Monday, March 11, 2013

Martial law in Brooklyn and protests hit fourth day ! Brooklyn Riot over police shooting incident ....

Conventional media reporters remain for the most part absent in the Brooklyn riots Friday, Day 4 of the U.S. “paramilitary” clashing with hundreds of protesters, angry at the Saturday police killing 16-year-old Kimani Gray, shot eleven times.

“How do you spell racist? NYPD!” and “They say get back, we say fight back!” protesters have been yelling at an overwhelming number of officers, according to Russia Today.

“Stop killing our kids,” a woman yelled through a loudspeaker.

Gray's family attorney, Kenneth Montgomery, told reporters about the tendency for police to treat black and Hispanic teenagers “in a manner that is paramilitary.”

He said, “It is a community that is under siege.”

Where are reporters?

“Martial law in brooklyn and few credible sources reporting it. Wake up journalists, get in there. ‪#martiallaw ‪#riot ‪  Dan T  tweeted Friday morning.

Jackson Green ‏‪@jacksondgreen tweeted, “Everyone should work to raise awareness. 

Get‪#brooklynprotest and ‪#brooklynriot trending. Call news stations demanding coverage.”

Russia Today correspondent Anastasia Churkina spoke with community residents before Thursday’s protests and reported, “Locals say that there will be no calm until justice is seen.”

“People are angry. People are angry because this is not the first time that there’s been killing in the neighborhood, and there never seems to be justice, so I think that’s what we’re unfortunately seeing people reacting to,” community leader Bishop Orlando Findlayter told Churkina.

Wednesday, over 40 arrests were made in a march through East Flatbush, where Gray was shot and killed by police on Saturday.

Carol Gray, Kimani’s mother, spoke out against the killing and rioting.

“Two police officers shot down Kimani, and I only want justice for two police officers to be off the street before they hurt another young kid,”she told reporters, crying. “He was slaughtered, and I want to know why.”

She denounced retaliatory violence against the police: “I don't condone any riots, any looting, any shooting, anything against any police officers.”

Ye Old False Flag with Before It’s News writes:

‘The NYPD euphemistically calls the public spaces in which the Constitutional rights of the people are suspended “frozen zones.’

Allison Kilkenny wrote about the NYPD’s so-called “frozen zones” in December 2011:

‘The ‘frozen zone’ is an arbitrary, official police business-sounding title that has absolutely zero legal merit. It’s something the NYPD made up, just as the ‘First Amendment zone’ is something [Los Angeles Mayor Antonio] Villaraigosa made up to suppress media coverage of the Occupy raids.’

“It basically means the area is under temporary martial law,” writes FIERCE. “The last times the NYPD declared a Frozen Zone was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and during the beginning of OWS.”
Occupy Austin reposted this poignant summary of events by Jen Roesch as they were unfolding in Brooklyn last night:

“East Flatbush, Brooklyn is under martial law as the NYPD declares it a ‘frozen zone’. Media are being monitored and kept from moving and reporting freely. Dozens of arrests and much brutality. Kimani was shot in the back seven times; a witness is sure he was unarmed; multiple reports are coming out that the police had been waging a campaign of harassment against the young man (including taunting him about a friend who had died in a car accident and threatening to shoot him when he tried to leave). This is just blocks from where Shantel Davis was shot, dragged from her car and left to bleed to death in the street last summer. After that shooting, police went to all the surrounding delis and confiscated their surveillance videos. Residents in the neighborhood live in a state of terror. Heartbreaking, enraging, the stuff that riots are made of. This city is at a breaking point.”

Police report that two plainclothes officers fatally shot Kimani Gray, 16, just before 11:30 p.m. Saturday after he brandished a revolver and pointed it at them.

Police commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said Tuesday that police interviewed three witnesses, “two of which say that the officers said, ‘Don’t move.’ ”

“Another witness said an officer says, ‘Freeze.’

The officers then fired 11 shots, police said.

“Seven bullets hit Mr. Gray, including three that entered his body from the rear, according to the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner,” the New York Times reports.

“One bullet entered his left shoulder in the rear; two other bullets struck the back of his thighs, one in the left thigh and one in the right. Two bullets struck from the front, hitting his right thigh; one bullet entered his left side, striking his lower rib cage; and the last bullet hit his left lower forearm.”

“Some said Mr. Gray, while armed, did not point the gun; others said they had heard that there had been no gun at all, or that his hands had been in the air. A family friend, Kevin Blacks, 33, said he was not surprised that the autopsy had found that Mr. Gray had been shot so many times or hit from behind.” (NY Times)

Kimani Gray’s parents scheduled a press conference Friday evening to address the March 9 police slaying of their young son.


The NYPD Declares Martial Law in Brooklyn

Thursday, March 14, 2013 20:11
(Before It's News) On the heels of three nights of protests over the police slaying of 16 year old Kimani Gray, the NYPD has turned the East Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn into a State of Exception, claiming emergency powers to suspend the constitutional guarantees of the citizenry.

The people regularly targeted by police harassment and violence, overwhelmingly the city’s poor and minority populations, have taken to the streets to speak out against the NYPD’s draconian tactics. The police have in turn responded with even further harsh measures by suppressing the right of the people to voice dissatisfaction with that very same police force.

Cops kettled protesters at Wednesday night’s candlelight vigil, resulting in 46 arrests. Police even arrested Kimani Gray’s distraught sister, Mahnefeh.

The NYPD euphemistically calls the public spaces in which the Constitutional rights of the people are suspended “frozen zones.”

Allison Kilkenny wrote about the NYPD’s so-called “frozen zones” in December 2011:

“The ‘frozen zone’ is an arbitrary, official police business-sounding title that has absolutely zero legal merit. It’s something the NYPD made up, just as the ‘First Amendment zone’ is something [Los Angeles Mayor Antonio] Villaraigosa made up to suppress media coverage of the Occupy raids.”According to FIERCE, the “frozen zone” in East Flatbush is being used to prevent media from covering the protests and arrests. Meanwhile, people inside the “frozen zone” can be subjected to arrest merely by exercising their constitutional rights.

“It basically means the area is under temporary martial law,” writes FIERCE. “The last times the NYPD declared a Frozen Zone was on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and during the beginning of OWS.”

An arbitrary dictate that arrests protest and free speech, set forth by the institution that is itself the target of the protests, creates a potentially dangerous precedent of placing the NYPD beyond reproach.

Occupy Austin reposted this poignant summary of events by Jen Roesch as they were unfolding in Brooklyn last night:

“East Flatbush, Brooklyn is under martial law as the NYPD declares it a ‘frozen zone’. Media are being monitored and kept from moving and reporting freely. Dozens of arrests and much brutality. Kimani was shot in the back seven times; a witness is sure he was unarmed; multiple reports are coming out that the police had been waging a campaign of harassment against the young man (including taunting him about a friend who had died in a car accident and threatening to shoot him when he tried to leave). This is just blocks from where Shantel Davis was shot, dragged from her car and left to bleed to death in the street last summer. After that shooting, police went to all the surrounding delis and confiscated their surveillance videos. Residents in the neighborhood live in a state of terror. Heartbreaking, enraging, the stuff that riots are made of. This city is at a breaking point.”

Kimani Gray’s parents are scheduled to hold a press conference this evening to address the March 9 police slaying of their young son.


Riot police confront protesters in Brooklyn

Published time: March 12, 2013 02:03

More than a hundred people are marching through the East Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, where 16-year-old Kimani Gray was shot 11 times by police on Saturday.
Riot police are reportedly on their way, as participants in the march are said to be throwing bottles and rocks at police cars and property.
Brooklynites on Twitter report that police are following the march and searching apartment buildings in the neighborhood without warrants, though this has not been confirmed.
March participants are chanting "NYPD KKK how many kids will you kill today," people report from the scene.
"I'm in the middle of the riot action at Church and Snyder in my district. Right now, things are tense," New York City Councilman Jumaane D. Williams, who represents the area, said on Twitter.

Undercover Cops Shoot And Kill 16-Year-Old Boy In New York City

On Saturday night, two undercover police officers shot and killed 16-year-old Kimani Gray. According to the police account, the officers approached Gray when he “adjusted his waistband in what the police describe as a suspicious manner.” When the police asked him to “show his hands,” they claim Gray turned around and pointed a gun at the officers, who fired 11 rounds. The weapon police say belonged to Gray was not fired.
Although there is no confirmed evidence of wrongdoing by the officers, whose names have not be released, several witnesses cast doubts on the official version of the incident:
1. Eyewitness says Gray was “running for his life” when he was shot dead. “‘He was running for his life, telling the cops, ‘Stop,’ said witness Camille Johnson. ‘They really are, seriously, walking around, shooting little kids.’” [Pix11, 3/10/13]
2. Eyewitness says Gray was adjusting his belt, not shooting his gun, when the shooting began. “Mr. Gray’s sister, Mahnefah Gray, 19, said that a witness to the shooting told her that her brother had been fixing his belt when he was shot.” [New York Times, 3/10/13]
3. Eyewitness says, after he was shot, Gray said “please don’t let me die.” One of the officers responded “Stay down or, we’ll shoot you again.” [New York Times, 3/10/13]
4. Friends says “Kimani had just returned from a baby shower, and was shot only minutes after he was dropped off on East 52nd Street.” [NY1, 3/10/13]
5. Gray’s sister and others say he did not own a gun. “Mr. Gray’s sister, Mahnefah Gray, 19, said that a witness to the shooting told her that her brother had been fixing his belt when he was shot. She, among others who knew Mr. Gray, said they had never known him to have a gun.” Gray’s cousin, Malik Vernon, also “insisted he didn’t own a gun.” [New York Times, 3/10/13; New York Post, 3/11/13]
NY1 does quote an anonymous source saying Gray was “holding the gun for a friend.” The police were quick to note that Gray had “four prior arrests.”

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