may be pushing a little too hard.” [...]
Kyodo News, 12:42a ET: Fukushima nuclear plant’s fuel pool cooling system still suspended [...] TEPCO spokesman Masayuki Ono said it is placing the “highest priority” on restoring the cooling system of the spent fuel pool located atop the No. 4 reactor building, as the number of fuel assemblies stored in the tank is larger than the heavily damaged Nos. 1, 2 and 3 units.
NHK, 12:06a ET: Crews trying to clean up the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are scrambling at this hour to fix a new problem. The system used to cool spent fuel malfunctioned. Workers say a power blackout caused the failure.
JIJI PRESS: 9 Facilities, including Cooling Systems, Hit by Fukushima N-Plant Power Loss
AP: The command centre at the plant suffered a brief power outage before 7pm [6am ET] on Monday. Electricity was quickly restored to the command centre but not to equipment pumping water into the fuel pools.
AP: The spent-fuel pool for reactor 4, which contains spent and new fuel rods, had risen to 30.5 degrees as of 10 a.m. Tuesday from 25 degrees before the power outage. A common pool storing spent fuel for all reactors was at 28.6 degrees, while the reactor 1 pool was at 17.1 degrees and reactor 3 was at 15.9 degrees.
AFP: TEPCO said [...] while engineers did not yet know the cause, there was no immediate danger at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant.
The Japan Times: Takashi Haga, a 49-year-old office worker in the city, appeared surprised by the latest incident. “It revived the memory of the nuclear accident two years ago,” Haga said. “I thought it was under control.”
[Analysis] The sudden blackout revealed the weakness of Fukushima plant, “Reactor4 has 4 days to go”
Posted by Mochizuki on March 18th, 2013 · No Comments
In the evening of 3/18/2013, Fukushima plant had the power blackout and the coolant system of reactor1, 3 and 4 lost power.
(cf, [Breaking] Power blackout in Fukushima plant, coolant system of the pools in reactor 1,3,4 lost power [URL 1])
Here I would like to explain what the problem is and what was newly revealed.
Here I would like to explain what the problem is and what was newly revealed.
What exactly happened ?
At 18:57, the plant lost power. Even the seismic isolation building, where is the managing office of the entire plant lost power temporarily. The reason of the blackout is not identified yet.
Tepco is receives the power from Tohoku-epco, but they can’t send it to the spent fuel pools.
Tepco is receives the power from Tohoku-epco, but they can’t send it to the spent fuel pools.
■ Systems out of power
Kurion -a cesium absorption system
Coolant system of the spent fuel pool in reactor1, 3, 4
Coolant system of the common spent fuel pool
Coolant system of the spent fuel pool in reactor1, 3, 4
Coolant system of the common spent fuel pool
■ Systems not out of power
Reactor coolant system for reactor1, 2 and 3
Monitoring posts
Gas monitoring systems for reactor1, 2 and 3
Coolant system of the spent fuel pool in reactor2
Monitoring posts
Gas monitoring systems for reactor1, 2 and 3
Coolant system of the spent fuel pool in reactor2
At 5AM in JST, the power is not back on yet.
What is the concern ?
“According to Tepco”, the water temperature of the pool of reactor4 was 25℃ at 16:00 of 3/18/2013. It increases at 0.1 ~ 0.3 ℃/h, so it takes 4 days to reach 65℃, which is the safety regulation.
However, the common pool also lost the power, where has 6377 fuel assemblies. From the research of Fukushima Diary, the temperature increases the second fastest to follow reactor4. [URL 2]
Tepco didn’t announce how long it takes to reach the safety regulation.
However, the common pool also lost the power, where has 6377 fuel assemblies. From the research of Fukushima Diary, the temperature increases the second fastest to follow reactor4. [URL 2]
Tepco didn’t announce how long it takes to reach the safety regulation.
The spent fuel pools of reactor3 and 4 are still outside of the building. Japanese meteorological agency is giving the warnings of storm to Fukushima.
The revealed weakness / lies
1. There is still no back-up power for the spent fuel pools
Tepco stated they reinforced the spent fuel pool of reactor4. Even if another earthquake of the same scale of 311 hit the plant, it can last and they prepare multiple powers to maintain the coolant system.
However, as always, it turned out to be a lie. They didn’t even need an earthquake to cause a power blackout for reactor4. The power went down for nothing and the reason is not even identified yet.
Fukushima worker Happy11311 warns if reactor4 has a fire, it would also cause explosion from reactor1 and 3 at least. If Tsunami hits again, it would chop off all the power lines etc..
However, as always, it turned out to be a lie. They didn’t even need an earthquake to cause a power blackout for reactor4. The power went down for nothing and the reason is not even identified yet.
Fukushima worker Happy11311 warns if reactor4 has a fire, it would also cause explosion from reactor1 and 3 at least. If Tsunami hits again, it would chop off all the power lines etc..
(cf, Fukushima worker “Most of the workers know it takes over 40 years to decommission Fukushima plant” [URL 3])
Additionally, the Tsunami embankment is still in the temporary state in Fukushima plant. [URL 4]
Additionally, the Tsunami embankment is still in the temporary state in Fukushima plant. [URL 4]
2. Tepco took 3 hours to announce they had power blackout
Fukushima plant had a power blackout at around 19:00, but they reported it at 22:11.
They state they took time to confirm the situation.
Whether it was on purpose or not, they never update on time. If reactor4 has an emergency, they would take even longer “to confirm the situation”.
Probably we shall not trust them and collect information spontaneously.
They state they took time to confirm the situation.
Whether it was on purpose or not, they never update on time. If reactor4 has an emergency, they would take even longer “to confirm the situation”.
Probably we shall not trust them and collect information spontaneously.
The radioactive density of SFP of reactor 1 is 24 billion Bq/m3, 5266 times much as reactor4
Posted by Mochizuki on March 18th, 2013 · No Comments
From the power blackout since 18:57 of 3/18/2013, the coolant system of the spent fuel pool of reactor1, 3 and 4 have been stopped.
(cf, [Breaking] Power blackout in Fukushima plant, coolant system of the pools in reactor 1,3,4 lost power [URL])
According to Tepco, the pool water of reactor1 is extremely contaminated compared to other 3 spent fuel pools, which is 5266 times worse than the spent fuel pool of reactor4.
[Alert] All power’s been down in Fukushima plant for over 3 hours, Tepco investigating the reason
Posted by Mochizuki on March 18th, 2013 · 1 Comment
Over 3 hours before this post, Fukushima plant lost power. (19:00 of 3/18/2013)
The coolant system of the spent fuel pools of reactor1, 3 and 4 has been out of operation for over 3 hours already.
Seismic isolation building has lost power too. Tepco is still investigating the reason.
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